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It's Time To Disband The Diva's Division, and Bring Back The Cruiserweights


Championship Contender
All divas matches on Raw or Smackdown literally last 2-3 minutes, maybe 5 on a good night. They rarely get used on pay-per-views. Other than Beth Phoenix and Natalya, the rest are mostly painful to watch. So make it official and make them valets or "girlfriends" of the wrestlers, like what they've begun to do with AJ, Rosa and Eve. The interest isn't there from the fans and Vince clearly doesn't intend to invest in making it more watchable, which means he's not so interested either. So future endeavor them already.

The time wasted on this garbage should be invested in bringing back the Cruiserweight Title and giving a 7-10 minute spot on every Raw and Smackdown between good talent, some of which would rarely or never get airtime otherwise unless they're jobbing. Build it around Trent Barreta, Yoshi Tatsu, Hunico, Tyson Kidd, Evan Bourne (if by some miracle he isn't released), Sin Cara, Justin Gabriel, Kofi Kingston, Epico and Primo to start and then sign some other talent. I know Vince is notorious for not liking smaller guys in the business (other than Mysterio), but why have them on the roster in the first place if you're not going to utilize them to their full potential? Cruiserweight matches are just what the WWE needs right now. Justin Gabriel vs. Tyson Kidd in a fast-paced, high-flying match or Brodus Clay vs. Tyson Kidd in a 30-second squash match? This isn't hard.
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You have one ridiculous point, and one excellent point.

The WWE will NEVER disband the divas division, it not only sends a sexist message to mainstream pop culture, but it will drive portions of the audience away and nobody wants that. This is the age of internet and of social and sexual equality. Until some Johnny-Shovanist becomes the dicator of the world and banishes women to wherever he chooses, there will be a divas division in the WWE and probably every mid-to-big sized wrestling company.

Your cruiserweight point however is excellent. I loved the cruiserweights in wwe on smackdown back in the day. Tajiri vs Mysterio, or Kidman vs Noble, you could almost always be guaranteed that most pairings or groups of cruiserweights would have good solid matches. I think right now we have an even better crop of cruiserweight talent in the WWE. Hunico, Baretta, Kidd, Tatsu, Sin Cara (once he finally works out how to wrestle the WWE way) they could all put on some amazing matches and a cruiserweight division would finally give them relevance as well as exposure on tv.

Its also a great way to get them over and build them towards bigger things if they can handle that, a la Rey Mysterio.
I agree 100% with the Cruizerweights thing, but I think Vince needs to put a little more focus on the Diva's division as well. Instead of canning the Diva's title, they should get rid of the U.S. Championship (let's face it, it's the new European championship) and bring back the Cruizerwieghts! Let Kofi and Kidd shine!
Oh joy. Another thread to bring back the cruiserweight division.

Why don't we focus on improving the IC and U.S. divisions first as well as the tag team division. The cruiserweight division was dead from the get-go. With all those names you mentioned, they make for some pretty decent tag teams. They can easily shine without a need to bring back the CW.
You guys know that you don't run the company right? People do enjoy the diva's division to an extent.

I forgot though, WWE just needs to have 15 person hell-in-a-cell tlc matches to impress the internet crowd. Really though, it's wrestling. Be entertained and stfu.
All divas matches on Raw or Smackdown literally last 2-3 minutes, maybe 5 on a good night. They rarely get used on pay-per-views. Other than Beth Phoenix and Natalya, the rest are mostly painful to watch. So make it official and make them valets or "girlfriends" of the wrestlers, like what they've begun to do with AJ, Rosa and Eve.

Sexism for the win, right? And the Cruiserweight division is dead. It should fucking stay that way.

The interest isn't there from the fans and Vince clearly doesn't intend to invest in making it more watchable, which means he's not so interested either. So future endeavor them already.

Or alternatively keep the waste of a divison for what it's there for. To provide a stopgap to prevent the fans killing themselves, buy a drink and take a piss.

