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John Cena has Creative Control held hostage and we all have to pay the price!


Pre-Show Stalwart
Alright, if you've been following all the stories surrounding Bryan Danielson being fired from the WWE, then you might have come to the conclusion that a lot of it does not make sense. Let's look at the scenarios of why Bryan was fired ...

- Linda McMahon's camp did not like Justin Roberts being choked with a tie, spitting on a person ...

- Mattell called and did not like the violence of the angle and tie choking, spitting ...

- Some outside source called VKM and told them they were mad at the angle ...

- It's a work

Now recently JR blogged and said if you knew Vince like he does, Vince would not take orders on how to run his business from any outsider. The angle was obviously scripted and everyone involved had an idea of how it was going to go down... I mean Superstars is taped before RAW right? And on Superstars they talked about a few things that happened like Cole escaping, Matt Striker being kicked etc etc that would not happen until later in the night.

Now why if it's scripted, would WWE fire a guy who they told too choke someone with a tie and spit on Cena? If it was scripted and Mattell or Linda McMahon didn't like it ... how could a "rookie" like Daniel Bryan be fired for doing what he was told? And even if he was slightly improvising (the tie bit really seems like it was scripted, I dunno about the spitting) why would the WWE fire someone who they seem to be investing in by giving him the biggest storyline in NXT, co-lead of NXT ... and he's obviously an accomplished and skilled wrestler. I mean if a WWE superstar makes a mistake, screws up a line or move, I don't think they're fired regularly do you?

For god's sake, he's only a rookie trying to sell a "cutting edge" style angle that went over amazingly! How often do wrestler's get fired for "getting over?"

The point is, you've got to believe VKM could have and would have protected Bryan from Linda McMahon's campaign manager and the likes of Mattell. And do you really believe they called wanting Bryan's head? I mean, Mattell is toys for crying out loud ...all that angle did was make the kids feel for him more. I mean I may be wrong, but I just feel if someone did have an issue VKM could just say "ok, don't worry about it, it won't happen again... i'll talk to the parties involved. it's partly my writers fault for coming up with some good televison."

I mean, a more believable story for me is that whoever gives cable tv shows their ratings was behind talking too WWE management. I mean if I'm MPAA or w/e it is, FCC or the like ... and I see lets say boobs on tv ... I'm going to be like "Yo, WWE .. WTF? We're going to have to revoke your PG rating" ... but we're talking about tie choking! Bryan didn't curse, we didnt see nudity ... we saw what we see every week ... men beating the hell out of each other and pretending to hate one another. When did PG mean you couldn't choke some one? I mean there are variety of ways wrestlers choke each other. Then this past week, you have a stroke victim being tortured by putting him in a limo and having like 5 head to head collisons with other cars?

If the Benoit issue of choking with tie/rope was involved ... then the firing came completely from the WWE!

How is Linda McMahon's camp going to know about a rule among wrestler's or Mattell for that matter?

I've read John Cena's twitter's/interview on Bryan's firing and it just left me scratching my head. He mentioned Bryan being fired at his expense, and was talking about how if anyone is offended by him defending Bryan he's sorry?
"Sorry for the long message, I know I am probally way out of line, I am sorry if I have offended anyone."

And then on an interview he was talking about how the punishment (Bryan's firing) might not "necessarily" fit the crime? What effing crime?
It's a wrestling show and I've seen the same kind of stuff happen plenty of times before and worse! WWE is not exactly the moral police, they've got some of most hideous skeletons in there closet that you'll ever see.

Then something struck me as odd. I see all this incoherent babble coming froms Cena and then JR posts on his blog(this is from WZ)

"I do know this...John Cena isn't a B.S.'er and I have no reason to believe that John meant what he said. "

I mean is that a typo or what? And why is JR even mentioning John Cena?

Now Kevin Kelly comes out with a new column and says that John Cena is paranoid for being involved with Bryan's firing and I TOTALLY AGREE!
And who would know better then a guy like Kelly whose seen the inner workings of the business.

Cena also made mention of how hard WWE had worked to get WWE the PG rating and in all just seemed like he's been scolding Bryan. His message always comes off as "Bryan was wrong, but he deserves another chance ... a fair chance against me in the ring."

Kevin Kelly mentioned Cena is a top tier guy scared for his position and that seems to be a repeating theme now in WWE.

Lets take a look back 1 year ago ...

