Jericho's Tag Team Partner

Jericho and Christian had a good tag team a few years back, but it was mainly due to Jericho being so awesome. I really hope its not Christian because he's boring. I hope its someone entertaining, and ECW needs Christian
You know I hardly ever read through all of these threads but I did not see the mentioning of the Miz. This would help give him more credible heel heat and it would further establish him as an upper mid card heel. They did have that twitter thing so I believe this could work... They are two very good heels and Miz is already an established tag team performer... Plus it will give the Miz something to do and the promos could be awesome.
Dear god do not let it be Chris Masters. nice guy and all, But absolutely horrendous in the ring and no one's gonna mark out for that guy.

I saw the silouhette someone was referring to and it definitely looks like Ted Dibase but in reverse. It's very possible due to the storyline with Ted & Legacy's too soon.

Personal preference would be HBK, but 1) doesn't make much sense, 2) can't work tuesdays cause of church 3) he never does anything I wanna see him do (turn heel, win a championship).

Ziggler seems like the crown prince and poised to take this spot but.. he's being groomed for a singles push..not a tag title push. Still likely. I'd love to see Ziggler with the IC title and then be Jericho's partner and he's got 3 belts on him -- giving a sense of credibility.

Christian is in need of a heel turn and some time on the bigger brands so thats possible too (and I'd like to see them).
I dont know if you guys recall or not...but cody rhodes turned on his original partner Hardcore Holly back in the day...What if at NOC we see Ted Dibasie who's known to leave legacy sooner then later, return the favour by joining up with jericho?
it really only matters who he picks for two reasons if they drop the titles it could be anyone thats not main event material that away jericho will go back for the world title but if creative has them retain the belts then it will have to be someone who is already on the level but they could use an up an comer such as ziggler
I have no idea who it might be but I don't think it will be Christian.

The reason I say that, is because Christian is not really someone who I would put in the same class as Jericho. I also think that the WWE have no idea who it is going to be either. Would they have had Jericho say that he would have it done by "Night of the Champions", if they could do it now? I don't think so. The problem is, who can they actually use to fill that mould. Jericho and Edge were put together on a whim at the last pay-per-view and now it seems that another one will have to be done the same way.

I have no idea who it will be but the smart oney seems to be on Christian. The only thing that is holding me back from saying Christian is that he is in the title match for Night of Champions. Is it possible that they will double book him? I don't think so. Another thing is, why would they have Mark Henry come out to annihilate Jericho last night if they are not going to do something with it? It makes no sense to me. Why wouldn't they let Jericho say what he has to say and let him leave? I know, it makes no sense but I think they might be going somewhere with Jericho and Henry. Not that I am saying that he will be the tag partner though,

I think it should go to someone who is coming through the ranks. I say give it to Jack Swagger. I think it could give him a decent push and a decent test to see how he does with sucha veteran in the ring. He could also get a decent rub off of Jericho and go onto being a very good hell. Again, though, the problem is that he seems to be in a feud with MVP right now and I don't think the WWE would double book him.
I'm thinking Ziggler, he seems like a good choice as he could play a good smart heel with Jericho giving him a huge rub.
Ziggler recently attacked Rey Mysterio, after Jericho had a match with him, showing that they are on the same side and theresd the old logic that my enemies enemy is my friend.
Also once upon a time, Jericho showed up in FCW, telling people that Nic Nemeth (Ziggler) had potential and was a future Chris Jericho, they showed that they had good mic chemistry, leading me to think that Jericho could be an excellent mentor to Ziggler.
This move would only benefit both Jericho & Ziggler, Ziggler would get a rub and get onto the PPV cards more often, leading to more mic time with the WWE's best heel, only improving his in ring and mic work.
Don't say that someone won't be his partner because they're allready book for a match... Jericho had a macth with Rey the same night they won the titles so it could still be Christian or Ziggler since Ziggler is probably going to wrestle for the IC title. Christian is too good to just be on ECW and this would be a good way to get him on other shows. It all depends on whether they want him to keep the titles or loose them... If it's to win it's going to be a parner that will work well with him... if him and his partner is going to loose the titles it's going to be for him to start a new fued.

I think there's a chanse that he might get a big partner... if the Big show wasn't being wasted in a fued with Kofi I'd say he could be Jericho's partner.

Swagger would work and having swagger joining the Tag team picture could cause MVP to find a tag partner... I just think that there's too many heel tag teams right now.

But I will say this last I read Edge is expected to return a month before wrestlemania... saying this I expect what ever happens it's going to help fuel a Edge vs Jericho match at wrestlemania 26
I'm gonna run this one down and we'll see what we come up with....

