What's The Biggest Problem You Have With WWE Right Now?

They don't use all of their talent. They have some great talent on their roster like kaval and you push a guy like tyler reks instead? This guy looks like he hasn't bathed in over a year and looks homeless. Tyler reks was terrible on ecw and he's even more terrible now. Every week is Kaval losing and getting squashed. Why? Am i saying the guy should be world champion? of course not i'm saying give him a little push because this storyline with him is terrible, there is no reason this guy shouldn't have won at least one match so far. Its the same crap year around. with the same people. cena,orton, sheamus,big show, edge. Push some younger talent and get some fresh faces in the main event.you have the miz, ok thats good what about morrison?drew mcyntire, cody rhodes, kofi kingston, its the same crap all year long and its actually quite boring.
I don't like how WWE prematurely breaks up tag teams.

Guys like Cryme Tyme and The Hart Dynasty will probably never be main event talent, and the WWE has mid-card talent stock piled, so why not keep teams together. TNA has kept Beer Money together for years and IMO either one of them can be a main event guy, but because they have been together so long it will be a huge story when they split.

Imagine how good a tag division could be with Cryme Tyme, The Harts, The Usos, The Dude Busters(I don't care what people say, these guys have talent), and the inevitable return of Edge & Christian. Not to mention all the mid card guys that can come together and form a team, or the Nexus members. WWE needs some tag team story lines.
My biggest issue with WWE is my biggest issue with Professional Wrestling period these days, and that is the lack of realism inside the ring. Now of course wrestling takes a certain degree of suspension of disbelief, however with the emergence of popularity in MMA in the United States it is even harder for me to stomach some of the things I watch go on, especially in WWE, and ill back this up with examples.

1) punching. before I go on i will let you all know i will be referring alot back to 1970s european wrestling for reference because to be quite honest when I watch those matches I many times question whether what i am watching is a true catch/pro wrestling match or if it is staged. Now on to punching

These days at least in the US if you throw on spike tv at almost any point in time it is almost sure fire that you are going to see the UFC on. This availibilty to MMA gives a common TV viewer the oppurtunity to see that a SINGLE PUNCH can not only end a fight, but will at least damage somebodys face and rock the opponent. With this being said how can anybody find it believeable that 200+ pound men can rock each other in the face OVER and OVER again, yet theres not a single scratch and there is virtually no effect from it? This then brings me back to World of Sport wrestling in europe from the 1970's. I used to watch matches where not only would one punch keep an opponent down for a significant amount of time but the match was STOPPED and the wrestler recieved a warning because guess what closed fist punches are supposed to be illegal in Pro Wrestling. And something as simple as a heel breaking away from chain wrestling and throwing an illegal blow would generate heat. These days a punch is thrown at least 10 times a match with no consequence. The logic behind it, especially now always makes my brain hurt.
Solution- I would like to see guys in a sense go back to a more old school work style of doing more wrestling moves, and a different varitey of strikes that are not only unique to Pro Wrestling, but make sense in the aspect of, ok the strike isnt devistating enough to knock an opponent out, but is used to wear an opponent down, maybe use more forearms, and european uppercuts, or hey how about just not punching to the face more to the ribs, in areas where you wouldnt see the damage anyway and it wouldnt knock you out?

Now I really could go on and on for days about how wrestling should really go back to an almost shoot style, but I am realistic enough to know that it will never happen at this point. Wrestling has become to entertainment based and what we watch on tv has become accepted by the mainstream. However little things that I still could see working that would help me really believe whats going on in the ring could be really just as simple as using striking that makes more sense, and how about more of an emphasis on chain wrestling in teh begining of the match since Pro Wrestling is all derived from catch wrestling? Something that simple might even take an MMA fan and go wow those guys are really grappling in there, and if for that brief second a follower of true grappling can suspend disbelief how couldnt an everyday person? Little things that go back to wrestlings origins can really helps its credibility and would at least for me provide a more entertaining and realistic product.
Predictability.... For Vince not to take us (IWC) seriously is a joke. More than half of his 13-35 age demographic have access to the internet and do read websites like this and columns. If he or you reading this aren't buying what im selling, Remember Brock vs. Goldberg w/ Austin. The crowd was all up in Brock for tucking tail and running. This should have been a HUGE match and it was a fart in the wind for Wrestlemania. We know what is going to happen because of rats in your system.

