Jaen World Order

Who should be Deputy Leader of the Jane World Order?

  • Doc

  • xfearbefore

  • I Am Phenom

  • Areoplex

  • General Disarray

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What? I sure as fuck would. Even if I sucked balls at rapping I'd still do it if someone was willing to pay me millions for it. I'd do that in a second.

I wouldn't just because I'd already have millions from the acting shit and I have to much respect for Hip Hop/Rap to put out shitty ass albums.
I doubt he got millions for doin a shitty Degrassi show.

Your right, I'd still have enough money to last me though, and I would just be againest putting out horrible rap cause it would be embarrising and I would feel like I'm disrespecting to many people.


To be fair TM and myself started the trend. Others simply followed the way of teh Jaen.
The way he used to troll me

More like the way you used to troll me.

I love Jane most because of....

The Game. Which you just lost.


He used to be obsessed with Y2Jake and now he has his own obsessive fans :)

Now I just need Jake too become a fan, and it will come fill circle...

He knows that debating about Rap is pointless, and changes the subject!!!!

Debating rap is only pointless when you're supposed to be discussing the JANE WORLD ORDER.

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