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It's Time To Disband The Diva's Division, and Bring Back The Cruiserweights

but when two half-naked, hot women are rolling on top of each other ... that's when people stop watching?" he asked. "And you wonder why people think wrestling fans are gay."

Bella twins have man faces.. 'nuff said.

On topic! I strongly disagree with both points.

CW division isn't needed.. at all. Why? Everyone in the WWE that can be considered a cruiserweight is either boring/terrible on the mic and spotmonkeys or have/are currently holding a major title. Would be a waste of time having guys that no one even cares about fighting for titles no one cares about. In the very least, just do what tons of other people have been saying for years: revive the tag division. Those same boring, charisamless CW-sized guys are atleast entertaining in the ring (for the most part, atleast) and could easily have a mouthpiece for them if said things were happening.

Diva's division isn't going anywhere, either. While it may not good I feel it's there for "equality" or whatever. While some (read: most) of the Diva's aren't good in the ring they atleast try their best.
I think they need to keep the Divas division for the simple fact it would send such an bad message if they were to disband it!! Not good PR for the E if that happened!! I think Cody Rhodes is doing an excellent job trying at least to revive the IC title keep the strap on him!!! The tag team division is what consist of two teams epico and primo and the Usos?? used to have three but Evan Bourne smoked that idea!! The us title really who cares about that one!! The US title used to have so much prestige honor but now it gets passed around like a hot potato!! If they revived the US title and added two more teams for the Tag team division i think the product be fine!!! As far as the CW division goes its dead i go to WCW dvds if i wanna feel nostalgia for the division
If Vince wanted to disband the divas division, then he was 10 years too late. He couldn't disband it now without causing a sexist uproar amongst the WWE 'universe'. I think Vince knows that it's crap but he can't get rid of it, which is why he is minimising divas matches to less then 3 minutes each show. It gives them enough time to show a promo or something before the next commercial break.

As for putting together decent matches that would be enjoyable; when has this worked recently? We were watching Beth, Natalya, etc going for the divas title these past six months, and I really don't remember any significant crowd enthusiasm. The last time I remember a pop during a divas match was when Beth finished Eve from the top rope. If there were more matches like that, then I could see a build up of interest, but WWE likes to save these matches/spots for PPVs.

But let's be honest, would you want to watch anymore then 3-4 minutes of divas action per episode of RAW/SD? Maybe if it gets better, but at this point I think that even 3-4 minutes is too much. I was happy when they turned Eve's match with Beth into a segment with Kane this past week, as it was something that I was actually interested in.

As for bringing back the crusierweights, these guys have always had very confusing spots on the show. I've always loved this style of wrestling, but unless you really appreciate wrestling, most fans don't care much for this division unless the wrestlers have good gimmicks. Most matches start of with a quiet crowd reaction as the entrances are made, but by the end of the match the crowd is usually making alot of noise. I would say that bringing back this division would be fantastic, but WWE spending alot of time on their major stories these days on air, which makes it very difficult. We could just end up with another title that makes an appearance on RAW/SD once every two-three weeks. From the beginning, I think that keeping them on SD would be the better idea.
I don't get why people are so intent on bringing back something that was never a success. I'd far prefer bringing back the European or Hardcore titles over that belt Hornswoggle won. At least those could be used in... Superstars I guess. I'd say the Divas should stick around because they're hot, but they're as good at pushing my buttons as a nun these days. Probably because their level of generics are so high. Still though, Awesome Kong is still signed with the WWE, so at least there's one thing positive to keeping the Divas over bringing back a title that was dead since it was born.
WWE will never get rid of the girls as many will complain. They will accuse the WWE of being sexist however I agree with the fact it needs changing or shaking up. Cruizeweight championship? Bring it on! I'd love to see Justin Gabriel win the belt though. Good idea but I don't think the WWE will ever "get rid" of it.
I fail to see how replacing one useless division with another will be an improvement.

It's true that the Diva Division as a whole is crap. It's crap because that's what Vince wants it to be. There are some talented women wrestlers on the WWE roster but they're not relevant because Vince wants the Divas to be a PG rated tits & ass roster for the most part. The Cruiserweight Division is dead and it should stay that way. Most of the WWE roster weighs under 230 pounds so most of them would be eligible to compete as Cruiserweights. As I've said before in the, possibly, dozens of threads in which the OP wants the Cruiserweight Division to return, there's a negative perception among American fans when it comes to limiting a wrestler based on his weight. In the eyes of many American fans, having a division specially set up for only "little guys" suggests that they can't hang with bigger guys on the roster, hence it's harder to take them seriously as potential stars.

