Jericho's Tag Team Partner

Christian just lost to Shelton on the opening of ECW tonight... Valdimir faces Dreamer in the main event which I'm expecting Valdimir to win... Christian one the Number one contender match before Edge got hurt so maybe they might be working Christian out of the ECW match to set him up to team up with Jericho
Ok like always all god ideas, but when i come on and there is 6 pages I try to think outside the box for stuff that has not been said. Here is:
ONE - Anyone can correct me here. Did Jericho train in the dungeon? That seems to be the minimum prerequisite to be a Hart these days. Anyway, at NOC he could have a member of the Hart Dynasty as his partner, with possibilities of becoming leader and handing down the belts and giving another reason to be champ. This could lead to another HBK feud to avenge Bret or something. Now for the naysayers Bret was very much like Jericho towards the end of his WWF run in that he was complaining but he was right. Just an Idea.

TWO - Ok working on this one.
The first person that came to my mind when he was doing his promo was HBK .... I think this could become a possible heel turn for HBk or it could lead to a little continuation of there feud. The reason I dont think the wwe is smart enough to give cm punk a full heel turn yet. I dont see them move Kendrick up in the wwe status tree on the same level as Y2j. Now maybe they will suprise us or do something stupid like have him select a partner and not let him in the match say that he is the one tag champ or something stupid like that.
Big Show will be Chris Jerichos partner trust me on this he is hungry for a title ! He won't be going after Koffee Kingston so Jericho wants a tough opponent like when Owen Hart had Yokozuna think guys Christiana sux since he returned back in WWE he was better in TNA and since they did all the trade swapping and David Swagger came out of ECW and a few others it won't happen but I also say THE MIZ is as well he was greatest tag team champions but they ll put Ziggler most likely Santino Mozzarella as hsi partner but whomever they put against Legacy is winning it its planned and its agreed and its done!
i like the idea, i think that could possibly work...but here is my take on the possible Jericho partner.....what if they went about it this way....

remember this match
WWE Tag Team Championship
Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes vs Ted DiBease and a partner of his chosing
remember that ending????
Cody turned on Holly and joined Ted to make Priceless...what if the very man that took someone in like Ted took in Cody got betrayed his own partner this time...what if, Ted DeBiase turned on Cody Rhodes and went to join Chris Jericho????
I'm not sure who Jericho's tag team partner will be, but I do know one thing: it will NOT be Brian Kendrick.

I realize that in my few posts on here, I probably come off as a Brian Kendrick hater, but that's simply not true. I'm indifferent to Brian Kendrick. I don't give a shit. Much like 98% of the audience.

See, I'm not a Kendrick hater, I am a "stupid IWC idea" hater. These Kendrick marks want a guy that hasn't been on TV in a month and was last seen jobbing to a midget to suddenly be thrust into a main event feud. "Shawn Michaels should be TBK's partner!". "Kendrick was looking for a is Jericho...PERFECT SENSE!". Well, no, it doesn't make perfect sense, because Chris Jericho is a main eventer that appears on RAW and Smackdown(!) every week and Brian Kendrick is a jobber that never gets air-time. The "Kendrick searches for partner" angle hasn't been mentioned in about two months. It's been dropped. Why? Because no one gave a shit, save for a few smarks with a hard-on for Spanky.

As for Jericho's partner, someone mentioned Lance Storm, but I highly doubt that happens. I love Storm and would MTFO for that, but he doesn't want to return to a full-time travel schedule, which he would have to do as a tag champion. Considering his past history with Jericho and that Philadelphia is one of only two places he'd get a giant pop (the other being the entire country of Canada), I wouldn't COMPLETELY rule it out. However, it would be a one shot deal, which is what this could end up being if creative still wants the belts on Legacy.

Christian is possible, though it leaves ECW thin.

CM Punk? No chance. The tag title match will be on the undercard. The World title match will probably go on second to last. Do you really think Punk is going to wrestle a match BEFORE defending his World championship? That would be some horrific booking.
I know there is basically no chance in hell of this happing, but am I the only one who would love to see Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat as jerichos partner. He is a legend and him and Jericho worked well against eachother, who knows what they could do as a team!
Sorry if there was already a post about this. Couldnt find one though.

Anyway, as everyone knows last night, Jericho came out and bashed Edge for getting injured. (Anyone for an Edge faceturn? Anyone? Anyone?) Then it was announced that Jericho will announce a new partner at the next PPV. So, with that being said, I will announce who I think they should put with Jericho.......................... Only one man that would make this storyline very credible and great when Edge comes back. That one man is.................................. Christian!! They could reign as tag champs and even add another wrestler or two for a pretty good heel stable. Let them wreak havoc for a couple of months after Jericho/Christian reign as the tag champs. Then, Edge returns as a face and cleans house.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Comments?