Mr Kennedy was just coming off an injury and he returned to RAW by confronting main eventer Randy Orton. In shoot interview, Ken said he'd be involved with feuding for the title with Orton (and I think he said Batista)
That night theres a match, Orton says Ken nearly injured him, Orton scolds Ken, that's not enough, Orton goes to VKM and says "Kennedy is dangerous, I will never work with him again" ... Kennedy is fired shortly after.
It is also said that Orton's close friend Cena went to VKM and compalined about Kennedy as well.

Kennedy was an up and coming guy who WWE couldn't help but put in the main event mix, but he had no seniority like guys like Edge, Jericho, Kane. If you want to determine his potential... how many young new guys do you see now a days given feuds with the likes of the Undertaker?

The point is, atm, the WWE IS AT THE WHIM OF JOHN CENA AND RANDY ORTON. They are both at the very top and they both fear for their jobs.
If you were Cena, wouldn't you be afraid of losing your spot? Nobody over the age of 12 likes you. Your the top baby face of company and get more heat then William Regal!

One thing Cena has over WWE is the PG rating. It's like the ace up his sleeve. "Vince, what baby face can you put the strap on who can carry WWE with a PG rating?" I think ever since Randy Orton turned face, he's lost a quarter of his followed (check the forums to see) Orton got most over because people actually believed he was the "anti-Cena." It really was great on the part of Orton/Cena ... too best friends who were the ying to each others yang and had a 3 year long feud. There were the Cena fans and the anti-Cena fans who really liked Orton. Then both became extremely marketable for two extremely different reasons, but yet while both helping each other.

I have no doubt in my mind Cena/Orton control everything in WWE right now. It's WWE's fault for investing so much in them. But why would WWE complain if their making money.

To make things worse John Cena mentioned in the interview he will never leave the business ...

Anyway, I just want to get everyone's thoughts. Do you think Cena may have gone to Vince (possibly along with bff Orton) to VKM and gotten Bryan fired for spitting on him and seeing him as a threat?

I can see a guy like Cena really taking offense to a guy new to the company spitting on him. You would think at the point Cena has gotten too, someone spitting on him is unforgivable.

Mr Kennedy was fired b/c Orton thought Kennedy didn't drop him right .........

Either way, this new angle has shown how the PG rating can really handicap WWE ... and how Cena is handicapping it even more.


Look, Kevin Kelly has about as much experience in the business as some dirt sheet writers do. That being, he was an in ring interviewer, and that's pretty much the jist of it. Quite frankly, citing Kevin Kelly as a source over Jim Ross doesn't seem like a reasonable way to make a point. Kelly was involved in the business, but his extent of being involved was being a second rate announcer. I really don't take his word with much validity.

As for this belief that Cena is paranoid for his.... Um, why? Because he isn't beloved by the internet smarks? Sure, Cena gets mixed reactions, but it isn't as though he has too much to worry about. Cena seems pretty comfortable with the fact that not everyone is going to love him. Being the figurehead of the WWE, and the top draw, he's going to face this question more than anyone else. And this seems more of a case of Cena leaving the door open for Danielson's imminent return to the WWE, and maintaining his position as the WWE's spokesperson.
Now I do agree with some of what you said, I HIGHLY doubt Cena actually got Bryan Danielson fired. Because if he was really afraid of his spot he'd complain for the entire NXT roster. I think the guy is just shit scared and wants to be as politically correct as he can. Not to mention, Cena REFRENCES people's dislike for him which pretty much tells you he doesn't care about the naysayers.
I laughed at the title of this thread, because as funny as it is, it is 100% true in various aspects. Cena is the main guy overall, but especially with kids. Cena has pull backstage. Put two and two together, he is going to pull for more friendly tv for the kids(the reason he is big). It isn't hard to believe.
I talked to a friend of mine who's done a lot of work in a bunch of Indy feds. He believes that this is still a complete and total work and that for once WWE is using the internet against all the smarks out there. To which I say, "About time!"

Cena's original tweet seemed to be a work as well, something that sounded more like a character and not completely his own thoughts. But, jeez, you say Cena's paranoid and it sounds more like you're paranoid that you'll just never stop seeing Cena. I think all the Cena haters just need to come to terms with that.

I haven't watched Raw in months due to my work schedule, but I still read the results. I don't honestly have an opinion on the content of this incident one way or the other. That's also because I'm 29 years old, not 9 years old, and don't have children. I don't think they should have fired Danielson, if it is for real. Just too much seems like it's not reasonable justification. I'm also conflicted on whether or not to believe Linda's Senate campaign had anything to do with it. I can see good reasons why they might, and good reasons why they might not have done something.

