Truth not being on the mania card doesn't make him any less credible, he just had nothing at the time. Everyones favorite robot scotsman drew mcintyre wasn't on mania, hell, he's not even on raw every week. Yet if talks were for him getting a title shot upcoming you guys would be going ape shit over it, and credibility wouldn't even be in question. And no one seems to care at all that adr wasn't on the otl card tonight. The "troof" is that sometimes the bigger picture for a superstar is more important than wrestlemania. If he turned heel after ec it would have been rushed. None of us know who, or when the call was made for truth to turn heel.could have been right after mania by creative, truth himself could have suggested it, maybe they made the call the day of, or right after he won the gauntlet. We don't know that. Fact of the matter is that truth is the hottest heel in wwe right now and cena needs to face the hottest heel at summerslam. (Pun intended)
You could also make the case for del rio at ss, but don't use credibility, or truth not being on mania as an argument. Truth has been a player in the two biggest wrestling... the biggest wrestling company, and the biggest... kind of big entertainment companies in the world for ten years. Adr has been in wwe for one. Credibility is non existent in todays sports entertainment world.