Jimmy Hart returns to TNA to manage the Nasty Boys

what next, Paul Bearer in to manage Abyss? At least that would make more sense than Hart and the Nasty Boys being in TNA. managers need to have some sort of conection to the people they manage, eg, Bret Hart and the Hart Legacy



You are exposing your ignorance to history. Did you not realize that Jimmy Hart managed the Nasty Boys in the WWF? How is that not a connection?

He managed them in the WWF, and now he is managing them in TNA.

You seem to forget that this was during a time before there were solely specialty managers like when Paul Bearer and others came along that solely managed people that had the same traits as them.

Managers like Jimmy Hart, Bobby Heenan, Slick, etc. were a jack of all trades, and managed a variety of different personalities. They were their own characters, which gave them more shelf life if a wrestler wound up being released. And that was acceptable then, and there is absolutely zero reason why it couldn't be acceptable today.
2) People have been trained by Vince McMahon to think that managers are a bad thing to wrestling. And if someone "has a manager", they are looked at as weak on the mic.

You newer fans who did not live through the Golden Age of Managers need to understand that 85% of the Heels on the roster were given managers back in the day. People who were some of the best talkers on the stick were still given managers, because of the role they served at ringside, and because they took talented mic talkers and enhanced them even more in interviews.

Sure some of those guys didn't need managers, but that was part of a heel's character in the day, regardless if you could talk or not, because managers at ringside can turn dull parts of a boring match, and rile the crowd up, can interfere in the matches causing frustration with the viewers, and can take bumps, resulting in a pop of the crowd.

They can also enhance angles for television.

So Vince McMahon's way of teaching the IWC that managers are a bad thing and only should be assigned to people who can't talk is completely and utterly false. Nothing further could be from the truth.

Bringing back these types of characters who can talk well, and make the show entertaining is a great thing for the wrestling business. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Why does everything have to turn into "what Vince tells us". It's almost like you see Vince in the same light as a combination of L. Ron Hubbard and David Blaine. Basically anyone who dare grow up and not live on nostalgia is brainwashed, but you are high and mighty and have risen above to see the light of TNA. Anything they do is better because they are not led by the evil Vince McMahon whose goal it is to suck the fun out of professional wrestling and ultimately make the idea of professional wrestling crumble because he doesn't care about any of the fans...................

I'm sorry, but does that not sound crazy to you? The thing is, I'm not against you in this thread. I like the idea of managers and I do think they should always have a place in professional wrestling. However, I don't think it's necessary to turn the thread into another "attack Vince" thread. This should simply be about whether Jimmy Hart managing the Nasty Boys is a good idea.

Jimmy Hart would actually be better used managing younger talent, IF AND ONLY IF he can show that he can adapt to today's wrestling. I know the people who seem to love the sole fact that Jimmy Hart being around makes you feel nostalgic, but the business has grown and changed since the 80s. That might be why the Nastys promos seem over the top and ridiculous. The best talents are the ones that change with the times and keep themselves fresh. If Jimmy can do that, he could be useful.
I love that Jimmy Hart is back. The guy is a larger-than-life character with great mic skills and has an ability to get his wrestlers over. I've been a fan of his ever since childhood and it's good to see him back. Hopefully, this isn't a short term move because he could do wonders managing some of the younger talent in TNA.
The Nasty Boys winning pissing off you babies, that I understand. I also wanted to see the Nasty Boys get put through a pair of tables.

But why the hell you would be mad about Jimmy Hart being back is beyond me. The guy can talk, he doesn't need to get in the ring, and he can get over any tag team they choose. Like I said though, I do think it is a waste to pair him with the Nastys. They don't need Jimmy Hart. A young up and coming tag team could have used a mouthpiece.
could tna get anymore stupid whats next Brutus Beefcake come in and win tna title how can the nasty boys winning help anything they can barely move what wwe or wcw reject is going show up next and push tna originals further down the card Hogan may be one of the greatest wrestling draw of all time but he really sucks as a booker
I was marking out huge for Jimmy Hart. I got to meet him and Hogan twice and both times they were awesome.

