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Is It Time To Redesign The WWE and World Heavyweight Championship Belts?

The World Heavyweight Championship should never be replaced. If at some point, its unified with the WWE Championship, the Big Gold Belt should remain too. It' s too legendary to replace. No matter how old it gets. And the WWE Championship, the only thing about it that should be changed is the plaque reading "Champ" and changed to "Champion". Other than that nothing. It is the most marketable belt ever. It is also the most unique and the most outspoken (it sticks out). It doesn't spin anymore and aside from the ridiculous "Champ" line there isn't anything wrong with it.
The WWE Title design makes no sense at this point. Cena is out of his rapper phase and the belt is very hip hop. I think they should go with a bold design for the belt, but something that is fresher, with a hint of NORMALNESS to the belt.

The World Championship is a thing of beauty that should never be touched.
I, myself, am a Belt collector (the $12 Jakks / Mattel belts and the $100 Commemorative Belts), so I wouldn’t mind a redesign of both WWE and World Title Belts.

The Spinner never appealed to me, and I swore up and down that at Edge’s 1st or Rob Van Dam’s only WWE Title run, one of them would have change it. Then, after Cena vacated the Spinner and Vince presented Orton with the Title at No Mercy 2007, I thought to myself, “What better time to change it, than at that PPV??”. That wasn’t the case. They stopped it from Spinning. They took out the “Raw” plate and replaced it with the “WWE Champion” plate. None of these minor changes did anything for me. The irony of it all, I have 4 different versions of the damn thing, and it happens to be my 2 year old son’s favorite design. Target acquired, target locked, target sold. It’s a marketing stroke of genius. You know the next Title can’t be the “Prestigious” looking Title that looks like it belongs to adults. The grownups will not be buying the Belts. The kids (and people like me with OCD and having issues with completing collections) will.

As for the World Title, the Big Gold Belt is just classic. That Title probably should never change. Adding the “W” at the top is okay, only cause it’s so subtle. I personally would not replace it with anything else. I say either unify the World Title and the WWE Title together, dropping both designs and make a brand new WWE World Heavyweight Title or keep the World Title as is and just change Cena’s.

Since TNA isn’t using the name anymore, maybe the WWE can unify the top two Titles with a new Undisputed Title Belt and then have Booker T. come out with the Big Gold Belt and christen it the WWE Legends Title!! This time, however, keep it strictly to those who are actual Legends of the WWE.

Just to add to this, I thought for sure that Cena would either trade his World Title to Edge, Jeff Hardy, or Triple H to get “his” Belt back and give them the Big Gold – OR – change the World Title design into a WWE Spinner as well. One with “Mon Nite Raw” plate and one with a “Smack Down” plate. Oh, what about Edge changing the WWE Spinner into the Rated R Spinner again and Cena changing the Big Gold to the WWE Spinner!! How many of you, including myself, would be upset. HAHA!!
It's been said as many times as it needs to be, but I'm gonna say it again anyway. (Oh, and thanks, Jack-Hammer. beat me to the thread and said it best yet again. Sigh. One can never win w/you around...lol)

WHC is fine. It's a style that works and just screams tradition and prestige. The other one... well...

No. It needs overhauled. I mean, if you really think about it though, does it matter all that much with how much the title changes hands and how much its importance has been watered down in recent times?

But if made to think about it, yeah, the belt just has that chinsy, "novelty" look to it and doesn't scream importance. Maybe they'll redesign it when they decide to make it a little more prestigious to hold it.

But for the love of all that is Holy, do NOT redesign it to the level of TNA. Good God, they need to ditch that glorified Diva's championship belt as of the day the thought entered into their minds. What's next, a rainbow theme?
Just to add to this, I thought for sure that Cena would either trade his World Title to Edge, Jeff Hardy, or Triple H to get “his” Belt back and give them the Big Gold – OR – change the World Title design into a WWE Spinner as well. One with “Mon Nite Raw” plate and one with a “Smack Down” plate. Oh, what about Edge changing the WWE Spinner into the Rated R Spinner again and Cena changing the Big Gold to the WWE Spinner!! How many of you, including myself, would be upset. HAHA!!