Like I said, all I know is if Danielson suddenly reappears in like 2-4 weeks and it's revealed he was still working with the NXT rookies, particulary driving that limo, then all I'll say is, "Told ya so."

I was taking all JR, Kevin Kelly, and Cena said and putting it together. Now I never saw JR defend Cena and if he did it was in this sentence, but the sentence doesn't make sense.

"I do know this...John Cena isn't a B.S.'er and I have no reason to believe that John meant what he said. "

^Why would JR even type this. First of all, he says Cena isn't a BS'er ... but he has no reason to believe that john meant what he said? I assume it's a typo, but even if it is ..

The sentence sounds like he meant to say "I don't think John Cena is a BS'er and I have NO reason to believe he didn't mean what he said"

Why even address what John Cena has had to say? Why does JR include Cena in Danielson's firing anyway? Was the typo intentional?

By JR validating what he said, JR is saying "John Cena is no BS'er and I believe he's truly sorry Bryan was fired and wants him back"

Well why the hell would Cena BS and not want him back in the first place?

Tenta, you said I took Kevin Kelly's word over JR's?

I didn't at all. I was using JR's blog too solidify Kelly's claim.
Even Kelly was backing JRs' blog lol.

JR said ...listen closey now


JR made the point that even if mattell or Linda's campaign were unhappy with the angle etc, that Vince really couldn't careless. Vince is the boss and that is it. And from the past ... we know that Vince's top advisors are Stephanie, Triple H, Cena and Orton. And those four probably back whatever each other say anyway.

So I will believe JR and I believe Mattell or Linda's camp had nothing to do with firing. So the only place I can look is WWE. The Benoit rule we've all been hearing about is a rule among wrestlers. Is it just an excuse?
The only plausible reason I can see for WWE firing a guy like Danielson after devoting most of the NXT show to him ... is that the top guys had a problem with him, the same way they recently had a problem with Mr Kennedy/Anderson.

Btw, if your going to insult me and the such, why don't you back up the argument of why you believe Danielson is fired?
If your going to say I took Kelly's view over JRs ... then what is your view?
JR believes no outside entity had Danielson fired ...
I believe no outside entity had Danielson fired ...

That only leaves WWE and WWE talent.
It seems to me that the "wrestlers" have forgotten that everything is scripted. Who cares if a rookie spits in Cena's face? It's about time for him to turn heel anyways, bring back his bling chain and use it on everybody. Of course that's a pipe dream but I am a dreamer. I miss the good old days of wrestling when rivalries were real and not made up. Who knows maybe Vince can buy Brock Lesnar back and he can kick everyone's ass. That would be choice.

JR made the point that even if mattell or Linda's campaign were unhappy with the angle etc, that Vince really couldn't careless. Vince is the boss and that is it.

I'd completely agree with you on this point, except for one thing: JR hasn't been around since Linda's been running for Senate. People will do whatever it takes to get elected, plain and simple. Don't underestimate the allure of power.

But I still don't totally believe Linda's campaign would pay attention that much. They need to prepare their attack ads for her opponent, and I can't find it likely that her opponent would attack her for the content of WWE programming because, frankly, Democratic candidates never have the balls to attack someone like that the way Republican candidates often do.
Ok first of all, lmao on the video Tetna.

Now to the main point. The email of Linda McMahon's campaign was just another thing to cause some internet buzz, its fake. Now you do have a point about men beating up other men, but what we saw with Bryan Danielson was what I like to call personal disrespect and near murder. When you choke someone, that's not wrestling thats nearly murder. Ever since the pg rating came out i haven't seen anyone being choked like he was. That was horrific for any kid to see. Look at it from a parents perspective .. you wouldn't what your kids to see that. I'm not defending Cena or
JR or the WWE.. what I'm doing is putting myself in a parents shoes and thinking about would I want my kid going to school the next day and choking another kid with a tie
Why would spitting on the face is such a big issue??. 5 months back before wrestlemania Vince Spat on the face of Bret Hart while Batista assaulted him?? Why everybody forgot about that?? It shows that everything is scripted in WWE. Even chocking woth the tie thing was scripted too. WWE never let their wrestler to do anything on their own and thats a well known fact to everyone. Wellback to your topic everybody knows now that Cena had a part to play to get Kennedy fired. He sure does have something to do with Bryan's firing as well. If he is such a nice guy and feels sorry for Bryan then why didnt he go to Vince and ask him to rehire Bryan. If he can get Evan Bourne a push, get Kennedy fired why dnt he ask Vince to hire Bryan back. That just sound like a hypocrate. I am pretty sure that Cena has something to do with his firing.

