Jericho's Tag Team Partner


Pre-Show Stalwart
Sorry if there was already a post about this. Couldnt find one though.

Anyway, as everyone knows last night, Jericho came out and bashed Edge for getting injured. (Anyone for an Edge faceturn? Anyone? Anyone?) Then it was announced that Jericho will announce a new partner at the next PPV. So, with that being said, I will announce who I think they should put with Jericho.......................... Only one man that would make this storyline very credible and great when Edge comes back. That one man is.................................. Christian!! They could reign as tag champs and even add another wrestler or two for a pretty good heel stable. Let them wreak havoc for a couple of months after Jericho/Christian reign as the tag champs. Then, Edge returns as a face and cleans house.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Comments?
The only way I can see the likelihood of Christian being that partner is if he loses to Dreamer in the ECW Title match, on the flipside, ECW doesn't have that many faces on their roster, so who will they turn to accomodate Christian being a heel? I think this is a good time to try and push someone up on the roster who is getting overlooked. Now unless someone like Dolph Ziggler is in the IC title match at NOC, I could see someone like him doing it. I'm still unsure as it's early days atm and it could be anybody really. Just feels there's a limited choice at the moment because whoever they use as his partner, they will have to accomodate elsewhere.
Christian is a good choice, but that has been done before. Just like the Edge/Christian tag team, It was great & I dont want to see it again unless it is a legitimate reunion not just a random pairing. I see others to do this job...

... CM Punk.

I know that Punk is in the main event with Jeff Hardy for the WHC at NoC, but think about it. WWE has done this type of thing before by placing the same person in two high profile matches in the one night besides KOTR (Edge & the Elim Chambers; Jericho with his IC title match followed by the Triple Threat Tag Team match for the titles).

Since Punk is turning into a full-fledged heel, why not solidify his heel status with this match by siding with Jericho? It offers possibilities. Say if Jeff re-signs with the WWE, Punk can take Edge's place & rewrite the fued to feature the Punk vs. Jericho at WM or earlier rather than the planned Edge vs. Jericho. Punk & Jericho win against Legacy and have the belts, Hardy becomes WHC, Legacy on RAW slowly implodes & Punk gets the heel rub from Jericho.

If Hardy hasnt re-signed with the WWE, then Punk joins forces with Jericho only to punk him out (pun intended) & intentionally lose the titles, saying he doesnt need some crappy belt since he is the WHC. To eliminate a face turn, Punk tells Jericho he is better than the tag belts & says he respects him. In the Main Event, Punk retains the belt. The Legacy on RAW would control & look more legitimate with the Unified Tag Belts & the WWE title in their grasp.

Honourable Mention:

- Matt Hardy (but like Edge, he is injured)
- Finlay/Ricky Ortiz (give them something to do. I would have said Haas/Knox, but their team of the HAAS KNOX CONNECTION should be utilised)
Christian or Kendrick, I can't see it being anyone else. I've been expecting a heel turn from Christian for a couple of months and NOC will see him get fed up with losing to Dreamer. It would also likely lead to Christian Vs Edge at Wrestlemania 26.
As for Kendrick, if it's not him then he's finished. He's perfectly placed to step-in and having him cross shows will help him get away from the RAW burial ground.
I have four choices and will explain why they would work.
HBK- After taking some time off to do some soul searching he realized Jericho was right and decides to return and form an alliance with Jericho.
Jack Swagger- Together they would be a powerful team of matt wrestling ability with a flare of cockiness.
Kane- Yes Kane, add the red machine to the picture and you bring meaness to the table.
And last is the most likely candidate.
Christian- Who more than Jericho understands about the weakness of having Edge as a partner ?
jericho said that its someone a complete opposite from edge, that means only one thing..... CM PUNK! Edge is Rated R and CM is Straight Edge! nuff said.
Of the current roster, it's going to be one of..

Michaels - could, as someone said, return and side with Jericho, didn't feud recently, so not likely, but complete opposite of rated r could be the new christian shawn michaels, outside chance.

The Brian Kendrick - looked for a tag partner for a while, never resolved, is clever and cocky but small and wouldn't be a big announcement. Not that likely.

Christian - one of the two favourites - is involved in a match already, not doing much on the roster, is one of the only ecw faces, maybe not.

CM Punk - straight edge is opposite to rated r, has been getting more and more calculating and badass lately - favourite choice.

Randy Orton - opposite of edge? Former team mates. Could further legacy storyline and feud with returning face edge who teams with christian.

Carlito - recently in the tag title picture, turned heel, is clever.