Actually squire Edge has his own version of the World Heavyweight belt,

Since he won the belt in 2007, everytime he's won the belt, look at his name plate, it has his Rated R square with the R in it.

And Edge designed a totally different version of the WWE Championship but when it debuted on the Monday after Summerslam 2006, WWE knew he would be dropping the belt the following month and time wasn't on their side so they changed the middle part.

Which I actually prefered Edge's version, just adds more colour to the belt, i would of loved to have seen Edge's ideas for his own belt thou.
In the case of the World Heavyweight Championship I would say no. For me that's the definitive look in how a World Title Should look like and this was true even back in the WCW day's. I don't know why but when I see the WHC Belt it just screams "CHAMPION".

For the WWE Title belt I have tolerated especially since it stopped spinning. Though I think a redesign needs to happen. For me the WWE Title is a hit or miss for guys like Edge, Cena, Jeff Hardy, or The Miz the title looked good, however for guys like Batista, Orton, and Triple H ... it always looked wrong.
i fucking hate the spinner belt. It looks like complete shit, and in my opinion has decreased the value of the title. I wasn't the biggest fan of the undisputed belt version, but it still looked like a champion. I don't know why anyone would ever fight over the hunk of shit.

Ok now that i got that out of my system. I think they should keep using the world championship. It has to be one of the best looking titles ever.
Well considering the super bowl mvp Arron Rodgers was shown infront of millions of people watching the superbowl wearing the World heavyweight title , and it being all over espn ... I doubt it lol
I hate the WHC belt. It just screams WCW, which I hated.

But on the same note, I am not a fan of the curent WWE belt either.

I think there should be one unified title, and it should look like the one Brock, Eddie, and JBL held. Something similar to that.

The best belt of all time was the WWF Championship during the attitude Era that The Rock, Austin, Foley and Trips Held. Best belt ever.
Just as long as they don't go backwards in the display of the new titles then I'm fine with an update. Honestly, everyone here keeps saying that the WWE title should take an older version, but I say hell no to that. It's like Head Welch's reason for not going back to Korn... "Going backwards does not equal progression."

Which is far more true than anything I've ever heard. If they change the design, I want something new and fresh, not something old and boring... and to be honest, I hated the Attitude era belt. Wow a golden circle, yeah that's such a great title [/sarcasm]

The WHC is classic, sure, but it does need a make over too. Fact is, WHC should be put in the hall of fame at Axxess with the Winged Eagle and 80s WWF championships. It's unique and is the belt symbolical for revolutionizing an industry.
The World Heavyweight Championship is perfect. The Big Gold Belt has always been my favourite belt. It looks classic and prestigious while still looking fresh. That's impressive considering how dated some of the 80's and 90's belts look.

The WWE Championship, on the other hand, is a mixed bag. It was perfect for Cena all those years ago as the young rapper who was getting into the main event permenantly. It looked gawdy and brash and that was fine. But now, it isn't. It has lost any appeal it may have had. It's boring.

However, I don't believe that the WWE Championship belt needs to be replaced. Nor should it be replaced. It makes a huge amount of money in terms of merchandise and is recognisable and original. There are some things that should be changed for purely aesthetic reasons. Get rid of some of the diamonds. Get rid of the word "champ" written in a strange font. Make it less shiny. These changes would result in a more mature looking belt which would suit anyone who may carry it.
I believe the WWE title belt needs to be redesigned. The gaudy spinner belt was rather nice for Cena's first reign as it defined his character, but by early 2007 it had outlived its usefulness. The belt looks like a child's toy and is probably, in terms of looks, a bigger joke than the idiot currently holding it...The Miz

I'd love to see a new design, something never done before that makes the belt look like something a champion should hold. This could be as simple as keeping the same concept design (big WWE logo/shape) but just making the belt less gaudy and more "serious".

As for the WHC: The Big Gold Belt is iconic. It's history goes so far back that changing it would be a slap in the face to a belt that's endured for so long. Sure the current Big Gold Belt isn't the original; but the design is iconic in and of itself. This belt should stay for a long long time.
Is it time to redesign them? No, is the short answer.

The long answer, you say? Well, if you insist.

