CM Punk: It's Up To Him Now

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Like just about everyone else it seems, the one guy that's been on my mind in wrestling constantly for about the past 6 weeks is CM Punk.

I think it's safe to say that CM Punk is, arguably, the best all around pro wrestler in the world today. He's got the personality, he's got the charisma, he has the promo skills and he's got the in-ring ability. This current angle that's had us all captivated ans finally put Punk at that elusive "next level" and I don't think many people can doubt that.

Even though he's had the whole wrestling scene talking and just had a classic match with John Cena, there is at least one major question that we don't really know the answer to at this point. The question is a simple but important one: Can CM Punk be a big money draw for the WWE? The WWE has most definitely given Punk the platform, now it's on Punk's shoulders to really deliver and silence the doubters.

Raw's numbers since the Punk angle started haven't exactly been stellar. Now, it's very true that Raw has been up against some very stiff competition on Monday for the past few weeks. Last week featured competition from Pawn Stars & American Pickers as well as the season premieres of The Closer and Rizzoli & Isles. The week before that, there was this crossover special on The History Channel with Pawn Stars, American Pickers & American Restoration and something to do with baseball on ESPN. Last week's Raw was up compared to the week before and we won't know what Raw did until probably somewhere between 6 & 7 pm on Tuesdays. We also don't know how many buys MITB drew at this time yet either.

Now, CM Punk was only on Raw for the closing few moments of the show. I expect that he'll have a much bigger role for next week so Punk can't really be blamed if the show drew less than stellar numbers tonight. But, the time is coming when Punk's questionable drawing ability is going to be heavily and truly tested.
I think a big issue is the NFL lockout ending today. Once Monday Night Football returns, RAW is going to have serious competition every week. If RAW ratings increase tonight, it's going to be because of HHH and the title match between Rey and Miz. And if the upwards trend continues, I don't think it can be fully credited to Punk. A combination of his return, JR's return, HHH as the new guy in charge, and hell...even Zack Ryder getting air time could all bring in more viewers. But I don't think that is a reason to say that Punk isn't moving towards that "next level". Just because he isn't the sole cause of higher ratings isn't a reason to push him back down to the upper-mid card. He's over. Way over. If they can turn him into a kind of anti-hero, then he can continue to be a huge draw for years to come.
As much as i agree, they have given the 'ball' so to speak, to CM Punk the question is why does everybody (seemingly) expect so much from one man? Since the CM Punk angle has started, i've read so many people speak of his inability to draw, does he make money etc.

The problem with this is that for over a year now, both shows have run under the watchful control of people like John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge etc. Now, in that position the rating stayed steady. it didn't remarkably jump with John Cena or Randy Orton as champions. I do not make this comment to turn into a Cena/Orton bashing at all, my concern here is why is CM Punk expected to bring a ratings up suddenly when others haven't had to?

This sort of thinking could lead to the download of CM Punk's push, and we need to see a long term plan on this, not a episode by episode decision.

This hasn't been written as a 'hating' but something i'm curious about.
I totally again here.

The ball is totally in CM Punk's court now. While the long time fans, like most of us here on these boards- Love CM Punk. That still doesnt mean the rest of the wrestling world is going to.

I could see the anti-hero type thing, ala SCSA. Or- they could use the straight edge, no drugs, no alcohol type of stuff to appeal to the mom's and children. I personally hope they go the anti-establishment angle, rather then the goody-to-shoes route. Just cuz I enjoy the rebel much more then the butt kisser. With Punk's recent talk about ass-kissing...i'm hoping they are going the route most of us around here wanna see.

I've always thought Punk did fantastic work as a heel. But I think its possible he could be in the process of making the turn.

I really cant wait to see this all play out. I'm hoping this continues with guys like Cabana, Hero, Castagnoli & the former Tyler Black. Possibly even throwing Daniel Bryan Danielson & his MITB breifcase into the mix also. Fighting on behalf of "real wrestlers" vs the "sports entertainers" of WWE.

What I definately Don't wanna see is: Cena winning the unification match at SS & Punk going on a leave/break after that. WWE Must run with this! But they rarely ever do what I think is right. So- we'll see I guess.

