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Is It Time To Redesign The WWE and World Heavyweight Championship Belts?

They shouldn't change the WHC title too much. It's a classic constant design and should remain the way it is.

The WWE title on the other hand is long overdue. I say make it a design inspired by the winged eagle belt, but as big as the attitude belt. Voila.

Much more important is to make a new IC title design. Ever since they stopped using the classic design worn during Bret Hart's time (a.o.) it's been a really ugly belt.
The WH title is great. It's what you expect a title to look like. It flashy but not too flashy.

The WWE title on the other hand, needs an entire revamp. Even the "new" M belt for The Miz is awful. They only turned it upside down and stopped it from spinning. I think they should simplify it alot.

I also think they should should do away with those ugly as tag belts.

The best belt in my opinion other than the WH is the US. It actually looks exactly like it should. If you didnt know anything about the WWE and saw that belt from a far, you could tell exactly what title it was. The WWE belt? you'd think it was something 50 Cent made for his album selling so many copies or something.
The only thing I don't like about the WWE title is the word "Champ". It makes it look cheap and childish. It made sense to put it on Cena, but it's not his title anymore. I do like everything else, being it has more gold texture and diamonds.
Use the Undisputed belt as the WWE title and scrap the WHC. We don't need two world champions.

Why go back to the past? If they're gonna make a new design make something new. The WWE title is known for changing with time.

I do agree that there should only be one world champion, one top dog in the company.

But barring that, I agree with everyone else. The Big Gold Belt is classic and nearly timeless. Keep it just the way it is.

The WWE title is atrocious, showing that gold and diamonds can't make something look good. It worked with Cena's rapper gimmick, but nearly all traces of that are gone. Hell it was even on Smackdown when Cena wasn't there. Scrap the WWE title look and give it a makeover. It is long overdue.
The WHC always looked great to me and still does. Alot of great/good wrestlers held that belt. WWE belt needs to change though or just go away completely. Has no credibility and it looks horrible. That belt only looked better than TNA's old belt but that isn't saying much.
I personally like both designs. The World Heavyweight Championship always had an air of prestige around it. I love the simple gold design. As mentioned, the belt design also has a long history and it would be a shame to suddenly change the belt design.

When I first started watching WWE, the WWE Championship was already a spinner so in the time I watched WWE it was the only design I was familiar with. Personally, I do like the design but at the same time it also looks ridiculous when it's worn by anyone but Cena. That said, when Miz was supposedly gonna reveal a new title belt only to turn the logo upside down, I was fairly dissappointed. I thought that would've been a ripe time to debut a new belt which would've been similar to how Cena debuted his spinner belt shortly after winning the title for the first time except in Miz's case, it would've been a revamped design.
Simply; Keep both.

1. The WHC looks like a proper belt. Big, gold, flashy and it's been around for years. There's no need to get rid.

2. The PG WWE belt isn't a BAD looking title. It's just because it's not a "generic title look"...it's not what everyone expects from a belt. It's still a nice looking belt and has a HELL of a lot of sell value to merchandise.
I got all excited when The Miz said he was unveiling the new WWE Championship, but to much disappointment all he done was turn it upside down. Not very exciting. I Do think WWE needs to redesign the WWE Title more so than the World Title. Especially for the new Generation vast approaching. Can you imagine if Undertaker got one more run and it was with the WWE Championship with the design they have now. It would look like an old guy trying fit in with the young crowd. I was just using Taker as an Example. So in Conclusion, yes the WWE Championship needs redesigned, a much nicer design with a rounder plate would be nice.

The World title is fine. I think the World title is a very neat and tidy belt that fits every wrestler perfect.
The WHC is perfect. It should be left alone. It's stood the test of time for at least over 25 years i believe. IMO, it is the belt. It is THE world heavyweight championship. It was tarnished big time with all that wcw shit that went down with it.

The wwe title? It's been a joke since 2005. It looks like a big toy. I will always remember RVD saying "LOL this one spins!!" That's good shit. From the cena spinning, to what edge did to it, now to the w to the m? Just make a new damn belt that actually looks like a championship.

This thread needs a bump.

The time seems right, right around now or prior to the rumble to debut a new WWE championship belt so that it can be featured at Wrestlemania.

I love the way Cody Rhodes brought back the old IC belt so maybe they should bring back an older style of the WWE title and just tweak it a little bit.

The longer they go without changing the current WWE title design, the more it makes me think they're considering unifying the WWE and World titles and will debut one brand new belt, once that happens.
It's definitely consensus that the World Heavyweight Championship should remain unchanged. I'm okay with cosmetic upgrades but essentially keeping the classic design.

The WWE Title will always feature the WWE logo predominantly, and will probably never again include the words "World Heavyweight" to avoid confusion between it and the other top title. Face it fans, the WWE has changed forever with the brand split. The only thing that would change this would be a title unification. Perhaps that will be the next time we'll see a different WWE title...
I think now that Cody Rhodes has revamped the IC Title, it makes it very unlikely that we will see a change to any title any time soon.

And i dont think either needs it right now. I believe the WH Title should remain the same for as long as poosible, if it ever has to change.

