R Truth = John Cena

^^^^I don't believe in charity title runs. This isn't a soup kitchen, it's a business. I think giving Truth the belt is a bad business decision, unless you hot shot it to someone else. In which case, what's the point? So when someone is in a match with Truth then the commentators can spout facts "Truth is a former world champion but he sure looks in bad shape now against mid-carder number 8"
R-Truth is black, so he has no chance of reaching Cenas level!

But I dont understand all the R-Truth hate. I actually don't mind him. I would like to see him get a push, I think he deserves it. Hopefully that is forthcoming.
Wow reading these post is pretty entertaining. One person says, "don't get me wrong, some of my favorite wrestlers are black". LMBAO! are you kidding? Who cares?! The question was does R Truth = John Cena and the answer to that question is no. They both have a rap as a theme song that they did themselves. That's about where the similarities end. I actually enjoy R Truth, but he's not the greatest on the mic. He works hard in the ring and if you would've watched RAW you would see that. He had to go throught 3 matches(2 1/2) to get where he got and he beat both Dolph Ziggler and JoMo clean in the ring. Add that up to going toe to toe with the Superhero Cena, I give nothing but respect to him. We all think that he's only in the main event at ER so The Miz can get a clean win, but from what I know about the WWE, you never know what's going to happen. Do I think he deserves this spot? Eh...who am I to say he doesnt? Nobody has stepped up and everytime they try to get JoMo to the upper echelon, he shoots himself in the Fn foot. He's always there and he never gets into the backstage crap that some of the Superstars seem to get into. Why not give him a legit shot?

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