TNA should bring back managers and Jimmy Hart is a great way to start. Have him start a stable of wrestlers.
I find it so funny that people are getting so upset that the Nasty Boys beat Team 3D, a team of two nearly 40 somethings who made their name in ECW and the WWE. What's the difference? There is none, except the Nasty Boys were better.

Jimmy Hart and the Nasty Boys are better and more entertaining than Team 3D and I'm glad this happened.
The Nasty Boys winning pissing off you babies, that I understand. I also wanted to see the Nasty Boys get put through a pair of tables.

But why the hell you would be mad about Jimmy Hart being back is beyond me. The guy can talk, he doesn't need to get in the ring, and he can get over any tag team they choose. Like I said though, I do think it is a waste to pair him with the Nastys. They don't need Jimmy Hart. A young up and coming tag team could have used a mouthpiece.

Man, did you actually see that match? It's not about who won or lost, it's about it being completely awful. The crowd died. Both myself and my gf watching at home nearly fell asleep. A pro wrestlers job is to entertain the audience, whether to make them boo or cheer. If you can't do that, you shouldn't be on the card. Especially when there are people who can, who aren't. It's not really about Jimmy Hart joining TNA. It's about Jimmy Hart seemingly being brought into TNA to keep the Nastys fat asses on tv for at least another month.

You seem to suggest that people are mad because they are marks who can't get over the fact that the faces lost the match. In fact, every time anyone disagrees with anyone on this forum it's seemingly because the other person is a mark, not because they have an opinion. Well, It's not about that. It's about people genuinely not liking the Nasty's and genuinely not wanting to see them in TNA. Because of how he debuted tonight, Jimmy Hart is now going to be lumped into that same category, whether fairly or not.

As I said, I'm no Jimmy Hart fan. In all the years I've watched pro wrestling, I cannot remember one thing Jimmy Hart has ever said. To me, he's a mullet and a megaphone, a talking head that adequately fills the role of 'person who interferes in matches'. If you're a fan, good for you. It's entirely possible you've seen something I've missed all these years. But for me personally, I've seen lots of better managers over the years.

Regardless, I don't personally care if Jimmy Hart joins TNA or not (although it's not like it's the first time he's been there, as he used to manage the Naturals without any success). I'm not going to jump for joy to see him as I don't find him to be entertaining, but if Jimmy Hart were brought in to manage another young team I wouldn't be opposed to it. We can both agree on that. But sticking him in the middle of a feud that no-one (outside of this forum) particularly cares about makes no sense. It's nostalgia for nostalgia's sake, without any goals or end-game in mind. It doesn't make me hate the Nasty's more as heels; it makes me want to watch TNA less. The entire show was a waste of money, and Jimmy Hart isn't going to make me more likely to shell out for another next month.
Im with ramblinroy on this one. I think this whole match was a waste of time.

Probably. But it was fun enough.

Goodbye TNA, Hello Nostalgiamania with Hulk Hogan and friends.

Hogan wasn't even on the show. Jimmy Hart took up a whole 30 seconds of the three hour show. The entire last hour featured Pope, AJ, Joe, and Kennedy. Hall and Waltman were on for about a minute and were shown to be ineffective. I mean, you're so right about Hogan and friends taking up all the time. I mean, between the Nastyz, Hall, Waltman, and Hogan, they took up like 12 minutes of the thirty minute show. Oh, what? The show was three hours? OK. Yeah, not offensive at all. You didn't watch. You don't watch. It's like you speaking off a talking points sheet. Pope jumped 100 steps on the ladder, AJ and Joe put on yet another classic, Angle put over Anderson huge, they teased a Morgan heel turn. None of that had shit to do with Hogan and friends.

But getting to Jimmy Hart it just goes to show that if your friends with hogan you can pretty much have a ball in TNA.

