June 27, 2011: Maxim's "Truth" About The Night CM Punk Changed Pro Wrestling


Gone but never forgotten.

That video is titled "CM Punk's worked shoot promo". We all know that pro-wrestling is "fake", right? WWE has writers, wrestling veterans, agents, producers, and all sorts of other people whose jobs are to create a fantasy world that we all watch on television where men and women compete in a violent sport called professional wrestling. We also know that Vince has such a stranglehold on the product to the point where many wrestlers are unhappy with the fact that they have little to no control over how their characters act or have to be portrayed on television.

This past June, CM Punk came onto Monday Night Raw, grabbed a microphone, and started saying things that only internet smarks dream about hearing. He seemingly broke the business down to its bare bones, busted through the proverbial "fourth wall" and delivered a promo that will probably not be forgotten any time soon. He said harsh things about the McMahon family... about the WWE's way of portraying pro-wrestling on television... about the business as it is today. He pulled no punches. And we all sat back, allowed our jaws to hit the floor, listened to everything he had to say, agreed or disagreed with it, and even four months later we're still writing about it. Kudos to CM Punk but also to Vince and the writing team, right?

I know it's been speculation for quite some time as to how much of that promo was scripted and how much of it was ad-lib. Now what if I told you that Punk's promo wasn't scripted? What if I told you that he walked out into that crowd, got completely fed up with everything and decided to use live television as a platform for his brain to throw up for all of us to hear?

I just finished reading the November 2011 issue of Maxim Magazine that contained an article on CM Punk and had a major, focal point on the infamous Punk promo. In the article, a few wrestlers were quoted, cited, and gave their thoughts about Punk's promo. Alberto Del Rio was quoted saying:
Alberto Rodriguez said:
"Those promos are 100 percent real. People feel every word. I don't compare him with anybody."

In addition, the article explains how Punk and Beth Phoenix have been dating for the past year. Beth recalled the events that evening by saying:
Beth Phoenix said:
"I was in the dressing room and everyone sprinted over to see what would happen backstage. Would he get fired on the spot? Would there be some kind of fight?"

Punk said that when the promo was finished (after his mic was cut and the show went off the air), he entered backstage through a side door, coming up behind the gathered wrestlers. They formed a circle around him. Punk said:
CM Punk said:
"Then, legit, everyone began to hug me. I'm talking cameramen, guys who work the boom backstage, everyone."

After that, instead of punishing him, Vince decided to push him and have him feud with Cena for the title... and the rest is history.

Maxim Magazine is a public magazine that prints their own articles and news. I see no real reason why they would be in any kind of agreement with the WWE to "stick to kayfabe" in their article on Punk. This being said, it really makes Punk's moment that much more memorable, meaningful, and heroic. If what Maxim says is true, CM Punk is solely responsible for this current "Reality Era" of professional wrestling. And now we get to sit back, relax, and see how much more of the curtain the WWE wants to pull back in order to keep their audience and continue to entertain us. Will they continue to control wrestlers' promos? Will they give them a platform to speak their own minds in the form of a promo? Only time will tell.

Am I an idiot or does this have some validity? Trust me... I'm not one to fall for the WWE's smoke and mirrors but you have to admit, this really makes you all think. What are everyone's thoughts on this?
I don't know. I've also read and heard interviews with Punk talking about how he arranged parts of it with Vince and how close to the chest they played it all. Only Stephanie, Vince, Hunter, and Punk knew about it... CREATIVE didnt' even know. The Bookers didn't even know. JOHN CENA didnt' know, and he was sitting in the ring watching it all go down. There was such a level of secrecy about it all that I don't know if we'll ever know who said what or was told to say what.

