R-Truth - WWE Championship Material??

I don't know what wrestling program Nate watches, but my opinion of R-Truth is the exact opposite of what he said. It's not his wrestling ability that's lacking, I think he's alright in the ring (for an athlete that smokes). His mic ability is just down-right awful. But really, they didn't devote much of the program for his promos before, so there is no wonder he sucks at it.

I don't necessarily think the WWE title is out of the picture for him right now, but as of now he's not even second in line. He'd have to win a MITB match or something like that and then stalk the champ for a while. Like how the Miz did it.
Not yet, he needs a couple signature feuds, where he can come out on top but I like where he is going, it's a realistic character and I like how he's blaming the "man" in a round about way.
Not even remotely close.
2nd Tier champ barely, and compete for once in a blue moon yes, but champ no.
He's never had the right stuff and that's The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing for R-Truth

Shoulda gotten the Future Endeavors along time ago.
Are you out of your freaking mind to think that Vince would let a former two TNA NWA World Champion near a WWE championship belt? That would be validating a former TNA champ as being as good as or better than WWE wrestlers (excuse me - entertainers, but that's a whole 'nother rant about the fact that Vince has always hated wrestling)
Because thay are few of the ones that can make it big with the age they have.

But they can't. They made it big, when they were young.

You may say The Rock could still go at it with the best, but realistically, he's an older guy now and the first thing you have to think about there is injury. A 40-year-old body and a 20-year-old body have some massive physical differences, no matter who you are. That's why older guys rarely begin in the business at an older age. They may age within the business but unless somebody important sees something special in them, they definitely do not begin in the business at 40 years old. Batista may be one of the few who goes against that rule, but I personally don't think he had anything that the much younger guys of today have. He couldn't talk, he could barely wrestle - he was just obnoxiously big. Stone me, but I think Mason Ryan is a more healthy looking specimen - giant veins don't make me think you're stronger, just weirder.

As far as Chris Jericho goes, he was great back in the day and although he is now a shadow of his former self, he is still a great wrestler. But, again, he's 40 now and I can't say that I'd ever want him to drag out his career as long as Ric Flair. Wrestling fans don't seem to get that The Rock and Jericho and others like them have been out doing their own things so that they had a way to make a living when they got too old. Yet, somehow, we still say they could make it in the business and they'd be great. Asking them to come back is asking them to put their lives on the line in many cases. Look at Undertaker; he's so unfortunately decrepit at this point in his life that he is going to wrestle twice in two years - that makes me feel guilty as a wrestling fan for being part of the reason he stayed around so long. That said, Chris' strengths lie in his wrestling and mic work but, like Shawn Michaels before him, he doesn't sell merchandise or make the ratings to be the face of a company. I wish he had been able to at some point, but Chris was always an upper mid-carder who was given the chance to main event. He had great matches, but never made the money or ratings that others in his position were able to.

So if you're going to compare R-Truth to Chris Jericho, especially, then you have to understand that Chris was once in the same position that Ron Killings is now. I will be the last one to say that Killings would be a good WWE Champion, but he should be given a chance to play with the big boys - win or lose.

Are you telling me that someone like Truth could be a believable threat to HHH like Batista was?

Shelton Benjamin was a threat to Triple H at one point, and he's tiny compared to Truth. Randy Orton has been a threat to Triple H for years and I would say his size is similar to Truth's. You need to understand that huge guys aren't the only people who can be threatening. You can make up for a size disadvantage by having the agility-factor like Benjamin did, or like Mysterio has with guys bigger that Triple H. There's also the cowardly heel option, which Orton pulled a lot. Orton didn't need size to beat Triple H when he did - he was sadistic and used his environment to wear Hunter down to the point that size was no longer an issue.

Batista was pushed because he was a beast, not because of his gorgeous smile
You're missing my point. Batista got a job and got over based on his size, yes. But, what I'm saying is, if he was truly good enough but was packaged in a different-sized body, the WWE would have found other ways to get him over. If he was the same size as Orton but was impeccable in every other category to the point where he could be someone who could be the next face of the company, it would have happened. You can't say that if someone doesn't have one particular aspect that they will never get over - they just find other ways.