Either that or it goes to show that wrestling needs heel managers.
Dear god four pages on an appearance by a manager. Are people trying to find any excuse to bitch about TNA now. I would be willing to put money on the fact that if Roddy Piper came back to simply talk and put over the new guys like he did on past Impacts and PPV's people would complain about it being "another dumb TNA move." Seriously people, you need to just chill out. Maybe for once think that The Nastys and Hart are there for some nostalgia for fans. I understand that TNA needs to showcase the younger guys and they are. TNA's new golden boy Pope is the #1 Contender, AJ Styles is the Heavyweight Champ. Two of their top prosp[ects are Tag Team Champions and the X Title is being held by probably the best guy to hold it since Samoa Joe and they are having their own PPV next month to showcase the new guns of TNA. Can't older fans and people who don't dont freak out if a wrestler int he ring is over 40 enjoy something like The Nasty's or does it always have to be about the new?

Also let's not forget, Hart was a part of TNA years before Hogan including helping them and in turn they promoting his energy drink.
I missed Jimmy Hart. He has remained one of the true mainstays in professional wrestling, as far as managers go. Like Hogan, Bischoff, the Nastys, etc. he is a recognizable face that is timeless in wrestling. He has good mic skills, can take bumps, and can instantly garner heel (or face) heat. There's really no drawback to him managing the Nasty Boys.

And for those that are complaining about "Hogan and his buddies" taking up all the air time in TNA, read FTS's post above. The whole show was devoted to a tournament to determine a new number one contender, and featured none of Hogan's "buddies," except the match being discussed. So get over it already.

I can definitely see Jimmy now, prancing around the ring with his megaphone, getting the crowd riled up. Once the Nastys / 3D feud comes to its end, Hart could easily be paired with a young wrestler and help him become a legit threat. That's what managers do, and Jimmy Hart is one of the best.
"The Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart is one of the finest managers/ringside personalities in the history of pro wrestling. There is not one single reason he should not be working in TNA. Of all the acquisitions brought in by Hogan, this is one of the better. (Ken Anderson is far-and-away the best, with The Nasties being the worst.)

For at least the last five years, the WWE has slowly-but-surely removed every manager from the industry, as if trying to erase the long-time legacy of what these men and women contribute to professional wrestling. I, for one, am glad that Jimmy Hart is going to show a whole new generation of fans exactly why ringside manager have become some of the most revered, legendary personalities in the industry.

Should Jimmy's talents be squandered on The Nasty Boys? No, indeed they shouldn't. He's more likely to have to perform CPR on the grossly- (and embarrassingly) obese Brian Knobbs than he is to get these men over. However, since the Hogan-led TNA is dead-set on giving these men a spot on the roster, we might as well get a slight silver lining in "The Mouth of the South."

Besides, we have no earthly idea what TNA has in mind for this man. I would not be surprised at all to see Hart begin building an entire stable of wrestlers again, as he has in the past. It would be awesome to see another First Family emerge in TNA, allowing some young talent to work with Hart and The Nasties to learn the game.

And, finally, I have to say that while bringing the Nasties in at all is highly questionable logic, pairing them with Team 3D is by far the best choice. Both of these teams have been around for eons, so letting these sets of hardcore legends go at it is FAR more intelligent than putting The Nasties in against the Machine Guns, forcing two young, up-and-coming high-fliers to work with the slow, plodding veterans.

I don't really see any upside to Knobbs & Sags, I'll admit, but if there is one, at the moment it's Hart.
first of all i agree with most everything lord sidious said. now i am glad to see jimmy hart back lets see now we got the greatest wrestler of all time hulk hogan and without a dout the second best in ric flair,then we got the best mind in wrestling in eric bischoff now we got one of the greaest managers in history jimmy hart managing one of the greatest tag teams in history the nasty boys. i mustt add to that i was so happy to see the nastys beat the dudleys or team 3d or whatever they call their self. the dudleys suck they have always sucked they have got to be one of the worst teams in history so the nastys beating them was not a big surpise. if hogan is smart he will have the nastys beat 3d a couple of more times and then realease 3ds worthless sorry asses that would be the best thing. and as for the tna originals getting held down if the majority of them didnt suck really bad like they do maybe they would get on tv. with the exception of aj styles and maybe a couple more the originals suck but look at it on the bright side they can always go to wwe and be champ because wwe is so hard up they will make any loser champ just look at sheamus......... my point exactly
The Nasty Boys winning pissing off you babies, that I understand. I also wanted to see the Nasty Boys get put through a pair of tables.

