Tyson Kidd+ ?


Pre-Show Stalwart
"In a recent interview conducted for The Toronto Sun, WWE Smackdown star Tyson Kidd had the following to say about his competition in the company:

“I know it might come across as arrogance. I’m sorry, but I know I can outperform a lot of people,” Kidd told the publication. “And when the (door opens), I’m going to kick it in.

I’m a big fan of tag teams again. I’ve been looking, scouting (for a partner). I’ve done a couple of matches with Johnny Curtis and Justin Gabriel. When I teamed with Justin, I thought we gelled perfectly. Even with a guy like Trent Baretta. I think we could give a Hardy Boys type of feel."

I think Kidd and Gabriel would be good. Kidd is an all rounder, Gabriel a great high flier, so it'd work. Kidd and Gabriel both are diamonds in the rough on the SD scene, usually jobbing. Thoughts? Who do you think would be a good and reasonable partner for Kidd?
I think a tag partner with some mic skills would be good for Tyson or he needs mic skills. Johnny Curtis might have something on the mic. If Kidd or Gabriel could get the mic skills then I would be a huge supporter of that tag team.
I think Tyson Kidd & Trent Baretta would make the most sense. Turn Kidd face again or turn Baretta heel, it wouldn't really matter. Make them kind of like Edge & Christian were back in the day with the "Surfer/Prankster" attitude.

Another option is to bring Richie Steamboat up to the main roster and team him with Kidd.
I would like to see Tyson team up with one of two people

1) Kofi-Kofi had sort of hit a wall before Air Boom came along. He put on good matches but he was sorta stuck between good matches with fellow mid and upper midcarders and doing the job against main eventers. Then they teamed him with Evan and it boosted his momentum. The exposure could help restart Kidd's momentum and continue to push Kofi.

2) Yoshi Tatsu-Kidd and Tatsu have had some pretty solid matches on Superstars and NXT for a while and you could even do a story where mutual respect turns their little rivalry into a team.
My first choice would be DH Smith. I know he got canned and both have issues with charisma, but my idea would be to make them a heel team and maybe bring back Jimmy Hart to manage them. Or you could have Vickie manage them, adding to her stable.

Otherwise, I'd like to see someone a little bigger to add a bit of size to the team. The best teams IMO are ones where 1 guy brings what the other guy lacks. Like the original Hart Foundation where Bret was the agile ring technician, but uncomfortable on the mic, and Anvil was the powerhouse with a bit of a screw loose. It made for a good dynamic. It wouldn't have to be Mason Ryan or anything, but someone with a little size.
Gabriel. Both are great high flyers that wwe has buried. One with the funkasauraus and one being teamed with hornswoggle. They both need some help so i'd like to see them together.
Heres a thought what about Antonio Cesaro from FCW? I honestly can't think of anything that they will do with the guy when he comes up to the main roster so why not pair him with another tag team general in Tyson Kidd?
Tyson Kidd and Johnny Curtis sounds good to me!
Kidd can work int he ring like few can, and Curtis has that charisma and the mic skills. In my opinion that team could be something special, but in order to do that, WWE needs to create a strong backstory with them. It can't be something they just decide to do, it needs air-time and a good effort by the bookers.

They could be called... wait for it... Kidd & Curtis and they would be a team that think that has everything to reach the top.
Just random ideas.
In my opinion Johnny Curtis is definitely not a good option, he really doesn't bring anything to the table for me. What would be best for him would be to take a extended vacation in FCW and maintain a character. Bring up someone like Claudio Castagnogli who already has prior tag team experience in RoH and someone who has some degree of character.
I think kidd would be very valuable to the tag divison he has alot of good in ring skills but lacks the mic skills to stand out on his own here is a list of partners i think would enhance him quite a bit

1) Justin Gabriel i know justin gabriel lacks the mic skills also but i put him on the list for the sheer impact i think this team could do they are both very talented young superstars with plenty of tools to heat up the tag team divsion

2)Drew McIntyre Its no secret Drew has quality mic skills with ring skills to match i believe him and tyson could team up and start a Mid card mafia like team two superstars that are sick of being underused and take it out on the entire tag division

3)D.H. Smith i know he and the WWE had a falling out and that he is no longer under contract but if they bring him back and reform the heart dynasty bring back natyla to manage them cause i feel like beth phoenix is clearly over shadowing her and honestly the woman's division is a wreck anyways they coul;d go after the tag teams titles right away and bring some prestige back to the titles
I'd love to see DH resigned, but I've got my doubts it'll ever happen. For sure, it would be the best thing for Tyson. I truly cannot see him as anything more than a tag wrestler, or singles fodder. In terms of guys to have him tag with, I agree that complimenting styles work best:

- Justin Gabriel: Tyson could be more of a mat wrestler while Justin flies.
- Cesaro from FCW: Nice big man that can work and has a specialty most recently as a tag wrestler. It would be a good way to bring him up.

