It's Time For The Next Great Stable In The WWE


Dark Match Jobber
Stables. Factions. Gangs. Cliques. Crews.

Why is it that in the business of wrestling, where stables have been part of the most compelling & entertaining TV for decades, we are without one in mainstream "sports entertainment" today. Not since Evolution, who I will talk about later, have we had a decent stable to love or hate in a way we have in the past.

Remember the nWo, WCW has gained it's popularity as soon as it turned Hogan Heel and hence WCW gained higher ratings and beat the WWF for 84 weeks straight. Then WWF came up with DX and Coporation and then the last one was Evolution which was infact a very good heel stable dominating RAW and having all the belts for like 5 months (I Think).

Now, I just want to make it clear that I'm not talking about great tag teams. I feel there is a great difference between a stable and a tag team. A tag team is made up of mainly two competitors and possibly a manager (think LAX and MNM from recent memory). A stable, on the other hand, generally consists of a leader (main eventer or mouthpiece), a mid-upper card wrestler (IC Title challenger possibly or a bodyguard), a tag team (for the tag titles & for those handicap matches that are inevitable in a faction scenario), and possibly a woman. This covers all aspects of the business and allows a number of feuds to be developed based around one standard storyline.

If, and this is a big if, the creative team has put time and effort into making two rival factions (think Corporation versus Ministry and D-Generation X versus Nation Of Domination - the last ones I can remember from WWE; and no, I'm not counting the Spirit Squad as a genuine stable) then you have a classic series of matches that can span a whole year if booked correctly. The matches would be fresh and different yet also keep to the general feud that ties them all together. If you have five members in each team then you have twenty-five possible singles matches that instantly have a reason and some relevance to the storyline. Then you have the handicap & tag team matches that can also take place. Take for instance, Eugene versus Duggan from RAW. If they were part of rival factions, facing off for gang superiority, then the audience would have had a much bigger interest in the outcome than say the lame response that they got.

To me, a stable's aim is to put over the next generation of superstars. Evolution did this to the degree that Batista is now World Champion and Randy Orton is there or about there at all times while Triple H will always be there. The only flaw I could think of regarding Evolution was the lack of opposition that it had at the time. Just think if say, Goldberg had created his own stable to combat Evolution at the time. If they had taken the time to create this group, possibly named after something referencing WCW with Booker T, Gregory Helms, Chuck Palumbo, & Shawn O'Haire with Bischoff leading; just think about the many more superstars that would have been created & the state the business would be in now. There would be three or four more valid main eventers on the scene. Helms, Palumbo, and O'Haire, barring backstage problems, would be, in my opinion, in the same situation as the Evolution members these days as I feel they all had/have the talent to be so much more than what they went on to (Billy & Chuck marriage ringing any bells?). And when the group eventually splits up, it creates even more match opportunities with an instant relevance and interest from a fan perspective.

I know columns are meant to have a balanced viewpoint and so far it's all been positive regarding a stables formation. Personally, I can't see any negative point for a stable or two to be in WWE at the moment, feuding and creating an engrossing storyline. TNA is a different story as with only an hour TV time, it can't afford to only focus on one storyline (although it's doing this at the moment with all emphasis being placed on Joe-Angle).

WWE needs the next crop of talent to arise in the next year or so as there's only so far Cena, Triple H, Edge, Booker, Batista, and Undertaker can take you into the future of the business.

With all this said, here are my two stables who I feel would create entertaining TV and also prepare new stars for the future.

World's Greatest Stable RATED RKO (HEEL STABLE)
1. Edge (Main Eventer/Mouthpiece)
2. Randy Orton (Main Eventer For Title)
3. Johnny Nitro (Intercontinental Challenger)
4. Kenny (Again will be used in Tag Team Division or Maybe Mid Card)
5. Any Combination Of The Above (Tag Team)
6. Melina (Woman)

The Face Stable (Can't think of a name)
1. HHH/HBK (Main Eventer/Mouthpiece sadly because DX will not be breaking up soon IMO so why not use them to put some talent over)
2. Carlito (Intercontinental Challenger)
3. Cryme Tyme (Tag Team) [Anyone who saw the HBK/Cryme Tyme segment a few weeks ago can see the comical chemistry the two would have]
4. Maria or Mickie James (Woman)
5. Possibly also they could use Haas/Benjamin. Not the best option but could come in handy.

