Jaen World Order

Who should be Deputy Leader of the Jane World Order?

  • Doc

  • xfearbefore

  • I Am Phenom

  • Areoplex

  • General Disarray

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I cannot take him.

"i wanna suck off that twilight kidd"

"dick penis dick dick in the mouth"

We get it son, you're gay. No need to announce it everywhere. I had to pull out Megan Fox to save myself. That's some serious shit.

I don't recall saying those things........ever. But if you say it is so, as apart of the jWo, then so shall it be.

BTW, I'm bi not gay.
Jane and TM, if you ever come across this post, you should know something: I fucking love Canadians!!!!!!! I'm serious. I'm coming to Canada this summer and if it's what I expect, I'm going to stay.
Jane wins the Faction war. Didn't surprise me.

It was clear from the beginning.

Are you talking about my uppance here? Who's uppance will come?

I meant yours, but I guess everyone will recieve uppance someday. Whatever the fuck that means.

Jane and TM, if you ever come across this post, you should know something: I fucking love Canadians!!!!!!! I'm serious. I'm coming to Canada this summer and if it's what I expect, I'm going to stay.

It's a great place. This has earned you admission into JWO. Welcome. You are now our Animal Expert and Marksman.
Here you go Jane, a coat of arms

He must disrespect the Order, me, Miko or another high ranking officer to recieve that sort of punishment.
I liked Jane, before it was cool to like Jane(is it even cool?)...just sayin'


The first person I ever revealed my true gender to. :)

And ya. I think he was the first person who really liked me on here.

I'm gonna go ahead and put you on as Chief Advisor to Jane.

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