John Cena Fans

Edge-number1 fan said:
if John cena so stong howm come he can't Fu the big show or FU edge how come wrestler have to left themself up so Cena can Fu them.
I don't know what you're watching or where you're getting your information, but John Cena has FU'd just about everyone on the WWE roster and yes this includes the Big Show. You seem to have watched the Wrestlemania between them for the US Title and John Cena FU'd him in that much, so why are you acting like he never FU'd him?

Once again saying Cena never FU'd Edge and you're completely wrong. It's one thing to not like a certain wrestler, but to claim they never did something just, because you don't like them is a pure excuse for you to even be in this arguement. I know you've been watching enough wrestling to know that Cena has FU'd both the wrestlers that you mentioned, I just think you don't want to admit he did.

showtyme27 said:
he has never wrestled zack gowen,(who is a very talented wrestler by the way)the only wrestlers gowen beat in the wwe are the big show(with help from other wrestlers) and matt hardy(yes he beat him fair)
I know John Cena and Zack Gowen atleast had once match against each other on Smackdown, but I know everyone isn't going to remember it. August 14, 2003 - Smackdown!: John Cena defeated Zach Gowan and was attacked by Matt Hardy again afterwards. That's the only match that I know of though, that they had together, but wish we would of seen more between the two.

Edge-number1 fan said:
P.s Rene Dupree has wrestler in ROH because he along with CHirstoper dainls who one of the founding fathers
Where do you come up with this information? Rene Dupree was never in ROH. Rene Dupree was only in GPW, OVW, WWE, and wrestled in a few DSW matches, but you were right about Christopher Daniels being in ROH.
Edge-number1fan said:
well I guess i know more about wrestling then you if you Think John cena strong mean come the dude got his ass kick by a one leg wrestler who he could't even get over his head if John cena so stong howm come he can't Fu the big show or FU edge how come wrestler have to left themself up so Cena can Fu them.

um...dont confuse urself ok? obviously u have more then shown u dont know crap about wrestling. how are u gonna say that cena hasnt done the FU on big show and edge? helloooooo i mean he did feud with edge for this past year since royal rumble and he has done the FU on him a bunch of times and he has done the FU on big show a bunch of times as well. look u should seriously get ur facts straight before u post stuff that dont even make sense

Edge-number1fan said:
Yeah i do wacth wrestler i wacth John cena get his ass kick by Zach gowen i saw Cena hit big show with the steel chin to win his first Us Title everyone know Cena is weak as can be Hell just wacth The 2003 RR

again im gonna have to disagree with you. this is what i mean about not knowing your stuff in 2003 cena had a match with gowen and he did beat him on smackdown and one thing is that you like to be hater on cena and one totally different thing is that he's weak. everyone knows cena is one of the strongest wrestlers from all 3 brands together.

Edge-number1fan said:
P.s Rene Dupree has wrestler in ROH because he along with CHirstoper dainls who one of the founding fathers

again YOUR WRONG!!!!! Dupree has never been in ROH he has been in WWE and OVW but not ROH

Edge-number1fan said:
do you even know anything about wrestling or are you mark if you think John cena strong that laugable

apparently you are the one who has no clue about wrestling. i mean you dont even know what the hell your talking about and no its not laughable if u think cena is strong its laughable when you think hes weak and you dont know what your talking about.
vicky said:
um...dont confuse urself ok? obviously u have more then shown u dont know crap about wrestling. how are u gonna say that cena hasnt done the FU on big show and edge? helloooooo i mean he did feud with edge for this past year since royal rumble and he has done the FU on him a bunch of times and he has done the FU on big show a bunch of times as well. look u should seriously get ur facts straight before u post stuff that dont even make sense

again im gonna have to disagree with you. this is what i mean about not knowing your stuff in 2003 cena had a match with gowen and he did beat him on smackdown and one thing is that you like to be hater on cena and one totally different thing is that he's weak. everyone knows cena is one of the strongest wrestlers from all 3 brands together.

again YOUR WRONG!!!!! Dupree has never been in ROH he has been in WWE and OVW but not ROH

apparently you are the one who has no clue about wrestling. i mean you dont even know what the hell your talking about and no its not laughable if u think cena is strong its laughable when you think hes weak and you dont know what your talking about.