First of all, Jericho bashing Edge is exactly what you're seeing it as. It's an opening for the Edge face turn when he comes back. It's probably why they were paired together anyway. If I were Jericho, I'd take it as a compliment. People hate him as a heel SO much that Edge, the person who has spend the past few years fucking everyone from Hardy to Cena to Taker over, can turn off of him.

Christian probably won't be teaming with Jericho. He's busy holding up ECW. If Christian left, they'd have Dreamer holding up the entire show. No go.

It's probably going to be Carlito, honestly. The splitting of the Colons seemed a bit rushed, and that rush was most likely due to Edge being injured. Carlito is going heel, and he's getting it by teaming with Jericho.

Though I'm still holding out for the solo-Jericho defense. It'd be incredibly ego-inflating, and the crowd would simply love it when he gets crushed by Legacy. That crowd would erupt.
Ok like always all god ideas, but when i come on and there is 6 pages I try to think outside the box for stuff that has not been said. Here is:
ONE - Anyone can correct me here. Did Jericho train in the dungeon? That seems to be the minimum prerequisite to be a Hart these days. Anyway, at NOC he could have a member of the Hart Dynasty as his partner, with possibilities of becoming leader and handing down the belts and giving another reason to be champ. This could lead to another HBK feud to avenge Bret or something. Now for the naysayers Bret was very much like Jericho towards the end of his WWF run in that he was complaining but he was right. Just an Idea.

TWO - Ok working on this one.

TWO - I thought of something that I am not sure would be interesting and I don't think ever done. In Addition to joining Hart Dynasty he could then split the belts and give one to each member, Jericho wearing 2 at all times, making him look better. It would make great exposure for Smith and Kidd, and you could for a time split them up and have them on both shows. You could also argue that making Jericho the figure head with 2 belts and not really being tied to neither of the other 2 wrestlers, could still give him a title run and have him carry 1 or maybe 2 Heavyweight titles to double up at what he did before. Remember he is the ONLY wrestler right now with access to both shows. "I am the Unifyer" (even if he didn't unify the Tag belts he is still one man with both which I think is a first, maybe). The run could be really short and kinda funny. Imagine Jericho with 4 huge belts around his body, trying to be taken seriously. At the end the destruction of Jericho would lead to alot of new champions and possibilities. They could literally start fresh. I really like the concept, may not all my additions, I hope someone important is reading this. (I kept a straight face)
Someone said Edge got injured before they broke up Carlito and Primo, your wrong. Edge got injured the Friday after they did the double tapings. The Raw where Primo and Carlito lost to Edge and Jeriicho, and the Match when Carlito turned on Primo. Check your facts.

Carlito wouldnt be a good fit for Jericho, because Jericho would outshine him, just like when they paired Lance Cade with Jericho. It was Cade's chance to get over with the fans, during the whole Jericho/HBK feud, but Cade had that problem, that took him out of the business for good. Carlito cant get over with the fans, even by beating up his little brother, its not working. This is his 4th or 5th push? Not to metion hes back on Raw, and we all know how vocally Carlito's hate for Triple H is (who is also on Raw)

I believe they were building it up to be Edge vs Jericho sometime later this year, and its a damn shame Edge had to get injured to build up to it. Hopefully Edge can return and the program can continue. It would be even better if it was going into Royal Rumble, and Edge returned to win, and then go on to WM 26 to face Jericho for the title

I also thing that it wont be Ted Jr. because its way to soon to break him away from Legacy, and it would ruin any the program they could build involving Ted, Cody and Randy over the next 2-3 years. Legacy hasnt had a chance to get where it needs to be a group worth remembering.

Christian, god I hope not. He needs to stay on ECW, where old people go to collect a check, and new guys become established stars. Keep him in the ECW Main Event (aka the middle card) as long as possible.

It's gonna be Dolph Ziggler. Young, Cocky, and great in the ring and on the mic.
Jericho said his partner was intelligent, devious, and cunning. He said his partner was a truthful, honest, and just man. He said that most importantly, his partner would be worthy of standing in the ring with Chris Jericho. This immediately makes me think that his partner will be... Chris Jericho. Jericho described exactly what he believes himself to be. He could retain the titles by causing further tension bewtween Rhodes and Dibiase during the match (i.e. pushing one of them into the other one, ducking a clothesline, punch, or chair shot while he's being held by the other one, etc.)