The time wasted on this garbage should be invested in bringing back the Cruiserweight Title and giving a 7-10 minute spot on every Raw and Smackdown between good talent, some of which would rarely or never get airtime otherwise unless they're jobbing.

They don't get time because they're shit in comparason to the rest of the roster. You realise that every single male champion is a cruiserweight at the moment. Except Jack Swagger, but he'll be giving that back to Ryder soon enough. Fuck off do they need to be segmented and held back because of their size.

Build it around Trent Barreta,

Charisma of a stone. Therefore nobody will ever give a shit about him, therefore he's a shitty choice to build a division around.

Yoshi Tatsu,

Barely speaks English, therefore can barely cut a promo, therefore would struggle to make people give a shit about him outside of the ring. Therefore he's a shit choice to build a division around. Especially one that doesn't need to exist any more.

Doesn't need it.

Tyson Kidd,

See: Trent Baretta.

Evan Bourne (if by some miracle he isn't released),

Has the charisma of a stone, doesn't need it and two strikes agianst him. If you can't see why he'll never be given anything close to resembling an important role in the company you're a moron.

Sin Cara,

Doesn't need it.

Justin Gabriel,

Doesn't need it.

Kofi Kingston,

Doesn't need it.

Epico and Primo

They're the tag team champions.

to start and then sign some other talent.

WWE really needs useless spotmonkeys right now. Because people will sure pay to see them.

I know Vince is notorious for not liking smaller guys in the business (other than Mysterio), but why have them on the roster in the first place if you're not going to utilize them to their full potential? Cruiserweight matches are just what the WWE needs right now. Justin Gabriel vs. Tyson Kidd in a fast-paced, high-flying match or Brodus Clay vs. Tyson Kidd in a 30-second squash match? This isn't hard.

WHC: Daniel Bryan (billed weight 190-210 lbs) Cruiserweight
WWE Champ: CM Punk (billed weight 218 lbs) Cruiserweight (bonus point, Dolph Ziggler is billed as 213 lbs and is therefore also a Cruiserweight)
IC: Cody Rhodes (billed weight: 215 lbs) Cruiserweight
Tag Titles: Epico and Primo (billed as 217 and 215 lbs respectively) Both Cruiserweights

Man, those small guys are really striggling to stand out at the moment. I don't understand how they're ever going to get time to perform. They're so held back.

You have one ridiculous point, and one excellent point.

Nope, they're both stupid.

Your cruiserweight point however is excellent. I loved the cruiserweights in wwe on smackdown back in the day. Tajiri vs Mysterio, or Kidman vs Noble, you could almost always be guaranteed that most pairings or groups of cruiserweights would have good solid matches. I think right now we have an even better crop of cruiserweight talent in the WWE. Hunico, Baretta, Kidd, Tatsu, Sin Cara (once he finally works out how to wrestle the WWE way) they could all put on some amazing matches and a cruiserweight division would finally give them relevance as well as exposure on tv.

Again, it's not fucking needed. Smaller guys are the norm in WWE now. Don't believe me, count the guys over and under 230 lbs and see who comes out on top.

Its also a great way to get them over and build them towards bigger things if they can handle that, a la Rey Mysterio.

You know what else could put a small guy over? Beating an established name, regardless of how big he is.

I agree 100% with the Cruizerweights thing, but I think Vince needs to put a little more focus on the Diva's division as well. Instead of canning the Diva's title, they should get rid of the U.S. Championship (let's face it, it's the new European championship) and bring back the Cruizerwieghts! Let Kofi and Kidd shine!

Yeah, those little guys really need the title. It's not like 3 of the last 4 US champions have been cruiserweights or anything. Oh wait, they have.
Wow Kotre, bitter much? Not really necessary to quote every single line. This is just an idea for the jobbers who have talent to actually be used instead of divas who have no talent taking up that time, repeating the exact same shit every week, every show. If you don't understand that...you're right, I'm the moron.
Oh joy. Another thread to bring back the cruiserweight division.

