WWE To Possibly Revive The Manager Role

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Meh. I mean, it can't really hurt to have managers back in some cases. I think having a mouthpiece could really benefit guys like Mason Ryan, especially since I can't really understand what he's saying through his thick accent (but maybe it's just me) and for others who apparently can't speak English like Mason Ryan. But other than that, I really couldn't care less. The concept of having a manager never really made sense to me. Granted, I'm not an old school guy and I haven't watch wrestling for as long as many of the posters here have. I never saw Paul Hayman act as Brock Lesnar's mouthpiece or any great managers in the many years prior to that. There are some pros to having a manager but at the same time I think having someone speak for a wrestler easily exposes said wrestler as a bad talker which in this day and age really makes a difference for the wrestlers. Simply being good in the ring isn't good enough anymore. As mentioned already, Ziggler and Swagger have both been paired up with heat magnets in Vickie and Cole respectively but by themselves they can barely draw any audible heat.

And as to echo what Nick said earlier, no face managers please. I saw that when Ashley was paired up with London and Kendrick a few years ago. I wasn't interested.
This is great. Frankly the actual wrestling has gotten kind of stale lately and many of the better wrestlers can't be in the main event because of promo ability. By letting the manager do the talking they can be now. Its just so hard to find someone who has both the talent in the ring and on the mic like Stone Cold or Rock did. If the manager role comes back they only need one or the other, at least at the start of their career.

It also gives those aging or injured wrestlers something to do. Booker T, Edge, William Regal, etc could all make excellent managers.
I agree that for the most part a manager only works when his wrestler is a Monster Heel. The exception, and this is where they are best utilized, is when a manager has a stable. A manager needs to be more than a mouthpiece...he needs to be a leader. Think JJ and the Horsemen, Paul E and the Dangerous Alliance...even Evolution where Flair was more manager than wrestler. I think WWE could benefit from the return of the manager but the return of the manager with a stable would be brilliant.
This could work, but only if they don't saturate the WWE with them. Not EVERY heel who can't talk can come out with a manager. I'd reserve it for the people who they feel could get the most out of it. The last thing you want to see is a Fatal Four Way with all four wrestlers having managers.
Managers could work the best for the new NXT guys as well as some wrestlers like DH Smith, Tyson Kidd, Nexus, Corre, or Evan Bourne. Vickie Guerrero has helped Dolph Ziggler become more over then he was before, along with Michael Cole and Jack Swagger. I think the best roles for managers would be for the old Hall of Famers to come out and give a voice for the young talent. In today's age there isn't a real need kayfabe wise to have managers, but people like Cole Vickie do have the authority to book matches for their clients. At least Vickie used to.

I think it would be great to have a manager speaking on behalf of someone like Kharma or even Mason Ryan. That don't necessarily have to be involved in the matches. Paul Heyman did a great job putting over Brock Lesnar and Paul Bearer was a symbol for the Undertaker even if he didn't get involved with the outcome of matches.

Of course the great Freddie Blassie and Bobby Heenan managed so many wrestlers and tag teams that would have originally meant nothing if it wasn't for their impact.
This is not as good of an idea as everyone thinks it is. The fact is, with the way pro wrestling is currently promoted, there is no need for a manager anymore. The kaybe point of a manager was NOT to do the talking for his client, but rather to...you know...be a MANAGER of the talent. The manager was the guy who got his wrestlers matches and title shots, negotiated his contract, etc. Yes, in theory, it was to also provide a mouthpiece and an easy way to get a talent over, but there had to be a kayfabe reason for it as well.

In today's wrestling world, GM's make matches, not managers. GM and match type determines title shots, not managers. There's really no need for managers in today's kayfabe wrestling world. And since a manager is not needed, why have him there? It just makes a wrestler look weak when he has to have another man do his talking for him.

I'm sorry, but the manager is just a thing of the past, as long as wrestling operates in it's current fashion.