My second guess for Jericho's partner would be... Randy Orton. If would emphasize Orton's desire for gold and elevate his power. It would show he cares more about championships than his Legacy. If Jericho and Orton won, it would further piss off Legacy (especially Dibiase) because they had to work for their title shot and he was just handed the unified tag title. If Rhodes and Dibiase won, Orton would be pissed at them for humiliating him. Just some ideas.
It's probably going to be Carlito, honestly. The splitting of the Colons seemed a bit rushed, and that rush was most likely due to Edge being injured. Carlito is going heel, and he's getting it by teaming with Jericho.

The RAW on which Carlito turned heel on Primo was taped BEFORE Edge was injured, so that logic doesn't quite flow.

I suppose it COULD be Carlito, but if so, it means that it's a change of plan from whenever they first decided to turn him heel.
how can it be someone that already has a match on that night? So these people cant be his tag team partner:

Randy Orton
Triple H
John Cena
CM Punk
Jeff Hardy

Honestly I think it could be The Miz, because he did say someone that speaks his mind... The Miz never shuts up, and also its not like WWE has anything better planned for him!
There can be a couple of choices, but first let me eliminate some of the more popular ones.

Kendrick. Why? What connection does Kendrick have with Jericho? There is none to my knowledge and it would be another random pairing that would not last long.

Dolph Ziggler. Possible, but not likely. With him teaming with Jericho on SD next week it could work, but I don't think so. I think that WWE is prepping him as more of a singles star.

HBK. HBK has been a face for a long time now. With his career dwindling down to the final months, I doubt at this stage HBK wants to go the heel route.

Miz. Miz is needed where he is on Raw now.

That leaves us a two Superstars. Christian and CM Punk.

I honestly think they will go the CM Punk route and here's why. CM Punk is being groomed for a heel turn, and allying himself with Jericho would solidify that. If you think about, it makes sense. Jericho claims he's an honest man and that the fans are hypocrites. CM Punk got cheered when he cashed in against Edge but booed against Hardy.

Also, this is not going to be a two month, we'll be champs and then done a la CM Punk/Kofi, but rather a long term dominant team. I see these two forming an alliance that will crush Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio, and The Undertaker, before getting stopped by Edge at WM 26 (if he can perform) or Summerslam. It would be absolutely huge and could easily put Edge over as a face.
I think John Morrison could be a good shout. Know hear me out on this. Basically Morrison gets revealed but he ends up being the one being pinned. This sets up two scenarios. All members of legacy wearing gold and Jericho entering into a new rivarly with somebody whilst him giving the chance to show VKM what morrison is made of and whether he is world champion material
Carlito could be a choice but if he's in a feud with Primo I don't see that happening. It could be Finaly on Smackdown since he's heel now but it makes more sense that Jericho goes it alone.
Ok ok ok ok ok i know the Tag-Team Title thread is old news but with New developements out of as reported by WrestleZone, that the silhouette of Jerichos partner IS infact good ol' Ted jr, then what do you make of it?

Who would be Rhodes partner?, would Orton come out? would it be 2 on 1 like last year?

And if it is 2 on 1 then obviously Ted and Jericho Win right?, and if they win what does it meen? Is Ted Heel or Face? Is Jericho Heel or Face?

I cant answer these questions, to many to answer, So I leave it up to guys, answer these questions because at the end of the day this could be VERY complicated, I meen WTF?!
Ok ok ok ok ok i know the Tag-Team Title thread is old news

Yes, and that's why this probably belongs in the "Jericho's Tag Team Partner" thread, but let's move on.

but with New developements out of as reported by WrestleZone, that the silhouette of Jerichos partner IS infact good ol' Ted jr,

I think you're forgetting something there, mac. It's that little word that came before "spoiler", and that word is possible. Yes, it is possible.

Just like it's possible that the WWE will announce that Edge is actually a-ok, and that this is a rouse. The only thing wrestlezone has to back this up by is a silhouette on the WWE.Com sight, and nothing more. I feel, personally, that this is completely irresponsible journalism by the main site, and that's just me. Otherwise, if this is true, I'd be stunned.

then what do you make of it?

I don't make much of it, seeing as how it's a rumor, and stuff.

Who would be Rhodes partner?

Probably Ted DiBiase, but if you are correct, then I have no clue. It's evident that their building for tension in Legacy, but it also seems they're building DiBiase as a face. So why is he teaming with the best heel in the WWE?

would Orton come out? would it be 2 on 1 like last year?]

