Jan 4th- Monday Night Raw vs TNA iMPACT

Which federation won on January 4th?

  • WWE is my favorite, and TNA came out the clear victor

  • WWE is my favorite, and WWE came out the clear victor

  • TNA is my favorite, and TNA came out the clear victor

  • TNA is my favorite, and WWE came out the clear victor

  • I like both equally, and WWE was the best show

  • I like both equally, and TNA had the best show

  • I hate both equally, and WWE had the best show

  • I hate both equally, and TNA had the best show

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Pre-Show Stalwart
According to WrestleZone.com's own Mark Madden, TNA will be adding a second weekly show to their television schedule. When, you ask? Monday nights from 8:00-10:00PM ET head-to-head with WWE's RAW.

While the time frame of when this will happen isn't confirmed, we can report exclusively that a second show on Monday's from 8-10PM ET is in the plans right now.

We should have more on this breaking story soon. Keep checking back to the site for more information.

This is what TNA needs to do, take a risk. Right now, they have nothing to loose since they already are at the bottom so to speak. This could be the greatest thing they have ever done.

8 to 10 is a good enough time. It gives TNA a head start in the ratings and it also ends early for other fans to still catch RAW even if they won't watch it.
Okay, after I read that from the website, I have thrills running down my back.

I"ll bet that this is none other than another one of Bischoff's ideas. If they're making a head on collision with RAW, will this new Brand that TNA is about to introduce going to be TNA's A show now?

Plus, IF this were to really happen and Bischoff wants another shot at Vince, AND IF Vince decides to reinitiate this whole Monday Night War thing, then I'm afraid competition will rise up even more than it did back in the 90s'. I mean, after all, Bischoff probably learned his lesson from back then didn't he? And plus, I doubt Dixie Carter would ever allow her business to run out of funds.
If TNA does go head to head with RAW, than I think TNA will win this war, cause RAW won't win with the PG rating crap they got going on right now. I say scrap the PG era crap & go back to TV-14!
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hahahahahhahahahaha, BRING IT ON TNA!! Vince will destroy you and your washed up ex-wwe stars. I can't wait for Hogan to have a heart attack in the ring while trying to revive his career again. Monday Night Wars.......Let the games begin!
I do wish they would make it 9-11 instead. Why 8-10? Isn't TNA geared towards more people who up be up later anyways? That way we can have a full monday night war going on. With 8-10 it just looks like TNA is still afraid to go up against the last hour of RAW which generally scores a .2 or .3 higher than the first hour. Other than that I have no complaints, it should make both products better.
hahahahahhahahahaha, BRING IT ON TNA!! Vince will destroy you and your washed up ex-wwe stars. I can't wait for Hogan to have a heart attack in the ring while trying to revive his career again. Monday Night Wars.......Let the games begin!

I really don't think TNA would get "destroyed" TNA has A LOT of loyal fans that will continue to watch TNA, especially over Raw. I for one have turned Raw off for Monday Night Football....now that TNA is hopefully heading to Monday nights, I will be turning Monday Night Football off for TNA.

This is a GREAT thing for the wrestling business in general. It creates competition...which is NEEDED in the business.

Plus, moving to Monday nights will help TNA gain more of an audience.

After all this good news today coming from TNA Wrestling, I am BEYOND STOKED!
i honestly think it's TOO soon. TNA needs to wait a little while longer before starting a war

My thought exactly. Let's not jump the gun here people its waaaaay too soon. When WWE and WCW went head to head, they were both well known companies. TNA isn't that well known at the moment but if they get their popularity up then they should compete with WWE. If they were to go head to head with WWE right now then they would be committing ratings suicide.
King™;1472285 said:
My thought exactly. Let's not jump the gun here people its waaaaay too soon. When WWE and WCW went head to head, they were both well known companies. TNA isn't that well known at the moment but if they get their popularity up then they should compete with WWE. If they were to go head to head with WWE right now then they would be committing ratings suicide.

Well how else would TNA gain publicity and acquire a well known status without achieving for more viewers, which Monday Nights will especially gain several for them?

But like you said, TNA will also be committing a ratings suicide if they really were to do this if they make a mistake.
Well, I am glad they are looking to do a brand new show (presumably live) to go up against Raw from 8-10. I really think this is the far better time slot, because they clearly get an hour head start before Raw. Absolutely brilliant.

That way, they can carry the viewers from 8:00-10 PM, and have the advantage in their court, since obviously WWE is not on from 8-9.

There are a lot of grudges going on here that is fueling this fire. Hogan is mad at Vince, and vice versa. And I am sure that Spike TV still has some bad feelings left from when WWE left their network, and this is the perfect opportunity with the right fire power to get back at them.