-Kane/Knox/Show/ one big
-HHH/Cena/'s just not; the only possible is orton...but no
-Undertaker...It's not, the only possibility is if Undertaker's music plays and Jericho gets the distraction and the win...that would actually be a pretty cool angle...Jericho wins every week due to a distraction from Music or lights going out, then when Undertaker is ready to come back, he can. People would anticipate the tag match because maybe Undertaker will really come out. Then, when he actually does, he takes out Jericho, they lose the titles and we have our set up for Undertaker vs Jericho. How sweet would that be to set up a feud without having random and dreadfully repetitive 6-man tags every week?

Hope Not...
-Masters...he's crap
-Morrison...he's a singles wrestler, I wanna see him and Mysterio
-Rey...why? no point...
-HBK...I want him back, but not like this; would seem like a waste.
-Punk..I'm so sick of seeing him as it is

-Miz...I know he's going for a singles push; but him and Jericho would work...but, the only way it's Miz is if they win.
-Ziggler...But if they lose then it's a waste, unless he could set up a decent feud with Jericho, at this point I don't think he can.
-Swagger..He's a dick, it might be fun. Jericho could help him with the lisp
-Christian...They have to play it right. But It's seems very possible since they are really pushing Kozlov/Dreamer (which they should be) I wanna see them two in a hardcore match at NOC.
-Kendrick...It would be kinda funny
-Shelton..If he doesn't do something fast, he's gonna end up in TNA
-Carlito...makes sense to me; he's still in the picture and having primo get a new partner could possibly highlight the tag division a little.

You have to remember that these are all up in the air based on me having no clue what the WWE wants to do with the titles. If they want to give Priceless some credibility then they will win, if they don't care about priceless, then Jericho and his partner will win and his partner could very realistically be Ted.

The outcome will be...Jericho and Partner Win and then we have more legacy issues...Or....Jericho and partner lose and we now have Jerichos next feud. If it's anyone from another show besides smackdown, then Jericho and his mystery pal will win.

WWE has been letting me down....sorry, Seth needed a boot last night. So, I have no idea where they are gonna go, but I'm sure i'll be disappointed.
I can only see one of three people being the partner right now. Its a little to early to make a choice for sure but in the coming weeks some light will hopefully be shed.

1.) Jack Swagger: Isn't doing much on Raw right now and I know they have big plans for him. He has the verbal Triple H push going for him but im unsure whether this program with MVP is a small thing thats done now or something thats gonnd drag on to Summerslam. Swagger would be a good choice.

2.) The Brian Kendrick: If he is stil looking for THE tag team partner look no further because Jericho is single and looking as well. This would be an entertaining tag team and would give him something to do. TBK is probably the least likely choice.

3.) Dolph Ziggler: Was in cahoots with Edge/Jericho on Friday when they ambushed Mysterio. I think Ziggler will challenge Mysterio at NOC and lose only to come back later in the night and drop the tag team titles to Legacy.
I would love it if it was Lance Storm, that would be awesome.

I think it will be Christian myself though but you just never know.

Maybe theres someone coming back from the past.
Does any one remember about Chris Masters re signing with WWE maybe this is the time where he will just jump back into the main roster hmmmm..... I wonder?
I think its going to be either The Brain Kendrick or Chris Masters
TBK is still looking for the perfect tag partner which would make sense if it was him and putting the belt on Masters would give him a quick push
My guess is that The Brian Kendrick could be somebody after all he is a jobber now and this could elevate him although that very same reason could be why he couldn't be Jericho's partner. Haas maybe he doesn't really seem to be doing anything so why not make him Jericho's partner. I think that if the wwe really wanted to through us a curb ball they could have Jericho reveal his partner to be himself as the contract didn't state he couldn't be his own partner. I doubt that would happen but it would be pretty entertaining to see Jericho defend his titles alone. If this did happen and Jericho actually retained you could give Jericho another nickname and have him say stuff like i'm truly the best wrestler ever because i'm the master of handicap matches he says stuff like i beat blah blah and then he starts listing whoever he's beaten accomplishments and goes on an ego trip. Then he can continue to win in handicap matches and eventually this can either cumilate to being a fan favorite, a face turn, or getting tons of heel heat i'd prefer the third one. So yeah i went off subject a bit thats all i got saythats all i got to say.
i think that is gonna be the big show show is big and has the killer instincts that jericho wants in his tag team partner chris and big could dominant the tag wwe divison theyd be the classic strong and fast combination that makes so many tags before them successfull so im thinking and hope that the big show is going to be it.
Christain makes perfect sense to me. Shoot I loved the Vitamin C tag team the last time they teamed up and I would like for that to happen again. People are talking so much garbage about Christain being the partner but why the hell not? Him and Jericho have amazing chemistry and always fed really well off each other. I mean come on he has an ECW title match. You know how easy they can have him lose that chance to Kozlov or double book Christain?

