Jack Swagger Deserves A Push, Who Agrees?

I actually didn't mind Swagger's reign as WHC. It was...different. Well, like the champion was someone new. And right now, I think Swagger is definitely getting a push. WWE could have easily gone with Morrison, Riley, or even Ryder to get the push Swagger is getting but they went with Swagger and I'm pretty happy about that.

So honestly, he's getting a pretty good push right now. Who knows, he could elevate up to the ME status. But hopefully, Ziggler gets to the ME scene before Swagger because Ziggler is just absolutely on fire.
I do somewhat agree that Swagger is in a much better position now than he was 6 months ago. And although I dislike Vickie Guerrero as an on-screen character, she would do a better job communicating Swagger's intentions than he does. And while I'm sure alot of people will disagree with my logic that Swagger deserves to be main eventing, I stick by it. I enjoyed Swagger's brief reign as World Champ and hope he rises up again soon and becomes a solid main eventer. WWE is short on talents right now and at least Swagger would be something different as compared to Cena being champion for the 90 millionth time.
Jack Swagger has been pushed, several times.

Jack Swagger was pushed so hard he became a WHC last year.

Jack Swagger needs to turn FACE because his heel persona has ran its course.

Jack Swagger is the All American, American, American, American, American, American, American, American, American, American, American, American, American, American.

Swaggers good in the ring, decent on the mic, and has all the tools required to become a bigger star than he currently is, but his failed push as WHC hurt him. His character is stale, beyond stale. He was a great heel but its time for him to make the switch to a face. Look how quickly Sheamus went from heel to face, and how well its worked for him. Swagger could do the same, he's got the perfect heel to go up against in Ziggler paired up with Vickie
He already had a HUGE push when he had the WHC. During his run it was obvious no one was really into it.
He's lucky he's in a storyline right now at all, most guys would end up being jobbers for the rest of their career.
Yes, I think you are the only person who enjoyed Jack Swagger as the World Champion. I wanted to give him a chance and didn't hate on him right away, but his time as champion was just pathetic and annoying as hell to watch on a weekly basis. Fast forward a few mediocre matches, a disappearing act, and a terrible run with Michael Cole and guess what... I STILL HATE HIM.

I hate that Swagger runs this Kurt Angle-esk gimmick. In every way they try to make him look like Angle, and he's about 1/10 as good. I hate that they try to prove he's the best pure athlete in the business. Hate it. It worked for Angle back in the day when amateur wrestling mattered AT ALL, but with the current product nobody gives a damn. They should be pushing Daniel Bryan as the best WRESTLER in the business, not Swagger. I hate the way Swagger looks, his stupid hair, and his creepy ass Ron White face. Every time he talks he sounds like he's reading off a script, and I don't think he's ever said anything interesting in his entire career with the WWE.

Harsh? Yes. But Swagger is the over-rated amateur wrestler that the WWE has never done anything good with, and has already shown us his whole hand. Does anybody really think he has any surprises up his sleeve? You think his character is going to just become a star? I don't know, maybe it's that I like Dolph Ziggler so much and I don't want to see Swagger put him down, but I just hate Swagger. I always have, and dozens of guys with more talent have been released.
Swagger is a former World Heavyweight Champion, a former Money in the Bank Ladder Match winner, a former ECW Champion, a 2-time All-American, if anything those credentials scream main eventer

Maybe if Swagger were to turn face, and work on his mic skills more, then yes he would be an acceptable main eventer on RAW
i seem to be the only one who seems to dislike swagger because of the way he won mitb. if you didnt see it, it took him an age to grab the case and unhook it, to me now it seems it was the perfect way for the e to give him a major chamionship run, big build up, mediocre finish
I don't really like Swagger. It seems to me that the E continues to try to push him into semi-big storylines but he can never get over. In the current Dolph Vicky Swagger "love triangle" he just seems terrible to me. I hate to sound like i'm bashing the guy because he's quite the worker inside the ring, but, his promos and overall awkardness leaves a lot to be desired
Swagger needs to be pushed but not the way like he was on smackdown when he won the WHC Title. That was horrible.

I'd rather have him destroy almost everyone in the mid card then have a feud with someone on the upper card and slowly lead him to the top card forever :p
Once Swagger turns face, I believe whatever drawbacks he has currently will be gone. They are currently pushing him as a legit threat, but, he's also sort of a comedy act. They need to turn him face and push him as an unstopable beast who can steamroll through opponents with his sheer wrestling ability. Not like WWE Kurt Angle type of wrestler, but, more like how they started out Lesnar. That would do wonders to boost his credibility with the fans and drop the joke element of his character. Even though his mic skills leave alot to be desired, his ring work is good enough to do most of the talking for him. Give him a good manager to do his talking and he'd be golden.
Jack Swagger already proved he wasn't ready for main eventing. That said, his personality's been creeping back in of late, and if I was forced to choose between him and Dolph, I think Swagg could benefit more & make better use of the face turn at this point in time. So I'd like to see him get out of this thing with Guerrero, although the triangle set up between Ziggles, Vickie and Swagger is amusing.

That said, I would like to see Vickie Guerrero have a stable of guys. It'd have the same function as a midcard title in practise, because you could see who the up-and-comer heels were by whether Vickie's managing them or not.

I think Swag will find his way back into the title picture eventually but he would need time & possibly a draft back over to Smackdown first.
This program with Ziggler/Vickie should playout as they eventually form a tagteam and take the straps off Air-Boom.

They remind me of Owen Hart & Jeff Jarrett or Beer Money as two great heels paired together, but with Swagger being Swagger after that he should turn face & fued with Ziggler over the US title.