As much as i agree, they have given the 'ball' so to speak, to CM Punk the question is why does everybody (seemingly) expect so much from one man? Since the CM Punk angle has started, i've read so many people speak of his inability to draw, does he make money etc.

The problem with this is that for over a year now, both shows have run under the watchful control of people like John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge etc. Now, in that position the rating stayed steady. it didn't remarkably jump with John Cena or Randy Orton as champions. I do not make this comment to turn into a Cena/Orton bashing at all, my concern here is why is CM Punk expected to bring a ratings up suddenly when others haven't had to?

This sort of thinking could lead to the download of CM Punk's push, and we need to see a long term plan on this, not a episode by episode decision.

This hasn't been written as a 'hating' but something i'm curious about.

I can agree with this point of view also. Ratings and PPV buys can't all be put on one man and one man only. WWE has to do a better job of pushing other fueds. IC & US titles need to be defended more on TV. Even the tag-team titles need to mean something.

I remember as a kid being more interested in Randy Savage Vs Ricky Steamboat or Bret Hart Vs Mr. Perfect for the IC title...along with The British Bulldogs Vs The Killer Bees or The Hart Foundation Vs Demolition...more then I was ever interested in anything Hulk Hogan was doing. So it's far from impossible to pull off. WWE just has to DO IT!

It can't always be about the "main event". You have to do more. That doesnt mean Michael fuckin Cole Vs Jerry Lawler either! They have to use thier talents, to the best of thier abilities.

You can't put everything on one man's back. It has to be a company wide effort. I'm hoping Hunter becomes more and more involved in making decisions backstage...while Vince slowly goes away. I know it's doubtful. But i'm hopeful.
I really think WWE is trying something new this last month, and I like it, as do many of you. if you think about it, it seems as though WWE has really been catering more to the hardcore fans, and are doing things they've never done before in this era of wrestling. They're starting to listen to people like us, especially with this past RAW. Zack Ryder in a match and winning, JR returning, Punk making a HUGE impact and the end of the show, and some solid wrestling. Even the week before, we were treated to a RAW that featured a large amount of WRESTLING. The tide is turning my friends.
I dont expect a drastic ratings change because Punk will be back on tv. Dont get me wrong, this has been the best storyline in years, however if Punk were to take time off it should have been now and come back in a few months. If there is a "true WWE champion" match that will take place at SummerSlam I would think a Cena loss would help ratings for the short run but then youre going to run into MNF once the NFL season kicks off as well as the return of NHL hockey in October. A Punk loss would do exactly what for his character right now? IMO WWE can afford to have Cena loose, take time off til mid October and come back to captain a team at SS against Punk and perhaps some friends from ROH
what people are looking at are the full ratings. You can't do that because one man being on for 15 minutes can or even 15 seconds a raw cant make people watch the others. You have to look at the ratings of the main events. thats either where he appears or where people might think he would appear. But also like everyone says because of all the stuff going on lately it can't be measuured accurately. even so the last quarter last week did i beleive a 3.9. No matter if it was from the speculation on cena or punk, its a great thing, and whatever they are doing with the m.e. they should keep it up. And now with this raw being a full solid show maybe the rest of the show will catch up a tiny bit in ratings.
Stop looking at ratings. Seriously. Do you only look at how many singles a baseball player gets? In today's world, there are hundreds of channels, you can watch wrestling today, tomorrow, in a week, on youtube, on hulu, you can twitter them, facebook them. So yea, stop using ratings.

Punk won't outdraw Cena, he doesn't have mass appeal. However, not everyone needs to have mass appeal. Punk draws in a different crowd and variety is what the WWE has always been pretty good at. You have comedy, sex appeal, athleticism, mass appeal, underground appeal, etc.
thats a bold statement that punk won't outdraw cena as punk is looking like he is going to become the man sooner rather than later.
really? Because Punk only gets the 10-20% IWC to really cheer for him. In Chicago and in Boston he got mega reactions. In Green Bay and last night he didn't really get that loud of a reaction because it's such a small portion. Punk will not outdraw Cena for 1 because Cena is a babyface and 2 because Cena has more mass appeal. Punk's job is to create a culture clash and draw interest from different types of fans. The only people who think Punk will be the face of the WWE are hopeful fanboys. If Punk was so awesome and such an amazing draw, he would have outpopped Cena's entrance, which he didn't, he didn't even outpop the reaction Cena got when he won the title back.