But why the hell you would be mad about Jimmy Hart being back is beyond me. The guy can talk, he doesn't need to get in the ring, and he can get over any tag team they choose. Like I said though, I do think it is a waste to pair him with the Nastys. They don't need Jimmy Hart. A young up and coming tag team could have used a mouthpiece.

What is this young up-and-coming tag team that would need Jimmy Hart as their mouthpiece? In TNA right now, there really isn't anybody that comes to mind. Beer Money...no. Hernandez and Morgan...no. MCMG...no. If you could lend an example to your theory, I'd love to hear it. Btw, I love having Jimmy Hart managing the Nasty Boyz. It just really seems right. :thumbsup:
Alright for all you nay sayers start bad mouthing the Jimmy Hart thing I want to point out that in the Mainstream world of professional wrestling the art of the Manager has been missing, and honestly it was a crucial element in the past that needed to be re-utilized again. No people like So Cal Val and Rosa and Eve those aren't managers. I am talking about what certain traits you had to have to be a manager, Sherri, Hart, Heenan, Fuji all had that special thing to cheat to a victory something Race had when he managed Vader and something Flair had managing Triple H and Aj styles.

You had good managers in TNA in the beginning D'amore, Mitchell both had these redeeming qualities Val made a decent Elizabeth but she wasn't anything more then eye candy like some of the other valets are today.

This is a start of what wrestling really needs and that is go back to the roots of what made the sport so damn successful in the first place, and rebuild up...
You people are the the biggest fucking hypocrites I have ever seen on ANY message board. For years, we have grown tired of WWE's lackluster, boring, repetitive booking. We wanted a change, and that change came in TNA. Fast action, great womens division, fantastic characters like Joe, and Angle, and MCMG, and Daniels, all were showcased here.

Now I get on here because TNA is a fucking dreadful mess, booked like WWE without the great production value, and you so called "Loyal" TNA fans are ok with this? You people bitched and bitched and whined and moaned that WWE was stale, same old shit, "Vince" shouldn't be wrestling, Bret looked like crap, HHH vs Orton 30 and I agree'd, except Bret. But then you agree that it's OK that TNA uses Dudleys, Hall, Suxpack, Jimmy Hart? What kind of shit is that? You can't just go "WWE is crap" And then turn around and give TNA thumbs up when their doing the exact same shit. That makes you hypocrites. You want WWE to be the only game in town? Cause if TNA keeps pushing this bullshit and the fake ass Styles who NOBODY cares about, they will get stomped on by the WWE.

I've seen this shit happen before, it was called WCW. Ya know what people said then? "Oh it's only one night, Arquette is going to drop it on Nitro"....."Oh it's Russo being Russo"....."Chill dude, it's only 1 match"... Guess what? WCW went bankrupt. Cause they thought it was cute to "Out Smark" the audience. Well that's awesome. If your a small, never will amount to nothing company. No big company is going to do that. Ya know why? Cause only 10% of fans get the joke. It's not that funny.

I don't find 2 fat out of shape Nasties funny. Or entertaining. I don't find Jimmy Hart funny. You think Jimmy will draw in ratings, or draw money? Nope, so why is he here? Are the Dudleys vs Nasties going to draw money? Nope.

