

Dark Match Winner
As many of you may know, R-Truth or Ron Killings is six months away from turning forty-one. I know that forty-one isn't old and many wrestlers and other athletes compete well past their forty's.
R-Truth has had a rather mediocre 2012, since feuding with John Cena in 2011 he has really done nothing. Of course there is still Kofi and the tag team titles, but we all know they are just thrown on two guys with nothing to do. Atleast that has been the case in the last few years.

Anyway, my question(s) to you are.

How many years do you think R-Truth has left?
Do you think if he isn't doing anything meaningful he will retire within the next five years.?

Would you like to see R-Truth become a World Champion before he retires?

Let me know your opinions good or bad, I want to hear them.
after no resolution from his match at Capitol Punishment and the conspiracy angle that lead to zero i say he lost his window. none of which is his fault as much as creative but regardless he has contributed to WWE a good amount to one day warrant him entry in the HoF. how many african american superstars have competed for the WWE Championship on a PPV main event? as sad as it is to have a glass half full mentality like a Knicks fan (at least we didnt get swept lol), i think he has achieved somewhat a good amount.
I think he has another five years or so. During these years, he will keep fighting, but will not go beyond that level, like Mysterio, Finlay, or Syxx pac. And not just because of not being meaningful enough; after turning 45-46, firstly age catches up, especially with the jumps and full splits that he does now, he won't be able to do them at that age. Secondly, not many would want to take a 45+ in their company, unless you have accomplished a lot already a.k.a legend (like Cena or Punk would have had at that time), which Truth hasn't. So I feel these factors will compel him into quitting what he does now, in around 5 years time. And (sadly enough) That's The Truth!
I do not see him as a world champion, I think he should retire soon. I only saying this because he has already won the nwa championship so I do not think he should even cared about the world title
I wanted R-Truth to beat Cena at Capital Punishment so badly. The dude is 40, but can go like a man half his age.

He's actually very good at playing his crazy gimmick and I loved when WWE was letting him have time to cut promos.

I'd love for him to get at least one WWE Championship or WHC run. All it takes is a little faith.

They need to put the same trust and faith in R-Truth that they put in Henry.
The WWE had their chance. Truth was HUGE over as a heel with the Little Jimmy gimmick, then that stuff with the Miz happened and for some reason they brought him back as a face and just buried him.

I didn't realize he was that old, but I haven't paid much attention to his career prior to WWE.

If they push him as a singles guy, the highest I can see him going at this point is Intercontinental Champ.
Secondly, not many would want to take a 45+ in their company, unless you have accomplished a lot already a.k.a legend (like Cena or Punk would have had at that time), which Truth hasn't.

R-Truth is a former two time NWA World Heavyweight Champion(The first African American, mind you), two time NWA World Tag Team Champion, one time TNA World Tag Team champion, one time NWA Wildside Television Champion, two time MCW Southern Heavyweight Championship, one time CSWF Heavyweight Championship, two time WWF Hardcore champion, one time WWE United States champion and is currently one half of the WWE Unified Tag Team Champions.

That's 13 title wins, you're right, R-Truth hasn't accomplished anything. :lmao:
I'm just glad R-Truth finally won a title again. I was wondering when he'd win the Tag Team Championship. I think where he is right now is fine. He had his successful heel run and while it never resulted in him winning the WWE Championship, I doubt the WWE would let him win anyway. If he does indeed have five more good years of wrestling left in him, then the furthest I see him going is with the Intercontinental Championship. A nice solid 1-2 month reign wouldn't be bad. I know the NWA World Heavyweight Championship isn't acknowledged anymore by a lot of people, including the WWE, but I still think it gives R-Truth reason to say he's won the World Championship (the oldest one) in his career. I think that's good enough. If he retires in the next five years, cool. Everyone's gotta do it sooner or later. Would I like to see him win the WWE Championship? Sure. Wouldn't it mean that he would be the first full black WWE Champion in WWE history?
Killings is really pushing 41? You wouldn't think so just looking at him. I always thought he looked ten years younger. Anyway, the guy can still definitely go in the ring and he's not too shabby on the mic. He's a lot better than people give him credit for. I don't know if he'll ever win the world title but I can definitely see him making sporadic appearances in the main event scene while spending most of his time in the mid to upper midcard. I do hope for another heel turn at some point in the future even though he's very over as a face. I really enjoyed his psychotic heel character he was rocking during the latter half of 2011 and I thought he gave his best work as a heel. I can see Truth going for at least another five years. It would be nice to see him become WWE Champion in that timeframe but I don't really see him realistically winning anything above the IC/US title.
Let me tell you guys in your 30's you start to notice things you could do in your 20's with no problem become more difficult to do. The fact that Ron Killings can do what he can do in the ring is proof that he's an amazing athlete.

