John Cena possibly injured!!

I accept the challenge

Seems like a perfect time to list my... TOP TEN THINGS ABOUT JOHN CENA!!

Play this while reading for full effect:

10: His Adaptability

John Cena is one of the few professional wrestlers to have thrived in two completely different eras of professional wrestling. From the Ruthless Aggression era to the PG era, Cena was on top for both, and was the best guy on the WWE roster during these eras.

Whatever era WWE goes into next, you know that Cena will be there, ever evolving and improving with the times.

9: His Hard Work

The title of 'Hardest Working Man in Showbiz' gets thrown around a lot. But could you really begrudge John Cena if he was officially awarded that moniker?

Let's forget for a moment that he wrestles a few physically taxing matches a week. He's got a ridiculous travel schedule, manages to work out (almost) every day, makes media appearances, films promotional material, is part of Total Divas, and god knows what else. And while he does all that, he's managed to find time to grant, like, a billion Make A Wish wishes. The guy is a machine.

And let's not forget that pro wrestling might be one of the most physically taxing jobs in the world. Cena isn't a rock star, where he just has to go out and sing or play guitar. He's not a football player, who's given some protection for games, and has an off season. He's a wrestler. He's paid to get punched in the face and get slammed on his back 12 months of the year, and yet he's always smiling. He loves what he does.

Sure, you could say that about hundreds of other wrestlers worldwide. But do any of them have the schedule that Cena does? Hell, Punk lasted about 8 years on a schedule that was less than Cena's. Cena's been doing it for 12(ish) years now, and still going strong.

8: He's goddamn inspirational.

The Make A Wish stuff. How he treats his fans. His message. This is a man you want to be buddies with, want to bring home to mom, and want your kid to look up to all at once.

Apart from some supposed adultery, the guy has a ridiculously clean record, something that's tough to have in the wrestling business, let alone as the top guy for a decade.

7: He just seems like a good guy.

I mean, obviously he's a good guy. Look at the wishes he's granted. But there are some troglodytes who claim that the Make a Wish stuff is all for show. Well, time to prove those troggies wrong. Because John Cena is also a guy who would have your back off-camera.

There's a story that Jericho told in one of his books, that was mentioned again on the Network podcast with Cena. The night before (or possibly after) a show, Jericho, Cena, and few other guys went out partying. Jericho, as is common for him, got shitfaced. Cena was barely tipsy

Cena could've ditched his drunken, and likely embarrassing, colleague and kept on partying. Instead, he helped Jericho get to his bed, then stuck around to make sure Jericho was okay, whilst having a couple more brewskies.

Seriously, John Cena is a guy you want around when shit hits the fan, whether it's a drunken fight or a zombie apocalypse.

6. Like a fine wine...

Cena has gotten better with age. If you look back at his first five years in WWE, John Cena was rough around the edge. He obviously had the charisma and talent, but he wasn't the smoothest guy in the ring, nor the best ring general.

But then he started having one great feud after another. From Triple H to Shawn Michaels to Randy Orton to CM Punk. Rivalry after rivalry, match after match, Cena became the fantastic performer we know and love today.

And he continues to improve. Back in 2010, a great Cena match was a treat on PPV's. Now, a great Cena match is expected every time he gets in the ring. Genuinely, I can't think of the last time Cena had a match I didn't like. Maybe his second match with the Rock, which was well over two years ago.

The dude is really, really good.

5. How he deals with the haters.

There's a lot of idiots out there. A lot. A lot a lot a lot. And these idiots like to boo John Cena so they feel less insecure. Which is a whole other issue.

But Cena not only shrugs it off. He laughs about it. He makes jokes all the time about people hating him. And sure, Cena can be a cheeseball at times, but the way it rolls off his back is genuine.

And a lot of people wouldn't be able to deal with this stuff. We've seen the likes of Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, and even the Rock look visibly rattled when getting booed as a babyface. But not Cena. He knows those people don't matter.

4. He makes other guys better.

There's this weird idea, perpetuated by the aforementioned idiots and troglodytes, that Cena buries people. It's getting really old.

CM Punk, Randy Orton, Edge, Sheamus, The Miz, Alberto Del Rio, and Seth Rollins. Cena helped make all those guys stars, because when someone is feuding with John Cena, they immediately become relevant.

"But Blade," I hear the morons cry, "he beats people all the time!"

Oh, simple-minded fool. Losing to the very top guy in the entire industry is not a bad thing. Because being in the ring with him at all is a good thing.

Cena validated Bray Wyatt as a genuine threat. Do you think Wyatt would've been given the big Undertaker match at Wrestlemania if Cena hadn't helped Bray looks awesome a year earlier? I mean, sure, Wyatt has floudered since then, but that falls much more on Wyatt and the bookers and their inability to evolve the character.

Cesaro meant nothing to nobody a few months ago. Then he challenges Cena for the US Title, takes him to the limit, and suddenly, Cesaro is getting reactions. And let's not even start on the Kevin Owens thing.