You TNA loyalists like Sid are so funny. You think TNA is original? Chew on this. TNA is being run by a WWE guy, Hogan, booked by a WCW guy, Bischoff, and a WWE guy, Russo. Notice TNA in there? Nope. TNA is a WWE lite now that barely outdraws WWE's 4th show, Superstars. That's pathetic.
What is this young up-and-coming tag team that would need Jimmy Hart as their mouthpiece? In TNA right now, there really isn't anybody that comes to mind. Beer Money...no. Hernandez and Morgan...no. MCMG...no. If you could lend an example to your theory, I'd love to hear it. Btw, I love having Jimmy Hart managing the Nasty Boyz. It just really seems right. :thumbsup:

Generation ME could have used a new gimmick and mouthpiece. They could also have brought in another new heel tag team (that wasn't a few matches away from falling over dead in the ring).

Hell, they could have used him for an up and coming singles wrestler as well. (If they are bent on getting Amazing Red over, Jimmy could have done wonders for him. Much much better than Don West.) If Abyss returned to his more dominant monster gimmick, Jimmy could have been his manager as well.

Either way, I think he can do great things for TNA. He is an awesome manager and like someone else mentioned (that I didn't even think of before), he can produce great theme music.

You TNA loyalists like Sid are so funny. You think TNA is original? Chew on this. TNA is being run by a WWE guy, Hogan, booked by a WCW guy, Bischoff, and a WWE guy, Russo. Notice TNA in there? Nope. TNA is a WWE lite now that barely outdraws WWE's 4th show, Superstars. That's pathetic.

I love TNA and I love the X Division. But any idiot knows that spot fests and cruiser weights with no character development do not draw casual fans in. I was a WCW guy back during the Monday Night Wars and Vince buying WCW was a horrible night for me. I've always wished WCW was still around and if TNA is turning in WCW, that's fine with me. I hope you are aware that WCW failed not because of direction but because of the AOL/Time Warner merger. WCW was still getting decent TV ratings at its end and I was a loyal follower.

The AJ "nature boy" gimmick did seem forced at first. But last week at Impact and especially at Against All Odds last night, AJ is definitely improving. He's being himself more, but still being cocky and its working awesome. I'll take this AJ over vanilla cruiserweight AJ any day...

You people are the the biggest fucking hypocrites I have ever seen on ANY message board. For years, we have grown tired of WWE's lackluster, boring, repetitive booking. We wanted a change, and that change came in TNA. Fast action, great womens division, fantastic characters like Joe, and Angle, and MCMG, and Daniels, all were showcased here.

Now I get on here because TNA is a fucking dreadful mess, booked like WWE without the great production value, and you so called "Loyal" TNA fans are ok with this? You people bitched and bitched and whined and moaned that WWE was stale, same old shit, "Vince" shouldn't be wrestling, Bret looked like crap, HHH vs Orton 30 and I agree'd, except Bret. But then you agree that it's OK that TNA uses Dudleys, Hall, Suxpack, Jimmy Hart? What kind of shit is that? You can't just go "WWE is crap" And then turn around and give TNA thumbs up when their doing the exact same shit. That makes you hypocrites. You want WWE to be the only game in town? Cause if TNA keeps pushing this bullshit and the fake ass Styles who NOBODY cares about, they will get stomped on by the WWE.

I've seen this shit happen before, it was called WCW. Ya know what people said then? "Oh it's only one night, Arquette is going to drop it on Nitro"....."Oh it's Russo being Russo"....."Chill dude, it's only 1 match"... Guess what? WCW went bankrupt. Cause they thought it was cute to "Out Smark" the audience. Well that's awesome. If your a small, never will amount to nothing company. No big company is going to do that. Ya know why? Cause only 10% of fans get the joke. It's not that funny.

I don't find 2 fat out of shape Nasties funny. Or entertaining. I don't find Jimmy Hart funny. You think Jimmy will draw in ratings, or draw money? Nope, so why is he here? Are the Dudleys vs Nasties going to draw money? Nope.

You TNA loyalists like Sid are so funny. You think TNA is original? Chew on this. TNA is being run by a WWE guy, Hogan, booked by a WCW guy, Bischoff, and a WWE guy, Russo. Notice TNA in there? Nope. TNA is a WWE lite now that barely outdraws WWE's 4th show, Superstars. That's pathetic.