But the 8-10PM Monday time slot is definitely a big win for TNA to get a full hour head start. Also, we can expect the first head to head show that at 8:55 PM, out will come Hulk Hogan.

As far as fans stating that going up against WWE is "ratings suicide", give me a break. There are so many disgruntled fans these days that simply watch WWE out of habit, it isn't even funny. I think these fans are just begging for there to be some competition out there to watch.
bischoff vs. McMahon round two. I don't think that the bischoff hogan thing and this are a coincidence. Bischoff is ready to come back and now he "back and better then ever" to quote his wwe entrance song. This is getting me excited because now wwe is finally going to end the guest raw hosts and strap on their gear for war.
As far as fans stating that going up against WWE is "ratings suicide", give me a break. There are so many disgruntled fans these days that simply watch WWE out of habit, it isn't even funny. I think these fans are just begging for there to be some competition out there to watch.

Well those disgruntled fans are not exactly tuning into TNA. Plus there are just as many disgruntled fans that tune out TNA for various reasons. I know this week you're anti-WWE but lets not get too crazy.

As far as a Monday Night War goes, I just don't see it yet. I don't see the Hogan/TNA relationship ending well. Plus what happens with the two geniuses Russo and Ferrara?

I have to give them credit because it takes balls to do something like this. Vince could pretty much buy their roster up. Plus if all this fails to produce much it could be the nail in their coffin. How ever if Hogan and Bischoff bring fans over to TNA this really could be the best thing to happen in wrestling in a long time. But unlike WCW, TNA doesn't have the money to buy up ex or current WWE guys.

But I think the whole Hogan and TNA thing is going to be very short term.
I was shocked when I hear this. The competition is back! and believeme, they will win a lot. At least, when it happens a lot of people will change channels when we are seeing Chavo v Hornswoggle for the 30th time on WWE, and seeing the main event of TNA.
Well those disgruntled fans are not exactly tuning into TNA.

This was discussed a day or two again. Wrestling fans by nature are lazy. Unless it has the "WWE label" on a product, they are going to view it as second-rate and not go out of their way to watch it.

However, now that Hogan has signed, and TNA will have a brand new show on Monday nights to go head to head with Raw, fans will be sitting their asses down in front of the TV set, and simply change the channel at their leisure.

Plus there are just as many disgruntled fans that tune out TNA for various reasons.

I still don't think even half the wrestling fanbase even knows TNA exists yet. Getting wrestling executives like Bischoff in there will ensure that this changes real fast.

As far as a Monday Night War goes, I just don't see it yet. I don't see the Hogan/TNA relationship ending well. Plus what happens with the two geniuses Russo and Ferrara?

My guess is that Russo and Ferrara will stay, and that Hogan and Russo will work together. Why? Because it's best for business. Both Russo and Ferrara are not fans of Vince McMahon, and neither is Hogan. They both have a common enemy.

But I think the whole Hogan and TNA thing is going to be very short term.

I'm not so sure. Bischoff's specialty is wrestling, as is Hogan's. That is their livelihood and they don't really have all that much else going on. I would not be in the least bit surprised to see Bischoff attempt to purchase some shares and take minority ownership of TNA at some point, along with Hogan.

That way, both of them will always have a company to compete with Vince with long-term, and plant their feet in the marketplace.
Just an interesting little side note on this discussion. DVR views within 24 hours of live airing still count toward Nielsen ratings. In other words, if I were to watch TNA from 8-10 and record Raw, then watch Raw the next day from say 6-8, I'd be counted as watching both shows by Nielsen's standards.

I point this out because those of us that have DVRs are an increasingly large demographic. TNA moving to Monday night may not have the kind of impact on WWE's ratings (or TNA's ratings, however you prefer to look at it) you guys are expecting it to have.
Monday Night WARS, There is a Wrestling GOD(JK).... This is great news being an actual participant fan of the first Monday Night WARS..... But even tho TNA is doing this I really think thy must be careful on when to start this WAR because as of now There not ready... But i will give them credit tho, In a couple of months(January 2010) they should start this and start hyping it until then so they can bring in more fans to watch Impact for the rest of the year... I truly think that wit da addition of Hogan,Bischoff, and i believe i read KEn Anderson(Mr.Kennedy) and Ric Flair too, with the already roster of Bobbly Lashley, Samoe Joe, AJ Styles, Kevin Nash, TEam 3-D(Dudley Boyz),Eric Young, and the whole X-Dvision and relationship wit New Japan TNA in 2010 would really damn near be unstoppable and there Star can Shine REALLY BRIGHT.... lso for the simple fact TNA has an actual Tag Team Division, and all there championships we can very well see some Traitors sort of speak leave WWE for TNA.... I LOVE that this is going to happen and is going to rise Wrestling back to the level it was at thru the 1990's.... IT'll Be like watching WWE/F vs WCW all over again and ECW still in da mix but only WWE style, I cant wait good luck TNA.....