Oh really? I love JR as much as the next guy, but he's missing something here. Vince hates legal issues. If USA Network execs did not like the choking, then they will let WWE know. If WWE does not do something then down goes Raw. What Vinnce did was avoid a bullet at the expense of a guy yet to spread his wings. Basically he sacrificed a push, possibly delayed for 3 months, in order to avoid what can spiral to years of legal issue and heat. ot to mention loss of funding, sponsorship and other stuff.

Cena has nothing to do with this. All he has is a major ostrich sized egg on his face. He was the epicenter of the whole angle and watched everything transpire before his eyes. Why would Cena fear for his job? Its about as secure as Stone Cold and The Rock back in the day. The man has cemented himself to history already. There is no reason to be paranoid. If he were paranoid he would not be working his ass off every day and would be taking as much time off as he possibly could. He wouldn't be doing autograph signings every week or working every house show of the week, now would he?
For starters I am not a Cena mark. I cant stand Cena the SUPERMAN superstar but I have a lot of respect for Cena the man.

You know Im the kind of person who likes hearing this kind of stuff from the horses mouth. If Cena did get Bryan fired, I want to hear if from him, not from a second or third party. I know that I will never be able to have a sit down conversation with him, so the next best thing is his character and integrity as a person that I see out side the ring.

I saw what Kelly said about John Cena. When it comes to stories and speculation I have learned that there is always two side of the coin. Maybe Cena did get Bryan fired. We will never know for sure. but what I do see is Cena is a stand up guy. I have never read any bad press about him, Its always good reports. All that we hear about Cena outside the wrestling ring is how charitable he is with the kids, and how much he supports the troops. until I read or hear anything else, I wont believe anything more about him.

Now my parents did not rase me to be naive. I don't know John Cena the man. I only know John Cena the entertainer. John Cena the man is only human and could be two faced like Kelly said he is. I bet that a lot of the IWC community are guilty of being so as well. If it turns out that Cena did get Bryan fired, Its not going to be a huge surprise to me. I will however be disappointed and loose a lot of respect for Cena.

On a side not... Kelly said that Cena is scared of Bryan taking his place. "CRAZY TALK" Bryan will never be able to take Cenas place as top face, top merchandise seller, and the face of the pg era. I don't think any body can ATM. Don't get me wrong Bryan is awesome. he is THE BEST WRESTLER IN THE WORLD. But that dos not mean anything to the little kids who worship the ground John Cena walks on and the dominate portion of the WWE universe that love the guy.
First off Cena isn't Batista and neither is Bryan.
Bryan isn't Lesnar either.

Also Kennedy's firing was something that was going to happen in the long run. He kept getting injured, he was suspended for drugs, and he might of been responsible for injuring top stars. All things that Bryan has not yet done. If anything Bryan's firing is probably out of Vince's or a sponsors paranoia of the beloved PG rating being hurt. Not that anyone even talked or complained about that one specific thing outside of maybe a handful of people that cause him to get fired. This is as Orton said "creating a positive image of the WWE". Take a look at Hurricane's release... he was arrested just days prior and he obviously wasn't important enough at the time.

Also like everyone else I don't know particularly why DB got fired but Cena says it himself

"was taught to stand up for what I beileve in. I tried and failed, so I could Use some help"

Therefore assuming Cena is speaking the truth (and why would he even mention this if he wasn't?) Cena obviously spoke to people backstage trying to get him rehired. Also I have never seen Cena publicly go out of his way for anyone like this. This is something he doesn't have to do because even if he was directly responsible for the firing (which is unlikely) it does nothing to his sells or fanbase. DB being fired would not hurt Cena's popularity. In fact most of his fans (kids) who still think it is real DB is a bad guy.. or was anyway. Even now the people who hate Cena probably still do. The only difference as Undying777 put is that a few of them may have respect for Cena the man.. however those same people are still gonna boo Cena out of the building everytime he wins a title match.

Plus on the topic of jealous I think the reality for DB is he is going to be in 5 years as to what Christian or Shelton Benjamin is now. Sure we want him to be more than that and it seems like it could happen, but knowing WWE it probably won't. Why would Cena give a damn about DB when it comes to being jealous?

To be honest at first when I heard the fake HHH story the only person I could think of being jealous was him. Why? Because HHH knows that such an angle could overshadow his much hyped return and DB's push could interfere with Sheamus's. Although like Cena HHH probably doesn't give a damn either.
Alot of you guys (and maybe girls...idk just covering bases) have made great points and I want to chime in.

