R-Truth - WWE Championship Material??

Zack Ryder Woo³;3153263 said:
Simply put, no. I do not know what the creative staff are thinking here, there are plenty of other superstars who deserve this push more than R-Truth. He has a select move-set, he's crap on the mic and is not over with the crowd. Also he is getting old (39) so he won't be around for years to come. On the other hand Zack Ryder has potential, he is good on the mic, has a vast move-set and is way over with the crowd. Give him a push already god dammit! :banghead:
Even Vladimir Kozlov gets a greater crowd reaction than R-Truth! I hope this push ends soon after his match with Cena, I can't stand him. He should be future endeavored and sent back to TN... Impact Wrestling where he belongs. :)

LMFAO Your either drunk or a little kid who doesn't know what he's talking about. I mean seriously YOU HAVE NO CLUE!!! Do you even know what getting over with the crowd means? He's the most over heel other then CM Punk. He's way way way more entertaining on the mic then the Miz and by far more entertaining then Kozlov. You know what im done, no point in arguing with someone as clueless as you.
I agree with dude above. Just because R truth isnt your generic spikey haired white dude he isnt championship material screw that he is obviously getting pushed because he knows what he's doing in the ring and he's in great shape. and he's hung around forever in the industry its about time he gets taken seriously and i hope that he wins the title at CP even if its just for one night but i hope its for a couple of months... and people saying he has no mic skills!? he gets every reaction he wants including laughter. You hear the crowd cracking up when he does the little jimmy thing. Im not saying he's legendary but he deserves more respect unlike these young and obviously still green guys that everyone wants pushed....
I will keep on saying this until it stops being true, R-Truth is the best thing about Raw at the moment and has been for a few weeks. He's cut some fantastic promos. He's just so entertaining and so different. It's something I'd never thought I'd say about R-Truth, but it's true.

But, there's a difference between being entertaining to me, and being WWE Championship material. BUT NOT IN THIS CASE! Amazing swerve, right there... I'd love to see him become WWE Champion. He'd be different to any world champion in recent memory in the sense that he's not serious and "all business". He can work a match, but more so, he can work a feud. Given time, this Cena/Truth feud could be the rivalry of the year.
This current angle has done something I never thought possible, made me somewhat interested in Truth. I wouldn't go as far as saying he should be champion, but I certainly don't mind him having a brief feud with Cena.
Zack Ryder Woo³;3156916 said:
Tool? I don't have a clue? It's called personal opinion, you can't fault anyone just because of that, ITS MY OPINION. It doesn't mean i don't have 'NO CLUE!!!'. In my OPINION The Miz is better on the mic and more over with the crowd. Hence when he does his 'really' thing they react! The E' have R-Truth come out to no music for added effect, you have to take all things into consideration.

YES I DO KNOW WHAT GETTING A REACTION MEANS! Getting a reaction from the crowd which you desired to get beforehand.

I'm sorry but you have actually really pissed me the fuck off. 'LMFAO Your either drunk or a little kid'? Its my fucking opinion. What have you even contributed to this discussion?
All you have said is that he is better than kozlov. I'm not going to say anything more on your, going to go back to the discussion of wrestling with the rest of the forum.

Last comment, YOU ARE A TOOL. WWWYKI

Good God that is the epitome of being a Tool right there.

But anyhoo... R.Truth is more than worthy of a title run with his current gimmick, its interesting, gets a reaction, and best of all- he knows how to use his abilities to enhance it. Good fo' Truf.
While R-Truth is doing a great job right now in the spot he's in, it's very likely that he is just a temporary opponent for Cena while WWE works out certain kinks. Maybe somewhere further down the road, but at this current point of time, this is the closest R-Truth is going to get to the WWE championship. He's not going to win. While his heel turn has been done very well, Vince won't want him champion, there are other heels in line behind him that have more backing in the company. I have a hard time believing that R-Truth has "paid his dues" in the eyes of the company.

So no. He's not WWE championship material at this moment in time. But stranger things have happened I suppose.
Zack Ryder Woo³;3156916 said:
Tool? I don't have a clue? It's called personal opinion, you can't fault anyone just because of that, ITS MY OPINION. It doesn't mean i don't have 'NO CLUE!!!'. In my OPINION The Miz is better on the mic and more over with the crowd. Hence when he does his 'really' thing they react! The E' have R-Truth come out to no music for added effect, you have to take all things into consideration.

Your opinion doesn't match up to fact. Truth gets enormous heat every single week on Raw. Every week. The guy is over. So unless your deaf, plugging up your ears, or some sort of racist there is no denying Truth is over with the crowd. That's not an opinion, that's fact. "No music" is added effect? What about when Miz is cutting a promo without music, is his crowd reaction for added effect too? You are a tool.

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