I can't quite think of a reason the DX Stable would initially get together, but this feud would create many opportunities for good to great matches & storylines which I'm sure any real wrestling fan can think of from the talent that is involved. It's also a way of pushing Shelton, Haas,Kenny,Nitro and Carlito to Main Event level, where they so desperately deserve to be in a year's time, if not sooner.

What Say Guys??
Feedback is greatly appreciated. :headbanger: :headbanger:
Your stable idea looks great and I can see it transitioning there for sure! I think Carlito is a great fit for the DX guys as well. Johnny Jeter and Mikey Mondo would be tight with the DX gain as well. Cryme Tyme would emphasize a difference between "wrestling cool" and "real cool" in comparison with DX and not in a good way. Ken Kennedy would make a great addition to Rated RKO as he is yound, brash and dynamic.
I think the problem with the big stables is they get old when you have a bunch of people coming out to the same music and same gimmick. Thats what the problem with the nWo later days.
You hav put in alot of thought into this and obviously like stables as do i. The problem with those two stables is wat u said before bout there being a main eventer, ic contender and tag team. DX is being used as a tag team, as is Rated RKO. There is no point in havin two main eventers in a stable with then havin an ic contender, then a tag team. The reason Farooq left the nod is mainly due to the rise in sucess the Rock had. The Rock moved from the IC contender slot in the NOD to the main eventer type, WWF/E knew this wasnt goin to work and therfore had to dispose of one of them being in the group. My problem with Rated RKO being a stable and a legitimit stable is due to the fact tht both Randy Orton and Edge are pushin the main event spot, it works for them being a tag team and it will prob work if Kenny joins, but if they add a tag team or other member except a manager, it probably wont work. This is the same for DX, they work as a tag team but if they add some1 like Carlito, it might work to begin with but what happens if Carlito becomes big, you could potentially hav 3 main eventers in the 1 group.
Oh sorry forgot put in my opinion for to stable for 2 stables in the wwe. I am goin to use all three shows to make my stables.

Stable 1- Carlito, CM Punk, London and Kendrick manager is an option for this group but i wld hav some1 like Torrie Wilson

Stable 2- Mr Kennedy, Kenny, WGTT manager Ric Flair

This is jst an idea as i was tryin to come up with 2 stables tht are up and comin and cld hav great feuds. CM Punk is ic contender jst purely becouse he is new, allthough over with the crowd needs to hav some fueds. Ric Flair as manager/talent cld be used to gain the advantage for the heel stable and cld also be used in matches. This cld also help him semi retire but also be on tv. I also think he is better as a heel, jst a personal opinion.
Your stable idea looks great and I can see it transitioning there for sure! I think Carlito is a great fit for the DX guys as well. Johnny Jeter and Mikey Mondo would be tight with the DX gain as well. Cryme Tyme would emphasize a difference between "wrestling cool" and "real cool" in comparison with DX and not in a good way. Ken Kennedy would make a great addition to Rated RKO as he is yound, brash and dynamic.

Well I don't think Mickey and Johnny should join DX or the face stable because it will get overcrowded, but these two should join either of the 3 brands and form a tag team with a different gimmick.
Cryme Tyme would be a great addition as it will allow them to get highly over with the crowd as it did for THE NEW AGE OUTLAWS. Well i am not saying they weren't successful before joining DX but after they joined the crowd just couldn't get enough of them and it helped them in establishing themselves as a major force in the tag team division and the attitude era. So well Cryme Tyme could also follow them and they could fued with the tag team from Rated RKO.

Well Kennedy would be great but i think he is great on Smackdown! and i think he could be a major draw in the near future. His feud with Taker makes people tune into(myself included) Smackdown! and his matches are pretty impressive esp. No Mercy. He is the future of sports-entertainment but i guess should continue on Smackdown although he would be a great heel and think about the verbal fueds he can have along with edge against DX.

