JKO's Bar Room Commentary

Oh right. Post it and keep yourself as JKO or whatever the name is. Seriously, its fun if you dont completely fuck up.
Fun? WZCW, fun? I don't think so, it's complete bullshit is what it is.

JKO, don't even bother wasting your time writing an application, I did the same thing, had to compete in a contract match with other applicants who were told to write a roleplay of sorts about said match. Well, my roleplay got high praises, I should have been the winner, but because the owner of WZCW felt I was too controversial he told me that I was chosen not to win and instead would have to write another roleplay and be in another contract match, which would be fine except i'd have to completely change my posting style everywhere else on the forum to fit what he thought was okay.

Now that, that right there, is utter bullshit. If I was controversial and too risky for them, my bet is you will be too. So, some kindly advice, don't waste your time on that shit.
JKO, I lost my first contract match. I corrected myself and advanced in the second one. WZCW is fun, and you get to compete against most of the people in the forums. Plus now is a good time to join because 2 others just signed up so the next contract match should be soon.
Fun? WZCW, fun? I don't think so, it's complete bullshit is what it is.

JKO, don't even bother wasting your time writing an application, I did the same thing, had to compete in a contract match with other applicants who were told to write a roleplay of sorts about said match. Well, my roleplay got high praises, I should have been the winner, but because the owner of WZCW felt I was too controversial he told me that I was chosen not to win and instead would have to write another roleplay and be in another contract match, which would be fine except i'd have to completely change my posting style everywhere else on the forum to fit what he thought was okay.

Now that, that right there, is utter bullshit. If I was controversial and too risky for them, my bet is you will be too. So, some kindly advice, don't waste your time on that shit.
What you need to understand is no one likes you at all. People like JKO so what happened to you probably won't happen to him.

JKO am I going to have to ban you from this forum as well?

Fun? WZCW, fun? I don't think so, it's complete bullshit is what it is.

JKO, don't even bother wasting your time writing an application, I did the same thing, had to compete in a contract match with other applicants who were told to write a roleplay of sorts about said match. Well, my roleplay got high praises, I should have been the winner, but because the owner of WZCW felt I was too controversial he told me that I was chosen not to win and instead would have to write another roleplay and be in another contract match, which would be fine except i'd have to completely change my posting style everywhere else on the forum to fit what he thought was okay.

Now that, that right there, is utter bullshit. If I was controversial and too risky for them, my bet is you will be too. So, some kindly advice, don't waste your time on that shit.
Are you really whining about not being able to write hours worth of meaningless fantasy? Really?

Is there a rule that says you can't apply again? Furthermore, does it ever say that everyone who applies will be granted access?
What you need to understand is no one likes you at all. People like JKO so what happened to you probably won't happen to him.

Oh, i'm sure what you say is true. Though, there is the fact that there are a handful of people who do actually like me on here, but hey... don't let facts get in the way of your desire to sound smart.

I don't know who you are, but i'm sure your just a useless prick who felt like throwing out an insult at another poster because you had nothing better to do. Lets just leave it at that, shall we?

Slyfox696 said:
Are you really whining about not being able to write hours worth of meaningless fantasy? Really?

I'm not really whining at all, i'm just warning him that he shouldn't waste time writing all of that meaningless fantasy if he's just going to be told he won't be let in because he's too controversial.

Is there a rule that says you can't apply again? Furthermore, does it ever say that everyone who applies will be granted access?

1. No, there is no rule that says I can't apply again, and nowhere in my post did I say that there was. I just stated that I was told that unless I changed my posting style or proved to the owner that I was going to be different and less hated or controversial that I wouldn't be allowed to join as they wouldn't take a shot on me since it would be a risk.

2. No, it does not say all who apply gets granted access. But neither does it say that if your meaningless roleplay is up to the standards of acceptance you could still be rejected because said owner finds you to be too much of a risk. Whatever the fuck that means, as I have only been imprisoned once, and I would have kept up with the meaningless fantasy roleplays as well.

All i'm trying to do is warn the guy not to waste his time, am I venting a little bit as well? Yeah, i'll give that to ya, but oh well.
It's funny because you've only been imprisoned once. That's like saying you only had sex with a prostitue who was actually a male cop once.

May not be the same, but I watched South Park last night. You get the point though.
Why does Profit even come here? I don't get it. He doesn't post, he doesn't like anyone, no one likes him...he just comes on to complain. I don't get it, why even come here?
He was entertaining during the factions thing. His codes had the whole nWZo scrambling for clues. Too bad he never followed it up.

And MRC is debating me in the WWE Section.
Join the eFed man. Profit is a gigantic tool and no one in the Fed would want him there anyway. Join in if you want to because we like to have a lot of people on board and it is a good laugh. It is competitive too and a great way of testing yourself. Profit is just a huge D-Bag and doesn't really get to have a say. Join or don't... It's completely up to you.
Fun? WZCW, fun? I don't think so, it's complete bullshit is what it is.

JKO, don't even bother wasting your time writing an application, I did the same thing, had to compete in a contract match with other applicants who were told to write a roleplay of sorts about said match. Well, my roleplay got high praises, I should have been the winner, but because the owner of WZCW felt I was too controversial he told me that I was chosen not to win and instead would have to write another roleplay and be in another contract match, which would be fine except i'd have to completely change my posting style everywhere else on the forum to fit what he thought was okay.

