KB Answers Wrestling Questions

This Okada guy, yeah, his finisher is a freaking closeline.

What's up with that?

This Cena guy, yeah, his finisher is a freaking fireman's carry slam.

Its a finisher because it is treated as such, only one person has actually kicked out of it. The match at dominion 7.5 against AJ Styles builds how dangerous the Rainmaker clothesline is, leading to perhaps the greatest finishing sequence of at the least the year
Watching the 95 king of the ring and during the card they showed highlights of the night before where they held a hall of fame ceremony. At the event Undertaker was there dressed in formal wear. Was this the first time in the WWE Taker was shown out of character?
Wrestlemania 32, Roman vs Lesnar II, this time with an actual proper fucking build that isn't embarrassing for all parties involved.

Yes, No, or Meh?
Watching the 95 king of the ring and during the card they showed highlights of the night before where they held a hall of fame ceremony. At the event Undertaker was there dressed in formal wear. Was this the first time in the WWE Taker was shown out of character?

I believe so yeah.

Wrestlemania 32, Roman vs Lesnar II, this time with an actual proper fucking build that isn't embarrassing for all parties involved.

Yes, No, or Meh?

What's the problem with Godderz using a boston crab as a finisher when Jericho does it too? Ziggler got away with the sleeper for awhile. So long as a move is built up properly does it matter what it is?
He's a heel. Heels don't make big time faces submit. Jericho worked better as a heel because he also has the Lionsault and Codebreaker.
Chris Jericho made tonnes of big faces submit as a heel! Rey Mysterio is a perfect example.

And again, Ziggler beat people with a sleeper.
Do you think Cesaro will be added to the John Cena vs. Kevin Owens match at Battleground?

Also, why did WWE make Kevin Owens look so weak on Raw? He calmly backed down from Cesaro and then failed in a post-match attack on Cena.
Do you think Cesaro will be added to the John Cena vs. Kevin Owens match at Battleground?

Also, why did WWE make Kevin Owens look so weak on Raw? He calmly backed down from Cesaro and then failed in a post-match attack on Cena.


That's not weak. That's calculating and then sending the fans home happy. Brock didn't charge at the Stooges and Rollins when they all had weapons. That didn't make him look weak.
What do you expect me to do? Detail all his submission victories as a heel? He worked the heel in the Japan show and submitted Neville.

You're making way too big of a criticism out of a guy using a submission as his finisher.

And you're making way too big of a point out of a simple concept: top faces rarely tap out.

That's not weak. That's calculating and then sending the fans home happy. Brock didn't charge at the Stooges and Rollins when they all had weapons. That didn't make him look weak.

Except the majority of Chicago hates Cena...

Brock destroyed a car and then made Rollins run like a schoolgirl. He didn't look weak.
Do the Bella Twins think they've carried the Divas division because they are stars on Total Divas and do red carpet appearances?

I honestly don't remember them doing much in their first go around, besides winning the belt once and since they've comeback, AJ Lee was the biggest star in the Divas division up until like Summerslam 14.
Yeah it's really been cranked up since Nikki won the title. The Bellas were just there back in their first run but to their credit they've gotten way better this time around.
Yeah it's really been cranked up since Nikki won the title. The Bellas were just there back in their first run but to their credit they've gotten way better this time around.

And they're still shite, which tells you about all you need to know of the current state of the division, no?

With any luck, they'll let Nikki break the record, and then push them to the back burner ASAP. I know that's highly unlikely, given the show, but a dreamer can dream, can he not?
You can, but it's not likely to work.

Would it be wrong, to hope for an injury? Nothing life-threatening, or even major.

Hell, I'd take a ruptured implant, if that's what it took to get them off TV for even THREE months, to give the "new" ladies a chance to do their thing.

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