I think the problem with the big stables is they get old when you have a bunch of people coming out to the same music and same gimmick. Thats what the problem with the nWo later days.

Yes this is a short term deal unlike the nWo which blew up into 40 people wearing the nWo shirt and splitting them into 3 factions, that was plain stupidity but if the WWE can plan this well it should atleast continue for half a year i.e till WM23 and if the people approve of it, then (I might just get shot down for this) but could end by Survivor Series 07 in a Traditional Elimination Match. Although that is a year long feud I think it would a great idea if they spice it up in the middle and not screw it up.:lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
What say guys???
You hav put in alot of thought into this and obviously like stables as do i. The problem with those two stables is wat u said before bout there being a main eventer, ic contender and tag team. DX is being used as a tag team, as is Rated RKO. There is no point in havin two main eventers in a stable with then havin an ic contender, then a tag team. The reason Farooq left the nod is mainly due to the rise in sucess the Rock had. The Rock moved from the IC contender slot in the NOD to the main eventer type, WWF/E knew this wasnt goin to work and therfore had to dispose of one of them being in the group. My problem with Rated RKO being a stable and a legitimit stable is due to the fact tht both Randy Orton and Edge are pushin the main event spot, it works for them being a tag team and it will prob work if Kenny joins, but if they add a tag team or other member except a manager, it probably wont work. This is the same for DX, they work as a tag team but if they add some1 like Carlito, it might work to begin with but what happens if Carlito becomes big, you could potentially hav 3 main eventers in the 1 group.

I guess that was the only problem i was facing while putting forward the idea of Rated RKO as a stable, due to it's main eventers. But i guess the WWE is pushing forward to a Umaga/Cena feud(horrible booking) and i hope to God they don't stretch it for half a year like the Edge/Cena feud(which was good due to it's end and also because of edge). I made this stable putting that into equation and the WWE should atleast try it till WM23 having "pride matches" for stable domination and if the viewer's approve of the feud they could continue it.

I agree that Rated RKO is a main eventer group and also HHH will soon be in title frame but as a thought i guess they should atleast press on it for a month if possible.The stables should be having one on one matches and tag matches with some interference like how evolution did it (Flair,Batista). Nitro can feud with Carlito for IC or just have a great feud and alongside Tag matches can dominate RAW i.e DX vs edge/orton or edge/kenny. If carlito or Nitro does become big then Mission Accomplished as that is one of the reasons the stable was put together and then they can break away and feud for WHC or WWE Title.
heres an idea for a stable heel group- leader randy orton, mr kennedy, wgtt, gregory helms, and vicoria

Face stable would be- leader- john cena (i know everyone hates him), cryme tyme, matt hardy, and cm punk.

Id really like to see the cryme tyme wgtt matches i think they would really be worth watching
My ultimate faction fantasy would have Edge jumping over to Smackdown along with Big Show (if he returns), Test, Haas and Shelton. It could be a story line where Bishoff takes over being the GM of Smackdown and having Edge be his Heel faction's leader. Also the group would have Kennedy, Chavo, Elijah Burke, Casey James, Greg Helms and Paul Birchall. This group would fued with the return of the 4 Horsmen which would consist of Benoit, Flair, Rey and Shelton (when he jumps over from Bishoff's camp). Also Lashley (should have never left) Finley, Booker, Regal and Batista could all initially fued with Bishoff's crew as an allienace to save Smackdown.

Over on Raw I think that Mark Henry or Monty Brown should lead a small Heel faction consisting of Cryme Tyme against John Cena and other faces like the Hardy Boys. Factions rule.
Here are my Stables
Rated RKO
1.Randy Orton
3.Johnny Nitro

Face:The Saints
1.CM Punk
2 and 3. Cryme Tyme
4.Elijah Burke
Woman:Mickie James
I don't know who the face stable can be, but there is a great potential if Rated RKO were to acquire a few more members. First of all, it would be a great opportunity for RAW's better workers to get some airtime. Second of all, it'll make storylines more interesting.

