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Jimmy Hart returns to TNA to manage the Nasty Boys


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What the hell? TNA just brought in Jimmy Hart to cheat to help the Nasty Boys to win. I hate this. What the heck are they thinking? How pissed off are the Dudleys right now?
I am so happy to see Jimmy Hart back in TNA again. Excellent move bringing in the greatest manager in wrestling history only behind Bobby The Brain Heenan. Jimmy is a colorful personality, is an excellent talker, and will do a phenomenal job reaching out to older viewers who may have left wrestling or are still lagging with WWE looking for some familiar faces elsewhere to see.

Old School Personalities OWN today's personalities anyday.

Great signing, TNA.

Now, bring in the Honky Tonk Man and pair him up with Jimmy, too.
I am not surprised to be honest, after seeing the Nasty Boys and Bubba at TNA, I kinda expected Hogan to bring his other friends with him, still I am waiting for Beefcake to come.

Anyway I'm only seeing the results of this PPV and I am not watching it right now, how has it been going tonight.
Im with ramblinroy on this one. I think this whole match was a waste of time. Goodbye TNA, Hello Nostalgiamania with Hulk Hogan and friends.

But getting to Jimmy Hart it just goes to show that if your friends with hogan you can pretty much have a ball in TNA.
MANAGERS! A missing art in today's wrestling. Jimmy Hart returning to the game even for a short-term is great. How many people do we see that can wrestle but can't get pushed because their mic skills are that of a 2-year old? Managers have helped some of the most mic-deficient wrestlers of all time. It's the extra ingredient to help put a wrestler over.

I don't necessarily like Jimmy managing the Nasty Boys as I feel the Nasty Boys are a distraction to legitimate tag teams. (I hate to say this, but that this point, Brian Knobbs should just be a boulder on the top rope waiting for Jerry Saggs to pull the string to splash Knobbs on an opponent like a Road Runner cartoon.) But the point is Jimmy Hart being back on TV is a good thing. MOUTH OF THE SOUTH, BABY!
Jimmy Hart is an awesome manager and it's good to see him involved in wrestling again. The only thing I'm semi-bummed on, is TNA is wasting him on the Nastys. It would have been smarter to pair him with a young up and coming tag team to help get them over.

Was it just me, or did Bubba look like he legit wanted to hurt the Nastys and was getting pissed at them being old and sucking during the tag match? LOL!!
Wow, match barely ends and people are all ready having a cow over this. Once again, this is most likely being done to annoy the TNA "Loyalists" and the smarks on the internet. Sure it's bound to piss off people but it will make people want to see them lose and be gone more. I'm calling it now.. Team 3D vs Natys Steel Cage hardcore match at Lockdown. Blood galore and Team 3D getting the win.

Also great idea. If you are gonna bring in a manager why not one of the best. The guy can still talk better than most wrestlers and he still makes you want to throttle him. We need more managers.
I hope that they are not paying him much, he isn't worth much these days. Honestly I think it's a dumb move. He isn't really relevant to this era of wrestling. People are not really going to know who he is, sure we'll be given a reminder some way or another, but will it matter? Will it gain ratings? Ultimately, no, it won't matter, and it certainly won't gain viewership.

I had hoped with Hogan signing with TNA, that it wouldn't turn TNA into "Hogan and Friends."
I got no problem with Jimmy Hart, but the Nasty Boys shouldn't be on a PPV, much less TV. They can barely move. Bubba Ray tried to do a Rock Bottom on Saggs and he about broke his leg because he couldn't jump high enough to get his legs out of the way. Terrible.

They're putting the Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart on the PPV but leaving off Roode, Storm, Daniels, Shelley, Sabin, Kaz, Red, Lethal, Williams, Magnus, and Eric Young off. Just doesn't make sense.
Jimmy is a colorful personality, is an excellent talker, and will do a phenomenal job reaching out to older viewers who may have left wrestling or are still lagging with WWE looking for some familiar faces elsewhere to see.

Yes, Hart is/was entertaining, but he has far exceeded his sell by date. So has the team he is managing. No way is the arrival of Jimmy Hart going to make anyone tune in to TNA or switch over from WWE, I'm sorry. Older viewers who have left wrestling aren't coming back for Jimmy Hart.

But the silver lining in all this is TNA is bringing back managers/valets/mentors. You have AJ & Flair, Desmond & Chelsea, Mick & Abyss, and Jimmy and the Nastys. But, they definitely need to start cultivating and recruiting new managers.
MANAGERS! A missing art in today's wrestling. Jimmy Hart returning to the game even for a short-term is great. How many people do we see that can wrestle but can't get pushed because their mic skills are that of a 2-year old? Managers have helped some of the most mic-deficient wrestlers of all time. It's the extra ingredient to help put a wrestler over.

I don't necessarily like Jimmy managing the Nasty Boys as I feel the Nasty Boys are a distraction to legitimate tag teams. (I hate to say this, but that this point, Brian Knobbs should just be a boulder on the top rope waiting for Jerry Saggs to pull the string to splash Knobbs on an opponent like a Road Runner cartoon.) But the point is Jimmy Hart being back on TV is a good thing. MOUTH OF THE SOUTH, BABY!