R-Truth didn't accomplish anything worthy to be even in the upper card!
Neither have a lot of people. What did Sheamus accomplish before becoming WWE Champion? Zilch. But he was one of the best top champions in a long time. Don't knock it before you try it.

16 year old portuguese asshole.
There's no need for name calling. There is just a certain sentence structure I think you should learn before you post on a predominantly English message board.

Ya right, because in a real match you can attack from behind and stuff!!
I don't think he is going to be world champion without having a great win!!
And he was TNA, so do you really think he will be champion??
1) Do you know what kayfabe is?

2) I don't want him to be a World Champion, but you have to understand that a "great win", whatever that is, is the last thing you need to be a top champion. See my example of Sheamus; the guy did absolutely nothing but squash guys on ECW and then came to RAW to win a battle royal and a table match for the title.

He did not have any great win previous to that and ended up being one of the better WWE Champions since 2005. Why? Because he was a fresh face and a good rival for Cena, the guy he beat. Just because you haven't been on the scene forever, doesn't mean you might not make a good champion. I'm not saying R-Truth is the guy to do that, but condemning him for "lack of great matches" is condemning anybody else who doesn't fit the criteria.

3) Name me any other guy (sans Christian - WWE had no faith in him to begin with) who has come back from TNA to WWE in recent years and became a jobber. Better yet, name a TNA original that came to WWE and was treated poorly - Chris Harris always sucked and Low Ki had a bad attitude (as a cruiserweight, thinking you're going to get over the instant you win a silly faux-reality show is not a good state of mind to come in with).

If Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe of yesteryear or AJ Styles came to WWE, they would certainly be treated like gold. They may not become world champions in WWE (again, in Angle's case) but I can't see them as not working in the Main Event pretty often - although I think Kurt should retire. Hell, Joe could be a male Kharma and would probably be an incredible main eventer - like Umaga with the ability to speak English.
For people who don't watch anything but WWE. Ron Killings is a ME player, probably even more so than The Miz or ADR. Truth has been there before as the top man in a promotion, even though it was NWA-TNA.

Truth has the in ring skills, Truth has the mic skills, hell Truth has the crowd behind him ALWAYS.

With this current gimmick they should move him to SD! and have him in the Title scene with Christian and RKO. Reasons being is that ADR, Miz and Cena wil rotate in and out of the RAW title picture. SD! only has Sheamus and Mark Henry as top heels now, so Truth could make a impact on the WHC scene.

Knowing how WWE works, they are going to slow build him up all year, h might win he US title again ad w will s from there if WWE will push him to ME status.
He just needs to work on his new heel persona and beat some top guys to make him credible for the world title picture. If he somehow beats Mysterio, he will probably be seen as a main event guy in my eyes. Also work on his move set, since he turned heel, he can create a new moveset. For example, the move where he jumps over his opponent from the turnbuckle and does the hand stand, he cant do that anymore. Also change his finisher that makes him look more brutal and evolve his gimmick a bit more and i could see him going for world titles.

His age does not matter IMO, he is in shape, i thought he was in his twenties when i first saw him. Also, plenty of guys older than him won titles like Undertaker.
I heavily dislike R-Truth. He annoy's me and I really do not think that he is championship material. I hope WWE does not give him the title when there is much better talent around there. His mic skills suck and he isn't good at selling his persona. A big title on him would be a waste just like when he had the United States championship.
But they can't. They made it big, when they were young.

That's precisely my point, R-Truth can't be better than any of those ones, because they were build day by day, week after week...

You may say The Rock could still go at it with the best, but realistically, he's an older guy now and the first thing you have to think about there is injury. A 40-year-old body and a 20-year-old body have some massive physical differences, no matter who you are. That's why older guys rarely begin in the business at an older age. They may age within the business but unless somebody important sees something special in them, they definitely do not begin in the business at 40 years old. Batista may be one of the few who goes against that rule, but I personally don't think he had anything that the much younger guys of today have. He couldn't talk, he could barely wrestle - he was just obnoxiously big. Stone me, but I think Mason Ryan is a more healthy looking specimen - giant veins don't make me think you're stronger, just weirder.