Of course, that doesn't mean that the smaller guys can't hang with the larger guys because we've seen it happen. Right now, Daniel Bryan is the WHC and in the middle of an interesting three way feud with Mark Henry & Big Show and that's basically what most American fans want. They want to see guys put into the ring and find out who the better man is regardless of size differences. In Bryan's case, it's a big obstacle to overcome and that's part of the enjoyment of the feud in and of itself. He has to use what tools he has to overcome two much bigger and stronger opponents and fans are into it.

I'd rather see WWE create a new title that could be used to elevate lower card wrestlers and generally give them something to do. Guys like Trent Barreta, Yoshi Tatsu, Tyson Kidd, Curt Hawkins, Tyler Reks, Heath Slater, Alex Riley, JTG and some others are mostly relegated or pretty much exclusively relegated to appearing on Superstars or NXT these days, so having something of an undercard title as a means of possibly elevating wrestlers up into the mid-card range is something that I think could be beneficial. These wrestlers could engage in real feuds working towards becoming a champion in WWE.

But bringing back a title that's designed only for men of a certain weight, thereby limiting those wrestlers in the eyes of many fans? No thanks.
I actually think kotre made a good point with listing top talent billed at 220 or below. WWE wants fans to get into there guys, HBK was the first real small guy ( he was technically a cruiserweight but billed at 235) to get a championship push, Vince doesnt want to have to rebill guys if there was a cruiserweight division then cm punk and ziggler and ect. would have to be billed at 226 or better, and no one will believe Daniel Bryan is 226!

As far as the divas go, i think the divas give the wwe some mainstream recognition. Remember sable,tori,christy hemming,ashley , maria ( and chyna after she was finished wrestling) were all in playboy. how much money did vince get off having the WWE name posted on the covers. how many extra ticket and merch sales. Kelly Kelly was in maxim. And when stacy keibler is on any tv show or magizine its always "former wwe diva" stacy keibler. So even though the divas division is a pain to watch it will never go away because its a huge money maker
Okay just a thought since most of the cw appear on superstars, y not make a superstar championship just for the show like a t.v title it that could be built as the new cw title... it would be better than disbanding the divas division and better than putting the cws on the main show, cuz honestly all of them are jobbers no point of wasting tv time for other superstars like shemus, wade barret, miz, especially around this time with the undertaker probably making an appearance soon enough which will most likly take up some tv time. there are to many stories around wrestlemania time to be wasting time with the cws.. idk just a thought. :shrug:
I dont think the CW would last, never does. But the the Divas divison just needs a jump start. First everbody wants Beth needs to become champ and then she does. now its sucks again. There is just no pleasing some people. Does the Divias divison suck? yes, but it always did since Micky, Trish, and Lita left. I mean it got better when Kharma was comeing out and beatin up the divas, but we didnt get a chance to see it playout.

I think what is killing it is the brand split and lack of divas. They cant make the divas match longer, thats not the problem. You say they are to short, 2-3 minutes. Well do you see how many times they botch in 2-3 minutes. imagin if it was longer. they just have to get divas to learn to wrestle better.
Firstly, if the WWE get rid of the diva's division there's no chance in hell that Vince would replace it with a cruiserweight division. The 5-6 minutes (including entrances)that the diva's took up would provide extra time for a John Cena promo, or a backstage skit.

Secondly, as has already been mentioned, cruiserweights can currently compete for the Intercontinental championship, USA championship, WWE championship and bizarrely the Heavyweight championship. A cruiserweight belt would seem insignificant - a baby belt for wrestlers who can't cut it in the other divisions. "Justin Gabriel vs. Tyson Kidd in a fast-paced, high-flying match" could easily be over the number 1 contender spot for the intercontinental championship - you don't have to bring back a belt to see that sort match.

On a side note, I wouldn't actually be against seeing the return of the cruiserweight belt if they got rid of the WWE championship and either the USA or Intercontinental championship leaving three weight divisions which get equal amounts of focus, and grudge matches so wrestlers from different weight divisions can wrestle each other.

Finally, I actually see a lot of potential in the diva's division. By the end of the year we should have Kharma, Beth Phoenix, Natalya, Eve Torres, Tamina, AJ, and Layla - all of these women can put on decent matches if given a decent amount of time not only to wrestle but also to build up feuds.
im another one that disagres the divas devion will never be disband there no way the WWE will be willing to put that much controvery on the company. The divas just needs a lil boost. and bring in women who can actually wresle. i dont mind the divas at all I just wish they had alot more air time. but for me it feels like the divas devision is on hold for when khama returns.

as for the CW championship i couldnt careless about but a belt i would like see see come back is the hardcore.
... or... we can just focus on making the Divas division better? Just a thought.
What a novel concept.

Seriously, the divas division has plenty of potential to be good. WWE just doesn't put any effort into it. What makes you think that it will be any different for the cruiserweights?