Whoever they choose, please, just stick with it. I'd love to see him 'try out' a few partners. Maybe have one week where Gabriel is the partner and they job. The next week McIntyre is his partner and they job too. Tyson gets upset and says he's going to find a partner elsewhere. He brings in Claudio or brings back DH. That could lead to Gariel and McIntyre getting together as a team to work Tyson and his partner and they both stay as teams.
I think Tyson would really benefit from being paired with Jack Swagger and Vickie Guerrero. I know it's unlikely and maybe illogical at the moment as Swagger holds the United States championship, but I think Vickie needs to add another talent to her managerial roster and Tyson is definitely someone in need of a jump start. As a tag team they would definitely be mat-based in their attack, and I think that despite their size differential they would be very fluid together and capable of putting on some solid matches and receiving decent heat with Vickie in their corner.
If they want to have him Kidd in a long-term team I think that the best partner will be Alex Riley. A lot of tag teams have had one member who was good on the mic and the other who was proficient in the ring. Riley is quite good on the mic and having these two tag together would be a good way to get both of them some exposure and hide their respective weaknesses.

Other than Riley, the others who could form a team with Kidd are:

Justin Gabriel: They could form a good high flying team.

Jinder Mahal: If they decided to have Kidd tag with a heel, Mahal would be a good choice.
I can see Tyson Kidd teaming with any (and all) of the guys mentioned in this topic, for the simple fact he has the skills to mesh with anyone, the same as he does with all his opponents. He's the guy who makes the other guy look good because of his athletic body and keen ability to sell the moves of the man he's facing.

To throw one more partner for Tyson into the mix, I'd recommend Tyler Reks. Since it's good for the individuals in a tag team to bring different qualities to the table, it might be interesting to see them use Tyson Kidd's technical skills in tandem with Tyler Reks maniacal approach, giving the team a scientific/brawling combination.

With Tyson and Tyler, maybe they could call the team: TY II ?

Or perhaps, TY ONE ON ?

Okay, forget it.... I was just asking.
Heath Slater. Not the best on the mic, but most people love to hate him. He holds a lot of talent in the ring and shows some decent ring generalship. Both Kidd and Slater have semi similar styles and similar builds. Slater doesn't really have it to be a singles star, but can shine in the tag format.
Whomever they team Kidd up with, he's going to need a manager and possibly a big enforcer. Kidd just isn't physically dominant looking, he puts on a good match, but he needs a tough guy to put the hurting on.

I think Abraham Washington would do great as the manager of Kidd's tag team. He'd be able to mask Tyson's problems with charisma and promo cutting.
I'd like to see a team between Byron Saxton and Tyson Kidd. Don't ask why, just know that it would be epic! I seriously could see those two being used as a new tag team to give the division some extra fire power. Then again, I just want to see Byron wrestle more often.
I think some of the names that have been mentioned are horrible choices, it's like WWE's way of throwing random guys together. With that being said, I would like to see a larger member of the roster joined with Tyson Kidd in a tag team to re-inforce some back up. If not however, maybe Mike Dalton from FCW who was trained by Lance Storm.
Don't make it Johnny Curtis! I am really enjoying the creepy Johnny Curtis/Derrick Bateman feud on NXT, both guys are hilarious, It's one of the better things to watch on WWE TV just now. Don't break it up to give Kidd a partner.

A few weeks ago on NXT they had Michael "The Natural" McGillicutty come out to cut a promo, his mic skills had improved massively from the last time I saw him on TV. The natural must be a gimmick change, his character and appearance are exactly the same though. He's clearly doing nothing, why not give him a go with Kidd and market them as a proper team, ie give them a team name, matching attire, a theme tune and some mic time!

I noticed the last time I watched Hawkins and Kidd they have now changed their entrance music and are now wearing matching attire, again both decent on the mic. Hopefully this is a sign of more tag teams being given a push, hopefully more exposure and development of the division on Raw & Smackdown.

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