Jaen World Order

Who should be Deputy Leader of the Jane World Order?

  • Doc

  • xfearbefore

  • I Am Phenom

  • Areoplex

  • General Disarray

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An Alt who red repped you, was red repped because of it, then joined this order, then got banned, then made an alt, got it banned, and made that alt?

Seems about right.
Post your rep, fellow JWO-ites!


i couldn't fit them all in but the other two are green from Lee and Game Rage.
What are your options?

Anyways, here's the plan

1. Find your dog
2. Gut said dog
3. Bask in a pool of his vital organs and blood, allowing the lood to seep into your skin.
4. Become vampire
5. ????????
6. PROFIT!!!!!!!!
What are your options?

Uhhhh... milk. I think that's it.

Anyways, here's the plan

1. Find your dog
2. Gut said dog
3. Bask in a pool of his vital organs and blood, allowing the lood to seep into your skin.
4. Become vampire
5. ????????
6. PROFIT!!!!!!!!

Holy shit, that works?!?!? Awesome! I'll get right on it. I just gotta try another one out first. I read on 4chan that deleting System32 makes the comp faster. I'm gonna try.
Uhhhh... milk. I think that's it.

Holy shit, that works?!?!? Awesome! I'll get right on it. I just gotta try another one out first. I read on 4chan that deleting System32 makes the comp faster. I'm gonna try.


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xfear, I have a new mission for you. You can choose to decline, but you will lose a lot of respect in the eyes of many.

I want you to kill Monkey.

I know it will be difficult for you to destroy a friend, but you swore an oath.

Get to it.

What ill deed did he perform?
So new mission. We must make xfear an admin. Only then will I be appointed mod and eventually admin. Then I will remove xfear, as well as the other mods, and then begin the great rule of the JWO over these forums.

Ya. So get right on that, xfear.
The third page?

The third page?!?

I offer you people a chance at salvation, and all you do is disappoint and dishonour me. I'm considering sacrificing a few of you to Miko. Don't let it come to that.

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