Another thing.....
The programming is worthless. Booking is bad, stale characters, Unbearable storylines or repeats. Why can we have wrestling. Put two guys in the ring that want to steal the show and if they don't cut them loose. It should be a Ted DiBi walking through the paces. If you don't want to be the main eventer then leave, also stop putting people that cant steal the show in the main event. If they can make it look real all the time or carry a match then they should be out there. That is what the independent scene is for and developmental systems, honing you skills.
So, the biggest problem the WWE has right now is using its biggest and arguable only draw (John Cena) too much? Looks like some people failed a business class.

I personally think 2010 has been the most entertaining the WWE has been in a lllllooooonnnnnnnggggggg time. Wade vs Cena has finally brought back some drama to the main event scene. Cena has never looked this.. Human in a feud. And I cannot emphasize this sentiment enough "Where in the hell did Wade Barrett come from? And can they please look over there when they want to make new stars." A lot of the younger talent being used is way better than the younger talent they were using last year. Every show, you could pull a match or segment from that was "great."

But I do have one MAJOR problem:

Commentary is absolutely awful in every sense of the word. Cole has been improving, but that is his character. I am not sure what King adds to the program. And Matt Striker is the WORST commentator in the history of pro wrestling with a ounce of production. Seriously. This guy is a complete ass-munch that actually thinks he is doing a good job. He is fucking awful. I have no idea how ANYONE can think he is good unless you are just as unfunny, uncool, and as fucking dumb as he is. So many PPV matches have been really faltered by this asshole being a complete douchebag. No one gives a flying fuck who cut the first promo in March of 1982 in Texas. No one gives a shit about fake 'medical' analysis of some body part that wasn't even in a submission long enough to sell. They don't even call the matches on PPVs anymore. King and Cole just ridicule for the entire show. Fuck this asshole. I hope someone punches his fucking voice box in.
The expectations.

Everyone is expecting each show to be some classic and be the second coming of the Attitude Era and for Cena to be bigger than Austin and Rock and Hogan combined and for every show to blow their minds. People give the shows these ridiculous expectations and then bitch to no end when they're not met. Just because a show isn't full of excitement every 4 seconds and there is a comedy sketch that you don't like doesn't mean that the show sucks. I can't count how many times people have blasted a 2 hour show because a 90 second segment was stupid. Stop treating this like it's life and death and just enjoy it for what it is.
The rise of gimmick PPV's.

Matches that were once saved for special occasions, such as Hell In A Cell or Money In The Bank, are now yearly throwaways. Hell In The Cell is the most egregious example; what was once a special match saved to end hot feuds has become a yearly event in which the wrestlers are participating in mid-feud, two to three times in the same night. There's no special build-up to it; there is no "OMG, they're going to settle it in the Cell!"; it's just something that's done because it's on the schedule.

Money In The Bank is almost as bad. Up until this year, it was a career launcher at Wrestlemania; a great excuse to take a mid-card guy and instantly, credibly, elevate him into the main event picture. Now, it happens three times a year. I have difficulty seeing how this won't erode both the special cachet of the match as well as furthering the lack of importance of the top championships.

Gimmick PPV's, in and of themselves, aren't a bad thing. It's when almost every PPV has a gimmick that it starts to get old and tiring.
I didn't bother to read too much of what people said because, well, its 3 pages full.
So I'll just throw in my two cents.

You've got Orton, Edge, Cena, Rey Mysterio, Undertaker, and HHH
Half the time Rey, Taker, Edge, and Cena are injured.

Then you've got guys like Kane, Big Show, Sheamus, and Wade Barette who Vince tries to convince us are "main eventers" when they're not.