Look Truth his older than The Rock, and he still competes...
I think its very hard to give someone with his age a push that in my point he doesn't deserve...
Since he is part of the WWE he went from a good mid-carder (Drew McIntyre vs Truth) to a jobber in Superstars, to a Pro in NXT and suddenly he just destroyed the likes of Wade Barret, Jack Swagger, Zack Ryder, Alberto Del Rio, Sheamus etc...

Evolution was the most dominant force back in the days, they give us the idea that only a monster could stop him, and Batista was the only one capable of...

As far as Chris Jericho goes, he was great back in the day and although he is now a shadow of his former self, he is still a great wrestler. But, again, he's 40 now and I can't say that I'd ever want him to drag out his career as long as Ric Flair. Wrestling fans don't seem to get that The Rock and Jericho and others like them have been out doing their own things so that they had a way to make a living when they got too old. Yet, somehow, we still say they could make it in the business and they'd be great. Asking them to come back is asking them to put their lives on the line in many cases. Look at Undertaker; he's so unfortunately decrepit at this point in his life that he is going to wrestle twice in two years - that makes me feel guilty as a wrestling fan for being part of the reason he stayed around so long. That said, Chris' strengths lie in his wrestling and mic work but, like Shawn Michaels before him, he doesn't sell merchandise or make the ratings to be the face of a company. I wish he had been able to at some point, but Chris was always an upper mid-carder who was given the chance to main event. He had great matches, but never made the money or ratings that others in his position were able to.

Are you really saying that Y2J was bad for business?
The first Undisputed WWE Champion didnt sell merchandise? I can bet eith you that in the lowest years of Y2J career he could sell more merch that truth in his all career.

I'm sorry but I dont really agree with that, because it is false!!
Do you have any idea on how big Chris Jericho fans are?
They are like millions, one of the best performers, one of the best guys in the mic section, he is like CM Punk now but he had a little bit more charisma!!

It isnt even fair to compare Truth to Jericho, is a slap in Y2J face!!

So if you're going to compare R-Truth to Chris Jericho, especially, then you have to understand that Chris was once in the same position that Ron Killings is now. I will be the last one to say that Killings would be a good WWE Champion, but he should be given a chance to play with the big boys - win or lose.

Yes he was, when he was in his 20's years, not in his 40's

Shelton Benjamin was a threat to Triple H at one point, and he's tiny compared to Truth. Randy Orton has been a threat to Triple H for years and I would say his size is similar to Truth's. You need to understand that huge guys aren't the only people who can be threatening. You can make up for a size disadvantage by having the agility-factor like Benjamin did, or like Mysterio has with guys bigger that Triple H. There's also the cowardly heel option, which Orton pulled a lot. Orton didn't need size to beat Triple H when he did - he was sadistic and used his environment to wear Hunter down to the point that size was no longer an issue.

He was such a threat, that look at him now...

Neither have a lot of people. What did Sheamus accomplish before becoming WWE Champion? Zilch. But he was one of the best top champions in a long time. Don't knock it before you try it.

One of the best top champions? Sheamus?? He wasnt nothing more than a "normal" boring champion and after that just a stupid champion that lost right after that against Orton.
There's no need for name calling. There is just a certain sentence structure I think you should learn before you post on a predominantly English message board.

For a 16 year old guy, i think I am average at least, and as far as i see, you understood everything i said...
1) Do you know what kayfabe is?

2) I don't want him to be a World Champion, but you have to understand that a "great win", whatever that is, is the last thing you need to be a top champion. See my example of Sheamus; the guy did absolutely nothing but squash guys on ECW and then came to RAW to win a battle royal and a table match for the title.

He did not have any great win previous to that and ended up being one of the better WWE Champions since 2005. Why? Because he was a fresh face and a good rival for Cena, the guy he beat. Just because you haven't been on the scene forever, doesn't mean you might not make a good champion. I'm not saying R-Truth is the guy to do that, but condemning him for "lack of great matches" is condemning anybody else who doesn't fit the criteria.

3) Name me any other guy (sans Christian - WWE had no faith in him to begin with) who has come back from TNA to WWE in recent years and became a jobber. Better yet, name a TNA original that came to WWE and was treated poorly - Chris Harris always sucked and Low Ki had a bad attitude (as a cruiserweight, thinking you're going to get over the instant you win a silly faux-reality show is not a good state of mind to come in with).

If Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe of yesteryear or AJ Styles came to WWE, they would certainly be treated like gold. They may not become world champions in WWE (again, in Angle's case) but I can't see them as not working in the Main Event pretty often - although I think Kurt should retire. Hell, Joe could be a male Kharma and would probably be an incredible main eventer - like Umaga with the ability to speak English.

1) Yes, pretty sure that even with Kayfabe the only way he could win a championship is with a match or Money in The Bank!!

2) You are out of your mind, Sheamus was the best champion since 2005?
So The Miz was probably the best champion since 2000!!
Sheamus was nowhere near Randy Orton reigns, Batista, Edge and Cena!!
If you argue with that you can make a poll!!!

3) LOL since i had to take out almost everyone, i cant see really nobody!! That just proves that WWE is so much bigger than TNA,
If Trent Barreta signs with TNA he could probably be World Champion, a year after that!!

AJ Styles had already been in the WWE, and guess what he was released!!
Dont even try to compare the likes of AJ Styles to the likes of John Morrison (that is a mid-card)

And to finish that argue, i just want to say that if WWE puts their most important strap to R-Truth while he is on RAW, I think he will spit in a lot of guys in the face!!
Rowdy Roddy Pipper is so much better than Truth on the mic, really like, no comparison and he has never been a world champion!!

The day that R-Truth wins the strap, is the day that WWE will die!!
I heavily dislike R-Truth. He annoy's me and I really do not think that he is championship material. I hope WWE does not give him the title when there is much better talent around there. His mic skills suck and he isn't good at selling his persona. A big title on him would be a waste just like when he had the United States championship.
Rtruth is better in ring talent and on the mic than anyone on RAW roster. Hes even in better shape than the younger guys. HES BEEN THE ONLY GOOD THING ON RAW . Their ratings have been horrible because of Cena vs Miz LAWLER VS COLE bullshit. WWE NEEDS A BLACK CHAMPION. Its about time. Theyve screwed black talent over and over for years and he does deserve that title. They misused him for 3 years. Randy Orton isnt that good imo. Cant think of any good match hes ever had. Hes boring as hell.

Cmpink with his Nexus bullshit is boring as hell. Jack Swagger won the title for fucks sake he isnt that good or entertaining either. He won the belt a little to quick without having to work for it. See how awful fan favorites look when theyre buried? Rtruth has paid his dues for over 10 years. How dare you come on here saying some bullshit like he doesnt deserve a title. Who on Raw is better than Rtruth at this moment? Hes gets the most heat out of anyone since his heel turn. No black talent has ever won the WWE title. IM TALKING ABOUT THE BELT ON RAW AN DONT SAY THE ROCK COZ HE AINT FULLY BLACK. WHY IS THAT? Why hasnt any black wrestler ever won a world championship at ANY WRESTLEMANIA? Dont even get me started on WWE and their ways. Theyre probably scared those talents will outshine the rest of that weak ass roster. The way i see it they just dont want anyone black representing their company or THE REAL WWE WORLD TITLE.
R Truth is an awesome heel. They should put the title on him, for the people who think hes too old and its too late, JBL got the title about the same age as Truth is right now, and JBL had a great career, so I for one want to see it happen.
That's precisely my point, R-Truth can't be better than any of those ones, because they were build day by day, week after week.

I'm not disagreeing with you and never was. I'm siply trying to say that the original poster you were quoting was obviously not comparing R-Truth to The Rock or Chris Jericho on a basis of talent. You're clearly misunderstanding.

Look Truth his older than The Rock, and he still competes...

The Rock is actually older. But I digress. I'm simply trying to say that Truth is just as old as the two of them and that's the main reason why I don't think that he could be the face of the company, nor could the other two anymore. However, if he's going to stay around for a couple years, he might as well be used and not chucked away into nothingness. He's a talented and athletic performer in his own right and doesn't deserve a comparison to the greats such as The Rock or Jericho.

I think its very hard to give someone with his age a push that in my point he doesn't deserve.