LOL ok whatever you just keep on dreaming anyway on to better wrestler
DeathIsARight said:
You need to chill out before you get in trouble. This is not a warning, but an attempt to calm you down before you go to far.
i know, i said sorry to edge-number1 fan the posts got a little heated and i took it to kapp: i don't remember them wrestling but it's possible i have never seen or heard of the match until now but i do know that gowen only beat big show and matt hardy in his wwe eternal dragon and **** fena:i agree with you guys also strength doesn't make a great wrestler nathan jones,the great khaili,mark henry,and many more show us that but to compair cena to these wrestlers is just plain wrong like i said before cena is a better wrestler then the wwe will let him be his routine is getting a little old but that doesn't make him the worst wrestler ever it's funny to me how people will mark out for hogan when he is the most overpushed and undertalented wrestler of all time,i know what hogan has done for wrestling,i'm glad he did because wrestling might not be as big as it is right now with out him and when i wasn't old enough to know better i was a hogan fan but he has no wrestling talent at all and can be compaired to the great khaili so my qustion is how can people mark out for hogan and hate on john cena?(who is way more talented then hogan ever was)
Cena is a very strong guy. Oh, and Zack Gowen beat up Cena in kayfabe (in a story), it didn't happen in real life. He caught Edge and threw him onto his shoulders, then F-Uing him and he F-U'd Big Show at WrestleMania 20, I've got the friggin' DVD. I agree, Cena marks can be frustrating but so can any sort of marks like, I don't know, let's say totally ******ed Edge marks.
showtyme27 said:
i know, i said sorry to edge-number1 fan the posts got a little heated and i took it to kapp: i don't remember them wrestling but it's possible i have never seen or heard of the match until now but i do know that gowen only beat big show and matt hardy in his wwe eternal dragon and **** fena:i agree with you guys also strength doesn't make a great wrestler nathan jones,the great khaili,mark henry,and many more show us that but to compair cena to these wrestlers is just plain wrong like i said before cena is a better wrestler then the wwe will let him be his routine is getting a little old but that doesn't make him the worst wrestler ever it's funny to me how people will mark out for hogan when he is the most overpushed and undertalented wrestler of all time,i know what hogan has done for wrestling,i'm glad he did because wrestling might not be as big as it is right now with out him and when i wasn't old enough to know better i was a hogan fan but he has no wrestling talent at all and can be compaired to the great khaili so my qustion is how can people mark out for hogan and hate on john cena?(who is way more talented then hogan ever was)

It wasn't a comparison of John Cena and Mark Henry or The Great Kahli, more like proving that strength doesn't always equal to great wrestling. A lot of people say that the WWE limit Cena's move set, but I fail to believe that he has no say in his moves.

Flames Out
John Cena is definetly strong... I dont like him all that much but I know he lifted Big Show. It's true... he did hit him with the brass knux but he did lift Big Show for the F-U right before that. I don't like Cena but you gotta give credit where credit is due.. he is popular.. he's a great babyface... showtyme is right too... Hogan is a way worse wrestler than Cena.. how come people don't hate hogan?
Hogan really isn't that bad of a wrestler. Like Cena, he had a very limited move set in the WWE. I've seen some of Hogan's matches in Japan and they're pretty good. Now I've seen Cena's match in OVW and other places and I thought he was okay but not main event caliber.

Flames Out
Cena is cool imo. I enjoy watching him in the ring and I think he is very important to wrestling and the wwe.
I think that all Cena can do is 3 moves.
That's not hanging with the likes of Chris Benoit and Rey Mysterio.
Well try explaining your post a bit more. Cena can do more than 3 moves, and I have seen him do more in the past but, I agree that he doesn't match Chris Benoit or Rey Mysterio.
Flames Out
Cena can do a lot more than Batista. I dont see why there isnt that much hatred/heat for Batista, when his move set is limited to a series of spinebusters, and capped wit a batista bomb.
Hogans moveset was fine back when he was wrestling because people did not expect as much, powerbombs were mindblowing back then nowadays we expect more.

Cena's so lazy that he wont change his routine and always will do the same thing because he has no respect for his owns fans
Eternal Dragon said:
Hogan really isn't that bad of a wrestler. Like Cena, he had a very limited move set in the WWE. I've seen some of Hogan's matches in Japan and they're pretty good. Now I've seen Cena's match in OVW and other places and I thought he was okay but not main event caliber.