It's a shame he never got the world title in the WWE. I doubt they're ever going to give him it. But he doesn't need it either. He's held the more prestigious NWA world title. His biggest problem was his promo work up until he started doing the "Little Jimmy" thing as a heel.

I'd like to see him face JoMo a few more times.
If Jeff Hardy could win the WWE strap, so can R-Truth. It's really as simple as that. The only difference between the two (as far as believability goes) is that Jeff was pushed like crazy and R-Truth wasn't pushed as hard. During his crazy heel period, I could believe that he could find a way to defeat Cena in a match. And a lot of people were behind the idea at the time but they chose to keep him as just a filler obstacle for Cena to overcome at the time.

It was probably for the best as Cena didn't need to lose steam during the long Rock/Cena feud. But nevertheless, Truth was still not given the type of push that is necessary to become WWE champion after that mini-feud with Cena.

I think about 3-5 years max... And if he isn't doing anything meaningful, then put him another role, r truth is good on tv heel or face

In Pro wrestling, not everyone becomes world champion in their career... But r truth does deserve SOME title run... Give him a meaningful mid card run or two if not one of the main titles that's the least he deserves for his services I think...us or ic championship maybe?
He's probably got a few years left and I've been a Killings fan, but I have no desire to see him as a World Champion unless his character undergoes some changes. At this point, the Little Jimmy thing has run it's course. He doesn't really even act like he's crazy anymore, with the only real acknowledgement being scattered remarks on commentary.
It's hard to say how many years Truth has left. If he spends the rest of his career with WWE then I'd estimate he will still be around 5-10 years from now. He seems to be in good condition and the fans like his current persona. Had he stuck to the WHAT'S UP rapper then he would surely be future endeavoured already. Without another world title push, he might or might not retire within the next five years. Air Truth are getting to be a rather entertaining team though, so hopefully he will stick around for a good while to be a part of that.

Truth has already held a world title, over in TNA, but this isn't TNA and that was over 8 years ago. The roster is filled with bigger stars. Plus it wasn't in a WWE-owned federation, therefore it doesn't count as far as WWE is concerned. I always thought that was part of why Truth has not held either the WWE or World Heavyweight Championships yet. Vince hates it when someone wins their first world title elsewhere. If he were ever to win a world title in WWE, it would have happened last year. He got his chance though at Capitol Punishment, and did not deliver. His Little Jimmy antics are hilarious, but it did not help him look like a threat to the title. The man is a joke, but at least he's funny. I would want them to keep him around for the entertainment and comedy, but I do not want this character holding any world titles. You need to be believable as a champion and Truth just isn't.
Truth has already held a world title, over in TNA, but this isn't TNA and that was over 8 years ago. The roster is filled with bigger stars. Plus it wasn't in a WWE-owned federation, therefore it doesn't count as far as WWE is concerned.

By this logic, a lot of Flair's championship reigns do not count.

If you win a championship, then you should be acknowledged as a former champion. It doesn't matter where they won it, what championship, how they won it and how long ago.

Being the first African American NWA World Heavyweight Champion is pretty big for it not to count in my opinion.

Also, one thing I hated that pissed me off was when The Awesome Truth angle ended. They had an amazing and believable presence together, they made it seem like they were used to being ruthless. It's a shame that Truth had to mess it up.

I thought the rule was that if a superstar was involved in a major storyline, they would let the story run it's course and then suspend them, instead they have Miz turn on Truth and announce that Truth was suspended.

I'm pretty sure this ruined most of his credibility, but then again, he is one half of the current tag team champs. Either he's gotten back on someone's good side or maybe his merchandise is selling well.

All in all, I hope he has a decent run with one of the main championships before he retires.
The guy's been in the WWE for about four years and I haven't cared about anything he has ever done. I can't remember a great or even memorable match the guy had. I admit I chuckled at a few of his heel antics earlier last year but now I'm at the point where I just don't care. I won't be furious if he wins a title. I won't be angry if he doesn't win one. I won't shed a tear if he gets released. He probably has a couple of years left at the midcard level amusing all the Little Jimmies.

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