Then who deserves it? He's not being handed the title and probably never will. But he's getting a good feud opportunity. Everybody needs to be part of a program as far as I'm concerned. I would prefer Ziggler or Punk to be at the top of the card, but right below them or if they are out of the question, R-Truth is the next most interesting character right now - as far as heels go. Drew McIntyre is bland. Jack Swagger is bland with a lisp. Mason Ryan is too green. That's basically everybody on the RAW roster who is of any interest to anyone.

Since he is part of the WWE he went from a good mid-carder (Drew McIntyre vs Truth) to a jobber in Superstars, to a Pro in NXT and suddenly he just destroyed the likes of Wade Barret, Jack Swagger, Zack Ryder, Alberto Del Rio, Sheamus etc...

You seriously just said Zack Ryder? Zack Ryder should never be put on that list. Ever. I love the broski and all but how can you say R-Truth pummelling him into nothing is a surprise?

Evolution was the most dominant force back in the days, they give us the idea that only a monster could stop him, and Batista was the only one capable of.

Dude. When Evolution was still in full-swing Triple H lost to a bunch of people. Chris Benoit, Shelton Benjamin and hell, probably even Maven. Batista wasn't the only guy that could beat him, he was just more believable in beating him - that doesn't mean that he was the only one who could, those are hugely different things.

Are you really saying that Y2J was bad for business?

From a money-making and rating-driven standpoint, yes. In a long-term situation, Chris Jericho is only going to be loved by the IWC. If he's a face, the general viewing public is uninterested in him. If he's a hell, children hate him and the IWC loves him. However, he's not somebody who could ever have been the face of the company.

The first Undisputed WWE Champion didnt sell merchandise?

Certainly not as much as some people. Everybody sells the merchandise that's offered, to a point - otherwise it wouldn't be offered. However, it's the guys that sell out constantly (barring Zack Ryder, obviously) who are the go-to guys for ruling the top of the card.

I can bet eith you that in the lowest years of Y2J career he could sell more merch that truth in his all career.

Point out where I said anything otherwise. I'm simply trying to point out that Jericho, while he is my absolute favourite wrestling personality of all time, is not the golden god he's made out to be. He had a pretty average career as far as top accolades go, before 2008. In fact, he had a vastly two-dimensional character for the 3 years between being at the top and his first leave of absence in 2005. It only started to get better as he was leaving and once he came back. Jericho is the best wrestler in the world but not a great draw.

To put that in perspective, my two other favourite wrestlers are Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton. Want to hear a fun fact? Every title reign either of them ever had was a ratings disaster too. Why do you think that both of their World Title reigns (in 2002 and 2004, respectively) were only a month long? Because the ratings went to hell when Orton and Michaels were given the ball.

Hell, Orton's title reign in 2004 was my favourite ever for a long time. But at least I can say it was a disaster. He wasn't ready, and neither was Jericho until about 2005.

I'm sorry but I dont really agree with that, because it is false!!

I'm sorry, but you're wrong. The great Undisputed Champion reign you're trying to use as proof never existed. Please, rid yourself of your age and go watch Jericho's "incredible" reign as Undisputed champion. He was given the ball and fumbled. He was an inconsistent performer at that time and I can certainly attribute that to the pressure of being a young guy on top, so it's not entirely his fault - but it remains true that he wasn't the greatest champion ever. I love Chris, but I'm not going to sugarcoat his career to make it sound better.

Do you have any idea on how big Chris Jericho fans are?

I assume you mean loyal, and/or widespread. Do you have any idea how loyal a true fan of any wrestler is? Yoshi Tatsu fans are probably huge in numbers and loyalty. That doesn't make Tatsu a Hogan-esque drawing machine. Just a guy with fans.

It isnt even fair to compare Truth to Jericho, is a slap in Y2J face!!
I SAID THAT. It is not fair to compare them in terms of anything but age, which is exactly what I said to you to begin this conversation. Go back and read, junior.

He was such a threat, that look at him now...
I'm not trying to be mean, but here's (what is, hopefully) a helpful lesson in English. If you're going to quote something where I refer to two separate people as being threats to Triple H, don't say "he" in your reply and not mention who "he" is. I can't even reply to that without knowing if you're talking about Shelton or Orton.