Then you've got guys like John Morrison, MVP, Kaval, Kofi Kingston, Ted DiBiasie, Cody Rhodes, CM Punk, Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne, Zack Ryder, etc who get pushed aside because creative has nothing for them or just doesn't care.

They much rather push guys like Santino or Hornswoggle who no one over the age of 11 cares about.

The WWE needs to think about the future. You can't have John Cena walk away EVERY Wrestlemania as the champ. You can't have HHH walk away EVERY Wrestlemania victorious. And you can't have a Wrestlemania constantly feature the same handful of people every year.

Unless you're one of the main eventers I listed above (or Nexus and Miz) then you're not getting a story line.
Look at Sheamus, he's just squashing people until HHH is good and ready to come back and squash him.
Look at John Morrison, everyone raved about him being the "HBK" of Team MizMo but Miz is the one pretty much guaranteed a main event spot.
And look at MVP, this guy has so much potential but they won't even give him a good solid story line or push.

You can't expect to make the future of your company legit when you don't have them properly develop their characters, properly show their skills, and properly allow them to gain credibility not only amongst themselves but against main eventers.

Cena vs Albero Del Rio or Randy Orton vs MVP or HHH vs John Morrison doesn't need to end with the rookie coming out on top.

Stone Cold lost to Bret Hart at Wrestlemania but still managed to impress people because he looked legit in the match and was able to hold his own.
Am I the only one who doesn't really have that much of a problem with the current state of the WWE? I actually think that at the moment, things are pretty good. There's very little I would change, and the few things I would change are never going to happen so it's pointless to discuss them. Is it perfect? Obviously not. Has it ever been perfect? No. Look at any era, any company, any scenario, and there are inevitable flaws. Will it ever be perfect again? No. Expectations are so through the roof that no company can ever live up to them.

Sure, I'd love to see fewer PPV's, but let's face it, as long as Vince is making money, and there's no reason to suspect this will stop anytime soon, there's no way in hell they are reducing the number of PPV's. Would you? If your company was making you a shit load of money, would you scale back the number of PPV's just to placate the IWC? Obviously not.

I'd like to see a little bit of an edgier product. A little more violence, language, sex, heaven forbid even some blood on occasion. That's not happening either. The PG era is here to stay for the forseeable future. And I really don't have too much of a problem with that.

We have a nice blend of seasoned veterans, some quality mid-carders who are poised to step up their game and move to the next level, and even some enhancement talent that aren't totally awful. Some good storylines are underway (and some stupid ones as well of course). Overall I think we have a product that is pretty good, one that can never stand up to the scrutiny of the IWC, but which in my opinion is not too bad at all.

Could be worse. We could be back in the pre-RAW days, when most wrestling programs were recorded and consisted of superstar versus jobber for the whole show, with maybe one main event on the show. At least now the days of the nameless jobbers are gone, and the entire show consists of actual stars, whether you like them or not, in competition. People shouldn't complain so much. That's not to say they should be blind marks and just accept everything WWE puts out there. But maybe they shouldn't complain about everything either. Just sit back and enjoy the show.
There's really nothing that hasn't already been said, but here's my take:

1) Death of the tag team division-At the last PPV, the Tag Team Championship match was between a team of guys who were apparently thrown together overnight and a team thrown together at the PPV. The winners of that match then laid down for the current champions the next night on Raw. The titles are worthless and, since the Hart Dynasty is now broken up, there's really not even anyone to challenge for them except the Dude Busters and Random Combination of Two Wrestlers #613. Tag teams now seem to be a means to an end to get a free feud from a breakup instead of an actual viable division.

2) Too few storylines-How many actual, honest-to-goodness storylines were there going into the last PPV? There was Undertaker-Kane, the Nexus, and, to a much smaller extent, Goldust-Dibiase. The rest of the card included Ziggler-Bryan (which was a great match, but was only put together a week before, so there really wasn't much of a storyline), an impromptu tag match, the Divas match, and the Bragging Rights match. The Bragging Rights match could have been a storyline, but rivalries are usually based on fan animosity, not player animosity (it wasn't Jeter chanting "Who's your daddy?" to Pedro), and fans aren't loyal to Raw or Smackdown only, so it didn't end up mattering. So, we could really only be emotionally invested in about half the card, which is a failure from an entertainment standpoint.