He said the guy was clever, so it wont be a monster like show, kane or khali, and it happened suddenly due to injury, so wont be someone returning, unless it's Eugene.
Lance Storm. He just got back into wrestling shape for a pair of ROH shows, has always said he'd love to do another program in the WWE if they didn't ask too much of him, and his serious gimmick would work great with Jericho's hypocrite hating gimmick. There's not a huge chance of this happening, but it's a possibility. Much more of a possibility than CM Punk, HBK, Finlay, Ortiz, or Kane.
wasnt it mentioned a while back that chris masters was getting resigned. or cant we have a mysterio heel turn. im sure they dont want to do that because of the merchandise for the kids but it would be interesting. another thing i could see happening is exactly how the legacy got formed. you could have cody turn on ted just like he did on hardcore holly and have him team with jericho. this would get the face turn for dibiase going and get some heel heat for cody being partnered with jericho. what do you guys think?
First off, the part with Jericho suggesting that the WWE have a tag team tournament to determine the champs was funny. There aren't enough teams. As soon as they lose the titles, they break up (Miz/Morrison, Colons). They have Legacy, Harts, Cryme Tyme and Jericho's tag team without a partner. They would have to make new teams on the spot...whatever...

My thoughts of new partner began and ended with DOLPH ZIGGLER. He will lose against Rey at NOC and then he will wrestle with Jericho. I don't see it being CM Punk because the storyline is Punk isn't there to make friends.

Jericho has a choice of any wrestler in the WWE. Unified Tag Champs can go on any show...Kendrick on Raw, Miz on Raw (would be funny since they banter back and forth on Twitter all the time making fun of each other), Christian on ECW, Smackdown has a lot of choices but the only one that makes sense is Dolph Ziggler.
what would really shock me if it was someone big wwe signed but it managed to slip under the internets rader.

shawn michaels would be a good choice..or just me hoping haha, he was my first thought when i heard about this

hopefully it will shock's certainly getting me excited for NOC

ps. could anyone tell me how to start a fourm?
thanks in advance
The first thought that comes to my mind is a person the WWE just recently resigned. That man is "The Masterpiece" Chris Masters.

He was signed by WWE about 3 weeks ago and is said to be brought straight up to the main roster. What better way to utilize him in a good way than putting him in the Tag Team title match in his re-debut. Also, I think many people will mark out for his return
Someone mentioned the Miz he did cross my mind except it seems the wwe is trying to get him into the singles career. It would not make sense to have the Miz enter back into tag action. My hopes is that HBK will be his partner, but like many here said it could be someone under the radar screen like Masters but honestly it doesn't sound like a great tag team. It can't be Carlito because he is working an angle with Primo. Still the clear choice is Christian he can promoted as being smarter and more truthful then Edge, like I said who can sell the Edge is injure prone and the weakness angle.
TBK is the4 man for the job. Nothing to do and has a great deal of potential. He can be the protege of Jericho (even though he really is HBK). Takes care and fulfills several storylines, TBK trying to find the perfect tag team partner, Jericho needing to have partner, and Jericho cementing his Legacy with TBK and showing him how to be a top notch heel even though he isn't the biggest but the most deceiving and condescending.
I think the most logical choice is Dolph Ziggler. He is in the middle of a major push. They had him 'team up' with Edge/Jericho on the last episode of SMACKDOWN in attacking Rey.
They even have it set up if they want to turn Dolph face with his dating of Maria.
This could be a spoiler to Jericho's mystery partner:

If you look at the silhouette by Chris Jericho, it is Ted DiBiase in Reverse. I can't believe that Ted is in the match and they have used his shadow as Jericho's mystery partner. This could just be a coincidence but Ted matches all the characteristics that Jericho said his new partner has. It could be like last years night of champions where Cody turned on Hardcore Holly, Ted could turn on Cody, especially with his growing hostility towards Randy.

If the WWE does this I think it would be unexpected and it should give Ted a push. He could even go to SmackDown so he could be on the same brand as Jericho. I think moving to SmackDown would be good for him as it is where the younger superstars such as John Morrison and Dolph Ziggler are growing.
Christian makes sense... after all, Jericho can say better the devil you know... Christian only cheated him over a woman after all...

HBK would be amazing if he had the balls, but I don't see him wanting to be heel now...

Nick Dinsmore makes a lot of sense, who is cleverer than a guy who convincingly played Eugene?

Shelton Benjamin makes a HELL of a lot of sense as he is doing nothing at the moment...

but the only logical...if they really want to shake things up... is Undertaker... as it is likely the two will go feuding into Mania next year... Taker is still not ready for a full return but the angles alone work...