Just an interesting little side note on this discussion. DVR views within 24 hours of live airing still count toward Nielsen ratings. In other words, if I were to watch TNA from 8-10 and record Raw, then watch Raw the next day from say 6-8, I'd be counted as watching both shows by Nielsen's standards.

I point this out because those of us that have DVRs are an increasingly large demographic. TNA moving to Monday night may not have the kind of impact on WWE's ratings (or TNA's ratings, however you prefer to look at it) you guys are expecting it to have.

True but what it will do is bring back some wrestling fans and make new ones because there is an actual reason to watch wrestling again who could put on a better show... But those ratings facts i did not kno that at all but like i said at the begining of this, It will bring the fans back that stop watching wrestling after the 1st WAR was over and bring in new fans to see what the hype is about... And maybe just maybe WWE will try to go back to TV-14 instead o fPG for atleast RAW, with Smackdown and ECW being PG so thats another great thing.... Ad yes I know I Am A GENIUS....
Ok, what everyone needs to do is just chill out and relax.

Let's pretend there's going to a Monday Night TNA program... if you're thinking there's going to be another "Monday Night War" you have another guess coming.

First, as been mentioned already here, it'd be too soon if TNA decides to go up against WWE within the next 2 years. The product isn't well known enough to be any threat to Raw... never mind WWE as a company. This isn't a diss against TNA... but, one company has been around for 5 minutes... the other for decades. Getting the product name out there is TNA's biggest challenge. And that requires money --

Second -- Mark Madden in his column here brings up a very valid point and that is TNA doesn't have the deep pockets financially speaking as WCW had with Turner. Hogan is going to be a huge drain on the company resources and I'm sure their current roster isn't exactly cheap either. If any other big signing sare going to happen in the future, that's going to cost money as well. You telling me a 2 hour show on Spike TV along with low buy PPVs and small arena house shows will pay to draw Orton, Cena, Jericho or Undertaker from WWE? And by the way, 2 extra hours on TV Monday's isn't going to make a huge gain for TNA financially any time soon. It'll probably cost them more money than they bring in within the first 2 years. I'm actually curious where they're finding this current cash flow now... they must have a second financial backer somewhere.

Third -- Vince McMahon isn't going to look at TNA as anything but a minor annoyance so long Raw trumps TNA's new show in the ratings. Unless TNA steals a significant amount of viewers from Raw to the point where TNA's ratings CONSISTANTLY beat Raw's for weeks, WWE isn't going to do anything major to their product in response to TNA. And right now, TNA's ratings of their ONLY TV show barely crack WWE's "third-rate" program ECW. Unless TNA does something HUGE... and I mean H-U-G-E to garner major interest in their product when they debut their Monday show, there won't be anything resembling a Monday Night War for YEARS. And even THEN, that's not guaranteed.

I'm intrigued as to why TNA is choosing NOW to make these big announcements and to spend all this money to gain expensive talent (such as Hogan).

I can see two reasons behind it --

1) They've found a new financial backer or backerS who want to see TNA thrive. I hope this is case because the second reason is too grim --

2) There is great panic in the offices of Panda Energy and they're seeing TNA as a money losing venture or they're not satisfied with the profits and are putting pressure on Dixie Carter to turn TNA around into a money making machine within a certain time frame or they're bailing out of TNA before they lose money... or more money. That would kind of explain why Carter has taken a new sudden interest and a more hands-on approach to running the company for the past few months.

Her job... as well TNA's future may very well be on the line!

And at the end of the day, it doesn't matter how great the talent roster is, or how dedicated their fan base is -- nothing speaks louder in the corporate world than the mighty dollar.

