Jumping on the "Ask me questions" bandwagon


Reaper of Miracles
Since I don't usually give out my opinion on certain topics unless asked, I'll give all of you the opportunity to ask me questions. Want to know what I think about your character? Or what I think about you as an RP'er? Or what I want to see you accomplish. Or even if you want to know more about the Fed's history... I was here for the start of it all.
What do you think of the Smith character and me as an RP'er?

Where do you want Celeste to be by Kingdom Come?

To be honest I found Smith's return to be rather cliche, but once you teamed with Rush and began to really define the direction you wanted to take Smith in, as well as differing him from other heels like Holmes and Callahan, I was all into the character.

Honestly I think you've come along way since your return. You've obviously got some good ideas, but I don't think you are at the "next level" quite yet. This is your second run with the Elite X title, right? Quite the achievement.

Being a dreamer I'd love to win the Lethal Lottery and face the champion at KC. But at the moment I am invested in FGA, and I plan to use that to create something lasting down the road.
Thoughts on Dustin Hunter and my first RP?

Favorite match you've had and why?

Was that your first ever RP? I appreciate the sincere attempt. While it certainly wasn't terrible, it did leave some room for improvement. I would suggest that you put in more detail to your descriptions - a little something for the reader to ingest while transitioning through the piece.

Probably the five way dance at WZCW All Stars 2. I had loads of fun writing my RP, and I had plenty of good competition. Doc sunk his heart into Erin Toyota, and Falkon brought his A game. The match was also hilarious, and great to read.
Was that your first ever RP? I appreciate the sincere attempt. While it certainly wasn't terrible, it did leave some room for improvement. I would suggest that you put in more detail to your descriptions - a little something for the reader to ingest while transitioning through the piece.

Probably the five way dance at WZCW All Stars 2. I had loads of fun writing my RP, and I had plenty of good competition. Doc sunk his heart into Erin Toyota, and Falkon brought his A game. The match was also hilarious, and great to read.

Yeah that was my first one ever. I'll keep that in mind from now on when I do my rp's. Thanks for the honesty though.

Have you always been Celeste Crimson?
Yeah that was my first one ever. I'll keep that in mind from now on when I do my rp's. Thanks for the honesty though.

Have you always been Celeste Crimson?

Yes sir, since 2007. I had a secondary character long ago that I used at the same time as Celeste named Aurelia Molotov... I scrapped her because I didn't like her character.
Probably the five way dance at WZCW All Stars 2. I had loads of fun writing my RP, and I had plenty of good competition. Doc sunk his heart into Erin Toyota, and Falkon brought his A game. The match was also hilarious, and great to read.

I aim to please.
Rank the top 25 RPers that are currently on the roster.

It's really hard to make an objective list without being biased towards certain people, but I can give you a Top 25 list of whom I think are the most outstanding roleplayers.

Red Skull

Something like that.
Thoughts on X and me as an RPer

What made you decide to go with a female character?

Least favorite moment in the fed? (either involving you or just something you've witnessed)
Will we ever see Celeste in a marriage/relationship angle with another character in WZCW? If so who you like it to be with?

And this is probably a bit far fetched but what are your predictions on what each of these characters are doing come KC time?

Triple X
Thoughts on X and me as an RPer

What made you decide to go with a female character?

Least favorite moment in the fed? (either involving you or just something you've witnessed)

I'm really enjoying the current story line between Triple X and Holmes - mainly because I got to do something similar with Celeste years ago. It gives you an opportunity to not only be creative, but to add some serious development. I've noticed that the characters at the top of the fed are usually the one's that have the most development. It's really easy to take part in a title feud and write gripping, consistent RP's when you have allot to talk about.

As for you as an RP'er. I know you've come along way in the year since I've been back. My advice would be to keep developing X, and playing off of the material that Funkay gives you.

What made me decide to use a female character? It was mostly to be defiant. Downward Spiral and Big Ace didn't want any female wrestlers due to not wanting to deal with a women's division... and seeing how well the Vixens went over years later, I don't blame them. But having a female character was the only way I was going to join. And since I actually had pull over the forums in 2007, they relented and allowed me to do what I wanted.