3) No buildup of existing storylines-This ties in with the last point. When there is an upcoming PPV and all the matches have storylines, it's understandable you can't give them all a great buildup. There's only so much TV time to go around. But when there are only a few actual ongoing storylines, you better hype the hell out of them. Before BR, the match was between Orton and Barrett, but Orton didn't cut a single promo about it. Everything was on Cena and Barrett, who might as well have been fighting an Orton cardboard cutout, as he was pretty much invisible in the feud for a month. When all the buildup is on someone who isn't even fighting, you don't care about the actual match. Fewer storylines should mean quality over quantity, and quality isn't there if I don't have a reason to care about the storyline.
Limited storylines. No mid-card hype. Cena sucks. Too many pay-per views. Some things said in promos are completely ridiculous, for example R.Truth and his "friends", due to PG rating of course...... Celebrity guest hosts. The divas cant even put on a decent match. Bring back importance in the WWE belts, not just give it to two random guys who arent even an official tag team. Like c'mon. Where is the diversity in the locker room? Is it me or is every wrestler exactly the same? All the same personalities and same looks.
So, obviously, what is the biggest problem you have with WWE at this moment?
The misuse of its smaller talent. If the smaller wrestler isn't having some underdog story going or getting squashed, you rarely see the talent
ok, first off, i will hear some say they dont like how there are too many titles or that the titles arent prestige anymore, to be honest, i like how WWE's SINGLES titles are now and WANT them to stay that way. the IC title is being pushed and my guess is Kaval will shortly win it and the US title (thanks to Bryan) is getting exposure and worth in my book.

As for the problem that i have in the quote box, agree WWE isnt a fan of small guys, BUT lately Daniel Bryan has been getting pushed, so i am ok with that for now.

My problem with WWE is simple though. i have two problems, one is the Diva's champion or champions. i HATE Laycool for all the wrong reasons. they arent getting hated because of how great heels they are, they are hated because you want to change the channel. that's not good heat to have. I liked McCool as a heel on her own and think she should be that again, BUT my biggest problem is simple. Tag Teams. WWE lacks tag teams. The Nexus really is the only tag team they have that is used. the others are either thrown together or are on superstars instead of RAW or Smackdown. WWE should make the tag team division better and i know many ways, one is to make more teams. I feel that Percy Watson and Darren Young would be an underrated team, my WISH was that Ted Dibiase and Brett Dibiase would team up ASAP and win the titles sometime, but the fact is WWE lacks tag teams, team up some guys like Watson and Young or MVP. Team up the Dibiase brothers when they are healthy. Form other tag teams and dont split them up so quickly or not push them. I think the Hart Dynasty could've been great if given more ring time, but they werent.
No mid-card hype. Bring back importance in the WWE belts, not just give it to two random guys who arent even an official tag team.
ok, i agree that USUALLY the mid-carders arent hyped, but Daniel Bryan (sometimes) did get hyped. For example, his promo video started a RAW show one night. I think WWE is bringingback the importance of all the belts, EXCEPT the Tag Team titles and Diva's title. The US title is showing it's importance being on Daniel Bryan and i think he will feud with a RAW mid carder over it soon, the plan (i guess) was to have Punk and Bryan feud for it, BUT Punk got hurt, hopefully the title will be feuded with either DH Smith or Tyson Kidd or both. as for the IC title, i think they are putting Ziggler in a feud shortly, likely with either Kaval or MVP, hopefully Kaval. the problem is the Tag titles and that problem with it is, no tag teams that are pushed. the only team that is pushed is Nexus. like i wrote earlier, team up some guys, give them a team name and let them shine. team up McIntyre with someone else and create other teams, even if you have to bring up guys from FCW.
The expectations.