The fact of the matter is that the WWE should be very happy with the way that both titles look. The World Heavyweight Championship is more of a retro looking belt that old school viewers will enjoy. It also has quite a lot of history wrapped around it's gold edges. That belt has been through WCW and WWE without being changed once and that is the way it should stay. People who like that sort of thing have a respect for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship belt and even more so because it is basically one of the only belts to never have changed to suit the environment it is introduced to (read: WWE).

The WWE Championship is what people say it is. It looks like a toy for one simple reason... It is meant to. They want a Championship belt that kids would idolise. They want to see it over the shoulder of John Cena or Randy Orton and tell their parents that they want it, that is good marketing. It looks like a toy because it the easiest way to relate it to the target audience of the company.

The belts could do with being freshened up, in my view. Is that likely to happen in the near future? Probably not because they both have their uses and it makes no sense to upset that balance.
The WWE belt needs to be re-designed. I have hated it since Cena brought it out.

The WCW/World belt needs to stay, it is a link to the past and it really can't/shouldn't be done away with.

The only way it would be ok to do away with the WCW Belt would be to have a unified belt for some time. Which I support doing. You can have a World Title and still have the mid-card (IC and USA belts). There has always been two midcarder belts whether its USA/TV or IC/European.

Unified World Champ
World Tag Champs

They should really bring back the Cruiser/light heavyweight belt too...
The world heavyweight title is classic and does not need to be changed. as for the wwe championship belt, i dont mind it. its not my favorite though so it wouldnt upset me if they changed it, as long as it was an upgrade and not something awful like the new tag titles.. i love the winged eagle heavyweight belt. it was great. i just feel the design to it was perfect and unique. The tag titles need to be changed. those are absolutely terrible. the ugliest belts ive seen since the hardcore title. what were they thinking?
It's been time to redesign the WWE Championship for a VERY long time. Back when Cena was doing his rap singer persona, the spinner belt fit with his character. Let's face it, one of the first things that pops into your mind when you think of a rapper or hip hop artist are big, flashy & gawdy pieces of bling and that's exactly what the WWE Championship looks like. However, here we are almost 6 years since Cena won the WWE Championship and having long since abandoned the rapper gimmick and the belt is still the same. I just plain think it's ugly as hell to be quite honest. It's original looking, I will give it that but it's still damn fugly. According to some articles I've read over the net, the WWE has created a newly designed WWE Championship and have had it ready. I dunno what the hell they're waiting on exactly.

Agreed, the WWE title fitted the Cena rapper gimmick, with the spinner representing the "bling" which is synonomous with the hip-hop lifestyle. However, it does look childish, tacky and not at all like a traditional wrestling championship. Compared to the winged eagle title, or the undisputed title belt, it looks ridiculous. It needs updating 100%

As for the World Heavyweight Championship, I've always loved the Big Gold Belt design. Aside from a few minor alterations, it's the same design that Ric Flair had created and used as the NWA World Heavyweight Championship beginning about 1986 and the WCW World Heavyweight Championship from about 1993 until it closed. I think the title looks majestic and elegant with very much a classic old school feel to it. I'm sure that it will be redesigned someday and that's kind of unfortunate because it's such a well known and loved design. When I look at it, I always think how that's what a World Championship is supposed to look like.

This title should never be altered. It looks elegant as you said, it looks presitgious and the size of it is perfect. There is nothing flashy about it, it is just an iconic part of professional wrestling, and I certainly think the design should remain as it is. The way WWE updated the original design was very respectful and the 2 are almost undistinguishable from each other. In my opinion, this should be the premier title belt in the company, and the industry as a whole, not the shitty spinner. The belt is perfect in every way. If I was a wrestler, that is the belt I would want strapped around my waist
Totally agree with The Natural on both counts.

When I think of the WWE title, I think of this:


This was how the title looked for, I want to say, close to 15 years. I didn't mind the titles before or after it, until the spinner belt came along. I don't even necessarily agree with the argument that it was OK for the title to be changed to fit Cena's gimmick. I didn't like it when Stone Cold had the Rattle Snake belt and I didn't like The Rock's Brahma Bull belt either. But all in all, I think the "Spinner" belt is just plain tacky. I've been dying for a revamp.