I love Punk, I've followed his career since BEFORE ROH when he was in IWA-MS feuding with a chunky Chris Hero in front of 20 people. However, I'm not stupid enough to think a guy with an underground following will ever outdraw Cena. At least not with this character and not anytime soon.
really? Because Punk only gets the 10-20% IWC to really cheer for him. In Chicago and in Boston he got mega reactions. In Green Bay and last night he didn't really get that loud of a reaction because it's such a small portion. Punk will not outdraw Cena for 1 because Cena is a babyface and 2 because Cena has more mass appeal. Punk's job is to create a culture clash and draw interest from different types of fans. The only people who think Punk will be the face of the WWE are hopeful fanboys. If Punk was so awesome and such an amazing draw, he would have outpopped Cena's entrance, which he didn't, he didn't even outpop the reaction Cena got when he won the title back.

I love Punk, I've followed his career since BEFORE ROH when he was in IWA-MS feuding with a chunky Chris Hero in front of 20 people. However, I'm not stupid enough to think a guy with an underground following will ever outdraw Cena. At least not with this character and not anytime soon.

I think I fall under this category. I used to watched wrestling faithfully in the 80s and 90s. My interest teetered off once my life started changing. New house, wife, etc. I then became the casual fan because, I don't know, I just slipped out of it and lost interest. As of now, I will watch the first 15 minutes, watch Family Guy, then flip back over around 10:30EST to see if anything is going on. If I decide to not stay up, I'll fast forward the entire show on YouTube.

Once Punk did the shoot, it piqued my interest again and I started paying attention to this place, what I missed, etc.

I don't love or hate John Cena. He's just not my type of wrestler to give a damn about. But Punk is someone who has made wrestling interesting to me again.
The overruns for the shows have been great but the middle is lacking. Maybe getting Zack Ryder going and elevating Dolph Ziggler to be the second guy if you will might do the job. I think Triple H can be really entertaining as the "head" of wwe. As far as the main events go lets turn Cena heel feud him with Mysterio or Kofi. You have Morrison and Truth still around. Finally for the love of god let Punk have a run with the belt. I bought Cena vs Punk because of the build up, do it again with Punk and Miz. Heaven for bid if Punk is a face now put him in there with Ziggler and let them try to draw a ppv. Back in 1997 and 1998 the whole show was entertaining, but now there is a huge lack in the miiddle. I'm referring to the Divas matches. There is not one Trish Stratus not one Sable hell not even a Torrie Wilson on this roster. The most entertaining is Beth Phoenix and they won't give her the mic. They are boring. To quote Linda Mcmahon I'm legitimately not entertained by them
Right now what Punk is doing is giving the WWE exactly what they need: A new image. The reason why the ratings were so much higher 10 years ago is because the product was ACTUALLY cool during the attitude era. Back during the late 90's you could get away with wearing a Rock or Stone Cold t-shirt because WWE had more mainstream acceptance. I went on youtube and watched a few videos of Punk's return to Raw, and what I noticed about alot of the comments was that people were saying that they were interested in buying Punk's new t-shirt. Punk is on the way to making wrestling cool again, and so far he's doing it solo.

I think a big reason why Punk's pop wasn't that big this week was because nobody knew what his music was. It always takes a few weeks for the audience to adjust to unfamiliar music, this is a process every wrestler undergoes at some point. The cheers were strong once they were no longer confused, and you could tell that the crowd was firmly behind Punk when he raised the title in Cena's face.

One last note: No one can magically create super television ratings, not even Punk at this point. If the product is good, they'll eventually grow on their own. It's not something that one person can change permanently overnight or over a few weeks.
The thing about Punk is, he has me wanting to watch as it's on. Being in the UK, I used to record it as it's on at 2 am, then watch the next day, but now I NEED to know what's happening as it happens, and I love that.
Can CM Punk draw, here's an example. When punk first showed up last night the crowd popped huge and kept cheering throughout. When Cena held up his belt the crowd cheered, when Punk held up his the crowd marked out with a pop that was much louder than what Cena had when he held up his belt.