Probably the two on one. If this happens. Which it probably won't.

I cant answer these questions, to many to answer, So I leave it up to guys, answer these questions because at the end of the day this could be VERY complicated, I meen WTF?!

You want my answers?

It's a rumor!

I'm sorry, but I put absolutely no stock into this. Again, this is just irresponsible journalism on WZ's part, but I can see why they did it. It's really got no basis to it, and I'll believe it when they're not going by a fucking silhouette.

That's my answer
yeah deff just a rumor i totally dont think that ted is going to be his partner, see as mentioned over and over in threads that ted is gonna be face soon... prob gonna be a slow build up like they were doing with edge where ted will face orton at mania or something similar to that...deff dont think he is jerichos partner
I don't think it will be Dibiase because he and Legacy are going into the right direction for a good feud, so why break that up now.

It probably also wont be a guy on the active roster right now. It will be someone returning from injury or something, to make it really surprising as WWE loves it that way. So therefore I have thought of only one person who could do it. HBK. Yes HBK could come back and turn heel and everyone would be like "OMFG I hate you HBK, etc etc". But then I think to myself why would this be? HBK jsut feuded with Jericho last year so it would look really stupid.

So after thinking some more I thought of the best partner for Jericho. Matt Hardy. He is an excellent tag team wrestler being a 8 time tag team champion. He is improving in the ring and he is heel. It would make perfect sense for Jericho and Hardy to team up, sicne they are both good tag people and have made the tag division better. Plus Matt Hardy will be back from injury hopefully ( I think they said 7 weeks) so yeah it's perfect IMO.
Is this a serious question and possible spoiler?

Do people realize that for years almost everytime the WWE needed a graphic with a mystery partner they'd use an outline of BOB HOLLY?

How many times was the mystery partner actually Bob Holly?

I rest my case.
While HBK would be a good swerve with maybe something along the lines of HBK aligning himself with Jericho for the sole purpose of screwing him down the road. That would be a decent storyline to have a heel HBK for a month or 2, then have him back to face. However, Jericho/HBK was done for a long long time last year and I doubt WWE would revisit that.

Matt Hardy- not going to be back from surgery. He's out until SSlam at the very least. But I wouldn't expect him back even that soon.

DiBiase- I doubt WWE would take the same route as they did last year with DiBiase turning on Rhodes. Especially to align with super-heel Jericho. I mean essentially the Tag Title seen is a heel vs. heel match. Which is something we really haven't seen in quite sometime... esp on PPV. DiBiase/Orton doesn't count on Raw. Plus, wouldn't they want DiBiase in some sort of a face position to promote The Marine 2? When was the last time a heel wrestler made a movie? I can't remember one. Granted not many wrestlers have made movies... but they've all been super over faces at the time. Hogan, Rock, Cena, Austin, etc...

So who could it be? My guess at this point is truly as good as anybody's. While I don't see it being DiBiase... I suppose he would be the best guess for me.
I have such a hard time believing it's DiBiase. It just doesn't fit with the WWE's style to tease a DiBiase turn, tease it again a couple weeks later and then pull the trigger a couple more weeks later. They seem to either build something up over a long period of time or just do it quickly without notice like ripping off a Band-Aid.

Short, lukewarm builds never seem to fair well. While DiBiase might have the look and the tools to be a face he's quite simply not over. The fans don't seem antsy to cheer for him. Sure, they got behind him when he faced Orton but once the match was over and he slapped his dad they were back to be apathetic.

Turning DiBiase now would be like turning Orton in 2004. Both he and the fans aren't ready for it.

The simple and probably best answer is to just pick another big name SD guy for Jericho's partner be it Punk, Ziggler, Kane or whomever.
I have a thought provoker. Who in TNA would fit Jericho’s description of a Tag Team partner?? Who from OCW (Orlando Championship Wrestling) would you like to see as one half of the Undisputed Champions??

I’m going to go ahead and go with Kurt Angle. Would that be an entertaining team?? I think they had the chemistry in the past and the Tag Team of Chris and Kurt can be considered fresh to a certain extent.
Now that Ziggler is paired off with rey rey, you have to look further than NOC. who would it be good for Jericho to feud with?

Now the reason i say this, is, jerichco's Character at the moment, being the way he is, would turn on someone who cost him the titles, weather it was him pinned or the other.


The Miz? (LOL)
Curt hawkins
John Morrison - My personal favourite, HOW GOOD would their feud be? old high flying Jericho vs young Morrison.

ALSO, it could be Di biase, as an article on here stated, its his silouette reversed on

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