With Triple H's promotion to head of talent within the company there is a feel that the Undercard is lacking so by providing the with a revival to the WWE cruiserweight division it will enable the undercard to promote quality matches and hopefully lead to more stars like Mysterio, Gurerro, Jericho who all made their mark as Cruiserweight stars elevating themselves to the midcard and even (for these three in particular) world titles.
Except that none of them did though. Jericho was wasted by WCW by leaving him with the cruisers and refusing to let him break out and become a star, same with Eddie. And since Rey ya know did this
He's been playing the underdog giant killer to everyone who's bigger than him (which is near damn everyone in the company), and with his knee being shot to hell he's not really doing all that much super fast, high flying cruiserweight stuff any more. The cruiserweight division doesn't make stars. It might give people who go on to become stars a place to put on some fun matches, but ultimately it creates a stigma that he's "just a criuserweight" which hinders him more than helps him.
Now I have voiced my opinion about dividing the cruiserweights from the rest of the roster I am curious to see if this will give guys like Evan Bourne something to work towards, guys who were sparingly used in the midcard who have alot to offer the company rather than just jobbing to the next big thing.
And what about the following wrestlers who are technically criuserweights:
Rey Mysterio
The Miz (well he's all of 6 lbs over, but close enough)
CM Punk
and Chris Jericho (when he returns)
All of them are former world champions but still fit within the criuserweight division. All that separating them out will do is limit their choices of opponent. Want to push the 225 lb Leo Kruger (see his FCW work) as a guy who can beat far larger opponents than himself by baiting his opponents and making them screw up? You can't he's a criuser.
All adding a division for high fliers does is make it harder to make them a real star. You can have a great midcard. You can have small high fliers make up a core of the midcard. But making a division of small high fliers just doesn't work when you want to make one of those small high fliers something more than just a criuserweight.
On to your questions
Do you think that bringing back the cruiserweight title will elevate the undercard?
No, no a thousand times no.
Does a divide in the division divide the talent ?
Yes and it adds another glass ceiling for guys to bust their way through.
I will start, the fact is bringing back the title will help the undercard produce more quality matches but it will also segregate the talent, look at guys like daniel bryan, cm punk, sin cara guys who may be in danger if this division is set in motion,
And the same fucking thing could be accomplished by (for example) Justin Gabriel and Cody Rhodes having a feud, Daniel Bryan feuding with Christian, the two Sin Caras feuding over the Identity theft and Evan Bourne and Kofi facing Troof and Miz for the tag team titles. Done with no separate division needed
but there is a plus, alot of talent such as evan bourne will finally get a shot at becoming champion in the WWE and may even be able to elevate themselves within the division in hopes of gaining a spot on the uppermidcard.
Oh Bullshit. Criuserweights can get titles if they have something going for them other than "I can move fast, do flips and put on great matches". It takes more than that to connect to an audience. Look at the midcard titles, the Tag titles are held by 2 criusers, the IC title's held by a criuser, and the US title is held by a third criuser. Yes, the sub 225 weight class truely needs to be separated from the rest of the roster