KB Answers Wrestling Questions

Overall good, but WCW was such a mess. Also, some of those have little to no connection to WCW, especially Pacific Northwest and World Class.
If WWE went with the "merged brands, one top belt" scenario back in 2010, would it be Undertaker or Triple H in the Brock Lesnar role of "appear infrequently, be champion, kick ass, etc..."?
First post in these fourms and sense I'm here in part because of your website,
though i should post here.

Do you think Legacy could've done more after there spilt with Orton?

Also, have you reviewed Judgement Day 2009 or Bragging Rights 2009?
Can't find them in the All Reviews section of your website.
Glad to have you around.

They could have, but DiBiase was holding them way back.

Yeah I have. I just haven't posted them on the site yet.
I haven't. I forgot that it was on and I really didn't care that I had forgotten it. I have little desire to watch a reality show that leads up to a person doing nothing for a few years, appearing in a lower midcard role and then disappearing.
Been mulling the idea of champion vs. champion fights recently after Lethal vs. Brisco. IIRC, you're not quite fond of two championships being on equal footing (if I remember your discussions on ECW TV vs. World in some of the ECW reviews correctly).

That being said, I've been watching some old JCP stuff (Midnight Express vs. Arn & Tully over the US Tag, World Television & US Heavyweight around maybe '89) and there's something to be said for it. In more modern discussion, always felt the X-Division being older than the World Heavyweight title in TNA made for an interesting wrinkle for CvsC feuds, especially considering how many stars came from that division. Like, they could have done a reoccuring angle where depending on which two stars are holding these two belts, you could start an argument about who was better, and do non-title matches or title matches to unify the belts, however temporarily.

Dunno, I'm just rambling. What are your thoughts on Champion vs. Champion, if I've got it wrong or if you've changed your mind since those reviews.
How many chairshots would you estimate Mick Foley took unprotected to the head during his WWE career. I'm rewatching the 98 Raws on the Network and Foley is getting blasted full on in the head every single week, usually numerous times. It's sickening.
Been mulling the idea of champion vs. champion fights recently after Lethal vs. Brisco. IIRC, you're not quite fond of two championships being on equal footing (if I remember your discussions on ECW TV vs. World in some of the ECW reviews correctly).

That being said, I've been watching some old JCP stuff (Midnight Express vs. Arn & Tully over the US Tag, World Television & US Heavyweight around maybe '89) and there's something to be said for it. In more modern discussion, always felt the X-Division being older than the World Heavyweight title in TNA made for an interesting wrinkle for CvsC feuds, especially considering how many stars came from that division. Like, they could have done a reoccuring angle where depending on which two stars are holding these two belts, you could start an argument about who was better, and do non-title matches or title matches to unify the belts, however temporarily.

Dunno, I'm just rambling. What are your thoughts on Champion vs. Champion, if I've got it wrong or if you've changed your mind since those reviews.

The X-Division Title being older is much more of a technicality and not something that they would want to get into for an angle.

I'm not huge on the idea, but I don't mind how NXT does it where any title match can headline a show. The problem is the fans are going to think that the World Title is the big deal. You don't want to screw with the fans like that because if they're confused about something, they might walk away.

How many chairshots would you estimate Mick Foley took unprotected to the head during his WWE career. I'm rewatching the 98 Raws on the Network and Foley is getting blasted full on in the head every single week, usually numerous times. It's sickening.

It's probably in the hundreds.
Slammiversary 2015 or WCW Greed.

Which one is shown on loop in the 7th circle of hell? Why?
Greed. Slammiversary wasn't that terrible.

Terrible or not, the sentiment seems to be that this feels like the last time these guys will be wrestling as TNA (aside from pre-taped shows). That has to be sad for the guys that are still there, after everything they've been through with the company. Eric Young, Bobby Roode, James Storm, Morgan (to an extent), Kurt Angle, Abyss...I see LAX is still on the roster...And for the guys that have nothing else, the ones that won't get a chance with WWE if this fails. Galloway, MVP, Anderson...

Do you think EC3 gets a chance in WWE? Are the Hardyz truly never going to be seen in a WWE ring again? The most interesting thing TNA could do, is fold.

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