The biggest problem with Super Cena

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The biggest problem with Super Cena is................(drum rolls)
That he IS Super Cena.
To be honest I'm not a Cena hater either....or was...anyways since nowadays Vince is trying to squeeze out money by using Cena he has become the king of over-rated wrestlers.
The biggest problem I think is that, when he gets punt he stands back the very next moment.When he gets choke slammed into some huge light (By Big Show) he shows up the very next day.On the other hand if that were to happen to any other wrestler they would be at home or hospital for weeks (is not months) or would either retire, but this guy.I think he just might beat Superman
I can't stand Cena. You know Vince is just going to feed guys like Jericho,Edge, and Morrison to him. I get it that Cena is supposed to be the biggest star, but he doesn't have to win every match. Daniel Bryan gets a good reaction weekly and he hasn't won a match yet. MVP became a face after his losing streak. The only time Cena ever loses is when it isn't fair, or it's to Triple H. He never loses cleanly. His match against Otunga made me turn the TV off. I get it, he was pissed, but at least let the guy get in some offense. Did he? No. Same went for the Miz in their feud. Cena puts no one over, and is just awful.
I can't stand Cena. You know Vince is just going to feed guys like Jericho,Edge, and Morrison to him. I get it that Cena is supposed to be the biggest star, but he doesn't have to win every match. Daniel Bryan gets a good reaction weekly and he hasn't won a match yet. MVP became a face after his losing streak. The only time Cena ever loses is when it isn't fair, or it's to Triple H. He never loses cleanly. His match against Otunga made me turn the TV off. I get it, he was pissed, but at least let the guy get in some offense. Did he? No. Same went for the Miz in their feud. Cena puts no one over, and is just awful.

Time to educate you.

Cena doesn't win every match. Did he win against Sheamus at TLC? Did he win the Royal Rumble? Did he beat Batista at the Elimination Chamber? Did he beat the Big Show before Wrestlemania? The answer to all those questions are NO.

Otunga has only been in the company for a cup of coffee and you expect him to go against one of the best in the business? Otunga should have been honored to even be in the ring with him this early in his career and you're bitching about it?

What was the Miz doing before he feuded with Cena? Nothing. What has he done since feuding with Cena? U.S. and Tag Team Champion and pinned HBK twice. You don't have to lose to somebody to put them over.

People like you are clueless.
To reinforce some of what Little Jerry Lawler said, Cena has lost plenty. In fact he went on somewhat of a losing streak a while back, don't hear anyone mentioning that. If you all remember back to around 07-08 when Randy Orton and Triple H were on their runs as well as Jeff Hardy, Cena lost pretty consistently. I can't quite peg down the exact time without looking it up but you know what I'm talking about. He lost to Triple H in a title match, he lost to JBL in a parking lot brawl or last man standing match or something(remember him getting put through the windshield by JBL, can't remember the specifics), Jeff Hardy also beat him, Orton beat him, Big Show went on to beat him, Edge beat him, possibly C.M. Punk or Jericho in that time frame as well but I can't be for certain.

The point is he's been up and he's been down. The reason I remember this time frame at all is because I used to be one of the biggest Cena Haters around for the same reasons you are stating now, but around that time I saw him put over a bunch of people and improve in the ring 10 fold which gave me a lot of respect for him. I recall another storyline where he was going after the title but just didn't seem to have it or something and he had to keep fighting and fighting to no avail eventually capturing the title again clawing his way to it, that also gained a lot of my respect. I can't say I'm not a bit cynical of his matches still because I know generally the way it will go, but now days you still have to question it a bit and we know he's not invincible. Hogan put over far less people in his era than Cena has so far and he has a ways to go before he's done. If you're tired of Cena now, you better get your puke buckets prepared because this guy's has a lot of miles left on him if he stays injury free and you know the WWE will keep him around as long as they can.

I just can't wait though until the day it finally happens. What is that I can't wait for? For John Cena to finally turn heel again. I can't wait, because all you fucking marks who talk so much shit about him now are going to be on his dick like it's made of crack once he does. You probably can't even imagine what it's going to be like but I can and it's going to be fucking crazy because it will be when you least expect it. I'm calling it right now that his heel turn will be as big as Hogans when they do it. I wouldn't be counting on him reverting back to the white rapper gimmick either. WWE already tested the waters for that gimmick to go over again with Slam Master J and as we saw, no one took it seriously and it was a joke. Cena in that position was the same it was just as ridiculous but he had a better build, was better on the mic, and was probably more believable in the ring even then because of his build. When Cena finally turns it's going to be dark, personal, and mean. You're going to see a different side of Cena unlike anything you ever saw before I guarantee that. You can put this shit in stone, I'm spittin' prophecy here.
Raw is having the same issues that WCW had in the late 90's. The same main eventers with the title in the same feuds. John Cena as champion now is like HHH as champion from 2002-2005. Trips nearly killed Raw. Cena is a much better wrestler now than even 3 years ago but as champion it's's over enough and young enough that he should be in non-title upper card feuds with the whole roster, young and old.
the last major and i guess unexpected loss he had was against Sheamus and that match was pretty bad. The whole him losing to Sheamus to was a great idea but it was run with well enough or properly. What are your thoughts?
Time to educate you.

Cena doesn't win every match. Did he win against Sheamus at TLC? Did he win the Royal Rumble? Did he beat Batista at the Elimination Chamber? Did he beat the Big Show before Wrestlemania? The answer to all those questions are NO.