TNA is taking the ball in this one aspect that Vince dropped the ball on, and running with it.

Ric Flair is for all intents and purposes AJ Styles' manager. And now Jimmy Hart is back.

I am not going to accept the Hogan argument with Jimmy being back fully, because even if Jimmy Hart was not friends with Hogan, he deserves a place on any roster because of his accomplishments and ability to talk.

One of the things newer fans need to realize is that Jimmy Hart is not just any wrestling manager. Jimmy Hart is one of the top 5 wrestling managers of ALL TIME. I would even put him in the Top 3, to be perfectly frank.

He is right up there in the elite category with Bobby Heenan and Jim Cornette.

The guy is a classic character and a true colorful personality. And he is a great tool to help bring older viewers back into the fray to lure away from WWE, or even older fans who may have stopped watching wrestling altogether because of the direction Vince took the WWE.

He will also serve as a tool for newer fans who really didn't live through, or were fans of wrestling in the Manager Era in wrestling in the 80's and very early 90's. To be frank, I doubt a clear majority of people on this board were even fans of wrestling around that time period I refer of, so you really don't comprehend how important managers were to the wrestling business.

WWE has greatly disregarded this concept and threw it all away, frankly because Vince wanted to be cheap and didn't want to pay people to manage. So he basically has one or two people at ringside that are paid to just stand there, as opposed to act like true personalities like the rest of the roster, to entertain the audience.

Outstanding move. Like I said, TNA has Flair and now Jimmy Hart as highly reputable managers on the roster. Fantastic move, and I take my hat off to TNA for this.

Now, we just have to address bringing in a Heel commentator and getting Taz out of the booth, and we'll really be cooking.
You honestly expected Hulk Hogan not to open the floodgates for all his cronies and buddies to start flocking to TNA to suck it dry before casting it aside? Jimmy Hart is great, but he's just one good acquisition amidst... Orlando Jordan and The Nasty Boys.

In my opinion it is a great move.

Knobbs especially gets exhausted during promo's because he is tremendously out of shape.
Now, there is someone to do some talking for him. And why not one of the best?!
Saggs has the in-ring skills as far as the Nasty Boys are concerned in my opinion and Hart has the mic skills.

Knobbs... is just there.

People complain about the Hogan era because they feel a lot of workers he brings in are just his friends (and lets be fair, a lot are) and they can't work as well as the young talents.
Managers can still be at the top of their game, easily!

I only hope that this eventually leads to Hart managing a younger team or superstar because they'll need the rub more right now. It is a way of using veterans to get superstars who need it over.

However, whilst with the Nastys, I'd love to see Jimmy wear some Nasty Boys gear but with some form of flamboyant touch. Has to be said.
I'm thinking Spike Dudley would of been a more interesting move, then Jimmy Hart. Because well, it creates a family drama between the Dudleys and the Nastys, and it makes it more then a tag team pissing match, it makes a personal bout between two teams. One willing to do anything to beat the other.

Don't get me wrong. Jimmy Hart is one of the best ever. But the Nasty Boys having an old school manager doesn't help the cause. Now Jimmy Hart coming out, and announcing he has the next big thing in wrestling would of done some damage. Then Debuted a cocky Heel or something. But hey, it's weird seeing Jimmy Hart come out of no where, but it's interesting.
Jesus, people are seriously going to cry because a MANAGER came to TNA? Even if Jimmy Hart wasn't one of the greatest managers of all time, which he is, how does Hogan bringing him in hurt YOU? And who cares if he is Hogans friend. I just can't understand the complaint. It means nothing. It isn't even worth complaining about.

This is the problem with all you TNA super-marks out there. You bitch and complain about EVERY little thing Hogan and Bischoff do. I know you want "your" old TNA back, but it isn't happening. The old TNA didn't work on a mainstream level. Dixie Carter brought Hogan/Bischoff in to MAINSTREAM IT! That was their purpose. And that is what they are doing. Crying about Jimmy Hart? Are you kidding me?
People who are complaining about this move have one or two issues:

1) They do not like Hulk Hogan. Therefore, anyone even remotely associated with Hogan, no matter how qualified or not qualified, is going to be hated along with him.

People may not like The Nasty Boys, but they are excellent characters and make for entertaining television. Certainly they aren't the best workers anymore, although I think Sags is still decent for his age.

Knobbs is ... well Knobbs, and is bigger then ever. I can't excuse his weight and all. Although unfortunately, he is the bigger character of the two Nasty Boys, and I find him as entertaining as all get-out jaw-jacking with fans and cutting promos.

2) People have been trained by Vince McMahon to think that managers are a bad thing to wrestling. And if someone "has a manager", they are looked at as weak on the mic.

You newer fans who did not live through the Golden Age of Managers need to understand that 85% of the Heels on the roster were given managers back in the day. People who were some of the best talkers on the stick were still given managers, because of the role they served at ringside, and because they took talented mic talkers and enhanced them even more in interviews.

