Jaen World Order

Who should be Deputy Leader of the Jane World Order?

  • Doc

  • xfearbefore

  • I Am Phenom

  • Areoplex

  • General Disarray

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A picnicker on Pokemon just told me our battle made her sweaty.

Is she looking for some action?
She was pretty cute. But I've had my eye on a Cooltrainer for the last little while....
Friends, if they kill me, I want you all to go on under the rule of Trinity. He is a brave and powerful leader. Never let them destroy you. Remember to love Miko and to do what xfear tells you. Goodbye forever.
This is awesome Sir Jane. I will be honored to be the first of the Youth of Jane.

Welcome. Due to your cryptic name with numbers I don't understand, you will be Chief of Computer Technology.

oooh is it too late to join?
or am I too new to join

Anyone can join! You can be our Representative to the North and Russia

The jWo huh?

I guess there is new meaning to TM's words, "Be nice to Jane"!

Be nice to Jane.

Jane We need a coat of Arms and such

Yes, we very much do. I challenge any sig maker to make something to represent JWO... a sig, a coat of arms, a flag... something.
Peace, Lord Juicy. We do not wish to disturb the innocence. When we take over his uppance will come.

I cannot take him.

"Mah neww bf"

"i wanna suck off that twilight kidd"

"dick penis dick dick in the mouth"

We get it son, you're gay. No need to announce it everywhere. I had to pull out Megan Fox to save myself. That's some serious shit.

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