I'd like to believe Maxim. I've read other articles about the WWE in Maxim and other mainstream men's magazines and it's always interesting to see how they spotlight the WWE. It's as if they don't know whether to play it up as fact or fiction. They'll write personal stories about guys, and then in the next paragraph play up how important it is for them to win their match at WrestleMania... I think they're smart, and they know who they're writing for. Wrestling is, above all a fantasy world and a television program. ESPN does the exact same thing when guys like Hulk Hogan or John Cena join them for interviews... It's always hard to tell, and like I said, I don't know if we'll ever know who wrote that promo, or if it was all entirely improvised. I've always thought maybe Punk did just snap, knowing his contract was coming to an end, and decided to go for it! Because really, what's the worst that could happen? They were going to fire him a few weeks before his contract let up, resulting in the WWE having to pay him unemployment and benefits and all that crap? I think there's always going to be that chance that Punk did it for real. And that's what makes it so great... We just don't know!
This is the problem with professional wrestling; it's so hard to tell what's real and what's in 'WWE world'.

On one hand, for everyone to suddenly turn around and hug Punk because he went out there and said something he shouldn't have, then get a huge push from Vince as a result seems a bit farfetched. If iwas real, why would such an offensive (to the company) promo be allowed to go on for as long as it did? And wh would someone who went behind the companys back on national TV be praised and rewarded for it?

But, on the other hand, it made a fuckin' huge impact. As you said, we're still talking about it now, and it was ages ago. Maybe Punk did decide to just throw his cards down on the table and go all in. And maybe after Vince saw it, he thought of how to capitalize on it. I hope this is the case, I really do. Like you said, I cannot see a reason for a magazine to do a deal with WWE as to keep their kayfabe in check. If they asked Del Rio about if the promo was legit or worked, they're pretty much breaking the kayfabe wall in that question, so why continue under the pretense of false reality?

I doubt this is the opening for guys to give their own promos. At least, to fully give their own promos. Maybe once a guy is established, he will be given some leway on the stick (at least more than at the moment). But I doubt any more than that.

Gotta hand it to both Punk, for having the balls to say it either way, and potentially being the mastermind behind this new 'era', and the WWE, for either making something that seems so legit, or for turning a shoot into a compelling storyline and helping make a star out of Punk as a result.
Pretty interesting.

It really is kinda hard to tell these days, and that's something that has been missing in wrestling for awhile.

I'm sure Vince & Co. have at least a couple fingers in this reality pie. It is "pro wrestling/sports entertainment" so these guys are always "on" in public forums. It seems to me that they are trying to work their audience by making it seem like they're not working us at all. They're doing a good job of working the media outlets who scoffed at pro wrestling for being "fake" who now think that the Punk promo was the realest thing in wrestling. They're also doing a good job of working us who think we know better.

I wouldn't say you're an idiot at all, you're getting a chance to be a wrestling fan, and lately it has been a pretty fun time to do so.
Wait, wait, wait... How has wrestling changed since that promo? At what happened to the "Reality era" that many of the IWC claimed we were now entering?

As for your question, I don't think you're an idiot and I don't think Maxim is working us. The WWE and it's superstars worked maxim. I think the most important thing I take from this article is that between Lita and Beth CM Punk likes manly women.
I don't know if it was a work or not. THAT IS HOW IT SHOULD BE. Remember the amazingly awful "walkout" storyline from a couple of weeks ago. Nobody in their right mind questioned it's legitimacy. It was totally scripted and everyone knew it. After the awesome Punk promo, wrestling changed for a little while. I was hooked enough to buy two PPVs in a row, something I hadn't done in many years. Now we are back to the same garbage we had before, except Punk is now a cookie-cutter babyface rather than an entertaining heel. I feel a bit let down by the so-called "Voice of the Voiceless".
There is absolutely no way in hell that Punk went out there and cut that promo without some sort of prior approval. Absolutely none. The angle was planned from the beginning and Vince was well aware of what was going to happen when Punk went out there. I'm not sure what Maxim's intentions were, whether they got paid off, they chose to keep it kayfabe or whatever reason, or hell, maybe WWE even fooled them. But the one option that is not a possibility at all is the one that you've suggested here. One, his mic would have been cut off the minute he mentioned Cena kissing Vince's ass, i.e. far earlier than it was. Two, he would have been fired on the spot, popularity or not. Three, even if they had decided to keep him, they would NEVER be set on making a top three babyface in the company after that kind of unprofessional behavior. There's no way they would ever reward someone for going into business for themselves on their program.
Yeah I'm with Mike "The Kid" Killam on this. Everything he said is exactly right.