Why don't we focus on improving the IC and U.S. divisions first as well as the tag team division. The cruiserweight division was dead from the get-go. With all those names you mentioned, they make for some pretty decent tag teams. They can easily shine without a need to bring back the CW.

Somebody that actually contributed to the thread instead of being a negative bitch, thank you. I agree, if the IC and US divisions were improved and the guys I mentioned (other than Epico/Primo and Air Boom obviously) were used to create tag teams, I would be satisfied with that. As long as they use these guys instead of continuously burying them, I don't care what division it's for.
Wow Kotre, bitter much?

Not really. Just tired of seeing the same regurgitated shit time and time again.

Not really necessary to quote every single line.

True, but I'm doing this for my amusement, not your benefit.

This is just an idea for the jobbers who have talent to actually be used instead of divas who have no talent taking up that time

If they had tallent or an upside beside being able to sell they wouldn't be jobbers.

repeating the exact same shit every week, every show.

As opposed to a bunch of uncharismatic dolts doing nothing but flips and giggles for 10 minutes be when it's done every week? Oh right, repeating the exact same shit every week, every show.

If you don't understand that...you're right, I'm the moron.

I understand it, but I'm glad we can agree that you're a moron.
First off, Kotre - quoting every line makes it a headache to read your posts. As such, I'm just going to ignore them.

One time, I went to a Monday Night Raw with a non-wrestling fan. I thought he might enjoy the show, and he was willing to give it a chance. Mid-way through the show, Eve and Kelly Kelly wrestled against the Bella Twins. My friend noticed that people were disinterested ... and that a lot of people were leaving their seats and heading up the aisles. He asked me what was going on.

"People don't like the Diva's matches," I said. "They think they're boring and they use the time to either go to the concessions stands or the bathroom."

"So wait a minute. These people love to watch half-naked men roll around on top of each other ... but when two half-naked, hot women are rolling on top of each other ... that's when people stop watching?" he asked. "And you wonder why people think wrestling fans are gay."

Everytime people complain that the diva's division is boring or pointless ... or they claim that they always change the channel during a diva's match ... I think of that quote. Sorry some of you can't enjoy watching two half-naked, hot women rolling around on top of each other.

In terms of the CW Division - I'm really not a fan of designating weight classes for wrestlers. I think that it labels guys and can bury them. I understand that Mysterio, Jericho, Guerrero and Benoit all competed in the WCW CW Division - but only Benoit ever really got past the stereotype in WCW (and that was mainly because they were trying to convince him to stay.)

On top of that, I think most CW guys tend to go over the top in terms of being spot monkeys - which is a style that I really don't like. In WCW - perhaps the greatest CW division in pro wrestling history - most of the guys rarely sold moves for each other. There were a number of times when a guy would fly into the ring post only to get up 5 seconds later and hit a hurracaranna on his opponent. That wasn't entertaining to me.
Listen both of your points will not happen and frankly shouldn't happen because first of all, they aren't going to 100% get rid of the divas division. No matter how much they undermine it and no matter how useless it ever becomes, it will always be here to stay. WWE uses it as an alternative for the men who view the product and for nothing else. It is a sideshow from the main event.

Second of all, I am so damn tired of everyone vouching for a cruiserweights division. No one can replicate WCW's cruiserweight division because they had names like Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, and Chris Jericho fighting each other. They also went out and recruited talent from japan, mexico, europe etc. all in hopes to get good ring workers. The Cruiserweights in WWE right now are not capable of seizing the viewers on Raw and drawing their attention. Though Tyson Kidd is a good worker, I could give a rat's ass about him. Honestly, that is how i feel. And even though people here will come after me and defend Kidd, the general consensus of the normal WWE fans overlook things like in ring talent if someone is boring. and all of the cruiserweights are boring in the WWE. The good ones are where they should be, and that is in the main event or upper mid card. This means Bryan, Ziggler, Punk etc. My point is the cruiserweight division will die instantly if it is filled with uncharismatic jobbers like Kidd, Gabriel, Slater, Mahal and others.
Despite the Divas division never being an actual draw, the Crusierweight division has been even less of a draw. The divas division can at least lay claim to main eventing an important show, and have had several high profile and successful feuds over the past decade.