Rated RKO looks like they're about to acquire Kenny. What they can also do is snatch the newly re-united World's Greatest Tag Team sometime within the next few months and those guys will be supreme heels. Kenny can get in the run for the IC title, WGTT can snatch the tag belts, and it really doesn't matter what Edge or Orton do because they're such great heels.
I don't know who the face stable can be, but there is a great potential if Rated RKO were to acquire a few more members. First of all, it would be a great opportunity for RAW's better workers to get some airtime. Second of all, it'll make storylines more interesting.

Rated RKO looks like they're about to acquire Kenny. What they can also do is snatch the newly re-united World's Greatest Tag Team sometime within the next few months and those guys will be supreme heels. Kenny can get in the run for the IC title, WGTT can snatch the tag belts, and it really doesn't matter what Edge or Orton do because they're such great heels.

I second that. Never thought of it in that way and what about Nitro should he be pushed for WWE Championship or join Rated RKO???
I love the idea of adding a genuine stable or two to the WWE, but I really do not think you need 2 feuding factions.

When I think of stables feuding I think back to the Nation of Domination, the biker group led by Crush, and the group led by Savio Vega. That was terrible television.

A more entertaining idea to me is to have one stable, with a group of people that actually has a real story behind them teaming. Whether a manager pays them all good money to represent him like Bobby Hennan used to, or, a group of guys seemingly enjoy a similar lifestyle like the 4 Horsemen used to, stables with good back stories always seemed to last longer and impact things more.
(Heel Stable)
Rated RKO
Edge, Randy Orton, Kenny, Johnny Nitro, and Snitsky

(Face Stable)
Degeneration X
HHH, HBK, Cryme Tyme (Shad and JTG), and Jeffy Hardy
(ECW Heel Stable) Dalvari. Khali, Sabu,
I think this stable would be cool but it would probaly be too contriversial with the war and all. But I think ECW definitely has to build up some heels with the Big Show leaving.
I've had a few ideas on this recently. For example, the DX vs rated RKO thing, if new members are added, it's likely to be HHH,HBK,flair,hardyz vs orton, edge, kenny and mnm. Cryme time are probably going to go into a fued with benjamin and Haas I think. Also, although stables would be great with some of these ideas, it's not likely that wwe would set up long running inter-brand stables. Shame though. Could be some great potential. On smackdown I can't really see a stable fitting in at the moment. There's not many natural leaders on the show. Taker wont be turned heel again any time soon and bookers stable has just broken up. The only way i can see it happening is if they brought in a manager. ECW is just a mess in general. Vince hates sabu, rvd's leaving, lashleys crap, show's gone. Test and holly are average at best. Punk seems to be about the only hope for the show. I think there's only one real way to save the show and that's by sending a massive heel over to fued with punk. edge, orton or even cena would be good. Still, drifted off topic. I'd like to see a version of misfits in action if i'm honest. Chavo's going to be lost after his stupid eddie fueds are over so he could become face again and lead them. Chavo, khali, eugene, snitsky and maybe even goldust. throw a bunch of weirdos together and you're bound to have fun whatever happens.
i love stables. it would be great to have two feuding stables in the wwe again. you can have many different matches with all of them because they all relate to the feud. it would be so great to have stables back. and in my opinion these would be the best two stables to work with:

Heel Stable ( cant think of a name, and but it could be Rated RKO cuz its a great name ):

Randy Orton
Mr. Kennedy
Hardcore Holly

or another Heel Stable: Wrestling Gods
Randy Orton
Mr. Kennedy

Face Stable: Mexicools
Juventud ( bring him back )
Pscicosis ( where is he ? )
Rey Mysterio ( have him lose the mask )
Chavo Guerrero ( idk, cuz he plays a good heel )
Listening to Brilliance's ideas above really strikes a chord with me. Usually, all of the best wrestling comes from product that involves one dirty, and nearly unbeatable gang of wrestlers who pisses on everyone else and when they finally get beat, it just feels so right. Saddling a gang of young guns like Orton, Edge, Nitro, Haas, and Benjamin would be a frigging amazing idea because they all can work, and the more established guys like Cena and Edge can really help to get the others over in a more complete fashion. Plus, the matches would be awesome, and when the gang breaks up, you'd have a boatload of potentially hot rivalries already custom built.