One of the best top champions? Sheamus?? He wasnt nothing more than a "normal" boring champion and after that just a stupid champion that lost right after that against Orton.

As a big Orton fan, it doesn't hurt me to say that a lot of his title reigns were really bland and counter-productive - of his 6 WWE Championships, I would say 2 were good and 4 were...okay. Everyone knows how Cena's title reigns go over - like white rice. The only other people who held it other than Cena and Orton in the 5 years before Sheamus were RVD, Triple H, Edge, Hardy and Batista. Triple H shouldn't be holding the top title anymore. Edge was half-decent but getting overplayed. Hardy had an alright title reign, but it was lacklustre for something that took so long to be achieved. And, finally, Batista was old news by then. He was cool for a bit in 2005 & 2006 but there are more interesting guys now. Van Dam was the only truly great champion of the bunch and he managed to screw that one up for himself.

Between Wrestlemania 21 and December 2009, there were 9 guys who held the title other than Sheamus. Of the 9, 3 of them were pretty good champions and the other 6 were never all that incredible, to me. Sheamus brought something new to the table and was refreshing in a climate where 66% of the last 20 reigns were garbage. Nobody thought he was going to win and suddenly there he was, towering over Cena as the new champion. He had a good reign too, as far as looking like a strong champion went. He wasn't too much of a monster and wasn't a huge coward either. He was a really good heel champion. Only the first time though. The second time he was just fodder for Orton and a way to get the title off Cena and put some more heat on Nexus.

1) Yes, pretty sure that even with Kayfabe the only way he could win a championship is with a match or Money in The Bank!!

You misunderstand. I'm just trying to say that the context in which you can "attack someone from behind" is one where you have to suspend your disbelief and understand that anything can happen. All I'm trying to say is that we've seen that R-Truth has the capacity to be threatening. Plus, he's a heel so he's going to do the dirty thing when he can. If he was a face and attacking people from behind then I might agree with you. But heels are smart and take opportunities when they see them and that's a big part of what makes them a perceivable threat.

2) You are out of your mind, Sheamus was the best champion since 2005?
So The Miz was probably the best champion since 2000!!

Sheamus was the best all-around champion as far as being an interesting person to have the title since Van Dam in 2006 and I stand by that. Hardy was an IWC dream, but Van Dam was much more redeeming.

But Miz being the best since 2000 is a stretch, don't go putting words in my mouth. The Miz was really good, and probably better than Sheamus, all things considered, but in the 11 years between 2000 and now literally every top guy and all the best champions held that title. There is no way Miz would even be in the Top 5, perhaps not the Top 10. Since 2005 though, Miz is probably Number 1 or 2, with RVD and Sheamus being right up there. John Cena's original reign is probably the only one that can touch those, simply because (even as someone who's not partial to John) it was a moment that was given the perfect amount of time and capitalized on perfectly.

Sheamus was nowhere near Randy Orton reigns, Batista, Edge and Cena!!
If you argue with that you can make a poll!!!

What is a poll going to do? I have my opinions and I've clearly backed them up above. What other people think doesn't make me less right in my own eyes or wrong for having an opinion.

Now, you tell me why Orton, Batista, Edge or Cena had really good, interesting reigns and I might be able to make some agreements. Remember though, this is strictly WWE title. I can think of some reigns between 2005 and 2009 that were great over on the World Title side of things.

3) LOL since i had to take out almost everyone, i cant see really nobody!! That just proves that WWE is so much bigger than TNA,
If Trent Barreta signs with TNA he could probably be World Champion, a year after that!!

You're turning my question around. You say R-Truth can't make it to the top because he came from TNA, but who do you have to base that on? WWE isn't as prejudice as you claim. The only guy who ever left and came back actually won the World Title. R-Truth could at least get a top feud, by that logic.

As far as TNA's policy on giving the title to anyone with experience in WWE, I have nothing to say on that. TNA is not a viable wrestling company as far as I'm concerned.

AJ Styles had already been in the WWE, and guess what he was released!!

