Return Of The Cruiserweight Division

Remember when CWs, Luchadores and Japanese CWs became a very entertaining centerpiece during WCWs glory days? I think the same formula can easily work on 3 hour long Raw's. Then, when the newness wears off and people start getting tired of the same CWs fighting each other every week they can start competing with the regulars and challenging for mid card titles and world titles.
I'm really happy that this is happening. But not sure that having it on Raw is the best idea.

If WWE was sensible they'd have a cruiserweight match kick off Raw most weeks and open the PPVs with a title match. It'll be perfect to get the crowd into the show.
I love what Stephanie is doing. Between the Cruiserweight Division and hiring Foley she is trolling Shane and the audience hardcore. Neither decision makes any sense for her other than to one up Shane or get ahead of him. Her nonsense is so thick that it wouldn't surprise me if she drafts Brie Bella number one.

More on topic, this Cruiserweight Division sounds bleh. I didn't care for it during WCW or WWE. It starts out cool seeing the unique and exciting moves but then gets dull unless the talent is changed. But with Raw being three hours a half of hour of cruiserweight work may be better than Raw as it currently stands at its worst.
I think if they book this like WCW did with cruisers it will be fine. Masked men and pure wrestlers will shine. No need to give them all a mic and make feuds and stories based on nonsense. Just pure high flying wrestling and let the in ring work book itself. 3 hours to fill with half a roster will be tough. Getting guys who can make the crowd go wild and forget how awful it could get at times will realllllly help.
You know what's really funny? Where I work they do this program where if you can come up with a brilliant idea for saving money, you're granted a portion of what you saved up to $10,000. Neat! What's really neat is that I had an old boss who came up with the idea of changing our ID cards to show our exact rank as opposed to a generalized rank for people of varying ranks. That supposedly saved hundreds of thousands of dollars in regard to time saved that would have been taken by security personnel to verify one's exact rank, so she was cut a check for $10,000. Fast forward a couple years, and another boss of mine (they get switched out often) came up with the idea to stop putting each and every rank on ID cards and just put a generalized rank on ID cards. That supposedly saved hundreds of thousands of dollars in regard to printers no longer having to maintain such complex variants of card design, so he was cut a check for $10,000.

What I'm getting at here is, THEY ALREADY HAD A FRICKIN' CRUISERWEIGHT DIVISION! The WWE has gone full on Gwen Stefani bananas up in here.

First they have a bunch of titles after the WCW acquisition, then Mick Foley comes out and mocks that idea. Titles unify, and later on comes the brand split. New versions of the old titles that were done away with are reinstated, and later on comes a random world title unification. Now they're about to make two world titles again, probably for the women too.

They had a light heavyweight division, then they pretty much forgot about that. The WCW acquisition came around, and they up and dumped the light heavyweight and cruiserweight titles on Sean Waltman. The brand split came, and the cruiserweight division was exclusive to Smackdown. It faded, and Rey Mysterio was given the WHC. For some odd reason the belt was given to Hornswoggle long after the last lingering thread of interest in that belt was severed by lack of involvement from WWE creative. Now they're bringing it back again.

I'm just saying; if they go with a new belt or a new division, just stick with it and stop being so damn wishy-washy about everything. I predict that eventually the WWE will get bored with general managers for commissioners and brand unique divisions and just blend everything back together as they've done in the past. When that gets old, we'll be doing this whole thing all over again. Hogwash.
Just let the people who run the CWC also run the Cruiserweight Division on RAW (meaning no Vince McMahon) and then I think the division will be just fine.