For starters: Super-Cena does have creative by the balls for he's the Cash Cow in The E and we all know why. Does he have the stroke to get Dragon fired? Yes, but I don't see that as the case. Cena seems to me to want the business to thrive, and he should know what Dragon brings to the table. Now if he did order the hit, it doesn't surprise me. "Win if you can. Lose if you must. But always cheat!" If he feels like Dragon can/would take his spot, then you gotta do what you gotta do.

Concluding, IMO i don't think Cena ordered the hit on Dragon. PGE and Linda's campaign have a lot to do with this.....if it ain't a work.
Whoah whoah whoah... where are you getting your info from JenksIX? Half that info i've read before, and then the rest was iffy... especially the part when you talked about Mr. Kennedy getting fired because Orton said something and his "Close friend" Cena said something too... I don't think you realize that Cena and Orton are on opposite sides of the locker room... Cena has a great dislike for Orton (although, I don't know why I think Randy's a pretty chill guy).

You need to do more research on Mr. Kennedy's release. I'm sorry if this makes you want to cry, but he was released for legit reasons. Not just Orton complaining. And, by the way, I like "Mr. Anderson".
Alright, if you've been following all the stories surrounding Bryan Danielson being fired from the WWE, then you might have come to the conclusion that a lot of it does not make sense. Let's look at the scenarios of why Bryan was fired ...

- Linda McMahon's camp did not like Justin Roberts being choked with a tie, spitting on a person ...

- Mattell called and did not like the violence of the angle and tie choking, spitting ...

- Some outside source called VKM and told them they were mad at the angle ...

- It's a work

Hey man, this isn't an attack on you, but just a general addressing of the crap I have read on the internet about this situation. But considering you started the thread and brought up the points you did, I felt I had to cite the opening part of your post.

I don't think I've heard anything more ridiculous than Mattel's supposed disgust with the angle itself. Now I am not sure how well people know of Mattel's history as a toy maker and its product lines, but for those that are not aware I will be more than happy to give people here a history lesson.

In the past Mattel has not shied away from working with properties that have been less than kid friendly. Anybody here remember Demolition Man with Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes? An R-Rated feature that Mattel made a toyline for granted this was some years back but just the same Mattel did business with a license that was not a kids' movie.

Now people can say, "Well that was years ago, let's look past that now and understand that Mattel is acting differently as well...", but I'll tell you what, that theory wouldn't have a leg to stand on either, because if anyone here is a comic book fan, then you would also know that DC Comics is currently having their action figures made through Mattel as well. And if anyone has read a DC Comic in the last view years their storylines have been anything less than "kiddie". With subjects ranging from rape to murder to necrophilia and Mass Genocide, subject matter that pales considerably when held in comparison to Bryan Danielson choking out Justin Roberts.

So if anyone on the internet is just believing that one right off the bat then please do yourself a favor and don’t be so quick to just latch on to that silly idea. Granted, I could be wrong on that, but considering Mattel’s business decisions over the years, I am not going to be so quick to believe that they objected to what Danielson did on the air.

I think it’s complete and stupid nonsense to think the Mattel/WWE relationship has a thing to do with this. And anyone that is going to believe that without any true proof other than what some idiot website says has to be a complete imbecile. If I offend anyway then so be it, because professional wrestling shouldn’t get to this point where we start overemphasizing backstage scenarios that we are not around to even see first hand.

There’s a bunch of different reasons as to why this scenario resulted in Danielson’s firing, it could have something to do with Linda’s senate run, it might even be because the PG rating was “violated”. Who really knows, none of us have any proof either way. And for all we know it could even be a work, maybe WWE is finding its way to mess with the IWC’s collective minds. I also have a seriously hard time believing the backlash of Chris Benoit’s murder of his family and his suicide has anything to do with this either. After all in the last couple of years there have been some seriously disturbing concepts enacted on WWE TV, I hope no one’s memory on here is so short that they forgot what Randy Orton did to Stephanie McMahon in the buildup to Orton’s match with Triple H.

Then you also have to remember how Shawn Michaels and Triple H have both gotten a lot better at executing a Crippler Crossface. I’m sure that if anyone REALLY had a problem with it like Vince, we wouldn’t have seen that move used ever again!

Bottom line is this, Bryan Danielson’s firing from WWE is an open source of debate with me thinking that it’s completely real but at the same time I never rule out the possibility of a work, who really knows? Again, none of us are here to be a part of what goes on backstage, that doesn’t mean we can’t have opinions but we also shouldn’t be so stupid to believe everything we hear.