Sure some of those guys didn't need managers, but that was part of a heel's character in the day, regardless if you could talk or not, because managers at ringside can turn dull parts of a boring match, and rile the crowd up, can interfere in the matches causing frustration with the viewers, and can take bumps, resulting in a pop of the crowd.

They can also enhance angles for television.

So Vince McMahon's way of teaching the IWC that managers are a bad thing and only should be assigned to people who can't talk is completely and utterly false. Nothing further could be from the truth.

Bringing back these types of characters who can talk well, and make the show entertaining is a great thing for the wrestling business. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
jimmy hart has had no place in wrestling for over 15 years. he was always Hogans manager, or leading the hart foundation, apart frm that he has done nothing
Cool, very cool. We need more managers in wrestling. Whatever happened to the days of the manager being pulled into the ring to take the bullet to allow for the screw job ending to the match? Managers also provide mouth pieces for people with other questionable mic skills. Jimmy Hart can do all this and much more, very good grab for TNA. Hope to see more of this. Hell while we're at it, bring back Fonzie (blows whistle)
I think bringing in Jimmy Hart is a great move. Yes the guy may be old, but he isn't wrestling. And yes he may be a friend of Hogans but who cares. He is one heck of a talker and thats one thing we need in TNA. And i understand the complaints of managing the Nasty Boys, But this is Jimmy Harts first night in TNA. It could lead to a million other things.
Everyone thinks Jimmy is back to manage the Nastys, but he could pull one over on us and side with the Dudleys. Anything is possible, that is whats great about it. And the good thing about managers like Jimmy Hart, He can manage more than one person or tag-team, he can give his services to plenty of other wrestlers at once which you don't see much anymore.
I don't understand how anyone can judge this negatively yet. Jimmy Hart isn't going to be another guy in the ring taking the place of an up-and-comer. He is a manager, something SORELY missed in today's wrestling world. You can have your opinions on if you think he still "has it", but wait for him to cut a promo before you do that. As of right now, this is a GREAT addition to TNA.
Enough of this idiotic 'TNA is doing this to piss off the smarks!' justification. You might have been able to get away with that argument if it was just Hall and Waltman, or the Nasty'z. But now the only element missing from making this a full out Hogan family party is Ed Leslie.

Let's get to the heart of the matter here. The Nasty'z vs 3D was terrible. In 20+ years watching wrestling, I think the only thing I've seen that compared to this in terms of sheer awfulness was Kronik vs Brothers of Destruction. The match sucked the energy out of the arena completely, and there's no way unbiased management actually concerned with pleasing the audience would ever risk airing a repeat performance. The Nasty'z should never have been on this ppv, and shouldn't be in the ring. And now here comes Jimmy Hart to help the Nasty'z win, thus prolonging this terrible feud.

I'm not opposed to Jimmy Hart per say, but I have never found him to be a very entertaining manager, and I certainly don't think TNA needs him. Especially when he's brought in to extend an awful feud with zero potential to produce an entertaining match. There is simply no reason to involve Jimmy Hart in this feud. After what I saw tonight, a forklift couldn't get the Nasty'z over.

Also, stop trying to turn this into a 'you youngin's don't know how great managers are for wrasslin cause yer smarks!' debate. It's not about managers in wrestling. Personally, I think they are great. This is about Jimmy Hart, specifically, and what he can bring to the table. Personally, I don't think that's a lot. I would rather see Mortimer Plumbtree or Bill Alfonso than Hart, and that's not saying much.
Honestly i want to see what happens. I can't wait. Some dimension to some characters, managers help make good stables, Like the horseman and J.J. Dillon. Fat Tits joe could use a manager, he Kind of reminds me of Dino Bravo anyway. Lets see who else works with Hart. I hope they bring in another manager, maybe a ytoung guy like Prince Nana or Haggadorne.
This is great! Bringing back someone who adds a lot to everything he's involved in without taking up the spot of a deserving young wrestler like Jimmy Hart can only bring good things.

Once this 3D-Nasty Boyz feud dies down in a month or so, let Hart manage Beer Money and a singles competitor, someone like Matt Morgan and TNA gets to be even more fun to watch.
what next, Paul Bearer in to manage Abyss? At least that would make more sense than Hart and the Nasty Boys being in TNA. managers need to have some sort of conection to the people they manage, eg, Bret Hart and the Hart Legacy
what next, Paul Bearer in to manage Abyss? At least that would make more sense than Hart and the Nasty Boys being in TNA. managers need to have some sort of conection to the people they manage, eg, Bret Hart and the Hart Legacy
You're right, the Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart have absolutely zero connection to each other. That is, only if you wish to forget the fact that Jimmy Hart managed the Nasty Boys for about a year and a half back in the early 90s, even winning the Tag Team titles with them.

I like the idea of having managers in wrestling, and this it has been something which has been neglected for far too long. Managers add a whole new dimension to wrestling.

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