Everyone is expecting each show to be some classic and be the second coming of the Attitude Era and for Cena to be bigger than Austin and Rock and Hogan combined and for every show to blow their minds. People give the shows these ridiculous expectations and then bitch to no end when they're not met. Just because a show isn't full of excitement every 4 seconds and there is a comedy sketch that you don't like doesn't mean that the show sucks. I can't count how many times people have blasted a 2 hour show because a 90 second segment was stupid. Stop treating this like it's life and death and just enjoy it for what it is.

Pretty well said here. Over the past couple months I’ve found myself enjoying WWE more than I have in the past five years. I think things are going pretty well right now. Is it perfect? Of course not. There are a few things I would change, but it’s nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. A common answer seems to be fewer ppv. Reasonable I suppose, but there were monthly ppv going all the way back to 1995 including during the precious attitude era. Have any of you gone back and watched the attitude era ppv? They’re not that good. They’re not necessarily bad; just not as awesome as people seem to remember. I’d say a ppv of 2010 would match up pretty well to a ppv of 1999.

If I had to pick a problem I’d say all the guys are taught by the same people. During the territory days guys would travel the world and take their learning experiences from different places to form their identity and style. Someone might spend a year in Texas, then go to Minnesota, then to Tennessee, then to Mexico, etc. By the time they made it to New York they would have had several different teachers and plenty of experience. Today everyone learns the same thing from FCW and it shows.

I didn't bother to read too much of what people said because, well, its 3 pages full.
So I'll just throw in my two cents.

You've got Orton, Edge, Cena, Rey Mysterio, Undertaker, and HHH
Half the time Rey, Taker, Edge, and Cena are injured.

Then you've got guys like Kane, Big Show, Sheamus, and Wade Barette who Vince tries to convince us are "main eventers" when they're not.

Then you've got guys like John Morrison, MVP, Kaval, Kofi Kingston, Ted DiBiasie, Cody Rhodes, CM Punk, Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne, Zack Ryder, etc who get pushed aside because creative has nothing for them or just doesn't care.

They much rather push guys like Santino or Hornswoggle who no one over the age of 11 cares about.

The WWE needs to think about the future. You can't have John Cena walk away EVERY Wrestlemania as the champ. You can't have HHH walk away EVERY Wrestlemania victorious. And you can't have a Wrestlemania constantly feature the same handful of people every year.

Unless you're one of the main eventers I listed above (or Nexus and Miz) then you're not getting a story line.
Look at Sheamus, he's just squashing people until HHH is good and ready to come back and squash him.
Look at John Morrison, everyone raved about him being the "HBK" of Team MizMo but Miz is the one pretty much guaranteed a main event spot.
And look at MVP, this guy has so much potential but they won't even give him a good solid story line or push.

You can't expect to make the future of your company legit when you don't have them properly develop their characters, properly show their skills, and properly allow them to gain credibility not only amongst themselves but against main eventers.

Cena vs Albero Del Rio or Randy Orton vs MVP or HHH vs John Morrison doesn't need to end with the rookie coming out on top.

Stone Cold lost to Bret Hart at Wrestlemania but still managed to impress people because he looked legit in the match and was able to hold his own.

This is another problem. This guy is contradicting himself. He says he wants new main eventers but is unwilling to accept them. Why would you be convinced that John Morrison and Kofi Kingston are main eventers but not Sheamus and Wade Barrett? I’d bet anything if it was the other way around you’d be calling for Barrett to get pushed instead of Morrison. The fans worry too much about the future of the WWE. Let them worry about the future. You just need to worry about the present.
My first problem with WWE: VICKIE EFFIN' GUERRERO. The moment she finished saying her peace at Eddie's posthumous Hall of Fame induction should've been the last we ever saw of her. Everyone who watches SD! and everyone who doesn't knows how annoying, disgraceful, and disrespectful to her husband's legacy her on-screen character is. Nuff said.

My second problem with WWE: NEXUS. Do they really need to be in every minute of each of the WWE shows?! Do they really have to be all that we'll ever see on these shows?! They suck, their story sucks, they were stale the moment they burst onto the scene. The only members I care about are Husky Harris (Larry Rotunda) and Mike McGillicutty (Joe Hennig) - and that's because those two are wrestling royalty and should be doing bigger and better things in the future. This leads into problem #3.