The only even semi memorable feud from the Crusierweight division that I remember was Jaime Noble vs The Hurricane; everything else was either forgetable or not given nearly as much screen time as whatever Trish Stratus feud was happening at the time.

I think the WWE amde the right decision in scrapping the CW decision in favor of the Divas, and I think it should remain that way.
The Diva's division is actually a lot better than it was a few years ago and I usually stay in the room instead of heading to the bathroom now. Yes, I'd like to see the CW division back, but it would suck to can the Diva's division just for it. If anything they should make Superstars a good spot for the Diva's and CW division.
First off, the guy who's friend said "Wrestling fans are gay" please tell him to shut the fuck up.

Secondly, I have always been a fan of both spot wrestling and mainstream style wrestling. The Cruiserweight division was full of high flying wrestlers that could be considered "spot monkeys" that is where the problem with the division lies. For every 10,000 internet fans that love this kind of wrestling there are 2 million casual fans that don't give a shit. The Cruiserweight was entertaining but WWE is a business and they made a right decision by cutting it.

The Divas on the other hand are good for media and business at the same time. Yes the are extremely boring and uninteresting, but they provide a chance to go take a piss or get a snack. It's basically the scapegoat for everything that shouldn't happen later on in the card (in terms of the audience). Take into account that the moment that they hypothetically disband the Divas division will be the moment "WWE is sexist" accusations come up.

In all honesty the Cruiserweight division WAS the piss break on Smackdown before they had their own Divas titles. Why waste potential future stars (regardless of size and weight) by restricting them to a low card division. Who knows how many of the Smackdown guys in there could have had a bright future had they not been confined to the low card through weight division? Spot monkey or not it's just better to keep the Divas at the bottom of the barrel and give every guy a chance to show what he's got without being deemed "Cruiserweight" and never being given the chance to excel in other areas. There has to be a break for the fans so that they don't take it during the most important moments of the show (E.g Main event matches )

Most of the champions now are lighter than in the past, thus faster paced and mostly more entertaining. All the Cruiserweight division did was be the piss break of Smackdown and hold guys back. It's better to leave the Divas division do all that now.
The divas division has more potiental than the cruiserweights. All the cruiserweights were good for is their high spots. I hate the divas title because it makes women's wrestling look like a joke. Look at beth's reign as women's champion as a heel. It made her look believeable. Now look at her current divas title reign. Joke right. Thats another thread but the cruiserweights had no fueds and by the looks of things. The divas division is heading into a direct that the cruiserweights were headed in their last days. No fueds jus random divas going around holding the title with no meaning. I bet no one cares about kelly kelly reign because it meant nothing and I for one dont remember anything about it. Jus like no one remembers chavo last reign as cruiserweight champion against hornswoggle. What an awful series of matches those two had.
Again Kotre, wow. Sorry you're having a miserable life, but no need to take it out on total strangers on the internet. Your posts are nothing more than spam with the way they're laid out. It's one thing to disagree, but to be a complete douche about it is another. If you can't make valid points and just like to quote each line of a person's post to make a pissy remark about it, you have a bit too much time on your hands. This is the last time I'll address your stupidity. Good luck with it from here on out.
I Agree 100%, i dont even think women take Diva's wrestling seriously. The Cruiserweight division should have never left. I recall back in the day cruiserweight matches where the only ones i cared to see.
You know if the WWE for a couple weeks just didn't air any women's matches, I seriously doubt anyone, except for the loneliest of IWC virgins, would even notice.

So if they just dropped the Diva's division, I highly doubt they'd be called "sexist." And if they were, who cares? It's a business and women don't draw shit. Look at it this way, in the segment they have the broads out there not making them any money (and costing them some), they could be either developing a storyline for wrestlers that DOES draw or they could put an entertaining spot match to keep people from changing the channel. I know some of you smarks don't give a shit about spot-fests. Well fuck you, I do care about them. And if it's different from the rest of the show, it's a breath of fresh air. And most of you guys secretly enjoy them too.