I'm sorry, but your post is so foolish I HAD to respond.

You act like you have never seen wrestling before. Never before in wrestling has there been a company who only used wrestlers they pullled out of their own scouting system and developed into superstars. NONE! Every wrestling promotion in the history of the world has taken talent from other promotions, many times taking top names. WWE made their huge run in the 80s on the big names of other promotions, with guys like Hulk Hogan, Bobby Heenan, Gene Okurlund, Harley Race, Randy Savage, Curt Hennig, Rick Martel, etc. The NWA was a group which SHARED their talent, willingly, with one another. WCW became the number one promotion by stealing WWF talent and making people believe the WWF was invading their promotion.

Wrestling is not baseball...no one creates their own superstars from scratch and is successful with it. Hell, look at the guys who are currently main-eventing the WWE. HBK, HHH, Undertaker, Rey, etc...all older wrestlers from the previous generation, three of which made their name in other companies (HBK - AWA, Taker - NWA, Rey - Mexico, WCW) before coming to the WWE.

The fact of the matter is that wrestling is wrestling, it doesn't matter where your workers were before, it matters where they are now. Where they are now is what makes them who they are. So, Hogan is not a WWE guy, he's not an AWA guy, he's not a WCW guy...he's a TNA guy. As is Bischoff, Flair, Russo, Jarrett, Nasty Boys, Team 3D, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, etc. They are ALL TNA guys now.

TNA is original, because they are doing their own thing. Just because they have workers who have found success in other promotions doesn't mean they are not original, as, like I have pointed out, EVERY wrestling promotion takes talent from other promotions to build their company.

There is nothing wrong with Jimmy Hart in TNA. Unlike other older workers, it doesn't matter what age Jimmy Hart is because a manager is not physically involved in matches like wrestlers are. A manager costs far less money than active talent on the roster, but they can add such a dynamic to the show. Besides, if anyone who has seen what Jimmy Hart can do, I'm sure they'll be excited to see what Jimmy Hart can do.

Oh yeah, I just wanted to point out:

We wanted a change, and that change came in TNA. Fast action, great womens division, fantastic characters like Joe, and Angle, and MCMG, and Daniels, all were showcased here.
Joe is an ROH guy, Angle is a WWE guy, the company at this time was being run by Jarrett and Russo, two WCW guys, the tag champions were Team 3D, two ECW and WWE guys, Christian was a WWE guy, Sting a WCW guy, Rhino a ECW/WWE guy, Jeff Hardy a WWE guy...

The point I'm making is that TNA has ALWAYS had workers in their promotion which fit the descriptions you are using to run TNA down right now. Hell, the very first show TNA ever ran saw Ricky Steamboat as a referee, Scott Hall, Jeff Jarrett, Ken Shamrock, Jerry Lynn, Ed Ferrara, Francine, Psicosis, Brian Christopher, Ron Killings, Lash LaRoux, Norman Smiley, Buff Bagwell, and Rick Steiner, all guys who had previously made their name in WCW, ECW, or WWE. X-Pac has been there before, Sting was there in 04, DDP has been there...the point is that you act like TNA has never, and should never, have anyone with a name that was made in another promotion, and that's just silly.
So much for talk of the Nasty Boys not staying around very long, huh? Next tag team champions here they come! :lol: Seriously, though, no one should be surprised by this at all. Jimmy Hart has always been a close friend of Hogan's, he did come into WCW with him, remember? So it was just a matter of time before Hart followed along with all of Hogan's buddies. This doesn't bode well for TNA, though, if more of Hogan's buddies come along.. Brutus the Barber Beefcake, anyone? Old guys like Jimmy Hart and the Nasty Boys are not going to bring in viewers, old or otherwise, sorry. And I'm really cringing at the thought that other tag teams are going to have to lay down for the Nasty Boys in the future. I'm cringing even more at the idea that this feud isn't over...
Well, I'm gonna wait to see how this plays out before I get upset.