The Celeste Crimson character existed before I joined the forums, so it was really easy to modify her into an E-fed character.

My least favorite moment in the fed? Probably the mentorship program - most of the ideas that I had I never got to use; and after Arashi abruptly left it left me dead in the water. If my RP's seemed really weak after that it's because I had no clue what to write.
Can you give me a run down, kind of a summary, of Celeste's career since she started in WZCW?
I think I wrote one of Arashi's matches during the mentor program. The dynamic of Arashi being a misogynist and having Celeste as his mentor was great. Did you have a big payoff in mind at the end?
Can you give me a run down, kind of a summary, of Celeste's career since she started in WZCW?

Celeste's career started in 2007. Her first feud was with AJ, whom she defeated in her debut. She teamed briefly with Aurelia Molotov - contrary to popular belief they were the first female tag team in the company - and they feuded with the first incarnation of High Society. Although her first stunt was short; she was never pinned once. Celeste and Aurelia returned for a one off in 2008 against the tag champs at the time the Devilspawns, whom they defeated via DQ.

Celeste returned in 2009 as a mercenary for hire. She was hired by Downward Spiral as an enforcer in his feud against Big Will. Steamboat Ricky would get involved and the four superstars fought until Celeste pinned Will in a tag match to end the feud. Celeste was then placed in the Eurasian Title Tournament, where she defeated Rush in the first round. She would go on to lose the next round of the Tournament, and began a feud with Rush which she would ultimately lose. She began competing in random match, facing both Blade, and then Baller in their respective debuts. Her last match was against Carmen Bratchney in a losing effort.

Celeste would appear again in 2012 and began a feud with the Apostles of Chaos. She defeated a few of the Apostles before being taken down by their leader Ty Burna. She started an alliance with then WZCW champion Steven Kurtesy, which led to her establishing a friendship with Sandy Deserts. At Kingdom Come 4, Celeste would lead team WZCW in a losing effort against the Apostles. She began a feud with ex Apostle SHIT; which she would ultimately lose. Afterwards she was placed in the Mentorship program with Arashi as her rookie - the pairing ultimately did not bear fruit. Celeste began to bounce around in random match until finding herself currently teaming with Sandy in Fairy Glitter Armageddon.

I think I wrote one of Arashi's matches during the mentor program. The dynamic of Arashi being a misogynist and having Celeste as his mentor was great. Did you have a big payoff in mind at the end?

What I originally wanted to do was have Arashi continued to be written like a chauvinistic dick, until he ultimately comes to trust Celeste due to her unconditional kindness. Because of this he would start to become something like a mama's boy in her presence. I wanted to do some comedy RP's based on this with Celeste missing her own son and thus babying Arashi. Regardless if we won the program or not, I wanted Arashi to turn heel again and cut ties with her. For the end of the feud I was ultimately planning on putting him over regardless of RP quality.

Alas, for shame, this didn't happen.
I was going to travel up to Nashville for Raw, but ended up going to Memphis over the weekend to see family. How often do they come to Bowling Green? The closest I ever go is Evansville, and thats only every other year or so.
I was going to travel up to Nashville for Raw, but ended up going to Memphis over the weekend to see family. How often do they come to Bowling Green? The closest I ever go is Evansville, and thats only every other year or so.

In the two years I lived in BG I only saw them that once. They did E-Town before, and went right to Nashville that Monday.
What are Grizzly's chances of stealing Celeste away from Holmes?

Does the carpet match the drapes?

What gold will Celeste be chasing when she's through with chasing a gold ring from Holmes?
It's really hard to make an objective list without being biased towards certain people, but I can give you a Top 25 list of whom I think are the most outstanding roleplayers.

Red Skull

Something like that.

Explain why I'm not on that list ;)

Celeste Vs. Blade. If we get a chance to feud, how would you book it?

And finally, you may have been asked this already, but if you ever decided to retire Celeste but remain in the fed, what would be your new character?
Does the Imperial Impaler actually work? Holmes' ex-wife says otherwise and she's never lied to me; I recall her saying that it should be called the Impotent Impaler...

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