KB Answers Wrestling Questions

Taking into account EVERYTHING (wrestling ability, talking ability, drawing power, popularity, transcending the business, classics moments whether matches promos or whatever, the look, charisma, headlines, leading the company, etc etc etc), who is greater than The Great One: The Rock? Is The Rock the greatest of all time?!?!?!
So I was looking at my Jeff Hardy TNA DVD (the first one) and realised most of the matches were kinda eh. Admittedly they put it out just over a year after he debuted. Likewise I checked Vol 2 and realised some of the matches were kinda eh as well. However Vol 3 actually looks really good and has trimmed the fat and looks like a good concise collection after him having about six years worth of TNA material.

My question is how long should a wrestler be in a company before the company puts out a DVD on them??

Until you can fill the run time without repeating the same opponent over and over. Angle's DVD was literally about half Angle vs. Joe matches.

So I am now at peace with Taker returning to attack Lesnar, as I get that they probably don't have an interest in putting the World title on Brock again.
Also, I'm not too bothered with it being Taker wanting revenge for Kane or for the Streak.

That said;
Do you think WWE'd really pull the trigger and have Brock get pinned by Taker at SummerSlam?
I don't really think Taker needs to win at all, and if Sting vs Taker is still the plan, then I can totally see Lesnar beating Taker again, the latter goes to announce retirement but Sting appears to make a Mania challenge post-SummerSlam.

I hope not. Like you said, Undertaker doesn't need it.

Taking into account EVERYTHING (wrestling ability, talking ability, drawing power, popularity, transcending the business, classics moments whether matches promos or whatever, the look, charisma, headlines, leading the company, etc etc etc), who is greater than The Great One: The Rock? Is The Rock the greatest of all time?!?!?!

No he isn't. Austin is right there or better than him in almost every category.
With Lesnar and Taker looking like there headed to a SummerSlam match, and Wyatt, Reigns and possibly Sting and Ambrose all being linked to some sort of match at SummerSlam what is left for Rollins and the title?

Do they re-hash Orton/Rollins?
Is there any other active roster guy who could get a shot?
If not, do they run a HHH/Rollins SummerSlam match? If so how do they start it as things look pretty good between the two and the authority as a whole?
That's a very good question. My pick for the match that would be a smart move and has zero chance of happening: Cesaro. He's white hot right now, capable of pulling off the match, and would have little pressure as Brock vs. Taker is the main draw.
How did Dean Ambrose go from wrestling for the WWE Championship to being left off the card?

What did you think of Luke Harper's interference last night?

Is there any chance Kevin Owens regains the momentum he had right after he defeated John Cena in his debut match?

Any chance we get Rollins vs. Taker vs. Lesnar at SummerSlam?
It's WWE. That's how things work.

I liked it. It's what made Bray best so go back to it.

Always possible but it won't be easy.

Good chance yeah.
Lots of people talk about how a hyped winning streak should be broken by a young up and comer. It'd give them "the rub" they supposedly need. But when was the last time a rookie broke a streak in the WWE?

I can only think of people who were already established before conquering such a feat.
Lots of people talk about how a hyped winning streak should be broken by a young up and comer. It'd give them "the rub" they supposedly need. But when was the last time a rookie broke a streak in the WWE?

I can only think of people who were already established before conquering such a feat.

Off the top of a head that has just woken up, I can't think of a major one. It really doesn't happen that often.
But is it a smart decision? shouldnt the rub of breaking a streak go to a younger rising star, which would benefit them way more, and potentially turn them into mega stars? rather than giving it to an established star, who has already peaked and doesnt gain much?
Yay hypotheticals. If WWE were suddenly and secretly bought out in say 2010 and run by anyone other than the current steph/Vince/HHH lineup, with the trio demoted to being nothing but occasional characters employed to keep it a secret with no influence on decisions, is there any chance in hell The Authority exists? why? This is assuming the secret show runners aren't stupid.

The whole Authority thing has been just HHH and Stephanie having a wank in front of a mirror. Are there any effective ways for people to tell HHH and steph that without HHH and steph assuming its just them being over as heels?
But is it a smart decision? shouldnt the rub of breaking a streak go to a younger rising star, which would benefit them way more, and potentially turn them into mega stars? rather than giving it to an established star, who has already peaked and doesnt gain much?

Not necessarily. You don't always want to give the young guy something he's not worthy of/not ready to handle. It's hard to find someone you're that sure of.

Yay hypotheticals. If WWE were suddenly and secretly bought out in say 2010 and run by anyone other than the current steph/Vince/HHH lineup, with the trio demoted to being nothing but occasional characters employed to keep it a secret with no influence on decisions, is there any chance in hell The Authority exists? why? This is assuming the secret show runners aren't stupid.

The whole Authority thing has been just HHH and Stephanie having a wank in front of a mirror. Are there any effective ways for people to tell HHH and steph that without HHH and steph assuming its just them being over as heels?

I'm not sure what you're asking.

Why did Seth Rollins have very little part in Raw last night?

Last night was about Lesnar vs. Undertaker. That's why.
Every time they replay the Taker/Brock brawl, just imagine that Taker is Brock's drunk, abusive, balding stepdad who just threw out Brock's Sega Genesis. And Brock is an adolescent with a squeaky voice who just went through puberty and realized he can stand up for himself. Paul Heyman is Brock's Jewish guidance counselor.

Someone posted this on reddit and now I sort of see it. Thoughts?
The way I see it there are two ways WWE can go with the Cena/Rollins angle from last night:

a) The obvious - Cena challenges Rollins at SummerSlam and gets screwed, allowing for a short programme/secondary main event under Lesnar/Taker.

b) The subtle - Cena has challenged Seth to step up and be the champion he can be and Rollins takes on any and all challengers leading to a babyface turn which is cemented by the inevitable feud he's going to have with HHH while Cena continues what he's doing in US division.

If it's the latter, who do either man face at SummerSlam?
Rollins - I think we might finally be in for Seth vs. Kane. I hate it but it might happen.

Cena - Rusev, Cesaro and Owens.

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