JBL - Grand Slam Champion

The Madrid Slam

Occasional Pre-Show
Did anyone else notice that with JBL's intercontinental championship that he won on March 9th he became the 10th Grand Slam Champion in the WWE.

To most this is old news, but I didn't see a thread on it, and I find it amazing that someone like JBL has become a grand slam champion. I must say, I'm a little bit impressed.
I didnt notice until you pointed it out, but all in all, im still not impressed with him as a maineventer. His body isnt up to par with anyone in the wwe and he has nothing to even out the odds in the ring, he is probably one of the reasons the ratings keep dropping because lets face the honest truth, no one wants to see jbl wrestle anymore, his heel character has been ran in the ground for years now, and after the hbk feud theres just nothing left for him and his jello body. the only time i liked him was when he was in the APA... NOT main eventing... sorry but he just needs to stay behind the table with a face commentator.
think jbl is a great character and great at getting good heal heat. think he should be used as a great stable leader ala million dollar man and maybe work few matches as a manager that can wrestle every once in a while.

even though congratulations to grand slam. as he might not greatest worker has been good mainstay and deserved to be rewarded more than some as has been loyal and never been in trouble and put wwe in bad light like some guys.
JBL is a great grandslam champion. period. now most people hate jbl the wrestler call him boring overplayed fat and a waste of time on tv, but rewind his career and watch how he became champion. the acolytes and APA, with farooq deserved tag titles and they did great work with them, at the time it was a no brainer for him to hold them, defeating the mixed team of xpac and kane, losing the the hardy boyz, winning again losing to the dudleyz winning losing to edge and christian, these were great days of tag and he was a apart of it. then he split to singles and won the hardcore chamionship like a 100 times. after that his title run on smackdown was great heel drama, he cheated and moved along everyone hated him and always wanted him to lose, he got serious heat with the belt. now he is rewarded with becoming a grandslam champ, we get a ic title match at wrestlemania 25 and the fans can not wait for him to drop the tiitle, as he will brag and talk all day about how he is a wrestling god, and he mightr be right, jbl has done great things for wwe and is being rewarded.
I can understand why people out their don't like him as most of the points they make are pretty valid, but I for one am a huge fan of his. His body may not be ripped and he may be a little on the slow and old side of the spectrum, but I think he delivers in the ring.

He's old school - the kind of guy who'd rather punch you in the mouth then hit a powerbomb and I like it. It's refreshing in a world of wrestling where Ladders and tables have become common place to see a man slow the pace down, throw in a few headlocks, then knock someone's block off with a clothesline to get the win.
So the other grand slam champions?

6.Triple H

I believe I have that list correct. Now being a grand slam champ means that you hold at least 4 titles in your career, and one of them has to be a world title. Does Edge count when he unified the U.S.? Or how about C.M. Punk with the ECW title?
Jeff Hardy because Gland Slam with his WWE Title win. So, he's on that list. To be a Grand Slam in WWE, technically, you had to win the Tag belts, European, Intercontinental and WWE title.
Obviously take out Christian. I totally forgot about Booker T's hardcore title win. Wikipedia doesn't have Benoit either but has Jeff Hardy. I don't know about the rest of you, but that month in which he was WWE Champion is something I've been trying to blank out of my mind.

They consider the World and WWE Tag Team belts to be okay for a grand slam branding, but they apparently do not consider the ECW or the U.S. That's a little ridiculous when they had considered the hardcore belt in the past. Now, the U.S. is the equivilant of the IC but only on smackdown. But there was no other belt for Benoit to win at that time. He had the IC and the tag 3 times, plus the world. This means someone like Randy Orton can't ever be considered for the grand slam, and I guess neither can Edge or C.M. Punk, and if Shelton ever gets a push for the title he can't be. Christian and Matt Hardy I think are the only people left for possible grand slam champions.
I didn't think of this because his last title reign (I think) was years ago when he was part of the APA. It should make his character be a little more interesting now than it has been in recent months. But the fact that CM Punk became a grand slam champion in only a few months time kind of hurts all the other grand slammers. It makes them all look weak compared to CM Punk. It just doesn't feel as special as it used to I guess.
The post above me has the correct list of grand slam champions.