My third problem with WWE: None of the newer/younger guys get pushed except for Nexus, Miz, and Sheamus. I don't know why that is, but it is. The WWE has such a wealth of talent that unfortunately will never get the push they deserve. I'm talking about guys like Mark Henry, Chavo Guerrero, Christian, Chris Masters, John Morrison, Kaval (a guy who is actually a decorated ring veteran that's been placed at the bottom of totem pole for some sick, stupid, sadistic reason), Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, and others.

JoMo is ridiculously amazing in everything that he does and yet it is Miz - a talentless piece of sh**, a reality TV reject who's only skill is a litany of 'really's, a man around who's waist the US title became so stagnant it began to grow mold - who gets pushed above and beyond everyone else. It is clear to me that WWE no longer knows how to correctly push somebody.

My fourth problem with WWE: As someone so elequently put it, the Death of Tag Team wrestling in the WWE. In all seriousness, put the Hart Dynasty back together, reunite the World's Strongest Tag Team (MVP and Mark Henry), reunite Cryme Tyme, bring in Bo Rotunda and tag him with his brother (Husky Harris) and form the next generation of New Blackjacks, and set them up with the couple of remaining tag teams (Dudebusters, Usos, etc.) and rebuild the tag team division. Quite throwing people together over night just to break'em up for a quick, ready-made feud. Bring back the dead concept of pure tag teams and make those tag titles mean something again.

Finally, at least for now, we have got to get Michael Cole off the air y'all. That douche is the worst thing to ever happen to the once hallowed commentator's table. He is a taint on the legacy of the likes of Jim Ross, Gorilla Monsoon, Jesse Ventura, Jerry Lawler, and Gordon Solie.
My Problems:
1) Michael Cole. He makes me want to mute the tv half of the time. his constant Miz ********ing gets annoying, his change in character from show to show is also annoying and the fact that he's on every show cuts down my WWE viewing time down to just Raw.

2) Bad stories. I like the Nexus angle but the WWE is so Cena-centric that it kills the flow. I think they should pull an Episode III and have Cena join the darkside. Give us a little more complexity, we're not stupid. I'm sure that these guys have acting coaches, teach them to how emote, Mickey Rourke can.

3) Lack of logic. There are parts of Raw that are just plain stupid. Hornswoggle was one of them... Anyway, the WWE gives us really stupid segments each week and wastes time that can be focused on wrestling. I know that the "E" stands for entertainment, but there's also a "W" before that which stands for wrestling, give us more of that.

4) Stupid, pointless, boring ppv's. I am one that always welcomes more WWE, but the last few ppvs have been a waste of money and time. The last one, I forgot the name, put me to sleep.
There are a number of things wrong with the WWE right now. These are in no particular order, just as I think of them.

1. Too many PPV's. If they cut it back to 8 a year, you would have time to build a decent feud between each one. Right now they are just rehashing the same thing over and over. I don't want to pay $50.00 to see the same matches that I just saw 3-4 weeks previously, especially when I know I'll be paying to watch the same thing again in another 3-4 weeks.

2. Start elevating some of the mid card to main event status. With the loss of Jericho, Batista, HHH and the sporadic appearance of Taker, you need to put someone like Kofi Kingston or Morrison up there with the big guys. Some new blood might get me interested again.

3. Michael Cole. The guy is just a douche-bag plain and simple. He is the worst commentator in my eyes and makes me want to turn off the TV everytime he starts.

4. Hornswoggle. He was fine when he was Finlay's Little Bastard, now he's just inane. When he comes on I turn the channel. Enough is enough him. I know the kids love him but come on, almost no adult I know can stand the sight of him.

5. Lack of a decent tag team division. That is one of the things that TNA has over the WWE right now. I don't know what happened to the tag division but it died a cruel death. If they aren't going to elevate some of the mid card, then put them together as legitimate tag teams and make the belt meaningful once more. Now it's just shit.