For those that are so quick to buy all the ridiculous rumors, do yourselves a favor and don’t believe all the crap you hear, it’s not worth the aneurysm to entertain the unsubstantiated idiocy that self professed journalists are posting all over these sites.
Oh really? I love JR as much as the next guy, but he's missing something here. Vince hates legal issues. If USA Network execs did not like the choking, then they will let WWE know. If WWE does not do something then down goes Raw. What Vinnce did was avoid a bullet at the expense of a guy yet to spread his wings.

I agree with this but still reckon it's either Mattel or Linda's campaign team. Like someone else said, JR hasn't been there since linda has been running for senate so perhaps he's not aware of how things work there now. Also, I think the key part of JR's statement is "no OUTSIDE ENTITY could influence how he runs the business". Everyone has taken that to mean Linda's campaign team but what if Linda herself told Vince it was bad for her campaign? What if her campaign team told her to have her word with Vince? Anyone who's been in a relationship/marriage knows full well that when your woman tells you to do something, you do it or you're in serious shit! I suspect Vince is no different - he's said many times in interviews that Linda wears the trousers in their relationship.

It's also worth noting that Mattel's deal with WWE kicked in in January this year. Again, JR hasn't been there since WWE have been working with Mattel so perhaps he doesn't know the pull they have? JR says that no outside entity can influence how he runs his business? Well, it's interesting that Mattel's deal started in January this year and that's roughly when we started get matches stopped for blood. The first match, that I can remember, was Christian v Shelton Benjamin which was at TLC Dec 2009 (perhaps they kicked the rule in a month early so wrestler were used to it?). Anyway, "no outside influence"? I respect JR as much as the next person but I think he's wrong here.
Gotta chime in that JR said no outside entity could influence Vince. I'm sure it was UPN that killed of Muhammed Hussan. I'm sure that it's that Bonnie bird who's in charge of USA who can make Vince listen. Jr, while one of the more honest men in wrestling, is still full of shit. Look at how he completely blitzed his "bezzie mate" stonecold when steve walked away.

As for Cena helping to get Kennedy fired? Nah, can't see that happening. The only person that's said names of people who got him fired is Ken Anderson and he's got a sterling track-record of telling the truth, and not twisting things to fit what he wants to say, hasn't he?

Although I don't agree with the reason doing the rounds as to why he was released, the fact is that there is no-one who can confirm why he's been released and, to be honest, the only way we'll have an idea is when someone who's in the know isn't with WWE anymore of BD himself says something on the issue.

His matches still suck but, you know what, I like Cena...if for nothing other then the amount of work he puts in setting the example of dedication to the company to the other guys (he just needs some help learning to throw a punch)
Whoah whoah whoah... where are you getting your info from JenksIX? Half that info i've read before, and then the rest was iffy... especially the part when you talked about Mr. Kennedy getting fired because Orton said something and his "Close friend" Cena said something too... I don't think you realize that Cena and Orton are on opposite sides of the locker room... Cena has a great dislike for Orton (although, I don't know why I think Randy's a pretty chill guy).

You need to do more research on Mr. Kennedy's release. I'm sorry if this makes you want to cry, but he was released for legit reasons. Not just Orton complaining. And, by the way, I like "Mr. Anderson".

Actually, i think you need to do your research. Orton and Cena ARE good friends, ever since they came up together in OVW - I got that from an interview Orton did with Wrestlecast. In fact, it's here on youtube - about 4.46 into it. If I remember rightly, Cena says something similar in his interview with them too.

And Kennedy has said it both in his RF Video shoot and in his PWR shoot that it was Orton, with Cena's backing, that helped get him fired. Of course, Anderson is going to be biased about it but he does go into great detail about the injuries he's had. He had no injuries at all whilst working in the indys and only had 2 during his 4 year stint with the WWE - that's about the same as Orton, perhaps less - with at least the first one not being his fault as Paul London drop kicked him off the ring when he was meant to give him an elbow.

When WWE say he was "injury prone" what they meant was "our top man, Cena, got injured during a match with him" and anyone who saw it knows that wasn't Anderson/Kennedy's fault.
Whoah whoah whoah... where are you getting your info from JenksIX? Half that info i've read before, and then the rest was iffy... especially the part when you talked about Mr. Kennedy getting fired because Orton said something and his "Close friend" Cena said something too... I don't think you realize that Cena and Orton are on opposite sides of the locker room... Cena has a great dislike for Orton (although, I don't know why I think Randy's a pretty chill guy).