Punk has had no backing, to this day Vince has no clue how Punk ever got over, Punk got over by himself the hard way. Cena has had the WWE Machine pushing him down our throats, one of the reasons I stopped watching the WWE. Reminded me too much like WCW's Eric Watt debacle, no matter how much better WWE did it.

It's not surprising that Cena had the best match of his career against Punk, Punk is to the next generation what Shawn Michaels, and before him Ric Flair, were to the last two, a guy that can get over as a face or a heel, put on world class matches and make the Blue Meanie look like he could main event Wrestlemania.

Cena is cut from a special mold, he has the great believability and just crazy enough to be entertaining plus the in-ring ability to be the greatest ever if he is allowed to be. However now that Punk has the ball, now that he has made himself the best, he can't pull back. Punk is special, now it's his time to show it.
You are absolutely right Jack Hammer, over the next while it really is put up or shut up time for CM Punk. I think you need to give Punk at least 3 months to give a fair assessment, hell even Austin and the Rock needed longer then that so I think thats fair. If he can't make anything happen in 3 months then we will have our answer.

Personally I believe in CM Punk and I truly think the guy has the ability to draw. Last night on RAW gave me even more hope with his standoff with Cena, since this angle started CM Punk has absolutely killed Cena on crowd reaction. Last night during their faceoff Cena got a great reaction but Punk got a monster reaction and made Cena's reaction look not that impressive. The real question is now if Punk can maintain a reaction like that but also build the audience even if its a little bit at a time.

I say if ratings don't fall and can hit 3.6-3.7 then its worth keeping him as the champ because you can't expect a massive jump, its completely unfair to expect ratings in the high 4's low 5's in 3 months (substantial growth like that takes at least 6 solid months of WWE programming). If Punk can match the drawing power with Cena in 3 months then its only fair to keep it going and see how high Punk can go. I just hope they don't expect something drastic because they won't get it even if Rock and Austin come back full time at this point.
RAW has always had competition on Mondays. I highly doubt that any of the things you mentioned stopped anyone from watching RAW. RAW isnt going to draw in drastically high ratings because Punk is doing his thing, the old fans or anyone who could care for wrestling at this point arent going to be drawn in by a storyline that only the 10%ers truly understand.
Right now what Punk is doing is giving the WWE exactly what they need: A new image. The reason why the ratings were so much higher 10 years ago is because the product was ACTUALLY cool during the attitude era. Back during the late 90's you could get away with wearing a Rock or Stone Cold t-shirt because WWE had more mainstream acceptance. I went on youtube and watched a few videos of Punk's return to Raw, and what I noticed about alot of the comments was that people were saying that they were interested in buying Punk's new t-shirt. Punk is on the way to making wrestling cool again, and so far he's doing it solo.

I think a big reason why Punk's pop wasn't that big this week was because nobody knew what his music was. It always takes a few weeks for the audience to adjust to unfamiliar music, this is a process every wrestler undergoes at some point. The cheers were strong once they were no longer confused, and you could tell that the crowd was firmly behind Punk when he raised the title in Cena's face.

One last note: No one can magically create super television ratings, not even Punk at this point. If the product is good, they'll eventually grow on their own. It's not something that one person can change permanently overnight or over a few weeks.

Another thing that people are forgetting is that the rating being high during the lat 90s' boom wasn't just the work on one angle or person.
Sure Austin gets credit for spearheading the whole thing, but think of all the top/mid tier stars the WWE had at that time who were considered "cool".
They Austin AND the Rock, DX, Jericho, Edge and Christian, the Hardy Boyz, the Undertaker etc.

While Punk might be able to draw some older or new viewers back in, him Cena and HHH aren't going to be able to sustain it all by themselves.