I'd like to think this was a true thing, and I have to admit that they played that interview exceedingly well as a shoot, far better than anything Vince Russo ever did when he was writing for the WWF, and certainly better than he did in WCW. The problem is, however, that there was just too many subtle tells that give away that in the end it's a work.

In fact, unless you get some kind of insider publication, pretty much the entire media is in on kayfabe. Look at Randy Savage on Arsenio Hall, The Miz on George Lopez, or even the countless magazine articles with interviews with Dwayne Johnson from 2005-2010. Everyone is in on kayfabe, it's like the news tracking Santa's progress on x-mas eve.

Now, that said, I don't doubt that those were genuine reactions to what CM Punk did. But I think it had more to do with the fact that they just took a huge step into something new and different.

But then, maybe I'm wrong. It'd be pretty cool if I was.
As for your question, I don't think you're an idiot and I don't think Maxim is working us. The WWE and it's superstars worked maxim.

My feelings exactly, here is a hint on how things work in WWE...

If it's on television, it was meant to be on television. How many times have you seen some idiot fan jump the rail and gets caught by security? The camera usually cuts away because (A) safety and not encouraging copycats. (B) it is not part of the show.

But when Brett DiBiase attacked Cena from the barricade it was for all to see on television.

WWE knew what CM Punk was going out there to do. They knew he was going to take shots at the company/management/talent/Vince because it was part of the stroyline. But I do believe the actual words said came from Punk, that's all.

His reception once he came backstage? Well he pulled of an amazing promo that started a whole new storyline. And he suckered the fans in...they bought it.

His push was planned as Cena previously stated he wanted to work a big program with Punk before he(Punk) left. Hence stalling R-Truth's push to just one month. So he wasn't 'rewarded' for the promo...it was plan of action.

Del Rio and Beth in the Maxim article.... What benefit does ADR/Beth/WWE/Punk/Pro Wrestling have if they stated that "yeah...it was all a work."? It resets the public preception back to the it's all fake phase just when Punk let slip in a tiny bit of doubt. It would undo all the WWE has done since June. They worked the magazine....
See, the beauty of wrestling is that if you keep pushing something as legit and then go back to kayfabe out of nowhere, you can get the people that think they're all over everything to go flying right into your trap and work them harder than ever. Of course it was scripted. Notice a few things about that promo: he never mentioned Benoit, he never mentioned TNA. He goes into full on "shoot" mode and doesn't mention the only thing remotely resembling competition the company has and doesn't mention the biggest controversy ever in wrestling that hasn't been mentioned at all on WWE TV in years? And that was all just a coincidence? I'm thinking no on that one. That doesn't add up. it was planned, it was always planned, and if you believe that WWE people would openly admit that someone went into business for themselves in a nationally known magazine in a company that is so structured and rigid about who gets interviews and who doesn't without having WWE tell them that this is their opinion on it, then you're beyond my help.
Vince is a known control freak. He knew exactly what Punk was going to do. I mean they taped the next week edition of Raw pushing that angle on the same night, because they were starting a world tour. Cena knew too. I'm sure most of the other wrestlers and WWE employees didn't. But I'm sure Punk really meant a lot of what he said.

Some people even thought Punk invading Comic-Con was not a work. WWE and Punk did a great job making it seem legitimate.

They continue pushing his shoot promo as if it wasn't a work. It will just make Punk's character look even better.
Oh you know? There's one other thing I forgot to mention in my last post:

Ever since Vince McMahon became a kayfabe character and more than just a commentator, there's been one hard and fast rule that's more concrete than any. In the end, Vince McMahon will ALWAYS get embarrassed on WWE TV. This rule trumps everything, more than Cena always wins, more than the big guy gets the push, more than anything, Vince will always get embarrassed on WWE TV. He's lost, and lost bad every single feud he's been in. Until we see Vince McMahon as a face again, this will always hold true.