As for the World Heavyweight Championship, I don't think it should be changed. It represents the classic days of wrestling, not only because of it's classic look, but the title as a whole, represents some of the greatest legends in wrestling.
I sure hope they get rid of that spinner belt.

I NEVER liked it at all even when Edge won the title and he came out with a new belt I was pissed his was a spinner belt too they are ugly and spinners aint even cool on cars anymore.
The WWE championship belt needs to change....it just doesn't look classy.....it has cena written all over it....

WHC is perfect and the 'big gold belt' should remain as it is.....till wwe is in the business.
The World Heavyweight Championship should stay the same. Now reason to change it at all, IMO. It's got al ot of prestige and old-time feel. It look's very similar to the WCW Heavyweight Title from 1993-when it's closed. It has a certain old school feel to it.

But, IMHO, the WWE Championship doesn't really need change. Sure, it'll be changed sonner or later, but it's not that much of a junking looking thing as people may think. It look's good on the Miz, on Cena, on Shaemus, on Triple Hm,Orton. It's not so bad it does'nt look good on anyone other than Cena, it's a big belt that's somewhat goes with the tide with WWE is going. I do though think it has overstayed it's welcome and is outdated. It sohlud have been changed back when Edge won it from Cena. Or when Triple H won it in '08.

It will be changed though, but I hope it's not some obnoxious looking thing tha'ts platnium or somethnig. If anything, I think they should just go back to the Undisputed CHampionship look when they finally do away with the current belt.
The WWE title, yes please.
The World title, no thank you.

The WWE title belt is from a time where it fit John Cena. It was new and exciting, as he was the brand new champion and face of Smackdown, before going over to Raw. It also added to the feud with JBL originally. I think the belt has added to John Cena, but taken away from everybody else involved. Personally, and it's a huge stretch of the imagination, I would to see Cena turn heel and destroy the belt, saying that it reminded him of a time when he would do anything for the fans. They could then debut a new belt or go back to the older WWE title designs, which were AWESOME!

The World title belt is classic, and has been around for a long time. I think it adds some prestige to the title, and I'd like it to stay just the way it is.
PLEASE YES CHANGE IT!!!! I thought it was going to be changed a couple of years ago after it was shipped to Smackdown.

I'm all for custom belts when someone is going to hold it or challenge for it for a while (ala Stone Cold's Smoking Skull, loved that belt) but the design that Cena had for his does not look prestigious enough to be a title belt. I would like to see the belt go back to one of the older designs (I thinking the 1998-2001 circular design with the blue strap before it became unified). It adds more prestige to the belt.

The WHC belt can stay because it is a design that has been kept for a while but the WWE title definitely needs a change
The WWE Title for sure. But I think the World Heavyweight Title is fine just like it is. There is usually a belt change when an Era seems to end, or a new one begins. The spinner belt represented a time that could be considered, "Life after Stone Cold & The Rock".

I think after time has gone by though, that belt will probably most remembered for being The Title Belt of the PG Era. I know some people have never liked it. I thought it was refreshing when it came out. A new idea to say the least. I never liked the look of the Undisputed Title, that belt can kind of be tied to Brock Lesnar.

I think with the way that "new" wrestler are sized these days, it would seem a smaller belt than the WHC would be in order. Sometimes when a smaller guy wins a Title, the belt is so big it kind of looks crappy on them. Like Jeff Hardy, CM Punk etc...

So, a classic style, with no bells and whistles, that is smaller in build, to fit everyone.
WHC looks great and should stay in my opinion, that belt makes you look like the top guy. As for the WWE Championship it looks like a toy, I reckon they should redesign it to a simular looking undisputed title belt mixed with the UFC title. Some elements of silver would give the new belt a unique look. But if they went back to the undisputed title design I would be happy with that too.
The World Heavyweight Championship should definitely not be redesigned. The prestige behind that belt is there for a reason. It's the championship that should make the person holding it a believable champion.

The WWE Championship will most likely stay the same as long as Cena is around. Cena is the main guy int the WWE, and he designed that belt, so it's going to stay for a while longer.

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