Raw overall has to become a more relevant and interesting product, and while the PG is always going to hamper that somewhat, as long they can create distinct personalities that are above average in the ring, then people might not change the channel if they don't see Punk.
This is where people people like The Miz, Del Rio, Truth, and Morrison have to step up as well.
If pro wrestling is going to try to wiggle itself from mainstream purgatory,
Punk can try to lead it, but it can't be just him.
Generally I am not a big believer that one wrestler can magically increase ratings by a large amount. Especially Punk, he is no where close to The Rock, SCSA or even Cena.

I think improving the product as a whole is how the ratings could increase. Its a group effort. With Triple H coming back on tv, Cena role in the whole angle. Even JR being back could potentially bring back old viewers.

Punk has created some new excitement. But to think he will get the WWE to start doing 4 ratings consistenly, I think that is a little unrealistic.
Can CM Punk draw, here's an example. When punk first showed up last night the crowd popped huge and kept cheering throughout. When Cena held up his belt the crowd cheered, when Punk held up his the crowd marked out with a pop that was much louder than what Cena had when he held up his belt.

Punk has had no backing, to this day Vince has no clue how Punk ever got over, Punk got over by himself the hard way. Cena has had the WWE Machine pushing him down our throats, one of the reasons I stopped watching the WWE. Reminded me too much like WCW's Eric Watt debacle, no matter how much better WWE did it.

It's not surprising that Cena had the best match of his career against Punk, Punk is to the next generation what Shawn Michaels, and before him Ric Flair, were to the last two, a guy that can get over as a face or a heel, put on world class matches and make the Blue Meanie look like he could main event Wrestlemania.

Cena is cut from a special mold, he has the great believability and just crazy enough to be entertaining plus the in-ring ability to be the greatest ever if he is allowed to be. However now that Punk has the ball, now that he has made himself the best, he can't pull back. Punk is special, now it's his time to show it.
No shit when Punk first showed up they cheered, it was in old ECW stomping grounds. As far as getting a louder pop when he held up the belt...did he at any point in time get a louder pop than Cena's entrance or when Cena won the belt? No.

Vince knows how to get Punk over, Punk knows how to get Punk over too. Vince gives people the opportunity to get over, if you don't, it's your own fault (Drew).

Stop acting like Punk will be this huge mega draw. He won't. He stirs shit up, but if you're on in Chicago or the east coast, he's not as over. He gets the 10-20% loud smarks in the audience to make noise. That's great, he brings a different kind of person in to the product. However, he doesn't have the mass appeal to get super over.

It's like this, CM Punk is the equivalent of American Psycho. Very entertaining, has a good point, a "cult classic" but will never be talked about or mentioned as much by the general public as the Departed or another more mainstream good movie. It's not a bad thing, it's just how it is.

Finally, for fuck's sake stop using ratings as your only measure. It doesn't make any sense in 2011 to look at whether ratings go significantly up or down as a gauge of success. Too many other things going on. I don't even have cable, I watch everything on my computer. So the people at Nielson would say I don't watch Raw, but I definately do.
The "ball" has been left in Punk's court. He was obviously re-signed before this all started and told spark interest in the product. Over the last month I think he's done a pretty good job. Ever since his shoot promo, he's been sparking interest. Not only with the IWC, but with the mainstream. Look, TMZ has been talking about him partying after leaving WWE with the title. Espn just ran a story on him, and Rome was trying to get him on his show after the shoot promo he gave.

He's giving WWE something that it really hasn't truly had in a long time. He's created an "Edgy" character that is appealing to the other audience the company has, the 18-34 year old males. If your in that age demograph you're probably a fan of Punk. Its the demograph that WWE has failed to reach over the last several years, because partly due to the PG. Though it can be mainly attributed to the writing. Now, Punk is bringing back the the demograph that loved the attitude era, because Punk is doing what the Attitude Era was all about, challenging authority. While he may not be on the same level, he has Austin like characteristics that brought the older male demograph to wrestling in the 90s. Because they like a guy that will tell their boss "I'm going to kick you in the ball, and you're going to like it."