Jericho picks the Undertaker and they work a few very short matches against Cryme Time etc where the fear factor helps them get easy wins... as Taker gets back to full ring effectiveness they dominate till the Rumble, getting upset by the Harts then fall out over the Rumble itself and lose the belts...
This could be a spoiler to Jericho's mystery partner:

If you look at the silhouette by Chris Jericho, it is Ted DiBiase in Reverse. I can't believe that Ted is in the match and they have used his shadow as Jericho's mystery partner. This could just be a coincidence but Ted matches all the characteristics that Jericho said his new partner has. It could be like last years night of champions where Cody turned on Hardcore Holly, Ted could turn on Cody, especially with his growing hostility towards Randy.

If the WWE does this I think it would be unexpected and it should give Ted a push. He could even go to SmackDown so he could be on the same brand as Jericho. I think moving to SmackDown would be good for him as it is where the younger superstars such as John Morrison and Dolph Ziggler are growing.
I'm betting money it will be someone younger and a heel, maybe say The Miz? Or Ziggler. Someone who could really use the help of Jericho to become a bigger star.

TBK might be a good fit, but what if it was say Mike Knox? Their are plenty of younger guys who could benifit from being paired with WWE's top guy, yes as in their top preformer, Jericho is the best they have, Edge was in 2nd until he was injured, bumping Orton into 2nd, and placing Cena in 3rd. And no Triple H is not in their top 10 best current workers. My push is for Ziggler, because hes young, cocky, can talk, and hes pretty good in the ring. (Ive seen the guy live, hes pretty fucking awesome)

I personally would love to see Jericho hold the Unified Tag Titles by himself, and successfully defend them until Edge returns. I mean he did beat three people at WM25, and they were all Legends. Although by the sound of Jerichos promo last night, he's setting up for Edge to return as a face, which is a damn shame, because Edge is so much better as a heel. But a Edge/Jericho program will be amazing.
I like the idea of bringing in Christian a Jericho's partner.

it looks to me like they're using this as a chance to get Edge to face again with Jericho bashing him etc. With Christian joining Jericho he could continue with the "better partner than Edge" thing saying Christian isnt as injury prone, more charasmatic, and just a better partner.

Brian Kenndrick would be good also I think. last time we saw him he was in search of the perfect tag partner. well who better than one half of the already current champs. plus it will get him out of the gutter and back onto the main stage. they can use RAW as their bragging grounds to do all their talking and boasting there and use ECW and Smackdown to prove it in the ring.
I Dont know who its going to be but Jericho said he didnt want someone who was injery prone well that takes out HhH and John Cena, so i think it will be Carlito he just turned on his own brother and remember what Carlito said to Primo This is not personal its bizness.
See i was thinkin ziggler as well but masters or TBK would also be wicked choices...but i dono bout everyone else but if they do an edge/christian angle later this yr than that would essentially make for the 3rd brother vs brother angle in the past yr...jeff vs carlito vs primo i think wwe is over doin the angle at least now anyway

But my ideal partner for him would be someone like orton or rhodes...have orton turn on diabase and rhode by sayin theyve been holdin him back from dominatin
but the only logical...if they really want to shake things up... is Undertaker... as it is likely the two will go feuding into Mania next year... Taker is still not ready for a full return but the angles alone work...

Jericho picks the Undertaker and they work a few very short matches against Cryme Time etc where the fear factor helps them get easy wins... as Taker gets back to full ring effectiveness they dominate till the Rumble, getting upset by the Harts then fall out over the Rumble itself and lose the belts...
Its about time somebody said the Undertaker, every single other wrestler was mentioned. I was thinking him, but I don't think they'll go the route of him and Jericho teaming up for long. From what I heard, his planned return was for Summer Slam, so if he's able enough, he could work very little in this tag match, Jericho could somehow screw over the match and you have the beginning of the Undertaker Jericho feud everybody was waiting for. I don't see their feud culminating at Mania, the WWE doesn't look highly enough at Jericho to put him up against Taker in what could be his last WM.

Anyway since something like bringing Taker back to be his partner would be awesome and exciting, its quite apparent the WWE won't do it. Nor will it be Christian, nor will it be HBK, its definitely going to be someone no one really cares about, or nobody knows is coming back.
Ok I think it's christian for two fold;

1) two weeks back on ECW dreamer and Christian were chatting and Christian was saying he was a former tag team champion blah blah blah. WHilst this was before the injury they've still been mentioning his tag team reigns quite a bit on the past two weeks.

2) Dreamer and Koslov seemed to be at each others throats last week, it seems the plan is for these two to feud. This would leave space for Christian to go over.

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