The main reason the CW division didn't work before is because Vince never put a serious effort in promoting it. Remember in WCW, it was a very good selling point. In fact, I watched WCW to see the cruiserweights, not the main events.

Now to the guy who's friend talked shit about wrestling fans for not being interested in watching women's bouts. It's not like the broads are naked, kissing and *****-fucking each other. In fact, if they regularly did one of the three, I'd be interested in the Diva's division.
As far as actual wrestling and storylines go, the divas are pretty weak. But if you look at RAW quarter ratings, the divas are often the second highest draw.

The WWE cruiserweight division has been gone for a few years, and I don't know how many of you really remember that division, but it was pretty much a waste of time to begin with.

Cruiserweights were lucky to make it to a PPV, even in the talent starved brand extension era. Most cruiserweight title defenses were on Smackdown or Velocity, and the matches were nothing like TNA's X-Division. The WWE has had many talented cruisers, but because of company policy and time limitations, the division was never "can't miss."

Plus, alot of the WWE's cruisers were small guys who worked a more traditional style. I'm talking about guys like Jamie Noble, Spike Dudley and Nunzio. These were all good workers, but they didn't exactly deliver wall to wall action.

If the WWE recruited all the high-flying indy guys, brought the Cruiserweight title back, booked the competitors like serious superstars, and gave them 10 minutes every RAW to go all out, I think it would go over huge. But, I don't see that happening. The WWE would treat them as glorified jobbers, just like in 2006, and no one would have any reason to care about them.
No need for another the title especially the Cruiser Weight Title.

They've just got to a point where the US and IC titles have good working divisions on both shows. The IC Champion Cody Rhodes is doing wonders on Smackdown, and Ziggler up until losing to Ryder was on a roll.

The Diva's Title and Diva's division is fine. As many have stated in within the WWE and on these forums, they just need more time and the focus in the division needs to be taken off of the fucking Bella Twins. I don't know who's high on these two in back, but their not good, they have no talent and they need to go.
I am definately for bringing it back. Bringing back the cruiserweights would take the pressure of the top level guys to do holy shit moments and they can focus more on there wrestling skill. WWE could easily just use the cruiserweights to do all the high flying stuff and then let the main event guys stay on the mat. It seems to me that the main event of a PPV has to have a big moment thats holy shit and if it doesn't the PPV is considered dull (by the crowd ofcourse). Bringing back the cruiserweight division would solve the problem and probably cause less injury to the main event guys.
I agree that something needs to be done for the guys you mentioned, but the LAST thing the wwe needs is another belt. So, take each of the guys mentioned and make tag teams out of them that way you kill a bunch of birds with one stone.

BTW, the divas aren't going anywhere.
What needs to happen with the Diva division is a greater focus on women with wrestling ability. Its fine to have valet divas who aren't talented wrestlers, but it would be nice to see more strong, confident women like Beth Phoenix, Nattie, etc. in WWE. They do draw in the male audience and they do have sex appeal but without objectifying the entire women's division as eye candy.

As far as the cruiserweight division, my personal opinion is that talented smaller guys who are high fliers are better utilized working with the rest of the roster... if you have an entire division that is a constant hurricanranafest the novelty wears off pretty quickly. But underdog cruiserweights that can dazzle are always entertaining and can draw.
The CW division was good while it lasted but it's time to let it go. The guys you mentioned can be better used in the tag team division so lets better that division instead of starting another one. The divas division is boring i agree but I do enjoy watching half naked women wrestle. I am a man after all. We should have more talented divas i agree. We have 3 talented ones in Beth Natalia and Tamina. Lets stop burying Natalia and give her the push she deserves. Im also tired of not seeing the womens champion Beth. Where is she? Put Natalia and Tamina together as the divas tag champs along with beth as champ. Lets just improve what we have before we start thinking about recreating another division.

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