Will he boost the ratings? I think he will. As someone else has said, give him three months. WWE needs to ride with this for awhile. Let it brew. Punk has already changed a lot, let him continue to grow with this new role, and he can do it. Will he be a big draw? Yes, to the level of Cena? I'm not sure yet. He's gainning steam let him continue to. No one thought Austin ever had a chance and being a big draw. Then Vince gave him the ball, and he's the biggest star wrestling ever had. Who knows Punk could be on that road.
IMO, the PG rating limits the intensity of the storylines and enforces a certain and about baseline blandness for the characters.
Listen, unlike and a lot of smarks, I don't put the Attitude Era on some crazy high pedestal.
I'm not saying every week should be a blatant attempt to recreate the "blood, guts and sex" of the Attitude Era.
But at the same time, the overwhelming corniness of the WWE during the PG era has been a major turn off for people who watched during the boom.
The kids are where the WWE assume where all the money is, that's why the PG rating is happening.

But if all of sudden, more young adults are watching like they used to, and pro wrestling isn't a pop culture afterthought, then the money is coming from a different place.
This is such a thing as a happy medium and the WWE should try to find this if they want to succeed.
That's just my taste. If I want to watch "Toy Story", that's what the Disney Channel is for.

How has the PG guidelines limited the product over the last month? It hasn't. Are you telling me that because its PG the Punk storyline is toned down? Right now there's a guy that is walking around with the belt telling his boss to kiss his ass. I'm not sure how moving to TV-14 would help create more intensity. To draw the older males in. If you're a teenage male and don't like it because he's not cussing enough, there that's on you. You can make a product as intense as you want it to be, as long as you have creative writers. If the writers infest in the product the product will be fantastic. If they don't you will be bored to tears.

Punk is finding that happy medium, and I believe that WWE is beginning to as well. They aren't so strict on the PG guidelines, they're playing with the boundaries and its working well.
Some of the numbers for last night's show are in. It's a mixed bag on how you look at it. The show had an average of 4.81 million viewers, exactly as last week. The 1st hour of the show drew 4.5 million, Obama's speech definitely had an impact, but the second hour increased to 5.13 million. So the show didn't increase but it didn't decrease either.

As Punk only made his appearance in the closing minutes of Raw last night, this coming Monday I think will be the real test of Punk as a draw. It's now known beyond any shadow of a doubt that he's resigned with WWE and he'll almost certainly have a much more prominent role on the show next week.
No shit when Punk first showed up they cheered, it was in old ECW stomping grounds. As far as getting a louder pop when he held up the belt...did he at any point in time get a louder pop than Cena's entrance or when Cena won the belt? No.

Vince knows how to get Punk over, Punk knows how to get Punk over too. Vince gives people the opportunity to get over, if you don't, it's your own fault (Drew).

Stop acting like Punk will be this huge mega draw. He won't. He stirs shit up, but if you're on in Chicago or the east coast, he's not as over. He gets the 10-20% loud smarks in the audience to make noise. That's great, he brings a different kind of person in to the product. However, he doesn't have the mass appeal to get super over.

It's like this, CM Punk is the equivalent of American Psycho. Very entertaining, has a good point, a "cult classic" but will never be talked about or mentioned as much by the general public as the Departed or another more mainstream good movie. It's not a bad thing, it's just how it is.

Finally, for fuck's sake stop using ratings as your only measure. It doesn't make any sense in 2011 to look at whether ratings go significantly up or down as a gauge of success. Too many other things going on. I don't even have cable, I watch everything on my computer. So the people at Nielson would say I don't watch Raw, but I definately do.

I'm talking about MONDAY, last night. Cena couldnt get over without the machine, Punk got over without the machine backing him. Vince's EXACT words when Punk first started getting over "How the fuck is this guy getting over". Vince has been completely stumped on Punks popularity from Day 1.

Punk is not a Vince guy, he was brought in "As Is" from RoH, same name, same style, same personality, same moves, and if not for Shawn Michaels speaking up in a creative meeting Punk would be doing the same thing he is now, only in RoH.

Fact is Vince doesnt know what to do with what he doesn't create. Punk was compared to Ric Flair when he was brought in by most people in the business not working for the WWE, Flair didn't even start in the business until he was 31, Punk is ahead of the curb. Cena held up his belt monday and got a nice pop, Punk held up his and the place went ballistic. Punk's win at MitB the roof blew off when he won.