Flames Out
come on dragon please don't tell me that hogan was a main event wrestler cena has more talent in his pinky then hogan ever had but then again so does gillberg, i have also seen some of hogan's matches in japan they weren't that great better then his run of the mill wwf/wcw match but still not good enough to be considered better or more talented then staticxer:i agree that hogan's moveset was excepted back then, because wrestling has grown and we expect more out of wrestlers but why do people still mark out for hogan?, hogan marks will tell out he is the greatest wrestler ever, my point is now everyone knows hogan is one of the worst wrestlers ever but they still love to see him in action beating up and comers like randy orton but boo cena? that doesn't make any sense.
showtyme27 said:
come on dragon please don't tell me that hogan was a main event wrestler cena has more talent in his pinky then hogan ever had but then again so does gillberg, i have also seen some of hogan's matches in japan they weren't that great better then his run of the mill wwf/wcw match but still not good enough to be considered better or more talented then staticxer:i agree that hogan's moveset excepted back then because wrestling has grown and we expect more out of wrestlers but why do people still mark out for hogan, hogan marks will tell out he is the greatest wrestler ever,my point is now everyone knows hogan is on of the worst wrestlers ever but they still love to see him in action beating up and comers like randy orton but boo cena? that doesn't make any sense.

I'm one of those people that hates seeing Hogan wrestle at SS, and I think he should be hanging up his boots- but no way in hell can you call him the worst wrestler ever. There's a reason Hogan is known for one of the best wrestllers ever, and it may not be based on pure wrestling but, he helped shape Pro Wrestling to what it is today and for that I have a lot of respect for him. I wouldn't ever compare Cena and Hogan- ever. People still mark out for Hogan because they watched him as kids, and its always great to relive a good part of your past. And if you're going to talk about move sets in the present- Cena's does not cut it at all. I mean shoulder block, five knuckle shuffle, and a few fisherman's suplexes in every match is just too simple.

Flames Out
I don't like Cena for a few reasons. Right now I find his character stale, and like you said, he should go heel. And right now he is not displaying the wrestling talent that he has shown in the past. Back in his early SD days he showed actual skill. Now his matches consist of getting beaten up, hitting punches, a few clotheslines, spin-out powerbomb, five knuckle shuffle, F-U, and the STF-U. But back in the day his moveset varied which is what I hope happens again.
Eternal Dragon said:
I'm one of those people that hates seeing Hogan wrestle at SS, and I think he should be hanging up his boots- but no way in hell can you call him the worst wrestler ever. There's a reason Hogan is known for one of the best wrestllers ever, and it may not be based on pure wrestling but, he helped shape Pro Wrestling to what it is today and for that I have a lot of respect for him. I wouldn't ever compare Cena and Hogan- ever. People still mark out for Hogan because they watched him as kids, and its always great to relive a good part of your past. And if you're going to talk about move sets in the present- Cena's does not cut it at all. I mean shoulder block, five knuckle shuffle, and a few fisherman's suplexes in every match is just too simple.

Flames Out
i know you read my earlier post i all ready gave hogan credit for being one of the most important figures ever in wrestling but that doesn't make him a good wrestler, he was a hell of an entertainer but never has he been a good wrestler,i stated before that i respect what hogan has done for wrestling but no one but a hogan mark can tell me they enjoy watching hogan beat future megastars like randy orton he should be hanging up his boots getting over new talent if he still wants to wrestle in the ring,as far as move sets it's not like hogan's move set is any better now people have been marking out for hogan for over 20 years he has had the same routine for 20 years staticxer said that cena was lazy and had no respect for his fans i wonder what he would say about hogan and ric flair.
i know you read my earlier post i all ready gave hogan credit for being one of the most important figures ever in wrestling

Well in the top 5.. Hes definatly #1.. He made the WWE.. If it wasnt for him.. It wouldnt be here..

that doesn't make him a good wrestler

Im going to put this as simple as I can.. Back in the day when Hogan was in his prime.. All wrestlers wrestled like he does.. Take a look at matches of Sgt. Slaughter, Roddy Piper, Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes.. All wrestlers who were around in that time.. All very similiar styles.. Of course your going to watch his matches back then and be like.. Wow, these are boring.. But back then a Atomic Leg Drop.. Or a Sleeper Hold were great finishers.. Now a days wrestling is more fast paced, more variety of moves, because it evolved.. You cant say Hogan is the worste wrestler ever.. Plain and simple.

as far as move sets it's not like hogan's move set is any better now

You do know the guy is 52 years of age? Do you expect him to fly around the ring like he was on speed? Or would you prefer him to start throwing out German Suplex's and Superkicks? Remember his age..
I think whether wrestlers are pushed or not should depend more on wrestling ability. We all know Shelton and several other wrestlers deserve the title much more than Cena, based on wrestling ability. Cena also has very little respect for his fans, probably because he's sexist and he also sees no point in being nice to under-9s.
PauLwaLL said:
Well in the top 5.. Hes definatly #1.. He made the WWE.. If it wasnt for him.. It wouldnt be here..