CM Punk made this feud about him and Vince, and after Vince came down the following week and pretended to bury Punk, it was obvious he was in on it from the start, and it was a work.

Heh as a matter of fact, this was before I found these forums, and my only outlet to express my opinions about what was going down in wrestling was through youtube. As such I posted THIS I wasn't all THAT far off either. Now if you'll excuse me, this reminded me of another topic I've wanted to discuss so now I'm off to make a new thread. :p
It was a "worked shoot." Punk said so himself on Bill Simmons' podcast. There was a script that was crafted by the creative team and Punk proceeded to ad lib a bit (the Austin t-shirt, nod to Colt Cabana, and reference to breaking the fourth wall were all Punk). Of course, this is all a moot point because Vince panicked when the post-MITB numbers weren't as high as expected and had Punk return after a grand total of one week away from WWE programming.
Heres my opinion on the matter - I agree with all of the people who believe that Vince was aware at all times of what was to be said. To suspend belief I would have believed he was set for a promo, i even would have believed it was real of he was only allowed to go off script a little. The idea that he threw the script out of the window and wasnt cut off earlier? Now that is laughable. Then the idea that there would be no punishment for such an action just because it got wrestling fans talking is an even bigger joke. These days people think they know so much about the business that they can call a shoot or a work. I mean this is comparible to if a fan was able to somehow run to the ring and steal the mitb briefcase. Vince wouldnt give them a contract just because everyone would be on wrestlezone debating whether it was real or fake.(btw i am garunteeing if that was done youd all jump to call it a poor attempt to fool us) Punk would have been buried by Vince and sued for breach of contract by going off of the script. The planning was there.

Now if you guys really want to talk about something exciting how about I blow your mind. Take CM Punk out of the mix, have all of the same events happen. Now instead of punk dropping the promo, imagine they gave the segment to everyones favorite broski... Zack Ryder. I am in no way a Zack Ryder mark, however I always hear that WWE cant make top stars anymore. CM Punk was already main event talent, but imagine Zack Ryder, a man with a legitimate gripe, said the same words CM Punk said. About lack of opportunities about not being enough like his backstage buddy Cena. The lack of tv time and need for change just seems to fit Ryder and his internet efforts more. If they went that way It would have truly reshaped pro wrestling.
It was a work plain and simple. Maybe guys like Del Rio are working Maxim or the guys in the WWE know are working Del Rio but Punk's speech was a shoot.

More importantly, who still reads Maxim? I would expect the guy that goes to Exxxotica 2011 wouldn't be buying PG-14 lingerie magazines.
One thing i dislike about wrestling fans on the internet and in this forum is they tend to assume there apart of wwe creative or they assume they work with the writers. When that aired live it came out of nowhere...at that time people weren't paying much attention to Punk...then he goes real and said everything almost everybody else was thinking...he vented!

You wrestling internet marks want to dilute it but i think Punk changed wwe...so much so that they got miz truth, hhh and the whole company to try to imitate punks shock tv stunts.

Bottom line is CM Punk made himself into the hottest talent (at that time) due to that one promo and wwe after realizing it then decided to capitalize on it.
Watching that video again for the first time since the summer leaves me with a lot of mixed emotions. What an awesome moment. Yet it's been all down hill since then.

I became a regular RAW viewer again for the first time in many moons after that Punk promo aired. Started tuning in again. Thought they were really on to something. Yet here we are just a few short months later and the "doofus son in law" is back in a rehashed 2003 feud with his 55 year old buddy Kevin Nash. Woopty friggin doo.

Hopefully at some point theyll get back to basics and just let Punk be the focal point of the show next year sometime. Instead of the Triple H show. Whether the promo was a shoot or a worked shoot doesnt matter to me. It was a kick ass moment. Too bad they derailed all that momentum. Another blown oppurtunity.
I wonder how much money the WWE paid Maxim?

No way Vince lets Punk shoot on Raw like that... for as long as he did.

Alberto poopies from the mouth, Beth is his boo and Punk garnered that reaction because that was the best worked shoot ever.

That's my story and I'm sticking with it.

Good topic, though.