Another choice I thought was real interesting was Shawn Micheals. It's funny cause that's who I thought of last night when I was watching Raw. I think it'd be very entertaining. You see WWE has a very good storyline with the WWE Unified Tag Team titles. Because of their stipulations they are probably the most important belt you can have right now. To be able to go on all three brands also enables you to fued with anybody from any brand and go for any belt on any brand. I can see this easily being a way any superstar can be Jericho's partner. They don't have to like Jericho or gel with Jericho but the greed factor of being 1/2 of the most powerful people in the WWE can be all they need to want to be Jericho's partner.

Shoot that's how WWE should treat the belts for now on. How could you not want to be WWE Unified Tag Team Champion when it entitles you to go wherever you want and do whatever you want(So Michaels wanting that noteriety can be reason enough for him to align himself with Jericho and if Michaels can travel all three brands we can definitely see some good programs for him).

Have Jericho do a Fatal-Fourway and winner is his partner. The power the belt gives you alone should be a top notch reason for you to want to be WWE Unified Tag Team Champion. Sorry I went a little off just brainstorming.
Hmmm there are only a few different possibillities that make sense.

Brian Kendrick was looking for a partner a while ago, but i doubt it would be him since hes a jobber plus I dont see jericho in a tag team with someone with idoitic jackets.

Carlitois another possibility cause im pretty sure the only reason he broke up with primo was because he was tired of losing. id rather see him as a single wrestler though.

I dont see either legacy member joining him cause its too early plus y2j would just get in in the way as when legacy breaks up i see it being for a major title.

What if in some crazy way that wouldnt make sense edge really wasnt injured than comes in the middle of the match as y2j's partner.Than after they retain edge spears y2j for bashing him then next week on smackdown drops the tittles to cryme tyme by not tagging in and goes on to fued as a face with y2j.
Only one man that would make this storyline very credible and great when Edge comes back. That one man is.................................. Christian!!

i think ur right i think christian will get his title shot at beggin of tha NOC lose to dreamer an then he surprise eva body by being jerichos tag team partner.they all got history togetha then have edge comeback an turn on christian, edge will neva be face he is hated to much ppl pay more to hate tha guy then to like him, an we got us a wrsetlemania match an if they start havin jericho diss edge an then christian joins jericho then that makes christian a heel in one night. i dont kno anybody else they could put wit jericho that would be cridble as a legit great team. ziggler way outta tha question but wwe will do anythang now days
idk know about this one guys....i mean wow like wolfpack and im sure most of u guys have said there r many choices and routes they can take this thing....but for some reason i see this partner that jericho speaks of to be none other than someone from FCW and in saying that I think the most liekly candidate would be lance hoyt in my opinion and thats how i feel at this moment but i could be way off...all we have to do is "stay tuned for the next episode"
I'm thinking one of three possibilites

Ziggler- He is everything Jericho said he wanted

TBK- Still looking for a partner

Chris Masters- The wild card
You saw what happened at the bash ted given randy o. shit right? and raw they had a match orton beat ted right? Well call it crazy no... call it REALLY crazy but u remember at NOC 2008 cody betraying holly well i think at noc 2009 ted betray legacy and jericho and ted new unified tag champ so wat do u think (34% you willl say yes 76% you will say no wait i mean HELL no)

jericho and ted name together: Price Breakers

and if u HAD HAD to make a name wat would it be?
I'm gonna say Ziggler. For some reason I can see Jericho and Ziggler working really well together and I think the run in on Smackdown from Zigs also supports his case for Jericho asking him. Jericho could also really lift Ziggler into the limelight and elevate his career. Jericho can work with anyone and Ziggler has a lot of talent so I think this could work really well.
The more I think about it actually it has to be Ziggler, has to be. It makes perfect sense. The only issue would be I think he was meant to go against Rey for the IC but Morrison could fit into that role.. maybe although face v face sometimes cant work. Dunno but I really think Jericho and Ziggler could work some really cool promos and match's you know.
I am going to go ahead with this 1)Dolph Ziggler my second choice THE MIZ 3) Carlito 4th choice can be Shelton Benjamin I guarantee you there were champs before
Kozlov is 5th choice

But when you t hink of it Carlito is out of the question becoz he ll be feuding at SS with his brother Primo Ziggler not really he has his sights on the IC title unless Jericho gets the title of Rey Mysterio afterall its been said Legacy is winning the titles its done its booked and its planned!
Something tells me that it will be Matt Hardy. He has never been a unified tag team champion before, and it is something that his brother has never done either. Matt and Chris character wise are a perfect match. Honestly, Matt is the complete opposite of Edge. Matt isn't doing anything really, and the both of them would work well together. They are both solid veterans who are heels.

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