The guys in charge of the CWC are ultimately the same ones in charge of NXT. The sort of consistency and attention to detail with this sort of booking on the main roster would solve most, if not all, of WWE's creative issues. That's the catch 22 because Vince and Vince only gets the final say on what goes down on the main roster. If Vince wasn't the one making the final creative decisions, most of the pessimism most of us have probably wouldn't even be there. Triple H books and treats wrestlers who're 220 lbs. and under, overall, much better than Vince ever has and I think most of us would just feel much more optimistic about things if Trips was making the final creative calls, I know I certainly would and have said as much for years now. I'm not trying to insinuate that Trips would get everything right or wouldn't make a mistake, because he wouldn't and he would, but IF NXT is genuinely what entails a lot of his vision for the main roster, the mistakes would go a lot smoother.
The guys in charge of the CWC are ultimately the same ones in charge of NXT. The sort of consistency and attention to detail with this sort of booking on the main roster would solve most, if not all, of WWE's creative issues. That's the catch 22 because Vince and Vince only gets the final say on what goes down on the main roster. If Vince wasn't the one making the final creative decisions, most of the pessimism most of us have probably wouldn't even be there. Triple H books and treats wrestlers who're 220 lbs. and under, overall, much better than Vince ever has and I think most of us would just feel much more optimistic about things if Trips was making the final creative calls, I know I certainly would and have said as much for years now. I'm not trying to insinuate that Trips would get everything right or wouldn't make a mistake, because he wouldn't and he would, but IF NXT is genuinely what entails a lot of his vision for the main roster, the mistakes would go a lot smoother.

I understand that Vince can't run a roster of 100+ superstars, with NXT and the CWC involved, that's why over the years the show has never been perfect and every division had it's flaws.

Vince must understand that he's old and that around him are people who he can trust and actually know things about wrestling like Regal, Triple H, Stephanie. Vince doesn't need to run everything in the main roster. He can just be involved with the main event, and leave the rest to Triple H and other people.

Divide and rule Vince, divide and rule.
Can you all really not understand why putting the CW division on Raw is a good idea?

After tonight, the only thing that will have changed about Raw is a new authority figure (kinda), and half the roster is gone. Smackdown is the fresh, exciting 'new' show, so why does it need the CW division? Raw is 3 hours long, where Smackdown is 2. So why does Smackdown need the CW division? Regardless of the blue brand rejuvenation, Raw is still the 1000+ episode flagship show. So how is giving the CW division time on Raw less of a push for the entire CW roster than if they squeezed them in during the 2 hour Smackdown?

You bitch and cry about WWE 'burying' talent (while Jon Moxley is the WWE WHC, no less), but you're all flat out burying the entire CW division before they've even appeared on TV. And why? Because Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan aren't in charge of them? So what? Stephanie McMahon and MICK FOLEY are. There really is no need to wet yourselves just yet.

It genuinely baffles me that 99% of you watch WWE.
I wouldn't put a new CW division on SD either. It's only a two hour show, and they are basically trying to bring it back from the ashes. While it might sell the show a little more, it's will also kill any momentum that any other wrestlers will be trying to build.

Leave it on RAW, it will be good to see fresh matches there, and if it takes off then re-evaluate it at a later date. Plus RAW has that extra hour to fill. With half the roster gone they need something. This isn't written in stone, and can be changed.
CWC is awesome and glad the Cruiserweight Division is returning. Hoping they put the Title on Tajiri as he's a familiar face and could help get the fans behind it quickly.
CWC is awesome and glad the Cruiserweight Division is returning. Hoping they put the Title on Tajiri as he's a familiar face and could help get the fans behind it quickly.

I've got to respectfully disagree.

I'm pretty sure that most of today's WWE fans would have no idea who Tajiri is.

They'll probably go with Kalisto or Neville or someone more recognizable.
I am really glad at the return of Cruserweight Division. I have missed the high flying action a lot in WWE.

I have compensated it by watching some great TNA X Division matches which included the likes of TJ Perkins, Alex Shelley, Amazing Red etc.

I am almost sure that WWE would sign TJP along with Swan, Sabre Jr. and Tajiri. Amazing Red couldn't participate in CWC due to an unfortunate injury. I hope that he signs with WWE as soon as he is healthy enough.

Also loved Kendrick a lot in his past stint in WWE. Glad to see him back in action.

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