I kind of agree with you in some regards. I don't think it's a thing of the past but I do agree there needs to be a reason for it, and a valid one at that. Just have Michael Hayes wander down to the ring with Tyson won't achieve anything. If they build it into a story then it will work though if for no other reason than it actually gives people a story.

I'm interested in this one. If WWE is clever about it, and probably more importantly uses the right people in both roles, it could create a lot of interesting storylines. I wonder if we'll see someone like Nash being pulled out as a manager.
Love the idea. managers are such a great part of wrestling history. The important part is finding the right people. The Corenette's, Heyman, Heenans, Ellering's etc. do not grow on trees. Not everyone will be a good manager there are certian skills beyond mic work they need. But as a managers fan I love the idea
i think this could work pretty damn well if they bring in new divas to "manage" some heels. lita started as a valet/manager and look what happened there. even if its a short term thing for a heel, it could also be used to judge crowd reactions to new divas and possibly revitize that division also. sable was the same and trish as well.cause it could go like such. new diva and heel combo, eventually heel turns on diva/manager gains more heat and we have a new competitor in the divas market
I LOVE it! It would work great as a way to revive the tag division. I can only imagine Armando Estrada coming in and being a mouthpiece for the Uso's. Or have Rakishi come in and manage them (BTW I think WWE dropped the ball with them not interacting with The Rock, seeing as he IS their uncle and all).

Here is who I would like to see manage and what team/superstar

1) Ted DiBiase - Brett or Ted...or both.
2) IRS - Brett and Husky
3) Bret Hart - DH Smith OR Hart Dynasty
4) Armando Estrada OR Rikishi - Uso's
Undoubtedly there is a place for managers to help get talent over. Vickie Guerrero with Dolph is an example many have said, and that's a great example showing how a manager can work in today's climate.

But here's the problem. Just as how there is a talent deficit, there is a manager deficit as well. You don't just step in and be a good manager. Bobby Heenan wasn't made in a day. You have to have the right person with the right character to be a successful manager. I agree that someone like Tyson Kidd could use a manager, but Michael Hayes hasn't been relevant on television in a decade. There is simply a huge shortage of people to fill that role.

Frankly as well as Josh Matthews and King have been, Michael Cole could and should be a great manager. Matt Striker and Abraham Washington also come to mind.
i think this could work pretty damn well if they bring in new divas to "manage" some heels. lita started as a valet/manager and look what happened there. even if its a short term thing for a heel, it could also be used to judge crowd reactions to new divas and possibly revitize that division also. sable was the same and trish as well.cause it could go like such. new diva and heel combo, eventually heel turns on diva/manager gains more heat and we have a new competitor in the divas market

I had the same thought but didn't want to say it. Glad you brought this up. Since WWE seems to like the models with little ring experience, what better way to bring in someone "HOTT" and give them airtime without putting them in the ring right away.
I agree with the many who say that managers are not relevant in today's wrestling world, because it's the truth.

Kayfabe wise, back in the day, Jimmy Hart, Freddie Blassie, Bobby Heenan, Jim Cornette, and so on; would campaign for their wrestler. Kayfabe wise the managers would make sure that their wrestler got opportunities and title shots and what not. The way that it's set up today, a wrestler has to win a triple threat match, fatal four way, battle royal, or some sort of tournament to get a title shot. So, other than drawing heat for a wrestler that obviously can't do it themselves, what would a manager be good for?

On the other hand; however, it isn't bad for a current superstar to learn something from a manager. Look at Shawn Michaels for example. He couldn't speak on a mic until after his run with Sherri. The Undertaker is another great example. He would always say his one liner Rest In Peace; however, Paul Bearer did all of the other talking for him and after that run, 'Taker became adept at speaking on the mic.

A manager will always work for a monster heel, but for the average Joe, a manager is useless in today's wrestling world. Other than to teach a terrible mic worker the basics on how to keep a crowd, I don't see the point.
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