Update 1:

I just watched the above video as non biased as I possibly could.

Acting, acting, acting. Good, very good but definitely a work.
WWE had this angle quite well planned out. They knew punks contract was expireing. So they used that as a great hot story to get the fans all riled up. We all remember reading stories about punks contract expiration status on these wrestling sites. So of course they would not tell any one he is going to have to get renewed. Punk cut this worked shoot promo. It was a hit. He left then came back. Big hit. I mean know this based on some facts but some is surely worked as well.
from what I remember reading, WWE told Punk to go out and talk about why he is leaving and to mention winning the WWE championship, and that when they felt he was going to far they would cut his microphone.
I like how someone started out by saying "This is the problem with wreslting"

What that they can still pull the wool over our eyes? This promo for me at least will always be a half truth.

It was the truth filled with lies, to make it seem like it was true.

In my mind this is what happened.

CM Punk: You realize I can BE on that level? I have the talent Vince I have an idea I want to do it, after all my contract runs out and we both know even though you don't respect me or believe in me you don't want me going somewhere else....

Vince: Ok this is true I'm a power hungry control freak whats your point?

CM Punk: Give me a mic let me say what ever I want.. If the segment goes bad Fire me, if not lets see where it goes.. I just want the chance I was never given...

Vince: well if it will at least make you think about renewing what the hell I suppose one live mic can't hurt that bad I mean look back at the whole Matt Hardy Open Mic explosion...

In my mind if that would not have taken if it would have gone the opposite direction my money is that CM Punk would have been out the door. But EVERYONE knew right then and there that CM Punk was money and the rest is history...
So you think, or have entertained the notion, that WWE/Vinnie Mac doesn't have control of their show? Needless to say RAW is on a tape delay and they could have cut the promo a LOT shorter but cutting his mic sooner. They know what they are doing, they are aware that RAW had been suffering ratings drops prior to Punk's shoot/work promo. Punk did what he was instructed to do and everybody involved are the ones maintaining kayfabe. The media and magazines know what Vince wants them to know, and the workers spin it to his standards. Vince isn't going to relinquish control, not even by a little bit, and if anything Punk said wasn't scripted or fed to him...he'd be out the door. Vince knows that once you give up a little control, people start taking advantage of it. Everybody on the mic, hungering for a push or notoriety would be shooting on the stick if they saw Punk do it, get away with it and get a push for it. Complete work. And if it's one thing we've learned over the last 15 years of wrestling, no one man makes or breaks the business. Punk is a number, and certainly not half the draw as Rock, Austin or Taker. Where would Punk have gone if he hand't renewed? TNA? ROH? Overseas? Please. The entire angle was a work and it seems like a lot of the IWC fell for it. Punk, like everybody else in the business, is in this for a pay day. He knows where the money is...and he isn't gonna sacrifice that for 30 seconds of fame on the mic to say a few words that MOST of the fan base were confused by. The majority of the WWE fan base are kids and chicks that didn't know what the hell Punk was referring to. It was a brilliant, much needed angle, but that's all it was.
I'm not sure any of you remembered after that promo.. if I'm not wrong.. the very night or the next night.. RAW was taped for the next week instead of going live.. Which means.. high chances are.. the whole promo was worked.. otherwise..

The only thing probably caught WWE and Vince off-guard.. was the reception by the fans.. instead of "hating" Punk since that time he was a heel.. suddenly he became one of the biggest star in WWE..
I usually read the wrestling wrap up at IGN by Matt Fowler and he said that a couple of weeks ago he had to interview the Miz and he was bothered that Miz had to stay in kayfabe. Miz would refuse to answer basic question like "Who would be your favorite opponnent at Wrestlemania", Miz was saying "Right now I don't think about Wrestlemania I am thinking about getting my job back" when Fowler knew it was scripted and the most alienating part was that the interview was book by a WWE PR.

So I have 0 doubts in my mind that Maxim has been worked by the wrestlers. I wish it was real and it would make Punk character so much stronger since he was REALLY anti-establishment but I doubt they were not expecting it, the mic would have cut sooner.

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