Everything else doesn't matter.
Basically one thing is going to kill TNA doing this move. That thing is not WWE. Even though WWE will be a big part of them failing in this. That is Monday Night Football. TNA is going to suffer big damages to their ratings because Football fans will watch their football. The main reason why this will happen is because they are in Spike TV plain and simple. What is TNA's ratings usually? 1.0-1.2? Some say the reason is because they have a Thursday show and they will not have much attention. Indeed that is false. Smackdown in other words had their shows on Thursday Nights as well. Their ratings were usually 2.0-2.5. That's pretty much more than double than what TNA makes. Especially when TNA Impact is their primary show. Smackdown is a secondary show and they make more than them and recently ECW has dropped but is still racking up the same number of ratings as TNA; and they're in the SyFy network(who watches that channel anyways?) In all TNA should change things up and make things the way they were years ago when they actually pushed their young talent to being Heavyweight title holders. A prime thing they can do is fire Vince Russo. Just by doing that, TNA will be a whole lot better. It's too soon to throw fire when the fire is barely visible, fragile, and can easily be extinguished.
TNA doesn't stand a chance against WWE. If a TNA monday show lasts a whole year against Raw I'd be shocked, but then again I felt the same way with WCW trying it. Hopefully this doesn't burry TNA for good for I am a fan of both companies. Both TNA and WWE have their short comings, but I do have my fingers crossed that this will make them both step it up a bit, and God willing get rid of the stupid guest host thing on Raw.
TNA needed this, although I'm not so sure if it will be a hit or miss for them. I will completely love it if TNA ever goes and beats WWE in the ratings, but even though that would probably be in a long time if it ever happened, it would still be a gun to Vince's head to make the product better.

Plus, with the signing of Hogan, Bischoff, and possibly Flair next, a huge fanbase of older fans cold be coming over quite soon.
If there is a definition of a disgruntled wwe fan its me and i started watching tna 3 years ago and been hooked ever since and i have too say the new monday time slot will do wonders for TNA and i think
bischoff will put his hands in creative and work with russo and finally give vince a swift kick in the ass and i have too say that there is nothing that can bring me back to the E now im TNA 4 LIFE bring on the 2nd monday night war "ITS SHOW TIME FOLKS" And i think the best thing thats gonna come outta this hogan deal is the fact that sting has another BIG reason to come back and not retire
I agree they need to take a risk, but going head to head with WWE is not the way to do it. TNA can't pull this off. WCW were able to pull it off, they had billions to invest in it and they got Hogan when he was still hot. I can't see TNA having that much money considering the huge contracts they must be paying out. And Hogan has become a wrestling tragedy, so I doubt he'll draw half as well as he used to.

But to really turn this from a massacre to a proper war is what really made WCW a major force and what made WWF overcome them. A huge angle. They need an NWO, they need an Austin vs Vince. And I don't see how Russo or Bischoff could come up with anything that good. In WWF, Russo had to run everything by Vince and Bischoff stole the NWO from WAR. Neither of them are very talented.

So I think this'll last a year, maybe two if TNA doesn't get their act together. They need something huge if they wanna make this work.
I think this is a really really big risk, however as someone said before me there is nowhere for TNA to go but up. They are at the bottom of the pro wrestling food chain...does two brands make up a food chain...ROH gets no mainstream exposure at all...

Anyway I think this is a risk worth taking and I feel it can only help, a failed experiment only puts them where they are now and a victory (of sorts) results in two fantastic shows going head to head...assuming this actually happens...

Just My Opinion
I really think this is a bad move on TNA's part. They have a decent product, some fantastic performers and all, but they are NOT anywhere near the level of WWE, or WCW during the original Monday Night Wars yet. Kudos to TNA trying to step up the game and become competition, but they are not a good enough show to compete with WWE yet. This isn't about which show has better performers, or which has better storylines, it's about which one has more power and viewers, which is WWE. I'm not a huge fan of TNA, but i respect their show, and i love alot of the performers they have, and i hope that one day they are a competition to WWE, but this is just a tad too soon. TNA's buyrates in the U.S. are not great, and the ratings are about the same as WWE's C show, so really not a good idea to try and compete with WWE at this point. Alot of people, myself included, will tune in for the first hour, then switch it to Raw at nine. That'll kill ratings for the second half of the show. Although i think a brand extension would help the show really in some aspects, that'll probably split viewership with non-diehard fans, because certain viewers watch for certain wrestlers. Maybe a Wedsday or Tuesday night show, but trying to instigate a monday war is stupid, at least at this point, and the show will probably end up getting cancelled or moved to a different day after a while. I've said this before, TNA should focus on their uniqueness and their own strong suits to appeal to folks, not try and fued with the WWE to gain noteriety. It's like DDP's fued with Undertaker to "make him famous".
if there is going to be another monday night war wwe has got to make changes and they need to start now. first the pg rating is killing thier product it is watered down and boring. the guest host has got to stop, there is no struggle between the workers and the the authority figure anymore, whos running the show? the other thing is it is time to bring back stables, not just two people like dx, dx is great don't get me wrong but nows the time to start growing it. kofi would be a good fit for starters, his promo this week was very dx like anyway. eric bischoff if his role is going to be one of an on air talent or gm on tna he will destroy wwe head to head if changes arent done. its not wcw over there thats for sure, but old eric knows how to win and isn't affraid of trying anything, one things for sure sit back and enjoy the people because it is about to get fun again....
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