Why won't WWE recognize U.S. Championship for Grand Slam/Triple Crown?

Just because it originated in WCW shouldnt mean a wrestler cannot be named as a Triple Crown Champion. If the US title is one brands equivalent of the IC Title then it should be recognised.

WWE are unnecessarily picky when it comes to mentioning/recognising things that came from other wrestling organisations, pointlessly so I think. Would anyone really think any less of the WWE if they mentioned the US title as part of a triple crown? Didnt think so.

Maybe if a wrestler had held the US title IN WCW, then ok. But if, like The Miz, you won the US title in the WWE, when they had the rights to the belt and the name, then it should count. It isnt a big deal, but it's just a small thing that should be mentioned I think, like another small accolade to a wrestlers career.

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