6. No prestige in title belts. They should unify the WWE and the WHC belts and make it worth fighting for. When you give the belt to someone like Khali, it comes down several notches. There should be one champion in the WWE and that's who everyone else is gunning for.

7. Bring back the Cruiserweight belt. This would give some of the smaller guys something to work towards. Right now someone like Even Bourne and others aren't seen as main event guys ever. So give them a chance to get something for their efforts.

That's all I can think of right now. There is probably more but my head is spinning just thinking about it.
In no particular order

1.Lack of mic skills
A major problem at the moment. The unwillingness to let the talent speak in a way that's comfortable for them leads to horrible promos from basically everyone. Until the writers trust the talent, this problem will never go away.

2.Over reliance on punches and kicks
Self-explanatory. It's why I pretty much can't stand Orton or HHH and why their wrestmania match was one of the worst main events I've ever seen.

3.Feuds that go on for too long
Because it's boring. No-one wants to see the same match at each PPV for 3 months and it reduces the chances for midcard exposure.

4.Too many PPVs
They're not special if there is one every 4 weeks. The WWE really should look at cutting down by about 40% and seeing if they get a 40% increase in buyrates, which I believe they certainly would.
Yes, this thread is going to have so many different opinions on what the issue is in regards to what is wrong with WWE. I think its a matter of personal views and taste. For example, what I may find wrong someone else may not find that horrible. To each their own. But in my views, as much as I think Michael Cole is a hindrance to be on EVERY show. As much as not everyone likes it, it gets people talking, and that is what press is all about. Whether it be good or bad, its a buzz that WWE would like to have. Then we move on to the storylines. Of course unfortunately its a pretty predictable mix of some of the same characters, in my view, I am thanking the creative team for Nexus to have brought some variety to the battles. At least we don't have to see Cena versus Orton for the millionth time. Or Mysterio versus a larger opponent again. Then as someone said 'logistics' in real life do you really think someone the size of Rey Mysterio would be able to take down someone as big as Kane or Big Show on his own? NO WAY. Let's get a little more realistic here people, I know WWE is trying to be more family friendly, but let's not start telling kids that you can actually take down someone up to 4x your own size. You may as well tell them to do a moonsault off a building if you want to imply that. Then lets talk about dragging the 'creative' parts of storylines, sure we all like a build, it builds anticipation for a certain fight. At first we all enjoyed the thought of an anonymous GM. But then pretty soon, novelty wears off, as with any creative part, novelty soon wears off because the audience is smarter than the workers would like to give them credit for. With the dirt sheets around these days and the help they can get in the local areas, it shouldn't come as a surprise with more and more of the inside info leaking out, and pretty soon your audience will be as 'in' on the process, and will get more frustrated when you don't deliver like you were supposed to as you had been promising. I think if the WWE were just make some minor adjustments, not saying they have to revert back to the attitude era, but just these minor adjustments, and start giving the WWE Universe a little more credit, I'm sure there would be a better time had by all.
I have a list of problems with WWE ranging from Championships to wrestlers getting miss used.

1. Bring BACK the WWE Light Heavyweight Championship, you've got a stellar stable of guys that could run with the division and make it look gnarly.

2. Make KING OF THE RING (RAW) A yearly event around the June/July or bring back the PPV as the June PPV with the winner getting a Championship match @ Summerslam (they want to make summerslam the equivelent of Wrestlemania apart from the HUGE arena well do something that warrants the Main event to be worthy.

3. Bring back the Hardcore Championship, a lot of people will disagree but this title was the one belt ANYONE could go for and look good (check out some of the hardcore matches from 99-00) a lot of the lower card guys could do with something like this to go for, if WWE wanted they couple call it the Extreme Championship.

4. Scale back on PPV's, 12 is far to much and matches are way over done, drop back to 8 and have 6 big ones, King of the Ring & Night of Champions being the 2 to be added to the current 4, and the other two can be gimmick PPV's used for CURRENT feuds, not annual shows.

5. Bring back factions their fun and gets guys into feuds that you mightn't get to see weekly.

To name a few.

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