Now that, that right there, is utter bullshit. If I was controversial and too risky for them, my bet is you will be too. So, some kindly advice, don't waste your time on that shit.

And there's me wondering why you never got in :rolleyes:
Why does Profit even come here? I don't get it. He doesn't post, he doesn't like anyone, no one likes him...he just comes on to complain. I don't get it, why even come here?

I don't come to complain, I give my take on things, this place is pretty shitty sometimes and so my points come off as negative when in reality i'm just trying to "save_us".

In all seriousness though, I used to come on and post a lot but i'm busy all the time now so the only times that I find any time to come here I only seem to find threads and posts that force me to be negative. And to say no one likes me, is just being stupid. I'll reiterate for you what I said to someone else, there are a handful of people who do like and support me on this forum and that is the main reason i'm still here. To stay connected, I guess.

JKO said:
He was entertaining during the factions thing. His codes had the whole nWZo scrambling for clues. Too bad he never followed it up.

I would have followed it up, but things got a little dead toward the end. The feaction thing sorta died off before I could keep my "Save_Us" thing going, so thats why I didn't stick with it. Otherwise, I would have, and the codes would have been explained.

Pheonix said:
And there's me wondering why you never got in :rolleyes:

OKay, if you are going to say something, atleast make an effort to be smart. The reason I didn't get in isn't because of me saying any of this, the reason I didn't get in is what I have already explained. I'm not a bitter person, but when I feel like I get shafted for a stupid reason, then your fuckin right i'm bitter. I didn't act negatively toward WZCW until after this whole ordeal transpired, so think before you speak next time, and don't act like you know what the deal was. Thanks.

Dave said:
Join the eFed man. Profit is a gigantic tool and no one in the Fed would want him there anyway. Join in if you want to because we like to have a lot of people on board and it is a good laugh. It is competitive too and a great way of testing yourself. Profit is just a huge D-Bag and doesn't really get to have a say. Join or don't... It's completely up to you.

Yea, OKay Dave. And who are you again? Right, your a relative new guy who knows nothing of me, so why not shut your fuckin face? If you want to hop in line with others and rag on me because it's the trendy thing to do, well fine then good for you buddy, here's a pat on the shoulder and a handshake to make yourself feel like part of the team and not like an insignificant shit-for-brains loser.

JKO, if your smart, you'll actually take a little something from what I said. Because although I might be bitter, the fact remains that you are banned from the bar room and the owner of WZCW will see that as a risk, if you put time into writing a roleplay and filling out an application you will just end up dissapointed. Do yourself a favor and use that time to get drunk or get laid instead, seriously trust me on that.
I'm sorry Profit, but calling Dave out and asking him "Who the fuck he is"? Seriously? Dave has done more in his short time on this forum than you have. Much, much, much more. So, yeah, I wouldn't get too high and mighty.
I'm sorry Profit, but calling Dave out and asking him "Who the fuck he is"? Seriously? Dave has done more in his short time on this forum than you have. Much, much, much more. So, yeah, I wouldn't get too high and mighty.

I won't argue that he hasn't done more, he posts more non-spam posts than me, so good for him. The relevance of him being new pertains to the fact that he doesn't know me and shouldn't comment on me at all. Thats what I was saying, not that he's not a good poster or a valued member of the forum.

Look X, I actually like you, I share the same opinions as you on most things. I rarely post but I read your posts a lot and find that I agree most the time, why you dislike me is beyond me but to each his own I suppose.
Yea, OKay Dave. And who are you again? Right, your a relative new guy who knows nothing of me, so why not shut your fuckin face? If you want to hop in line with others and rag on me because it's the trendy thing to do, well fine then good for you buddy, here's a pat on the shoulder and a handshake to make yourself feel like part of the team and not like an insignificant shit-for-brains loser.

JKO, if your smart, you'll actually take a little something from what I said. Because although I might be bitter, the fact remains that you are banned from the bar room and the owner of WZCW will see that as a risk, if you put time into writing a roleplay and filling out an application you will just end up dissapointed. Do yourself a favor and use that time to get drunk or get laid instead, seriously trust me on that.

You are a fool for many reasons, I may have to rhyme them off to you.

Firstly, you only joined a couple of months before I did and in that time, I have made myself one of the most recognisable posters here. I have built up a genuine friend-base and made myself a real contributor to these boards. You on the other hand have decided to make your stay with us very miserable and just complain non-stop. i would assume that people will recognise me way before they ever notice who you are, dumbass. Never minf though, go back to your little defence that people are "ragging" on you because you think that they are part of some sort of influence against you. When in reality, it is because you are an annoying prick and no one can stand you. Truth!

Apart from that, WZCW welcomes everyone except people who are like you, snivelling little, insignificant assholes who take everything too seriously and get over the fact that no one will ever love you. Lee does not "own" WZCW but his word is final. I would assume that he did the right thing since you are a pathetic loser and we don't welcome people like you.

JKO, you know I like you. I will not lie to you. WZCW has been good to me and I love some of the people that I am in the Fed with. If you want to join, do so. We make sure as to weed out assholes like Profit and you will be made to feel welcome.

I also take offence to you calling Lee out, Profit as he is a close friend of mine on here. If you don't like it... Fuck off!
I don't dislike you Profit, in fact I thought it was actually the other way around, that you disliked me.

I don't legitimately dislike anyone on here. Aside from some of our more asinine noobs like Big J.

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