Jimmy could get some of these guys over, he is a great manager who knows when he's shinning too bright and he knows when to pull back so the talent can get over with out him...time will tell.
I think the main reason many are so mad about him helping the nastys is that it means they are going to be on tv for a few more months and wrestle again. They were about the most horrible in-ring performers I have seen in some time. I thought Knobbs was going to have a heart attack on the ramp after the match. They botched several moves or practically everything that was not a punch in the match. They spent about half the match catching their breath out on the floor so they could climb back up on the apron, catch their breath some more before entering the ring. It is flat out painful to watch these matches where has beens suck it up and then beat wrestlers who have wrestled circles around them the whole match. It ends up making everyone look bad.

I do think Jimmy hart will be a good addition. Hopefuly sooner than later 3D beats chipmunk cheeks and nags in a retirement match. Then they could use Hart with someone worth giving a boost.
You people are the the biggest fucking hypocrites I have ever seen on ANY message board. For years, we have grown tired of WWE's lackluster, boring, repetitive booking. We wanted a change, and that change came in TNA. Fast action, great womens division, fantastic characters like Joe, and Angle, and MCMG, and Daniels, all were showcased here.

Now I get on here because TNA is a fucking dreadful mess, booked like WWE without the great production value, and you so called "Loyal" TNA fans are ok with this? You people bitched and bitched and whined and moaned that WWE was stale, same old shit, "Vince" shouldn't be wrestling, Bret looked like crap, HHH vs Orton 30 and I agree'd, except Bret. But then you agree that it's OK that TNA uses Dudleys, Hall, Suxpack, Jimmy Hart? What kind of shit is that? You can't just go "WWE is crap" And then turn around and give TNA thumbs up when their doing the exact same shit. That makes you hypocrites. You want WWE to be the only game in town? Cause if TNA keeps pushing this bullshit and the fake ass Styles who NOBODY cares about, they will get stomped on by the WWE.

I've seen this shit happen before, it was called WCW. Ya know what people said then? "Oh it's only one night, Arquette is going to drop it on Nitro"....."Oh it's Russo being Russo"....."Chill dude, it's only 1 match"... Guess what? WCW went bankrupt. Cause they thought it was cute to "Out Smark" the audience. Well that's awesome. If your a small, never will amount to nothing company. No big company is going to do that. Ya know why? Cause only 10% of fans get the joke. It's not that funny.

I don't find 2 fat out of shape Nasties funny. Or entertaining. I don't find Jimmy Hart funny. You think Jimmy will draw in ratings, or draw money? Nope, so why is he here? Are the Dudleys vs Nasties going to draw money? Nope.

You TNA loyalists like Sid are so funny. You think TNA is original? Chew on this. TNA is being run by a WWE guy, Hogan, booked by a WCW guy, Bischoff, and a WWE guy, Russo. Notice TNA in there? Nope. TNA is a WWE lite now that barely outdraws WWE's 4th show, Superstars. That's pathetic.

Sly said it best but who are you calling hypocrites when you are complaining about superstars in TNA now that have been there before. How can you call yourself a fan complaining about the older guys when most of them were with TNA since the beginning. The young guys are the focus of the show just like they were in the 80s. We had the classic managers in NWA, WCW and WWF putting over the young talent. Seeing great matches between young talent and showcasing some older legends for a few minutes isn't going to run a company out of business.

Russo had nothing to work with at the end of WCW. He pushed Billy Kidman, Booker T, Storm, Benoit, and Jericho and it got him nowhere since all the viewers and the big stars left. Comparing Russo in 2000 with David Arquette as the champion to TNA now is ridiculous. AJ Styles is the champion and probably the best athlete in the business. TNA is nothing like WCW. Hogan, Sting, Flair, and Bischoff are on the show. Big Deal. Its not like they are given every segment of the show.

