What Is The WWE's Biggest Problem?

What Or Who Do You Think Is The Worst Thing About The WWE?

  • Vince McMahon

  • John Cena

  • PG Rating

  • No Blood Policy

  • Scripted Promos

  • WWE Mid-Card Scene

  • WWE Tag Team Scene

  • WWE Divas

  • WWE Raw Main Event Scene

  • WWE Smackdown Main Event Scene

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My only real issue with WWE is when they try all that stupid comedy stuff that isn't funny at all. Like the whole thing with Hornswoggle in DX. All of their backstage segments were so corny. Personally, I hated WWE during the attitude era because it was too offensive for my tastes, so I don't have a problem with them taking a PG tone now. But sometimes it feels more like Y-7. Only a young child could find some of that stuff funny.
I'd say the WWE's biggest problem is the fans who bitch without end. There are some people on wrestling boards who do nothing but find things to complain about. Their product is fine and there is no need to bitch about it because you simply don't like it.

I agree with this sentiment too. There seems to be a rise in the overly nostalgic, that seems to regard Sting/RVD as being x 10 better than what WWE has to offer due to name value. WWE has to build stars, and although my previous post suggest that they don't, they try and will obviously struggle to replace the likes of legends like Benoit, Jericho and Angle.
I wish there was a creative option, because creative is in charge of scripting promos, poor guest hosts, the mid card, the divas not being interesting. If the promo's were scripted better and create more characters WWE would be so much better, only the top most stars are interesting at the moment. Maybe they need to watch some old wrestling tapes. For the wrestlers with no personality, maybe they should be stabled or given managers. Everyone always complains about the ME always being the same guys, but it almost always has been.
the biggest problem is the stale product they put out every fucking week.

Fucking stupid promo involving guest host who no one cares about

comedy central with santnio marella: it is pointless and unfunny now

john cena: nuff said

pathetic diva matches: get some real wrestler's who can wrestle

the burying of real legit wrestlers(haas, benjiman, bourne, ziggler, goldust, regal,
christian, for entertainers who are not that good at actual wrestling(miz, santino, hornswoogle, otunga),

and this pathetic pg crap, seriously?, no blood, no ultra violence, no swearing, toned down promos, slow paced wrestling, storyelling over actual wrestling, the one thing the divas were actually good at,stripping, yep i know i have named a lot.

but that is my awnser and that is my opinion.

Couldn't have said it better myself. No point in posting my opinion considering it's been said perfectly already. Stopping a match over blood is bullshit. Stale promos, slow matches, entertainers over wrestlers, John Cena, and guest hosts is total bullshit.
I don't think the WWE product is necessarily bad now. It's not the best it's ever been, but it's certainly not the worst either.

For those who complain about how the product sucks, you have to understand something. Vince McMahon not only has to appeal to the fans, but to network executives, sponsors, advertisers, special interest groups and shareholders alike. So we as fans are not the only factor here as McMahon and the other bigwigs in WWE have other voices to listen to besides ours.

But as far as this post goes, I can think of two things that are hurting the WWE: complacency and popularity.

Ever since WCW and ECW went out of business, WWE became complacent with what they put on TV. The mentality was very similar to how it was back during the early 90s before WCW and ECW started gaining momentum: Vince McMahon could put whatever he wanted on TV and the WWE fans would have no choice but to watch and enjoy it. Now that the "Second Monday Night War" has ended and TNA has been sent back to Thursdays with its tail between its legs, the WWE no longer needs to try as it appears that TNA is not, nor will it ever be considered, true competition to them.

Secondly, wrestling is not as popular as it once was. Back in the late 90s and early 00s, the wrestling industry was white hot. Hell, RAW and Nitro drew better ratings on Monday nights than Monday Night Football did. But the times have changed for wrestling. Now that mixed martials arts, like UFC, has become more popular now than its ever been, more people would rather watch real and intense fights that are not choreographed and scripted rather than something that places more emphasis on over-the-top, soap operaesque dramatics than actual in-ring competition.

But say what you want about the WWE because one thing is for certain: it's better than what TNA is putting out there.
The problem is not the PG. Before Attitude Era, people forget WWE was PG. John Cena's not the problem. WWE wanted a new Hogan, they saw the amount of face heat Cena got, and they chose their man. In this day & age, there is no need for the blood and violence, or at least as much as Attitude Era or the recent TNA product. They want to make WWE more realistic.

The Tag Team division is picking up: with Hart Dynasty, Dudebusters, Curt Hawkins & Vance Archer, Miz & Y2J, Regal & Kozlov, JoMo & R-Truth, LayCool, etc. The crusierweight division is dead & buried I must admit. But WWE fans never seemed bothered about the Crusierweight Title. Or WWE didn't push it enough. Maybe both. If WWE were to bring back the Title & Division, they would have plenty of superstars to fill the division. Rey Mysterio, Evan Bourne, Chavo, Zack Ryder, JTG, Primo, Yoshi Tatsu, Kofi and more.

The problem with WWE is that they're not fresh
Personally i think it comes down to
John Cena / PG
the company is trying to build the company around this just like they did with stone cold and the attitude era and that was cool because it was for teenagers it seemed real they need 2 make this more real if they want to progress atm i cant see it happening anytime soon
back in the day ratings was at least 5.0 now they struggle for a 3.0 lol
thats more than 2 million people gone!!!

Save Us CM Punk We all need Saving But please SAVE THE WWE
You didn't list the biggest problem...lack of big, physical guys that can work. I love a lot of small wrestlers, don't get me wrong, but I miss the WWF that was proliferated with blue chip athletes. Brock Lesnar, Steve Austin, The Rock, Ken Shamrock, Bradshaw, Ron Simmons, even reently departed Shelton Benjamin, just big athletic guys that can throw their weight around and put on believable, solid performances. The big guys now pretty much blow, they look like gym rats but they're unathletic, have no fire or intensity, and don't have that combination of quickness, strength, and swagger that you get from a top division 1 college football prospect, for example. Jack Swagger is a step in the right direction, WWE just needs to emphasize finding these types of athletes.

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