WWE has a very good cruiserweight division waiting to happen!

I doubt it. There just isn't a place for them. The titles are finally being toned down so there aren't 89 people with titles at a time. Having the one set of tag champions, the womens' champions, two midcard and two world are still too many, but it's an improvement. Adding more people in simply wouldn't help anything. Back about 5-6 years ago, there was more talent on the roster in that division than there is now and it didn't get off the ground at all. If guys like Kidman, Kendrick, Rey, Noble, Juvi, London and others can't do anything with it, it's not going to mean anything. The title didn't mean anything in WCW and it doesn't need to here. Just let them do their thing. All they would be there for is high spots anyway. Why waste time and roster spots on that?

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