Im going to put this as simple as I can.. Back in the day when Hogan was in his prime.. All wrestlers wrestled like he does.. Take a look at matches of Sgt. Slaughter, Roddy Piper, Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes.. All wrestlers who were around in that time.. All very similiar styles.. Of course your going to watch his matches back then and be like.. Wow, these are boring.. But back then a Atomic Leg Drop.. Or a Sleeper Hold were great finishers.. Now a days wrestling is more fast paced, more variety of moves, because it evolved.. You cant say Hogan is the worste wrestler ever.. Plain and simple.

You do know the guy is 52 years of age? Do you expect him to fly around the ring like he was on speed? Or would you prefer him to start throwing out German Suplex's and Superkicks? Remember his age..
well out of the wrestlers you named only roddy piper was a good wrestler what about names like randy savage,rick rude,ricky steamboat,the von eric brothers,and many more, there were wrestlers back then that deserved the top spot more then hogan the wrestlers i named were great and in there primes could keep pace with today wrestlers hogan couldn't keep pace back then and has never change his simple wrestling style in over 20 years you guys love hogan for the same reasons you hate cena,no i don't expect hogan to do anything but retire from wrestling for good stop making up and coming superstars like randy orton look bad (i mean come on getting beat by a guy way past his prime fairly)that makes orton look like a joke and the same goes for ric's funny to me that the wwe used to say that wcw had old wrestlers that didn't know when to hang it up but now they have guys like hogan,flair,duggan,piper,and some more running around still in a wrestling ring.
well out of the wrestlers you named only roddy piper was a good wrestler

Are you for real? You must not know wrestling.. Ric Flair - Probably the best technician of all time, and may even be the greatest of all time.. Classic matches all the way uptil Summerslam 06... Put on some of the matches that had part in revolotionizing wrestling back in the 80's.

Dusty Rhodes - Not much I have so say about him.. If you dont recognize this guy as a great, you need to go get a wrestling encyclopedia and start studying.. Probably the best storyteller, most entertaining wrestlers back in his day.. Once again had classics with almost every Hall of Fame wrestler..

The Sarge - This guy was the type of guy that you can either love or hate.. Nowadays, thats hard to find.. Great wrestler, also made a lot of wrestlers look good..

I dont really feel I have to say much about them being great wrestlers, because any wrestling fan should know that already.. You probably think there bad wrestlers because your used to the fast paced action we see now.. But back then, seeing a "Spinning Wheel Kick" was like seeing a Canadian Destroyer now.. It was a completly different style of wrestling.. Once in which John Cena would fit into.. His style now, reminds me a lot of the old days.. Same moves, punches, kicks, clotheslines etc.. See if this was the 70's, 80's, hell even the 90's, the way Cena wrestles would be classified "great".. But now since wrestling evovled.. People want to see out of the ordinary moves and things we never ever see.. Cena doesnt bring that to the table, because everytime he comes out.. We know what he's going to do.
The thing about Cena being champion 3 times is going along with the evolvement of the WWE. The WWE (Raw in particular) has evolved into more of an entertaining soap opera so to speak, and the WWE isn't looking for their champs because of their wrestling skill, but mostly who can connect with the fans the most. Look at the raucous Cena creates when he's in an arena, to have him as champion would attract people, either for him or against him for cheering or mocking purposes. I saw earlier in the thread how people with the skills like Dean Malenko havent held the title, and that connects with what I stated above. Dean Malenko simply wasn't an 'actor' much less a wrestler. Look at it this way, when Cena was so popular a few years back, the WWE probably thought it was a good idea for him to become a champion. Why? Because hes the hot commodity at the time, he was young and he was popular and people probably WANTED to see him as champion. To be a champion simply isnt just relied on skill anymore, its to see if you have good fan interaction.
John Cena has no talent in his body in anyway shape or form. There are 2 reasons he is a main eventer and still the WWE Champ.

1. Vince McMahon
2. Triple H

If anyone right now needs to be WWE Champ it should be either Edge or Carlito or Orton. Those are the 3 best wrestlers on Raw, next to Triple H of course. Either way, Cena sucks, his gimmick sucks. I've never liked his stupid ass. That is all.


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