You need to do more research on Mr. Kennedy's release. I'm sorry if this makes you want to cry, but he was released for legit reasons. Not just Orton complaining. And, by the way, I like "Mr. Anderson".

Dude cena and orton are good friends ,they dont dislike eachother in real lifeare u mental?

OT : I think people have speculated long enough in 1000 thread by now and at this point all we can do is wait and see exactly what happens and what reports still come in.U might never know this could all be a work because quite frankly when was the last time a firing had this much going for it.What i mean is So many reports so many FAKE reports from other sites, CENA geting involved and other stuff.We just need to be patient and wait, Bryan is still young he aint gonna die tommorow if he isnt int he WWE.
Well, we can't be "sure" of anything we read on dirt sheets, but if we're to believe them Cena has used his pull once and only once and that was to get Evan Bourne a push and now he has a push. Some places reported shortly afterwards that Cena only claimed the credit as part of a conspiracy the WWE has to win over the IWC for Cena through social networking. I personally think that's a little far-fetched, but people can believe what they want to believe.

I honestly think John Cena is the hardest working man in all of wrestling. The pros, the indies, anywhere. Is he a 5-star match machine? No. Is he technically amazing? No. But he knows who he is, what he's about and he goes out and does it every single time and it draws a reaction from millions of people. He's not at the top by accident, he's there because he put in work and people like him. I don't really enjoy his matches all that much but as a performer, even I like him. He bleeds WWE. Can the same be said for that many wrestlers today?

So with that in mind I find it highly unlikely he would get anyone fired. Again, this is speculation because I'm not backstage at WWE events and behind closed doors, but I imagine Cena turns up, does exactly as he's told, to the letter, and then leaves. I think the WWE come to him with tasks and he nods, smiles and does it to the best of his ability, whether that be in the ring, or some sort of media appearance. I don't think he brings ideas to creative or challenges ideas pitched to him or really does anything but turn up and do his job.

And as for John Cena being afraid of losing his job.... what the hell are you smoking? Do you actually understand how damn big this guy is? He's Hogan, Rock and Austin big. He is everywhere. He is the poster boy. His merchandise sales are off the charts. He is the name on the marquee that drives ticket sales. He's the main attraction and the WWE have actually offered refunds for events that he wasn't able to make. He is their most important talent bar none. Nobody over 12 likes him? Not see all those women out there? Not see the grown men wearing his shirt? The number of boos for him is waaaay down from the couple of years where he was beating Triple H at Mania and stuff. He's not universally popular, but he's also not hated. In an arena of 10,000 maybe 1000 will be booing him at a stretch, a real stretch. Nobody in the company can touch him in terms of the things beyond wrestling. Why do you think he's had about 4 movie roles so far? He is their go to guy, their MVP and their workhorse.

I love Bryan Danielson. Big time. But who the hell is under the delusion he was going to get to Cena's level? All the "you are not better than me"'s, spitting in the face and kicks to the head in the world aren't going to get him there. Dragon isn't going to be in movies. Dragon isn't going to tour the country promoting the hell out of the company. Dragon isn't going to have merchandise sales through the roof.

To suggest Cena fears Danielson is ridiculous.

I don't think Cena fears anyone. I think he has a very old school mentality of "if you want my spot, please, come and get it". He works too hard to lose his spot and I think he believes if anyone is capable of out-working him then they deserve it. And if he does believe that, he's right in thinking it. It's refreshing when you compare it to the hate Triple H gets for his rise to the top. What's your excuse for how Cena got to the top? Does he play the politics game? Is he in people's ears? Does he go down on Vince? No. He earned his spot and he deserves it.

So no, John Cena does not have creative held hostage. He doesn't crush the uprising of any young talent. He didn't get Bryan Danielson fired. He is not your new Triple H.

Bryan Danielson was fired because his tie-choking went too far. I've seen insanely violent things in my life and they don't bother me, but I'm not a moron. I know there's such a thing as what's suitable and what isn't. What he did was not suitable for WWE TV. I don't think he deserved firing, but rather a fine or suspension, but it is what it is. They're a business, a global business, and they have people to answer to and an image to protect, and unfortunately Bryan Danielson learned that the hard way.