As for the WWE Title, as much as it looks like a toy, it signifies the era that we are in, and the centrepiece to the era is John Cena (no, i'm not a cena fan). He made that title, and he's still around now, winning titles and is still the face of the company. It should only change once he is no longer the centre of every title picture and his run is close to ending. Hopefully in 2012, exactly rhis happens with CM Punk becoming the new man. Then a Title revamp would be in order!
Neither one should be redesigned. The World Heavyweight Championship has a beautiful design that screams "CHAMPION". There is no reason to ever replace the big gold belt, its classic design is perfect for a world champion. Then there's the WWE Championship that countless attitude era fanboys love to bash. Stop complaining about how it looks. You obviously have NO idea how much money they make off replicas of that thing. Until they stop making money off of people who want one, it's not going anywhere. I personally think it is an awesome looking belt and do not really want to see another design anytime soon. Of course we all know if either belt changed that somebody WILL find a reason to complain about it. There's always one of those.
The WWE Championship is horrible...it has nothing to do with being a fan of the Attitude Era or not. The belt looks like a cheap plastic piece of "over the top" rubbish jewelry with horrible bling writing on it that makes it look tacky and to me a joke. I don't care if it reminds people of Cena, is suited to Cena,doesn't suit certain wrestlers, spins or whatever.... the only thing I hate about it is it looks awful. It does need to change, it was made for a reason and that reason has passed. Also why do people like to treat others like idots here...just because you don't like somthing does not mean you "Dont know how much money it brings in" or some other "business side of things" fact blah blah... Having an opinion on something does not mean you don't understand why it exists..despite you liking it or not.
The world heavyweight championship is fine. It's a perfect design & that's why it's lasted so long. Other than a few little things IF they want to change, but no need for a whole overhaul. The actually WWE title could def be changed. The winged belt is cool but too little for the guys these days. I've always like the big eagle belt. The 1 with the big circle. That 1 & the undisputed belt that Lesnar took over to SMACKDOWN when he went over with steph "exclusively". Both of those would fit the main guys these days. On a little side note, thank you Jesus theyve brought back the old I.c. title. That's another belt that's pure perfection. Certain things are just better left alone.
I think no, not at all for either of the titles.

Just because the IC Title was retro-ized doesn't mean every title in the company needs to change. The WHC should remain the same as it has been, it looks like the old WCW World Title, and it should remain that way because of that. The WWE title is fine as is, it has gotten more main stream press as that title than ever before.

For FUCKS SAKE look at the Tag Titles, they are newer, and they are fucking terrible.

the IC Title change was a nice change but they do not need to change any of the other titles
I think the WWE Title needs to revert to the Winged Eagle from the late 90s early 00s or the WWE Undisputed title design. I really liked both. I guess I am kind of used to the Spinner one.

As for the WHC. I'd be angry if they changed it. It's a classic and has so much heritage it would be wrong to change it in my opinion.
I don't think they should revert back to the winged eagle late 90's design because although that belt was wonderful it to me represents a certain era and I would like it to stay that way. Bringing back one old design (the IC Title) was one of my favourite moments of the year but I don't think they should do it with any of the other belts unless it was done for a short lived gimmick in which Cody wins Championships then brings back old designs until he loses them...I don't want that to happen because I really want the classic IC Title to stick around now it is back.

I did say I personally want the WWE Championship to change and I really do but that does not mean it has to be anything drastic. Just tone down the bling and change the word Champ to Champion, tha would make me like it a lot more. It already does not spin anymore.
Even though its 'younger' I would like to see the WWE redesigned. Perhaps when/if Punk walks out of Mania with it for instance. Agree with poppycock just tone it down but leaving out some of the bling and changing the name to Champion which is what they are, it is the most important title in the World and for it to say Champ on is bad, that's of course if we are still to believe that belts mean something major and aren't just props.

I'm glad to see the IC belt change after a while of looking like it did even if it did go back to a retro look, there was still a story behind it, which is why I say if Punk wins it. He could be overjoyed with WWE again (at least in storyline) and he declares this in a post title winning promo saying he wants this to truly be the dawn of a new era and wanting it to mean everything to everyone in the back and the whole of the WWE universe and it not to be a false dawn like the million-odd times it was before.
DEFINETLY redo the WWE title, it looks like s*it, the WHC on the other hand is a classic and it should never be redone, although i think they should make it bigger again, same size as the WCW one was cuz i think its a little bit smaller now
I say yes to both. They don't have to have a retro look. They just have to have a fresh look. The WHC has been around since the early 90's and while it's an iconic title, it's starting to look gaudy, and needs to be revamped. Same with the WWE title. It's just a new generation now, and time for a new title belt. Doesn't have to be retro, just has to be new.
Yes, it is time to redesign the belts. The spinner belt is a disgrace to the legacy of the title. The spinner makes the belt look like a cheap toy.
I feel like the WWE can do whatever they want with the WWE Championship, because it's their title that they created and have edited over the years. And yes, it's about time for a new title, but we first need to let the times play into the new era that's slowly being formed. New belt for a new feel and era.

The World Heavyweight title is owned by the WWE sure, but it's been around since the early 80's in NWA. They took hold of the title when the bought out WCW and all that came along with it, but the belt has more of a history than most think. Ric Flair actually brought it over to WCW way back in the day. You can't really just re-design it without it becoming a totally new belt. I'd rather them just retire it and combine it with the WWE title, or create a whole new championship.
If I were the WWE I would re-unify the titles and let the big gold belt represent them. Aaron Rodgers and ESPN has made the title mainstream. It's a simple classic design that screams champion.
Personally I'd like to see WWE unify the belts up and drop the WWE Championship belt and rename the World Heavyweight Championship to the WWE World Championship.

Then what I'd do if I was booking is keep the current belt design and only tweak it like make the gold shade lighter/darker where it's noticable but keeps the belt current and fresh, and have certain wrestlers and I mean this sporadically have xyz wrestler bring his own version of the belt like Stone Cold or Edge but once he drops the belt his version is dropped also or change the colour of the leather on the belt like Shawn, Warrior or Billy Graham.

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