Personally I don't find the Nasty's entertaining now but I am a fan of Jimmy Hart and was a fan of the Nastys in the 90s. A 3 minute Nasty Boy match on a show or a PPV doesn't ruin TNA for me. It shouldn't ruin TNA for you if you are Mister TNA any way. TNA was never only about AJ Styles, Joe and Daniels. It was mostly about them and Jeff Jarrett, Sting, Angle, and other legends like Dusty Rhodes. Russo has been booking TNA for years now so I don't what TNA you are talking about. Also, Jarrett, Sting, and Foley were champions long before Hogan and Bischoff came in.

As far as TNA barely outdrawing Superstars I'm pretty sure TNA has beat ECW and Superstars every week for months now. Superstars has never came close to even a 1.0. ECW is lucky to get a 1.0. I guess TNA is really pathetic now huh? I guess they weren't pathetic when they first started out with Shark Boy, Popeye, and Goldilocks and Toby Keith. How can you be a fan and bash TNA for something that they have been doing for years now?

The difference is now they are showcasing the younger talent more and using more legends to put them over. You want a company with all Indy wrestlers and no big writers or superstars from other companies? You will be bankrupt within a week.

So much for talk of the Nasty Boys not staying around very long, huh? Next tag team champions here they come! :lol: Seriously, though, no one should be surprised by this at all. Jimmy Hart has always been a close friend of Hogan's, he did come into WCW with him, remember? So it was just a matter of time before Hart followed along with all of Hogan's buddies. This doesn't bode well for TNA, though, if more of Hogan's buddies come along.. Brutus the Barber Beefcake, anyone? Old guys like Jimmy Hart and the Nasty Boys are not going to bring in viewers, old or otherwise, sorry. And I'm really cringing at the thought that other tag teams are going to have to lay down for the Nasty Boys in the future. I'm cringing even more at the idea that this feud isn't over...

Even if Hogan wanted to bring in Beefcake there is no way Dixie is going to allow that because the guy brings nothing to the table. I don't think The Nasty Boys do, but if they were in WWE people would be wetting themselves to see an actual tag team for once. Whether Hart is Hogan's buddy or not who cares? The man is a legend. One of the greatest managers of all time.

Personally I would rather see him with a team like Lethal/Creed or Generation Me to build them up. I'm just happy to see managers for change. I don't think The Nasty Boys are the death of TNA or even the next tag champions. I think the Nastys will go as far as 3D and that's it. Honestly I could care less because a tag team doesn't make or break a company. No matter how good or bad they are. The Nastys are lucky to get maybe 3 minutes of television time every other week so everyone needs to stop menstruating in their smark panties.
Hopefully this will turn out to be good, since Jimmy is one of the most gifted mouthpieces in wrestling history. However, I will remain slightly skeptical until I see how it plays out. Jimmy has had some apparent voice-issues (on CCW for example), but hopefully it's all sorted out.

He did look good for a guy his age, and hopefully he can make the 3D-Nasty feud work, because that match was kind of atrocious...
I am in two minds about this move, one i think Hart is a talented manager, If there is anyone who deserves to be in this business its Jimmy Hart, and I hope he contributes to TNA just like he did in the WWE (he actually created Bret Harts Theme and helped the Hart foundation to the tag team titles).

The issue I have with this move is his paring with the Nasty Boys, the fact is i really believe that Hogan has just placed his buddy in this position in order to get him a job in the company and put shock value on the team of nobbs and Saggs IMO i would have been more shocked to see Hart aligning with the Dudleys, I wont judge this time around though as i see TNA getting alot more better, I actually enjoyed the PPV so lets see how Harts role works out in the TNA compared to his tenure in the WWE.
I don't see any big problems with this. I obviously don't like another Hogan crony getting a paycheck simply because they can, but it's not a bad move here.

Hart is clearly not a wrestler, and since when is a manager ever "too old"? Do you not remember Mr. Fuji barely making it to ringside with Yokozuna, or hell, even Demolition? Jimmy is a mouthpiece, and he'll make any storyline he's in that much better.

Also, he may just fix that supposed theme song problem you all complain about.

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