[Oh, and Zack Ryder wasn't buried by John Cena. Ryder sucks, WWE knew it, and were generous to give him the 15 minutes of fame that he got.]

And Cena doesn't just help get people over. He literally gives them the best matches of their career. He gave CM Punk his only 5 star worth match (because that overrated borefest with Samoa Joe shouldn't count.) He gave Kevin Owens three of his best matches ever. He even made Stardust look good. And that's no mean feat.

3. He makes a shit ton of money and bangs Nikki Bella.

I mean, these are two superficial points, sure. But damn, Cena is pretty awesome.

2. He loves the business.

Yes, he originally wanted to be a body builder. But that wasn't his passion. His passion turned out to be pro wrestling.

And John Cena leaves, eats, breathes and pisses the pro wrestling industry. He does all that he does, works the hours he works, destroys his body, and he loves every fucking second of it.

I've seen videos of people bugging Cena on the street or when he's having dinner with Nikki or something. And he always responds politely. Because he knows how blessed he is. Meanwhile, you have the likes of Punk cursing at people, or countless other wrestlers ignoring fans altogether at hotels.

Now, obviously fans aren't entitled to anything from the wrestlers. Wrestlers aren't obliged to take pictures or shake hands or give autographs. But Cena always goes the extra mile in everything he does. Because he loves wrestling, he loves the industry, and he loves the fans.

And along with that comes his undying loyalty for WWE. Some would claim that Cena can't love wrestling that much because he would never work for another promotion. And I say that is utter bullshit.

If a football player claims he'll never play for another team, he's lauded as a hero. But when Cena claims he'd never wrestle in Japan or elsewhere, it's claimed that he's a corporate puppet. Funny, ain't it?

There's nothing wrong with being loyal to the company that gave you a chance and made you the man you are today. And those that think otherwise are likely people that suck at their job.

1. His longevity.

The guy has been the biggest full-time wrestler on the planet for 10 years. Ten goddamn years. Selling shirts, drawing numbers, and putting butts in seats.

And anyone who claims he's not are obviously twatwaffles.

So that's it. My top ten things about John Cena. Apologies for any typos, grammatical errors, repeated points or general rambling. It's 11:30 PM and I'm sleepy.

Oh lord BSE you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this! Looks like its a neck injury too. The bad part is this means hes probably gonna win the Royal Rumble... AGAIN.

You are really a piss poor excuse for a human being aren't you.

I'm not a fan of Wyatt's or Sheamus, but I would never wish an injury like this on them. You can dislike someone without celebrating the fact that their career might be over, or the fact they could end up in a wheelchair. Thank God it's turned out he's okay.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: YES! YES! YES! Finally!

Yea and you're not much better. The only excuse you gave for not liking him that I agree with, is the fact that his gimmick is stale. I've been saying that forever. But the other excuses you gave are immature, unrealistic and smack of a 3 year old toddler.

God I hate some wrestling fans, what a pair of classless assholes.
Crocker, dear; there's shooting yourself in the foot, and there's shooting yourself in the foot not long after you had already shot yourself in the foot.

There are two John Cenas in this world: The John Cena whose in ring antics make me want to boo like I've never booed before, and the John Cena who is an absolute class act in his life outside of pro-wrestling. I'm a hater of the former and an admirer of the latter, I would never wish injury on him or any of co-workers.

Some people (crocker, BSE) accuse John Cena of only being a prolific patron of Make A Wish to exploit sick children to promote his own public image. John Cena has made appointments with sick children when doing so cost him valuable time he could have spent toning up or getting more rest between shows, I highly doubt that he would be so adamant if his only purpose was to look better. He could make his Make A Wish appointments only when it's convenient to him, but I know of many occasions where John suffered only so that he could honor a promise he'd made.

While it's easy for us fans to nit-pick and speculate as to how John might hold people back, I honestly haven't heard a single person say point blank "John Cena held me back". The worst I've heard was Cesaro saying offhand "Nobody wants to see Cena vs Orton", please share your own examples if I'm just ill-informed. I've heard plenty of examples of men who were supposedly held back by Cena (Miz, Masters, Ryback) saying off the record that they were taught a lot by Cena and prefer to work with him because he's very good at keeping his opponents healthy.

You've been challenged by a mod and an admin, but I have a challenge for you.

Make a thread regarding a positive, discussion worthy aspect of John Cena. Maybe solicit our favorite matches or memories in general, help us break down for you the more generic explanations of why we don't want to see him injured. Your prize will be my faith in your potential.
Take a step back here, and that goes for everyone- how many heels are so good at what they do these days that people actually wish them physical injury?

A lot, actually. I remember when Punk had knee problems back in 2012, he was put on a stretcher after Raw was off the air, and there was a video of it. A lot of fans were cheering it. Also a lot of people hate Rollins guts and wish him injury judging by Twitter and Instagram comments.
A lot, actually. I remember when Punk had knee problems back in 2012, he was put on a stretcher after Raw was off the air, and there was a video of it. A lot of fans were cheering it. Also a lot of people hate Rollins guts and wish him injury judging by Twitter and Instagram comments.
So you do see how you're being worked by the WWE, but you willingly buy in. I honestly wasn't sure if you knew this, or if you thought you were a different kind of fan who saw how things really worked.
Take a step back here, and that goes for everyone- how many heels are so good at what they do these days that people actually wish them physical injury?