Otunga has only been in the company for a cup of coffee and you expect him to go against one of the best in the business? Otunga should have been honored to even be in the ring with him this early in his career and you're bitching about it?

What was the Miz doing before he feuded with Cena? Nothing. What has he done since feuding with Cena? U.S. and Tag Team Champion and pinned HBK twice. You don't have to lose to somebody to put them over.

People like you are clueless.
Number One. You are a Cena fan, or at least you appear to be from your sig. You giving me four matches he lost doesn't make my opinion change.
Number Two. Sheamus loss was a table match. Sheamus never even pinned him, Cena won by DQ all the time. His match against Batista at Elimination Chamber was after a half hour chamber match. Was it a fair match for Cena? No, and that's why he lost. What happened when he was healthy against Batista? He made him tap out, and he duct taped him to a ring post. Against Big Show before Mania was interference by Batista, which cost him the match. You aren't proving anything to me. And at the rumble, Edge was destined to win. He came back from an achilles tendon tear. But who had to be the last one in the match? If it's not Triple H, it's Cena. When Cena was feuding with Big Show, guess what? He made him tap out. And him a few other times. That was about the time that I lost any respect I had for Cena. I respect him as a person, and I respected him after his match with Swagger at the draft. That was probably the last time I respected Cena as a wrestler. Now you can go ahead and defend Cena, but the truth is he won't lose cleanly. You're telling me that a 7 foot, 500 pounder who routinely loses, or at least used to, will lose to a guy who's 6'1" and 240, and I'm supposed to believe that Cena puts people over. He makes everyone look like a bitch, whether it's Orton or Big Show or Jericho, you name him, the only people he doesn't beat are Undertaker and Triple H. It's ridiculous. Just because Miz is doing stuff now doesn't mean it's because of Cena. Cena was a reason for Miz not to fade into obscurity. Cena made Miz look like a pussy. Miz's mic work got him over, not him being Cena's bitch.
Raw is having the same issues that WCW had in the late 90's. The same main eventers with the title in the same feuds. John Cena as champion now is like HHH as champion from 2002-2005. Trips nearly killed Raw. Cena is a much better wrestler now than even 3 years ago but as champion it's's over enough and young enough that he should be in non-title upper card feuds with the whole roster, young and old.

Cena now is nothing like HHH from 2002-2005. The main problem with HHH during that time period was that there was no other heel on his level. Jericho was the closest one and we saw how bad his first reign was and Kane was the other one and they never put the belt on him. HHH in 2003 put on terrible matches with terrible wrestlers. Cena did not have that during his year-long reign and put on good matches with damn near everybody he faced.

Number One. You are a Cena fan, or at least you appear to be from your sig. You giving me four matches he lost doesn't make my opinion change.
Number Two. Sheamus loss was a table match. Sheamus never even pinned him, Cena won by DQ all the time. His match against Batista at Elimination Chamber was after a half hour chamber match. Was it a fair match for Cena? No, and that's why he lost. What happened when he was healthy against Batista? He made him tap out, and he duct taped him to a ring post. Against Big Show before Mania was interference by Batista, which cost him the match. You aren't proving anything to me. And at the rumble, Edge was destined to win. He came back from an achilles tendon tear. But who had to be the last one in the match? If it's not Triple H, it's Cena. When Cena was feuding with Big Show, guess what? He made him tap out. And him a few other times. That was about the time that I lost any respect I had for Cena. I respect him as a person, and I respected him after his match with Swagger at the draft. That was probably the last time I respected Cena as a wrestler. Now you can go ahead and defend Cena, but the truth is he won't lose cleanly. You're telling me that a 7 foot, 500 pounder who routinely loses, or at least used to, will lose to a guy who's 6'1" and 240, and I'm supposed to believe that Cena puts people over. He makes everyone look like a bitch, whether it's Orton or Big Show or Jericho, you name him, the only people he doesn't beat are Undertaker and Triple H. It's ridiculous. Just because Miz is doing stuff now doesn't mean it's because of Cena. Cena was a reason for Miz not to fade into obscurity. Cena made Miz look like a pussy. Miz's mic work got him over, not him being Cena's bitch.

Big Show loses all the time so why would I be surprised that he tapped out. Big Show has tapped to the Ankle Lock and the Triangle Choke so the STF isn't any different. How does he make Orton look like a bitch? Orton gets the majority of the offense in which is what a heel is supposed to do. I don't see why he has to lose cleanly all the time to appease you. He has put plenty of people over in matches like Swagger and your boy the Miz even though you don't want to believe it. That feud did wonders for the Miz as he was doing shit before that. He's been improving since Cena but of course you wouldn't realize that feuding with the top guy of the company is going to raise your profile a little bit.

I see you didn't mention that Batista beat Cena cleanly at Summerslam in 2008. Just wanted to remind you.
Cena the champion is old, stale, boring and every other cliche. Cena the singles wrestlers is outstanding. He can really carry a feud. The singles feud with Sabu in 2006 is forgotten for all the wrong reasons. The one with Big Show last year was awesome and with JBL in 2008 was great in spite of JBL's lack of athletic prowess.
Well fuck me, I could have sworn on everything we had an official John Cena thread.

Oh look, WE do, nigh on 5 threads above this one.
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