KB Answers Wrestling Questions

HHH is scheduled to face The Rock at WM.. and he damn sure ain't going in with a loss to Rollins as his last match before he faces Rock.. for example, when HHH was facing Undertaker for the streak, he went over Kevin Nash and CM Punk in order to look strong.. this parallels HHH going over Sting, and soon to be Rollins. I get that Rollins is his favorite, but so was Orton, and HHH beat him god knows how many times in 2004, so don't think its out of the question. Do you think HHH going over Rollins will hurt his steam?
In what way was that a sarcastic question? HHH going over a freshly turned face rollins isn't good for his character.. maybe if Rollins was a heel, then it wouldn't hurt him at all. But if he just recently turned face, then it doesn't look good on your record to lose to a par timer. i'm just sick of part timers going over full-time wrestlers.. Rollins deserves ONE win over HHH; he doesn't have to win the feud, hhh can get the last win since he wants to look strong against the rock, but at least make it evenly matched. Thats what killed Punk's momentum back in 2011, losing 0-1 and then going back to the mid card, then winning the wwe championship and playing second fiddle to Cena.. i fear for rollins future; he might get the blame for the low ratings even though its more booking's fault than his
I was trying to spare you from an insulting response so I'll spell it out for you a bit better.

Yes, the World Heavyweight Champion losing to a part time wrestler would hurt him, much like you actually typing that out to get to a question that any rutabaga could have figured out should have hurt your intelligence.
How instrumental was the RKO in getting Randy Orton over? I'm definitely not trying to discredit Orton, but a few casual fans over at my house Sunday night was marking out for it.
Has anyone ever kicked out of the Road Warriors 'Doomsday Device'?

Not that I've ever seen.

How instrumental was the RKO in getting Randy Orton over? I'm definitely not trying to discredit Orton, but a few casual fans over at my house Sunday night was marking out for it.

Very. Fans love snap finishers like that. Diamond Dallas Page's rocket push was about 80% built on how awesome the Diamond Cutter was. He hit Savage with it one night at a house show and the roof blew off the place. That one pop got him his main event push.
No one ever kicked out of the burning hammer did they?

Related: what moves or combos of moves can you think of that were never (or at least extremely rarely) kicked out of or escaped? ie kurt angle's grapevine version of the ankle lock.

Similarly, what are some big moves that never ever seem to hit? Another example being angle's moonsault.
People have gotten out of the grapevine. Carter did it a few weeks back and I know Shawn Michaels did too.

Arn Anderson's middle rope ax handle was more of a running gag than Flair's top rope chop.
What is the story behind the switch from Sid to Razor for the IC ladder match at SummerSlam? It seemed especially odd since Sid was still around and challenged for the title following the event.
What is the story behind the switch from Sid to Razor for the IC ladder match at SummerSlam? It seemed especially odd since Sid was still around and challenged for the title following the event.

Short version: they knew the show was going to be a disaster so they swapped in Razor for a ladder match so the card would have one good thing.

Bully Ray's top rope back splash hardly ever seemed to hit. Made a great noise too when he smashed into the canvas!

I saw him hit it once but I don't remember any other time.
If they continue to build Cesaro and make him look good week after week, could a match with Lesnar ever be on the cards, perhaps at Wrestlemania or a few months after?

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