I think that the better question should be how many of us are adults and how many aren't?

Listen we aren't going to like everyone we meet. Whether it be at work, school, anywhere. But even if I don't like someone to the point of almost hatred, I would never wish an injury on them. I just want them out of my face, and will avoid them at all costs.

It's the same with wrestling. Not one of us here likes the complete roster, we all have our favourites and our well not so favourites. When someone comes on screen I'm not fond of, I go get a coffee, have a smoke or use the washroom. Do the same thing I do in real life, avoid watching them.

I do respect that all these wrestlers put their bodies on the line to entertain us almost each and every night, yes even the ones I don't like. And who's to say if I met them in person I wouldn't get along with them. They are playing a character, and are probably quite different away from the ring.

So yea getting to my first statement. I'm adult enough to know this is an entertainment business. Don't like some of those that are paid to go out an entertain me, but would never want to see any of them injured doing it.

And the people that make those kinds of celebratory comments when a wrestler does get injured, to me are a pretty sad excuse for a person.
And the people that make those kinds of celebratory comments when a wrestler does get injured, to me are a pretty sad excuse for a person.
But those sad excuses for human beings have money, and all you have to do to market something to them is tell this audience you're going to market them something else.
Listen we aren't going to like everyone we meet. Whether it be at work, school, anywhere. But even if I don't like someone to the point of almost hatred, I would never wish an injury on them. I just want them out of my face, and will avoid them at all costs.

It's the same with wrestling.

Navi nailed it. This is very much the truth. There's disliking someone's character, and then there's what guys like Crocker or Best_Sports_Entertainer have stooped to. It's not a big secret that I dislike The Bellas, The Miz, and The Big Show. I would never wish injuries upon them though. No matter how I feel their time spent onscreen is unjustified, they are still human beings. I can just as easily fast forward past them if it's a Raw/Smackdown recording on my DVR and either go for a walk or grab a snack from the pantry if/when they show up during a PPV. If I like/dislike something and there's a thread on it, I post my thoughts. Then I move on with my life.
It's not a big secret that I dislike The Bellas, The Miz, and The Big Show. I would never wish injuries upon them though. No matter how I feel their time spent onscreen is unjustified, they are still human beings. I can just as easily fast forward past them if it's a Raw/Smackdown recording on my DVR and either go for a walk or grab a snack from the pantry if/when they show up during a PPV. If I like/dislike something and there's a thread on it, I post my thoughts. Then I move on with my life.

Exactly. The WWE offers us so much other than John Cena that if you don't like him watch someone else, ignore his matches. The problem becomes when they expect everyone else to agree with their opinions on the matter.
The problem is that WWE have made it so that the average fan is mentally and physically unable to ignore any John Cena matches. Same thing when guys like Hulk Hogan, The Undertaker, Sting, Triple H, The Rock, and Brock Lesnar wrestle
Really? It's not that hard to change the channel. There was a time I did that anytime Randy Orton was in the ring and then check back to see if he was done talking/wrestling yet.

If you don't like a wrestler and you find it impossible not to watch their matches then WWE is doing pretty good job of sucking you in.

And yeah, rooting for people to get hurt in wrestling and sports is stupid.
Changing the channel does nothing in the stereotypical fan's case. The commentators will change the subject in any match to talk about the matches you don't care about.
Really? It's not that hard to change the channel. There was a time I did that anytime Randy Orton was in the ring and then check back to see if he was done talking/wrestling yet.

I do the same thing when Sheamus and Bray Wyatt are on. Like Dagger I've made no secret of the fact I'm not a fan of their's, but don't expect everyone to agree with me. It's personal preference that's all.
It's not that easy

How is it not that easy? What is wrong that a person can't watch RAW and ignore what they don't like. While yes you are going to see someone you don't like every week, go out of the room, change the channel, God do whatever you want.

No one is sitting there with a gun holding to your head making you watch it. At least not to the point where a poster is on a LD thread going on like a maniac about Cena and how much he hates him. All it does is ruins it for others who are trying to have conversations about what their watching. And really quite frankly no one there gives a shit. We heard it once and okay we got it. People like that just look for problems or attention or whatever. And Crocker got the attention he wanted, he ended up in here didn't he.
It's not that easy
Yes, it is. You turn off the television and find something else to do. If you insist upon it, you don't even have to turn off the television, you can change to another channel. If you don't like what you're watching, continuing to watch while complaining does absolutely nothing except tell the company that you're watching, which is all they really care about.

This isn't a situation in which you're working a job that you hate because otherwise your three kids will starve, this is.... watching television. Not watching it really is as easy as walking away.

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