KB Answers Wrestling Questions

Shawn Michaels and Triple H go down to WCW in 1996 rather than Scott Hall and Kevin Nash, forming the nWo with Hulk Hogan.

How well does this version of the nWo perform in comparison, how well does Shawn Michaels manage down south personally, and can Nash/Hall fill Michaels/Helmsley's boots up north?
Nowhere near as well.

Shawn would have been fine but the dynamic doesn't work.

No. Nash had already tanked as champion and they needed ANYONE else near the top.
I didn't respond to it because, again, you're off base.

I'm not wild on it either. He's been a killer in NXT but if the showdowns work for him he'll be fine.

It's perfect for Owens. He's a killer, but he only fights on his terms. It's the cowardly heel done right. Slightly different, but like how Ric Flair would throw his feet on the ropes for leverage during pins. He didn't need to do it, he could win without it, but did because he could
It's perfect for Owens. He's a killer, but he only fights on his terms. It's the cowardly heel done right. Slightly different, but like how Ric Flair would throw his feet on the ropes for leverage during pins. He didn't need to do it, he could win without it, but did because he could

Well, it just makes him look really weak to me. I especially noticed that when Owens calmly walked backstage after that confrontation with Cesaro on Raw last week. It really contradicted the booking from previous weeks. I might be overreacting; I don't know.
What year was Nikita Koloff's prime?

Which tag match would be better: Two Man Power Trip vs. The Mega Powers or Two Man Power Trip vs. The Rock N' Sock Connection?
What year was Nikita Koloff's prime?

Which tag match would be better: Two Man Power Trip vs. The Mega Powers or Two Man Power Trip vs. The Rock N' Sock Connection?


The latter as the chemistry is there and all four know that wild brawling style they would need. Hogan wouldn't fit in that mold.

No Battleground predictions yet?

Put it up about an hour ago.
How about we scrap any Show/Miz match on the PPV and replace it with Rusev vs Cesaro?

Gives us a good match and provides Show and Miz with something to actually talk/complain about in the run up to the eventual Ryback return and defence.
So the rumour mill goes on about a Taker heel turn and a possible Lesnar vs Taker match. Who exactly benefits from all of that if it proves true?
Off course Lesner as further talks are that lesner will beat Taker in fued.

How exactly does Lesnar benefit in beating a possible Heel Taker again at SummerSlam?
I don't mind Taker appearing to stop the possible Authority interference tactics and maybe a Taker-Rollins match for the title happens at SummerSlam, whilst Lesnar is sidetracked by some other matter.
But, Taker-Lesnar should absolutely Not be in any future plans as it seems lose-lose for all involved, lMO.
So the rumour mill goes on about a Taker heel turn and a possible Lesnar vs Taker match. Who exactly benefits from all of that if it proves true?

No one, as Undertaker isn't going to be booed and Lesnar is instantly a weaker face who will be cheered anyway.

What happened to the Dolph Ziggler-Lana-Rusev-Summer Rae feud? Not that I want to see it return.

It seems like they've pulled the plug for now, thank goodness.
So I was looking at my Jeff Hardy TNA DVD (the first one) and realised most of the matches were kinda eh. Admittedly they put it out just over a year after he debuted. Likewise I checked Vol 2 and realised some of the matches were kinda eh as well. However Vol 3 actually looks really good and has trimmed the fat and looks like a good concise collection after him having about six years worth of TNA material.

My question is how long should a wrestler be in a company before the company puts out a DVD on them??
So I am now at peace with Taker returning to attack Lesnar, as I get that they probably don't have an interest in putting the World title on Brock again.
Also, I'm not too bothered with it being Taker wanting revenge for Kane or for the Streak.

That said;
Do you think WWE'd really pull the trigger and have Brock get pinned by Taker at SummerSlam?
I don't really think Taker needs to win at all, and if Sting vs Taker is still the plan, then I can totally see Lesnar beating Taker again, the latter goes to announce retirement but Sting appears to make a Mania challenge post-SummerSlam.

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