Point/Counterpoint: Should WWE have held off on Cena/Punk?

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John Cena has dropped the happy go lucky, joke telling Cena in favor of a more serious persona as well, and he's really delivered some of his best work as well.[/B]

What have you been watching? Cena is still cracking jokes and is not taking anything seriously. Cena has delivered his worst mic work recently by killing CM Punk and Vince's contract promo. Cena has done the WWE a disservice with poor acting and mic work.
It was all perfectly put together. THe contract made it be at MITB and chicago is the best place to be! the setting of where this all revolves makes this possible in anywhere you put it and gives it more life. Just beacuase its not in Summerslam dosent mean anything.
What have you been watching? Cena is still cracking jokes and is not taking anything seriously. Cena has delivered his worst mic work recently by killing CM Punk and Vince's contract promo. Cena has done the WWE a disservice with poor acting and mic work.
Not really. Cena held his own, you're just too dumb to understand what Cena was saying. The whole thing about Punk being a hypocrit was very thoughtful. If you get past the whole "zomg he's wearing jean shorts and has a corny voice" he actually says pretty intelligent things.

To RKOx7, I agree with the idea that you'll never know if someone can carry the ball for sure until you let them. However, you can sure as hell test it out. What do you think they did with Orton going to Smackdown? I guarantee that if Orton set Smackdown on fire with awesome performances, Cena would turn heel. Orton, as good as he is, isn't good enough to replace Cena. There are only a handful of guys who fit the criteria. WWE is a public company and has an image to portray. As much as it sucks, that means that "the guy" MUST have a certain physical appearance. Preferably, clean cut and handsome and a good guy in real life. He must also be a safe worker, a guy who can get over, and a guy willing to do a ton of appearances.

I just think there is nobody who can do what Cena does. No matter what the stupid IWC who also chants "you can't wrestle" says. No one else is going to get that loud of a reaction, sell that many shirts/tix/foam fingers, and go to appearances, and do it all with a smile, and be a great guy (from all accounts) in real life.
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