I truly believe deep in my soul that he will be back in the company in a matter of months. So hopefully when that happens people can stop all these ridiculous claims that John Cena pulled a Triple H and fired someone who was getting over.
i completely agree with this thread. People talk so much shit about cena basically booking himself, but most people forget about HHH and Orton, they are as bad as shawn, hall and nash were in the early 90s. wake up people
if this isnt a work in its entirety
then i cena's using this to get you to like him and get some cool points out of you
not mine though
There's a couple things I want to get off my chest, I might be wrong, but I'm not passing my thoughts as facts, just opnions

First, I thought that all WWE Superstar's twitters are made by WWE, and their tweets are not actually their thoughts, but what WWE wants them to say using their name. If that's true, John Cena's tweets furthers the idea that this is a work.
Second, I swear I saw an article about Danielson on WZ saying that it could just be politics, and I don't mean Linda McMahon, I mean that it's standard for the WWE to server harsh punishment on someone who violates something. Danielson choking was banned due to Benoit, and though the WWE didn't want to fire Danielson, they had to. They could just wait for the 90 day no-work clause or whatever, and just hire him back, using Cena's twitter to further build Danielson without having him on TV.

Mr. Kennedy from what I remember was a great heel, and a even better performer, but just had a string of bad luck. Didn't he injury Cena back in '07? If Cena thought he wasn't safe, why wait a year to stand up and say that he's not safe? I remember Kennedy having a great fued with 'Taker, and everyone knows that 'Taker is one of the most respected wrestlers backstage. If 'Taker didn't feel safe with Kennedy, why would he enter a program with him? I think WWE needed an excuse to fire Kennedy, and Orton complaining could've broken the straw on the camel's back. I could go on to say that there might have been some kind of big conspiracy to get rid of Kennedy, because they were some good points made on this thread, but I don't feel there was. Either way, I'll list some reasons.

With Kennedy growing as a main eventer, Cena might have been paranoid about someone taking his spot. Him and Orton being good friends decide to tell management or whoever that Kennedy wasn't safe. WWE, not wanting to lose their cash cows, bended to their will, using past injuries and unfortunate accidents as a base, and almost injuring their top player as the cherry on the cake. WWE seemed like they wanted to push Kennedy, he was just coming back from starring in a dvd movie, and the fans actually cheered for him when he came back, pretty loud I might add. But like I said, I don't believe this, I just understand where someone could've come up with this.

Parents piss me off. I don't mean my parents, they've pissed me off before, but I'm not talking about my parents. I'm talking about parents who blame WWE and other things like movies, music, and tv for their kids doing something stupid. Parents never take the time out to point out that these are professionals, and that they are trained to know how to do these moves. Whenever I watch wrestling with my nephew, an 8 yr old, I always tell him which moves are dangerous, and that should never do them because they can seriously hurt someone. At the same time, I fight him during commercials. Parents can explain to kids that some moves are dangerous, and even if you never watched wrestling, you don't need to be a mark to know dropping somone who's sitting on your shoulders down to the floor could brake their back or neck, or cause some kind of head injury. When their kids do do these moves, and someone does get hurt, they never take the blame, they look for something else to blame to get people to not realize that it was really their fault. I can't remember the month, but after Smackdown vs RAW 2010 came out, a kid climbed to the roof of his apartment building, and tried to swanton bomb off it using a plastic bag as a parachute. Sadly plastic bags are not very good parachute, and the little boy fell to his death. His parents said he played SVR 10 all day, every day and that he was imitating something he saw on the game. But do you know where his parents were when he did this dangerous stunt. His dad and mom were separated, he was living with his mom, he was in special ed, and his mom had gone to the store, leaving him by his self, with no parental supervision. When I hear stories like this I don't feel bad for the parents. I feel bad for the kids who died, just because their had bad neglectful parents.

Whew, I really needed to get that out.
I think this could go one of a couple of ways......it was BD who drove the limo, and Hart is the secret force behind the NXT crew (c'mon....Hart has been heel before, and it would be a swerve unforseen, just like when we didn't see Bishoff being the driving force behind NWO and he would leave Tony Chiavonne unprotected)....or....Cena could be lobbying to get BD back, and then seems to harp on the fact that "Hey...I'm the one who got your job back" played out on TV, only to elevate BD to the top tier and they begin a fued....POSSIBLY turning Cena heel (he was when he first started in WWE) since everyone seems to drool over the potential that BD has.....or....and this is a stretch.......Cena should contact HHH and ask how to deal with sidestepping the limelight and letting someone else take over. Not meaning Cena is near past his prime (he's barely over 30), but after being on top for so long, and not being champ, it kind of messes with you I would imagine on some level, and even though HHH is out of limelight, and has been out of the title picture for quite some time, he still receives massive pops when the music starts.

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