CM Punk is now a RAW Superstar!

He would, at least, be a perfect foil for WWE Champion Randy Orton. It provides a fresh matchup, and can even re-ignite a feud that was started at Unforgiven 2008 when Orton kicked Punk in the head, unceramoniously ending his first title reign. Instead of a proper feud, they had a blowoff forgettable lumberjack match on Raw that was more served to transition into Punk's feud with Regal.

This could be the proper way of righting that wrong. They don't have to put the title on Punk. It seems they planted the tiniest of seeds last night. When Punk was attacking Bourne unmercilessly last night, he yelled at him "Remember me from ECW?" If he's going to beat a guy down because he once beat him in a match in ECW(I know Bourne needs shoulder surgery), what would a heel do to the guy who punted him in the head and ended his first "official" World Title Reign? It would make for an intriguing storyline, with Punk targeting guys who have once "wronged him", and Id say Orton is certainly at the top of that list!

Sheamus vs Orton is stale, and he appears to likely be out of the title picture for now. Jericho's out with "injury". I may be being presumptious, but I imagine Cena not quite the job done, and Barrett not winning the title, leading us to a rushed Cena-Barrett feud. Who else would be left as a heel? There are very few main event level heels left on Raw. Enter CM Punk.

This was the perfect move for WWE to make. Edge was sliding into a tweener/face role and his career was stagnant on Raw. Punk's career seemed to be the same way on Smackdown. He was jobbing to the Undertaker in less then 10 minutes twice in one month, or getting knocked out by Big Show. Having him feud with his former SES members would have sucked. They picked the perfect time to move him, before he lost more credibility. He gained instant credibility back with his intensity and destruction of Bourne.

Another option that would work could be a Bryan/Punk feud. I don't like the idea of jobbing Punk out to a "midcarder" but he would be the perfect guy to put Bryan over in his post-Miz feud. Give these 2 guys 15 minutes, and they would tear the house down, just like they did in ROH. Watch this and tell me you wouldn't want to see this happen again.

There's alot of fresh things for Punk to do on Raw. I know it would be a "step down" from the world title, but Punk has never held the US title. Perfect motivation for him wanting to chase it. Whether its a feud with Bryan, or a feud with Orton, this was a GREAT move by WWE. He's hoping they follow through just as well from a creative standpoint.
Call me crazy, but Punk should join Nexus. If this happens, perhaps Nexus can rid themselves of more of the "dead wood" and become a mega stable, the likes of which have not been seen since the original incarnation of the nWo or DX, or the 4 Horsemen. If Punk doesn't join Nexus, it leaves me wondering what the hell he's going to Raw already has a non-Nexus heel (Sheamus).
he can refresh the tittle scene and a punk/ orton fued would rock. he is a great peace and can fued with every character that how good his persona is. punk priority? IMO i would like him to face orton= something new.
I think punk on Raw is a great choice, being that Jercicho is gone. Punk fills that space perfectly with the mic skills, decent in the ring etc.. I can see a Punk/Morrison feud in the future.
I think it was an even trade and great choice for Raw. Punk can pick up where Jericho left off. Barrett, Sheamus, and Miz are really the only top heels of Raw. Punk can mix it up with Bryan, Orton, and even Cena. I think we can agree for the most part that CM Punk accomplished everything on Smackdown. He feuded with Mysterio, Kane, and Big Show. There wasn't much left for him there since the SES disbanded. I feel CM Punk can be utilized as a main event heel. There is only so many times that you can use Sheamus and Nexus without it being boring. Punk freshens up the mix.
Personally, I think WWE should just give Punk his own show/brand where it's all Punk all the time. He's that talented.

As many have said, his time on SD! was coming to an end. He'd been there for a year + -- in that time he won the World Championship 3 times, kicked Jeff Hardy out of the WWE, made Undertaker tap, formed the Straight Edge Society, scared the crap out of Rey Jr's daughter, and got jobbed out to the Big Show for 3 months.

Raw was the obvious path. And unlike the last time Punk was on Raw, he's a heel and cuts amazing promos that will get him over on the "entertainment" show. He was an OK babyface who was severely limited because of promos. Punk's a way better heel, and gets a rise out of people. And that's how you get over. There's all these reports from the last 6 months saying that Vince is high on and impressed by Punk, so we can assume the booking won't be TOO bad.

