Is R-Truth The Next John Cena?

I don't think R-Truth will be close to being the next John Cena. His raps suck and it least Cena changed his up and most were pretty good at times. I think he's pushing close to 40 and you say that Batista was close to 40 when he started getting his push. Batista stands out more than Truth and I believe Truth will strictly be a midcard wrestlers for his duration in the WWE.
I really like R-Truth actually. He's entertaining out of the ring as well as in it. That being said, John Cena is a one in a million star, one of the WWE's best catches in recent years. R-Truth has had a while to prove himself as a top star and hasn't really come up anywher near as strong as Cena. R-Truth as upper mid-card seems likely. Maybe a Main Event match of 2, but no higher, he's not as good as Cena.
He'll never be as big as Cena, no chance in hell. But that's not to say that he can't be part of the main event scene and be a contender for the world title. He's doesn't cut the best promos but he's way over with the fans and we all know that the fans, many of them being screaming kids, get what they want in the WWE. Not to mention he's a half decent wrestler and has more talent than a lot of the roster. If he keeps his momentum up I could see him main eventing in a year or so, but he'll never be as big as Cena...
Who in their right mind would think that R-Truth/K-Kwick would ever be as big as Cena. His mic work is terrible. He says 'What's up' about 11 times, then says it again. He's good inside the ring, but as far as getting the kind of following that Cena has, it will never happen. It just doesn't fit in with the dynamics of the WWE. And not to be racist in the least, but I don't recall a wrestler of color EVER getting the kind of push that Cena had. Maybe Bobby Lashley, but they're so few and far between and you have to have a certain 'look' to get the kind of attention Cena has.

As far as I'm concerned, I don't see him ever competing for a World title. He's mid-card for life.
R-truth is most famous for being Pac Man Jones' tag partner. This is not a championship pedigree. R-Truth is hard to understand when he speaks sometimes as well.

I don't think he will ever be a main eventer. He could advance to a point where he's thrown into an EC match. He will hold the IC or US title in due time, but never the WHC or WWE title.

He is an exciting performer to watch. The live crowds love him. But, I don't know if putting the belt on him is the right idea. He would need a ridiculous Jeff Hardy kind of fan push.
Absolutely preposterous. R-Truth, or Ron Killings, or K-Kwik, or whatever the hell you want to call him will never under any circumstance ever be as popular as John Cena is. Ever. Clear?

He's had his chance to become a star for nearly a decade now, and the guy just isn't anywhere near John's level. Say what you will about Cena's in-ring work, but the man is the biggest star the business has had since the departures of Austin and The Rock.

I like Ron, I really do. But the chances of him becoming a star like Cena currently is are about 1 in 12 billion.

Is that because you think he's too black, whereas Cena is just the perfect shade of black for America to love? Pssshhh.. that's so racist, I can't even believe you made the subtle hints that lead me to call it out unprovokedly.

Seriously, though. I think it may be because he's "too black". He scares a lot of the white trash crowd because he's black and shiny like a hunky chocolate bar. They think he's the kind of guy who end up in prison and shank everyone. And McMahon himself has been very fond of pushing exactly 0 black wrestlers to main event status since... The Rock? Yet he can use benefit of the doubt because The Rock is half-Samoan, and isn't obviously black in terms of darkness of skin.

Cena is a nice clean white boy from rich Massachussetts. Say it all with me, now: The definitive John Cena experience: "Malibu's Most Wanted"

EDIT: Also, to that guy who said The Rock's not black; he IS black, the same way Obama is black---his father is black. "Soulman" Rocky Johnson is The Rock's father. His mother was daughter of "High Chief" Peter Maivia, Samoan.
I don't think R-Truth is the next John Cena and I don't think he needs to try to be either. He needs to just work on what he has and be his own character and make himself a big star. To me R-Trush seems like he will always be competing for the IC Title, Tag Titles, Us Titles but I really doubt he'll be main eventing. However you never know with time how things will turn out. I could maybe see him in the main even picture in the future but it would only really be brief. Something like what Kane was perhaps. I honestly can't stand R-Truth's enterance, I seriously just started to just mute it or just flick the channel for a bit. I guess the kids love it though and it works well with this whole PG environment. It may be entertaining to the kids in the crowd but viewing it on tv...its horrible. Anyway a positive thing about this guy is I think he is very good in the ring, alot better than Cena and on the Mic I think his not too bad for the minimal time he has been given on it (aside from his enterance) but needs more time to really develop that skill.
First off Cena is a copy off R-Truth when he first came as K-Kwik he use to rap to the ring wear jerseys and represents the streets. When Cena first got his lame wigger gimmick it was a direct copy off K-Kwik with the rap songs and freestyling. R-truth was better in TNA he was more used and became a world champion in his first year he was champion more than once. Is he set to be the next Cena I highly doubt it I feel the WWE will miss use him like everyone else they get. He is K-Kwik again with a new name if you ask me Cena stole his gimmick which will keep him from becoming anything big his best bet let the WWE put a video with him and timberland and promote an album thats his best bet at achieving any big stardom in WWE. CENA SUCKS

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