He worked a Velocity match with Hurricane before he was even a part of TNA, or should I say, was TNA. Styles is a top draw in ways similar to CM Punk and could absolutely be turned into something now. The way you've structured this is the same as saying CM Punk should never have been World Champion because in 2001 he had a bad match with Cabana in IWA: Mid-South. It's neither here nor there what Styles or anyone else was doing ten years ago, it matters what they've done since then and are doing now.

Look up Terra Ryzing - he's a 13 time world champion, you know. But I mean, since he never made it in WCW, he must suck.

Dont even try to compare the likes of AJ Styles to the likes of John Morrison (that is a mid-card)

Me comparing them is a mid-card? Okay...Seriously though, who is the person who's too good for that comparison? Their both pretty piss poor on the mic but excellent athletes. It's almost as if you're saying that unless you're born into the main event, you don't deserve to be there. If so, Styles wasn't born in and neither was anybody who's ever main evented. They all had to pay their dues in the mid-card too.

And to finish that argue, i just want to say that if WWE puts their most important strap to R-Truth while he is on RAW, I think he will spit in a lot of guys in the face!!
Rowdy Roddy Pipper is so much better than Truth on the mic, really like, no comparison and he has never been a world champion!!

My dear lord, please point out where I ever said that R-Truth deserves to be champion? I firmly feel he would make a horrible champion. I do have faith in his abilities as a passing main-eventer and decent selection as a heel opponent for Cena for a couple months. But to win? Never.

Piper is neither here nor there. They dropped the ball, but that was almost 30 years ago. No matter how sad it is that it didn't happen, that doesn't change that it won't in the future either.

The day that R-Truth wins the strap, is the day that WWE will die!!

Just a little harsh.
Is R-Truth wwe championship material. My answer to that is YES HE IS. He was in TNA NWA and he can definetly be now. I mean think about it, name another heel that gets the amount of heat Truth gets. He impresses me with the mic week by week and if you ask me he's not half bad in the ring either. At first i thought WWE would have dropped the ball with his heel turn a long time ago but there doing a excelent job with him. I can definetly see him with the strap around his shoulder no doubt. If you ask me he's already a better and more entertaining champion then The Miz or ADR. They pretty say the same shit every week. (ITS MY DESTENY, IM AWSOME, MY NAME IS ALBERTO DEL RIOOOOOOOOOO, BUT YOU ALREADY KNOW THAT) Truth mixes it up.

Well im happy R-truth is getting a chance I didn't like him at first because his face character was getting whack. But now he's showed he's main event worthy. Which leads me to my next point yes he is championship material he's held the world title on tna and did good so he can do it in wwe
My honest answer is... maybe. Lame, I know, but I'm still not sure how to evaluate Truth's turn yet. The man is very inconsistent when it comes to promos, but when they're good, they're pretty entertaining ("I'm a good R-Truth!"). I haven't really seen much of his ring-work as a heel, but his match with Rey at Over the Limit was pretty good. He certainly has momentum, and seems like a heat-magnet right now. Give him a program with Cena, see how the crowd reacts. This is probably Truth's make-or-break program as far as main-eventing in WWE goes. If he can settle his mic work into a consistent effort, he might deserve a run soon enough. If not, he can still work on putting people over; that's more valuable than anything else.
I think he just might be underrated. He did well in TNA and I think he could do a decent heel turn with WWE. The best person to feud with Cena right now would be CM Punk and his Nexus. I wouldn't mind seeing Truth become champion. On the Raw roster, he wouldn't be my first choice, that would be Punk. As well, he doesn't really need it if he has an opportunity to face the top echelon performers like a John Cena, Orton etc. I think if he can deliver decent performances with Cena and the top faces that might do wonders for him. The main event is stale and Cena needs worthy performers to challenge him for the title, now that Sheamus and Orton have been shipped to SD.

Is he championship material ? I think he can be. He can have decent to solid matches. He can deliver on the mike, but he can use improvement. He won't be viewed as a credible challenger/champion unless WWE creative does a decent job creating a storyline that builds up on his abilities and has a match that helps complete that story. Maybe if they did an Elimination chamber match where he somehow stole the championship, that might work in generating heat and making him a major heel.
As a face I would NEVER have said R-Truth was worthy of a title run in the WWE, but I am being very impressed with his recent heel run and think that he mayyyybe could be worth a run with the belt later in the year if he continues to improve

He is really running with his heel turn right now, and has shown the mic skills that I always knew he had. However, they are being shown better as a bad guy than they were before.