Also, cruiserweights are eligible for other championships, whereas divas are not. Therefore, having a divas division doesn't hold anyone back from reaching higher places. Like Kotre said, there's no need to pigeonhole these guys in 2012.
Problem with the Diva's is they really need their own show, another DIVA search or something to promote them, without taking time from Raw or Smackdown. Maybe when WWE Network gets going they can do a weekly diva show, sort of like the old GLOW girls did in the 80's.

As far as a cruiserweight, i'd rather see the WWE invest more in tag team division. I think you could get some good teams, and fueds there, better than cruiserweight division.
Bringing back the cruiserweight division is the last thing the WWE should be doing. They already have a roster full of guys they have nothing to with and not enough time to spend on them. Replacing the one divas match a week (which would be seen as a backwards step by many - while I agree the division itself is less than ideal but still)

They need to get the divisions they have right first. The US title scene is pathetic to the point that they had Ryder drop the title in a glorified squash match on Raw (He came out looking good from it but still who is Swaggers number one contender now that Ryder in "injured"? Is there ANYONE on the roster chasing the title? More likely the scenario is that they will do a battle royal on Raw after the rumble to decide a number one contender for the Elimination Chamber unless Ryder is back by then....

The IC title scene is equally shambling for much the same reasons.

Guys you name like Hunico, Yoshi Tatsu and others would be better served in the tag team division, Botch Cara would benefit from being placed in a good quality tag team and give those lower card guys something to chase.

The reality one of the biggest problems the WWE has right now stems from their use of the superstars program, a feud like Orton/Barett or having title defenses on the show would have worked wonders for that and freed up time on the main show for the angles that are away from the titles/Cena/Orton - Raw and Smackdown should be used as they are now and the balance between promos and matches is about right. The feuds that revolve around matches could brave been pushed on superstars. How many PPV matches ever stemmed from that show that could have been a real showcase for the undercard?

I don't mean to stamp all over your idea because I can see you point of view but , well, you're wrong. Dead wrong. So yeah, sorry about that...
You can have the cruiserweights go against eachother without labeling them as cruiserweights. The matches don't need to be for the cruiserweight championship. You can make Rey Mysterio vs Sin Cara (a non-botching version of him) go for the intercontinetal championship. By that way they will have the opportunity to be in the main event scene like every other wrestler in the roster. I know Mysterio vs Sin Cara will always be more fun than Mysterio vs Big Show, but you don't need a division belt to get them go against each other. WWE has 2 major band in each brand and it should suffice.

As for Divas, i always say this, why in the blue hell would you not give a damn about a division but give them air time? Disbanding divas might have affects on the audiance, so it is hard to do it. Instead of disbanding, someone should change maybe most of the divas roster because they absolutely suck. They can't make 3 right moves back to back without botching. It definitely needs improvement
I did back in the day like the cruiserweight title because well they got to use anything in the ring. also back in the 90's and early 2000's the Womens division was good and I will say the title was a lot better than what they have now. their are good women wrestlers out there like Beth Phenix, Eve and others but some arent that good their just pretty faces. I liked when Trish Stratus, Lita and Mickie James, Torrie Wilson were in the wwe they put on some good matches but now the divas division isnt good. Vince should use the talented divas they have and the ones that arent so good and have them in matches that last longer than 2 minutes.
No need for a cruiserweight division but yes, they should absolutely scrap the women's divison.

I don't think I've ever once seen a half-decent women's match in WWE. If they brought in some really good talent like Sara Del Ray or Mystico and put them against Kharma you might have something. But that's not gonna happen because both of those women are better in the ring than most of the WWE roster male or female.
The cruiser weight division is dead, the WWE fuck up the mid-card enough already, I mean honestly you have guys you talked about sitting on their asses doing nothing whilst THE BIG SHOW is competing for the IC title. It's ridiculous. Look at the US title, I like that Santino is champ, god knows he's worked hard enough and is popular enough, but before him Swagger was champ and he only appeared on TV what, once, maybe twice, outside of the matches where we won/lost the title? That's over 12 shows too. Meanwhile Rock Cena gets half a goddamn show devoted to it and the ratings are static.
I'm sorry, but until all the cruiserweights can grow a set of DD tits, I'll have disagree with you. If the cruiserweight division is brought back, what do you really expect will happen. Think about it, are they really going to put extra time into the cruiserweight division to allow it to flourish? They'd probably just get the time the divas used to get. The divas division gets 5-10 minutes a show, tops. Taking that time and giving it to cruiserweights would be fruitless.
I don't agree with getting rid of the Divas division but I do agree that cruiserweights need to be brought back.
I disagree that people won't be interested in them if they can't cut promos. Look at the cruiserwights in the WCW years. They hardly cut promos outside Jericho and people loved them. It was something different to watch and they used in ring skills to win the crowd over.
Mysterio isn't great on the mic but look how popular he is.
I've been wanting to see them bring up some cruiserweights for a long time now.
Luckily there is the rumor of an all cruiserweight show if the WWE network ever gets started.

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