Is it a shock that John Cena had the best Match of his career against Punk? You want to hype the WWE Machine go ahead, but give the individual that has been made the center of what is becoming a new era in WWE Programming his due, dont crap on him because he isnt what YOU want him to be. Punk's character has been evolving for five years, Triple H and Kevin Nash went through longer than that evolving their persana's, Hulk Hogan was around 5 years and that took Classy Freddy Blassy leading him around by a lead chain the first few years to get it done. Let us not forget how long it took Steve Austin, Stunning Steve, ECW Steve, The Ringmanster?.

PUNK is over, Punk is the hottest thing in the business today, Punk is the one getting ESPN to notice the WWE again for something other than dead wrestlers (Jim Rome and Collin Cowheard), Punk is doing Jimmy Kimmell, Punk is throwing out the first pitch at MLB Games, Punk got people like me who were sick of Cena running the table to tune in again, Punk is the one who had T-Shirts selling on EBay for $500 a pop, Punk is the first WWE Wrestler, champion even, to be allowed to show his face at an indy show in over a decade, Punk is getting the loudest cheers in the business, and Punk is the one who has Triple H and Vince pushing his program to the moon because he is making MONEY.

Now I know you probably cant stand to read that but it is what is happening right now. If you don't like it march up there to Titan Towers and tell Trips and Vince to stop pushing Punk because he cant get the job done. Right now Punk is getting the job done. We are seeing the evolution of a wrestler, something that hasn't been done to this exteme since John Cena himself, and before that Triple H, I suggest you enjoy it for how special it is, not bitch about it.

Dont let blind devotion to the WWE Machine's ability to create deny you what is coming together right now, the beginning of a new Era led by John Cena and yes CM PUNK, a guy not created by Vince. Sit back, and enjoy.
Well I am a fan of CMP and I like the storyline, I give him credit for making as much of a believeable character to the average written story (the writers could give him more and he could make it compelling)

CMP has got the rest of the world taking about professional wrestling again, hopefully the ratings will follow but true fans are just rejoicing that there is finally a story that wasn't taylor-made for anyone under 20

Whether you like him or not CMP is entertaining us or we wouldn't be talking about it still

It is refreshing to see the wwe push someone other than John, whether Vince likes it or not, CMP is what the fans want, and Vince does like being successful and making money

I am excited again to watch, I hope the momentum doesnt go away
How has the PG guidelines limited the product over the last month? It hasn't. Are you telling me that because its PG the Punk storyline is toned down? Right now there's a guy that is walking around with the belt telling his boss to kiss his ass. I'm not sure how moving to TV-14 would help create more intensity. To draw the older males in. If you're a teenage male and don't like it because he's not cussing enough, there that's on you. You can make a product as intense as you want it to be, as long as you have creative writers. If the writers infest in the product the product will be fantastic. If they don't you will be bored to tears.

Punk is finding that happy medium, and I believe that WWE is beginning to as well. They aren't so strict on the PG guidelines, they're playing with the boundaries and its working well.

Where exactly did I say there was a problem with THIS angle?
I didn't, I was referring to the overall vibe of the product the during the PG Era.
There's nothing goofy or lame about THIS storyline with Punk and Cena, and that's why people are talking about it again.

But if you had been watching the Raw for the past 3 or 4 years, you've seen prolonged hijinks with midgets ( which I didn't like even during the Attitude Era), a parade of confusing guest hosts, and and and assortment of safe, cookie cutter types trying to get over.
Not the most encouraging stuff in the world if you expect to watch something more interesting.

Once again, if you read my original post, I'm not demanding the show be turned into a wacky, blood-soaked, profanity laced product to keep people over 14 amused.
I do think it's fair to say that the allowance of (for example)some blood, at the right time, in a right match could enhance plot as long as there's not overkill.
I don't think this is hard to understand, so why are you so defensive about it?

It's a credit to the WWE Creative and Punk that this angle took off this well.
They took the right trajectory to start because breaking the fourth wall is inherently "edgy" if the right person is at the helm--and they choose correctly with letting it be Punk.
Hopefully they keep it up and don't dilute his character too much.
They should just let him be himself and let the crowd decide the tone of the angle.
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