The only 5 people who are currently with the WWE who have a chance at getting a grand slam still are

Big Show

Goldust and Regal both need a world title, so their chances are slim to none.

Taker and Big Show needs an Intercontinental. Possible...

Christian needs a World Title. Doesn't look like it, if McMahon has his way.

And yes, for a new superstar or an old superstar who never aquired either the European or the Hardcore title, it's impossible for them at this moment to become a Grand Slam Champion. Also as someone else pointed out the ECW and United States Championship are not in consideration for the Grand Slam either.

Also - CM Punk is not a Grand Slam Champion. He's a Triple Crown Champion
But C.M. Punk is not a grand slam champion. I checked it out and even though he has 1 world title, 1 IC title, and 1 tag team title, he still needs that 4th belt. Sadly, the ECW title does not count, otherwise Matt Hardy would be grand slam champ as well.

Good call about Regal. If I were to make a list of the greatest superstars to never hold the wwe title, piper, perfect and regal would be on that list.
This goes to show you that you can never tell who will become a Grand Slam Champion. If you take a look at J.B.L.'s career, from when he was Justin ''Hawk'' Bradshaw, to being one-half of the New Blackjacks, to forming A.P.A., to becoming a singles star, to re-forming A.P.A., to becoming J.B.L. From his debut, it was very hard to predict that he would become a Grand Slam Champion. I really think that WWE should some day add the United States and ECW Championship to the Grand Slam list. There are some people are are very close to becoming a Grand Slam Champion, but this is what's keeping them from accomplishing that. Big Show could have been a Grand Slam Champion by now as he won the U.S. Championship in 2003, but that title is not part of the Grand Slam Champion list.

I feel that being a Grand Slam Champion is not as prestigous as it once was when Shawn Michaels and Triple H held the name. There's a reason why winning either of the Tag Team Championships could still classify you as a Grand Slam Champion... why not the mid-card belts, or the ECW Championship? There are also some wrestlers who most likely will never become a Grand Slam Champion because in some cases, it's too late. For example, it's very unlikely that Goldust and William Regal will win the World Championship and it's also very unlikely that Undertaker will win the Intercontinental Championship, though it would be cool. If I had to pick, I'd say the most likely person to become the next Grand Slam Champion would be Christian, if only Vince McMahon gained some faith in him... who knows?
The grand slam champions are actually these:

3) Kane

When did Kane win the European title?

JBL isn't a horrible Grand Slam Champion. His WWE title run was actually one of the most entertaining runs in recent memory. My only problem with it was that it started so early and undercut Guerrero's reign.

JBL is a great upper midcard heel. He's one of the best talkers in the business and he can usually have fairly decent matches. He's never been a great wrestler but it was nice to see him finally achieve big success after a loooong career that looked like it'd never go any higher than tag team level.

Hopefully, now that he's gotten an IC title reign he'll finally retire and go back behind the announcer's desk.
But the fact that CM Punk became a grand slam champion in only a few months time kind of hurts all the other grand slammers. It makes them all look weak compared to CM Punk. It just doesn't feel as special as it used to I guess.

CM punk isnt a grandslam champion. Hes a triple crown winner. To be a grandslam champ you have to have, 1st tier belt. (Usually the companies number one belt. WWE/World heavywieght championships for WWE.) 2nd Tier belt. For the WWE, this is Intercontinental Champion. 3rd tier. For WWE, that would be European/Hardcore. Meaning no one outside of those 10 that have it will ever be Grandslam again, due to European being inactive and hardcore being unified with the IC title. As for the last championshipe needed, its a tag team championship belt. For the WWE its the WWE/World tag team championship belts. So CM punk, lacking the third tier. Is not a Grandslam champion. The only men left in the WWE right now plausible of being a Grandslam Champion, (unless they bring back a 3rd tier belt) is

1. The Undertaker- Hes lacking the Intercontinental championship. I can't see them ruining the Undertaker like this anytime soon. He puts people over, dosen't need a belt to stay over either. Hes got the streak, why does he need the title of being called Grandslam champion?