Once he has that title enter Drew McIntyre (either as the foreigner looking to take the US title from the All American, American or as Swagger's replacement in Vickie's stable)

That way he can be used on TV for the next few months in storylines that lead somewhere, but he should have turned face at Wrestlemania.
in my opinion, Swagger has got to be the most underrated superstar in the WWE today:-

1- he barely gets a crowd reaction.
2- his mic skills are vey underrated.
3- his work is always compared to Kurt Angle, which isn't fair.
4- his title reign was the most forgettable reign in the recent WWE days.
5- his look doesn't appeal to anybody, god knows why.
Jack Swagger's title reign was booked atrociously. I know it's a cliché ("This guy wasn't book correctly/wasn't made to look strong enough/whatever") but it's true. If nothing else, it was eclectic. This guy got a clean win on pay-per-view over Randy Orton, then he lost clean to John Morrison on SmackDown. I don't understand how you couldn't just be a little bit bewildered by that. Just a tad.

That said, his trophy promo was a nomination for promo of the year, and he can work a microphone like nobody's business. I think people hear the lisp and the drawl and just assume that this guy doesn't know what he's doing, but he garnered some major heat with some creative promos.

He's big; he's intimidating; he's entertaining to watch. Frankly, I wouldn't be adverse to him getting a Sheamus-esque push - have him tear shit up to the extent that you can't not cheer him. The time to do that would have been when they were teasing him turning on Michael Cole, but him taking the United States title off of Dolph is a pretty ample opportunity too.
I think Swagger deserves a push as well. He's one of the most naturally gifted wrestlers in the WWE and I'm sure his cardio is off the hook. Turning face could be a good move for him, but I actually like the team of Ziggler/Swagger (and the idea of a Vicki Guerrero stable) and I'd like to see them eventually defeat Air Boom for the tag belts. He's looked especially disshevelled for the past couple of weeks though, like he's been sleeping in his car. What's up with that?
Swagger has had plenty of pushes, you know whats holding him back? The simple fact that he's still a heel, and has been a heel since his started in the WWE.

Swagger should have turned face on Cole back during the whole Cole/Lawler program leading into WM27. He could have broken out from the rut hes been in for the past 2 years and actually became something special, something worthwhile rather.

He's got talent, hes great in the ring, good on the mic (minus the lisp) and he's had some good matches with some of the top talent in the WWE. If his character goes face, he could become a solid baby face and upper main event asset on Raw or Smackdown
Swagger has had plenty of pushes, you know whats holding him back? The simple fact that he's still a heel, and has been a heel since his started in the WWE.

wrong!!! a lot of heels got over, it's not by a simple face turn that Swagger is gonna get over, he needs more depth into his character that's all.

He's been a heel for too long, and its not working/hasn't worked for him for a while now. Swaggers an All American, American. He's a wrestling machine, hes good on the mic, and although he's a very believable heel, he's been the exact same heel since he debuted in 2008 in ECW. He needs to change it up, he needs to turn on Vickie or Ziggler and turn face.
It's not him being a heel it's his horrible mic work he stuffs up more than nearly everyone else in the WWE and he will never get over he doesn't improve this. The guy just can't act at all and is so goofy looking. They should make him into a joke character because everytime he talks it's a joke anyway.
Yes you are the only one that enjoyed his title run. You simply can't be one of the biggest faces of an entertainment company and talk with a lisp...add no personality and average at best in ring skills and you have a low low carder that is only in the wwe for being a former college wrestler....drugged out tna kurt angle is still infinitely > than jack swagger will ever be

the lisp is not the reason that he can't be one of the faces of the wwe, hell dusty was one of the faces of wcw and it looks like cody is on his way to great things with his lisp. Its the fact that he has no charisma.
Jack Swagger? The guy who is purposely given very few lines? The guy who nervously took the mic and walked halfway turned to the hard cam in the promo with Christian/ziggler/vickie/ADR? No. He's fine where he is. they are using Ziggler and Vickie to get him over. Swagger is very good in the ring, he's a natural athlete. That only gets you so far. He's not believable as his character. In the ring he's 100% Jack Swagger, on the mic he's some doofy looking lisper trying to remember his lines.
Is there any single person in the WWE who would benefit from a manager more than Swagger?

WWE should develop a face manager specifically for getting Swagger over. He's got a great look, great in-ring ability, people want to like him. As soon as WWE wants to turn him, they should give him sympathetic promos - people have bullied him for his lisp all his life, that's why he's such a big part of the Be A Star campaign, etc. A private interview promo with JR would really help him get over.

If I recall, I think Swagger was re-signed to another five-year deal in April 2011 (around the time he was put onto Raw), so it might be a couple years before we see him getting pushed.
Is there any single person in the WWE who would benefit from a manager more than Swagger?

WWE should develop a face manager specifically for getting Swagger over. He's got a great look, great in-ring ability, people want to like him. As soon as WWE wants to turn him, they should give him sympathetic promos - people have bullied him for his lisp all his life, that's why he's such a big part of the Be A Star campaign, etc. A private interview promo with JR would really help him get over.

If I recall, I think Swagger was re-signed to another five-year deal in April 2011 (around the time he was put onto Raw), so it might be a couple years before we see him getting pushed.
Give swagger a manager, one that gets a lot of heat....like Vickie guerrero?

Swagger isn't a babyface, he never really has been. He's just a lot more easily hateable. "bullied him for his lisp"? So a speech impediment is going to get him over. He's going to be the champion for people all over the globe with lisps? That's your grand idea? What the fuck?

What they're doing with him is fine. He has a heat magnate and a star in the making next to him. If he doesn't get over, it's his own damn fault.

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