I'm probably one of the only geeks who would like to see it happen, but I'd like to watch Ric Flair retire now...and when he does he crowns the next leader of the Four Horseman. There is a handful of guys who I think could do it, but I'd like to see Benoit be involved in it, as he's one of the only ones left from the last incarnations of it.
Listening to Brilliance's ideas above really strikes a chord with me. Usually, all of the best wrestling comes from product that involves one dirty, and nearly unbeatable gang of wrestlers who pisses on everyone else and when they finally get beat, it just feels so right. Saddling a gang of young guns like Orton, Edge, Nitro, Haas, and Benjamin would be a frigging amazing idea because they all can work, and the more established guys like Cena and Edge can really help to get the others over in a more complete fashion. Plus, the matches would be awesome, and when the gang breaks up, you'd have a boatload of potentially hot rivalries already custom built.

I'm probably one of the only geeks who would like to see it happen, but I'd like to watch Ric Flair retire now...and when he does he crowns the next leader of the Four Horseman. There is a handful of guys who I think could do it, but I'd like to see Benoit be involved in it, as he's one of the only ones left from the last incarnations of it.

Completely agree with the Rated RKO thing and it should specifically stick to RAW. I think it's time to put some younger wrestlers over than to have the same boring act of HBK hot tagging HHH and acts like superman to clean house and follows it up with arms raised in the air and then a crotch chop and the music plays, getting tired of it and I hope Rated RKO wins at NYR and it grows as an "arrogant" stable to dominate RAW with tag belts and IC Belt.

Ric Flair should retire but should do it at WM23 for a respectable farewell because retiring at RAW or at any other PPV wouldn't bode well for him or his fans. A good match at WM23 would be perfectly fitting but i just hope (and it's just a hope) his last match would be with Sting. Anyways I Hope Nitro, Benjamin, Kenny gets over well and a good 5 wrestlers i a Heel Stable would just do good for the WWE :) :wwf:
Heel Stable
Rated RKO

Face Stable
3.JTG(cryme tyme)
4.Shad(cryme tyme)

or maybe

Heel Stable
Rated RKO
5.Manager: Melina

Face Stable:
3.Ric Flair

or even

Heel Stable

Face Stable
1.Jeff Hardy
2.Matt Hardy
3.CM Punk
5.Torrie Wilson
here's an Idea fo a Face Stable for SD!
-The New Team Extreme (this of course would be a mid-card stable)
Matt Hardy(leader/U.S. title contender)
Paul London(tag team/cw title)
Brian Kendricktag team/cw title)
Ashley Massaro(valet)

a heel stable would be
-Couldn't Think of A Name
Finley(leader/U.S. title contender)
William Regal(tag title contender)
Dave Taylor(tag title contender)
Jillian Hall(valet)

I wanted to make stables that could actully happen
here's an Idea fo a Face Stable for SD!
-The New Team Extreme (this of course would be a mid-card stable)
Matt Hardy(leader/U.S. title contender)
Paul London(tag team/cw title)
Brian Kendricktag team/cw title)
Ashley Massaro(valet)

a heel stable would be
-Couldn't Think of A Name
Finley(leader/U.S. title contender)
William Regal(tag title contender)
Dave Taylor(tag title contender)
Jillian Hall(valet)

I wanted to make stables that could actully happen

I liked these, infact I had the same idea for face stable. I had thought to call it OMEGA so it could have some difference from the old Team Xtreme. For the heel stable I would go with the Blue Bloods, the tag team's name, for a stable name and add Burchill to Finlay and the Blue Bloods.

On RAW I would add Kenny and MNM to Rated RKO, and that'd be pretty much all that'd be needed for a good stable.
Heel Stable
Rated RKO
Johnny Nitro
Kenny Dykstra
Melina (valet)

Face Stable
Shawn Michaels
Cryme Tyme
Mickie James or Maria (valet)

If triple h is in, he would be in the face stable, only to turn on them (a-la Curt Hennig at Fall Brawl 97) and join the heels.
even when triple h was a good guy
he just has that heel look you know.
hes has always been a heel

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