Truth has always been entertaining in the ring, ever since his TNA days where he was one of my favourite wrestlers in the company. He is better than most guys on the WWE roster right now as an in-ring perfomer and I think that he could surprise us all and take the title later this year, which is something I would never have said was a possiblity 3 months ago.
R-Truth isn't WWE Champion material. He's fine as a Main Eventer, but to be WWE Champion? Nah. I'd rather just see him win against some top faces and cut some promos. That's what he's good for at the moment. He did come off bland as a face and he's gotten tons of hate for his lack of character or mic skills. I thought he was decent in TNA and I actually like his moves (minus the jumping reverse STO and Lie Detector). He could probably win another US Championship and carry it longer than his first reign. He could also win Tag Team Championships. There are many ways to get him over as a heel than winning the WWE Championship. He talks about not winning titles. Well, he could win the Mid-Card titles and make them more valuable. Hell, I always wondered what it would be like if he won both the US and IC Championships and claimed to be a World Champion by putting the two titles together haha.

"See this? I got the US title in one hand, and the Intercontinental title in the other. I put them together and ya'll know I'm pretty much the World Champion right?" - R-Truth
Truth might have what it takes, because now he is in his new heel character. His face rapping character did NOT have what it takes to be WWE Champion at all. He is more believable as a world title contender and possibly having a short run with the belt before being fed to a top face like Cena. I don't think Truth will hold the belt anytime soon but he is much closer to being WWE Champion material now that he is in a character who is more believable in such a role.
I don't see why not. They've given it to shittier performers over the years. What makes a champ? He can cut a promo, he can work a match, he can work the crowd, he has a good look and gimmick, and he gets a reaction. I would rather prefer to hear why someone thinks he couldn't be champ other than the lame excuse of his age.
The best thing that can happen for R-Truth is for the WWE to finaly get there Manager program off the floor and put him with a heal manager add tyler rek and maybe one other guy build a stable that can help him win the belt then have the stable feud with the faces wrestling has always been about good vs evil but if the bad guys can't make the good guy look good the it dosent work I think they need 3 or 4 solid managers who can take a guy like truth masters or cody and help them turn the corner to the main event. My picks
1.Arn Anderson (he can talk and knows the business)
2.Cole (everyone already hates him)
3.Mike Rotundo( like Arn He can talk And knows the business)
4.Matt Striker (Good Talker)
I love R-Truth as a heel. His promos are some of the best in the business at this moment in time. I love the 'little jimmys' references.

Awesome work. Give him the ball and see how he runs with it I say!!!
I love R-Truth as a heel. His promos are some of the best in the business at this moment in time. I love the 'little jimmys' references.

Awesome work. Give him the ball and see how he runs with it I say!!!

THANK YOU!!!!!!! He is Amamzing! More than The Miz is and he has been THE MAIN EVENT while in TNA as Ron Killings. Him Vs. Cena should be vey entertaining to say the least. He will be WWE Champion and main eventer for awhile just watch!
He is worthy of the strap, but really this is just to give Cena more crowd interest...because truth be told.... cena with the belt til wrestlemania needs any and every interesting thing it can to avoid boring even the core of the cenation. So it's sad to say, that truth is going to be awesome for maybe a month more at best, before getting cenatized. Leave us hope after he can no longer whine about getting a shot, he remains as interesting.
Simply put, no. I do not know what the creative staff are thinking here, there are plenty of other superstars who deserve this push more than R-Truth. He has a select move-set, he's crap on the mic and is not over with the crowd. Also he is getting old (39) so he won't be around for years to come. On the other hand Zack Ryder has potential, he is good on the mic, has a vast move-set and is way over with the crowd. Give him a push already god dammit! :banghead:
Even Vladimir Kozlov gets a greater crowd reaction than R-Truth! I hope this push ends soon after his match with Cena, I can't stand him. He should be future endeavored and sent back to TN... Impact Wrestling where he belongs. :)

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