2. Christian- Hes lacking one of the two 1st tier belts. Maybe, maybe not. Mcmahon isnt high on him, as we all know. That alone can ruin him.

3. Golddust- Hes lacking one of the two 1st tier belts. Not going to happen.

4. Wiliam Regal- Hes lacking one of the two 1st tier belts. Unless Regal gets a little more entertaining, hes destined for the mid card. For life.

5. The Big show- Hes lacking the Intercontinental championship. I can see The Big Show winning this belt, to become a grandslam championship. As well as Big Show is the only man to ever hold the WCW, ECW, and WWE World titles. If they ever feel the need to boost his greatness, and hype him up more than he should be, They can give him this belt, for only a few nights have it stripped or something. Then have him go for a world title. Leading us to believe hes better than every Grand Slam Champion, to date.
Why is the European title considered in the Grand slam champion contention . or is it? from what I hear other people say it is. its not even a championship anymore. If the European Championship doesnt matter to the Grand Slam title. Pedro Morales is in my mind the first Grand Slam Champion, WWE, IC and Tag champ. then Bret Hart, Diesel , Then HBK........... whats your thoughts.

but c-mon the European title shouldnt count in this.

ok i guess thats triple crown im talking bout.. my bad
no edge would of needed an european title reign or hardcore title reign and i dont think that the ECW title counts in place of another title
I was always udner the impression that the grand slam was WWE/WHC, IC, WWE/World Tag Ttitles and European Title...the Hardcore championship isn't a viable alternative for the European Title is it?
When Shawn Michaels won the European title he was declared the 1st 'grand slam' champion

If we count the European title and ignore the other belts then the official grand slam champions are (wwe,ic,tag,european)

Triple H
Chris Jericho
Kurt Angle
Jeff Hardy
Eddie Guerrero

You could technicaly count Rob Van Dam since he unified the European and IC titles

Wrestlers who could but probably wont be grand slam champions

William Regal

The following are triple crown winners although I will list all there championships they have won. Triple crown winners if you ignore all other titles again are those that have won wwe/wh, ic and tag team titles

CM Punk (has also held ecw)
Bret Hart
Steve Austin
The Rock (also held wcw/wh)
Kane (also held wcw tag team & hardcore)
Randy Orton
Pedro Mendales (forgive the spelling mistake)
Ric Flair
Chris Benoit (also held US)
Booker T (also held US)
Edge (also held US)

I may have missed someone out

Now an intresting point here are some people who are triple crown winners but not with the usual belts

Big Show (wwe, US, tag team + ecw and hardcore)
John Cena (wwe/wh, US & tag team)

Again apologies if I have missed anyone

In the case of Matt Hardy if we recognise the ecw belt as a World title taht gives us a "grand slam" of

ECW, US, Tag team, European + wcw tag team, hardcore and cruiserweight

The Undertaker has held

WWE,WH,Tag team & Hardcore

Rey Mysterio

WH, Tag team & Cruiserweight. Should he win the IC belt he will join the triple crown club

Obviosly I am only recognising championships won in wwe here and not other companies or id be here all night!

And for anyone wondering

Hulk Hogan- WWE & Tag team
the grand slam champoin list is pretty amazing.
but when JBL got added to the list. i dont know.
he just looks out of place compared to everyone else.
I was always udner the impression that the grand slam was WWE/WHC, IC, WWE/World Tag Ttitles and European Title...the Hardcore championship isn't a viable alternative for the European Title is it?

Yeah WWE counts Kane as a Grand Slam Winner by having the WWE, IC, Tag, and Hardcore title

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