KB Answers Wrestling Questions

He should. I think they have an idea taht there's something there now.

I'd be shocked if they don't get a Rumble return someday.
I'd be shocked if they don't get a Rumble return someday.

I'm sure they will. Especially Jeff. Matt V.1 could (should?), but won't get nearly the reaction. And they'd almost definitely need to come out back to back to maximize the pop, and get some spots in.
What about Vince Russo? We've been listening to his garbage for so long that I wanted to ask:

-In the past few years, has there been discussion about WWE hiring him back?
-Do you think he would want to go back?
-Would he have anything to offer them?
What about Vince Russo? We've been listening to his garbage for so long that I wanted to ask:

-In the past few years, has there been discussion about WWE hiring him back?
-Do you think he would want to go back?
-Would he have anything to offer them?

Nope. They realized how horrible he was all those other times.


To a degree yes, but he would need to be on the shortest leash of all time.

Do you agree with Mark Madden that NXT is solely meant to put indy promotions like ROH out of business?

No and it's stupid logic to think that it would be. Without those companies around (which pose absolutely zero threat to WWE), there's no training ground for guys like Zayn and Owens etc. OTherwise, it's the same training everywhere and no one stands out.
No and it's stupid logic to think that it would be. Without those companies around (which pose absolutely zero threat to WWE), there's no training ground for guys like Zayn and Owens etc. OTherwise, it's the same training everywhere and no one stands out.

I agree. It's just Mark Madden that thinks other wise.
Same idea. ECW wasn't a threat to the WWF and Vince benefited from having them around.

I'm as die-hard as they come, when it comes to ECW, and even I know that they weren't a threat. And, if they were, Vince would not have kept allowing them to appear on RAW.
To a degree yes, but he would need to be on the shortest leash of all time.

With this "shortest leash of all time" you speak of, do you think Russo would be able to help the current writing team in thinking outside the box? The team they have currently seem to have little to no creativity alot of the time, with so little happening with storyline progression/backgrounds to the characters/ repetative shows.

For all his flaws (and there are many!), at least Russo had ideas to make each show different and interesting.
There is one thing I always give Russo: the words "creative has nothing for you" were never said on his watch. You might get a horrible gimmick (which at times is worse than nothing), but there was always something for you to do.
I look back at 2010, and marvel at how many Hispanic wrestlers WWE had on their roster that they spun in wheels. Rey Mysterio, Carlito, Primo, Epico, Hunico, Alberto Del Rio, Sin Cara..

They really pissed them all away, didn't they?
Why did the WWE stick Corey Graves on commentary and not as a mouthpiece for someone? Could see him working wonders for Baron Corbin
Chris Jericho or Kurt Angle?

What are some of your favorite/most memorable false finishes?


The second superkick at Wrestlemania XXV. I completely believed that the Streak was over. Same with the superkick into the Pedigree three years later.

Why did the WWE stick Corey Graves on commentary and not as a mouthpiece for someone? Could see him working wonders for Baron Corbin

I like him better on commentary. Also they're all about people being complete packages and not having talkers.

"NXT is designed to exterminate ROH." Direct quote from Madden's article.

What do you think the impact would have been if Bischoff had stuck it to Vince by legally classifying WCW wrestlers as out-and-out employees, rather than independent contracters?
It would have been bad, but there were enough twists and turns for Vince to survive, mainly due to them not officially being a wrestling company.
Do you think Seth Rollins came up with the "I bought in" rebuttal to the You sold out chants on his own? If so then damn that's a sick ass line. That's the best counter to "you sold out" I can remember.

What are some of your favorite matches that are under or around the 20 minute mark including entrances and what not?
Watching some old Raws on the road to the 95 king of the ring and in this particular episode they had a qualifying match between Owen and the bulldog which took place in a different arena with different announcers then the rest of that episode. Any idea what the story behind that is?
It was a dark match at In Your House I. Those PPVs were less than two hours so there were two or three long matches that were taped and often put on the home video.

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