Here's my dream booking for Punk:
His debut on Raw was incredibly strong, and hopefully they let him steam roll some guys on his way to the WWE championship. So you have him destroy midcarders like Truth, Santino, Ryder, Morrisson, and maybe even Cena (due to some order/interference from Nexus). And then you have him in a match with the biggest jobber of all (i say this tongue in cheek but somewhat serious) Daniel Bryan. So everyone expects Danielson to lose, but he makes Punk tap out and this begins a 3-month program over the US Title. I would have Punk win the first match and the championship, and the feud ends with Danielson win the belt and Punk continues onto the WWE champion, Randy Orton or John Cena.
Am Not The Biggest Fan Of Punk Since His "Cult" It Bored Me . But Before I Like Him He Has A Good Finsher And A Good Move Set That Would Go Well Verus Bryan , Miz Or Even A Nexus Member Such As Slater Or Gabirel . Punk Would Need To Win The Title Like The U.S Championship And Heel Becoming A Good Guy Again And Winning Matches And At Winning The Rumble After Coming In First In Witch Gives Him A Main Event At WM27 Witch Gives Him A Storyline With Sheamus .
AM AWSOME ! I CAME TO PAY ...:worship:
I'm very happy to see CM Punk back on Raw. He was getting pretty stale on Smackdown and he needed a major change. I'd love to see him in a title picture, hell, maybe even the US Title picture. I'd love to see him face DBD, but that would be taking a huge step down for Punk so I believe it would be in his best interest to stay around the lower-Main Event scene. Punk could have a hell of a great feud with a returning Jericho or a returning HHH. A Miz - Punk feud wouldn't be too bad either. It would legitimize Miz as a upper-carder, and it wouldn't hurt Punk very much.
Quite happy, as he isn't jobbing to the Big Show anymore, but I hope he doesn't get the wrong side of the 3 minute madness that is Raw or that he ever partakes in a match less than 5 minutes. I hope to see him be Revealed as leader of Nexus (which is unlikely).

I see him being frustrated with smackdown and taking it out on the jobbers at Raw until Bragging Rights where he finally gets the chance to take the frustration out on smackown stars etc....I can't think of a long term feud right now that makes sense.
punk has still so much untapped potential. easily can be main eventer. i was happy he was traded as edge was just a floater on raw. punk has a natural heel persona with his straight edge character and gets over no matter where he wrestles. he is one of my favorites and monday on raw he got a rejuvenated edge back to him. its gonna be a good run on raw i think.
I'm happy to see Punk back on RAW. I like him a lot. He'll be a good fit on the roster. I'm glad he is done with the Straightedge Society stable, it had run it's course in my opinion. However I believe he should definitely keep using his straightedge lifestyle as his gimmick, it's solid and makes a awesome heel gimmick.
He was getting a little stale on SD, and, like everyone has said, there is nothing for him to do. On Raw, he can fill Jericho and Edge's boots. Or he could become United States champion. There are so many possibilities. Oh and, it is good that he finally shaved aswell!
As posted on WZ in the last day or two...Punk has went blonde. I would think its safe to assume he didnt just do this for one house show. Never know tho- I guess.


I dont know what to think of the look as of rightnow. I'll have to wait & see it for myself tonight on RAW. Im just of the hope that- "all this" means something for Punks near future on RAW. "All this" meaning the taking out of Bourne, whatever he meant when he told Bourne: Nothing personal- its just he slapped the Anaconda Vice on him. So- now we have the blonde hair.

I sure hope it means something! It would be a shame to have this guy get lost in the RAW shuffle
Punk has to be given more of a push now... Like either face Sheamus or somebody. Sheamus is not in the title run anymore, and making either Sheamus/Punk the face probably would be a good thing to see.. Honestly, this guy is good, look at the buildup last year against Jeff Hardy, it almost makes WWE alive again... That was the best feud (JEFF Hardy and CM Punk), and yet the last thing he did was jobbing to the Big Show... Sheesh.. Good thing he is offered a spot on TEAM RAW...
I personally think Punk being traded to RAW is a good idea. However, I have a feeling he wont be seeing the Main Event scene for a while. Because of the whole Nexus angle, theres kinda no room for Punk at this moment.

That being said, I am looking forward to nice Cena vs Punk feud when the Nexus angle is over. Punk is, by far, the best heel in the wwe.
i have taken the liberty to express the potential feuds that may be upon us

8. Goldust

if you would have said to me 7-8 months ago, this is a feud let alone a match I want to see, I would have laughed. However Goldust has proven himself this year that he can mix it with the best still, these two would provide interesting matches, and the promos would have great potential, imagine punk attacking Goldust lifestyle choices for the reason he is bizarre and that these choices have impacted on Goldust failing to reach superstardom.

7. Justin Gabriel
when the nexus eventually split up, this man has a promising singles career. The best man to get him over as a legitimate singles competitor, through a few great 15 minute matches would be with cm punk.

6. John Morrison

this would be higher on my list had we not seen this feud already. Both these men have had great matches and great chemistry together, a few more PPV matches and a gimmick match between these two could bring the roof down.

5. Tyson Kidd

once again not really much of a reason to get into here other than the fact that most people in the IWC believe Kidd has enormous potential, and the one man that could help him reach his potential is the first ever straight edge champion CM Punk.

4. HHH

two of the best mic workers wwe currently has. They had a great promo on SD last year, and assuming HHH comes back as a face, these two could build on that and put on some solid matches in the process.

3. John Cena

most of us are probably praying for a Cena Heel turn, but in the event that doesn’t happen, Punk is one man Cena must have a program with. The promos would be entertaining, hell I am even sure, the quality of the match won’t be that bad.

2. Randy Orton

in my opinion this match has WM or summerslam written all over it. If the build ups done the right way that is. Imagine the viper stalking his next prayer, and telling punk his days of bantering are over, and its not long before he kicks him in the skull again. Punk could also randy is the violent natured person he is, because he doesn’t accept straight edge.

1. Daniel Bryan

A IWC dream match, these two could set the bar and raise it. Amazing potential I hope this is where Monday night raw is taking us

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