Redesign a title belt

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King Of The Wasteland
So I see how many people don't like the design of some of wrestling's title belts so im asking you, if there's a belt design you don't like how would you redesign them.

I DON'T want people saying they would change a belt back to an old design because generally designs are new, you can take inspiration from previous designs though.

For me I would redesign the ECW Championship to something like this

The WWE championship Id start by resizing the logo so its slightly smaller, have it say Champion instead of Champ, get rid of the diamonds and have the colour scheme of the Undisputed Title.

The WHC I would have the writing and the globe and the lions a lighter or darker shade of gold to stand out to the rest of the belt.

The TNA Championship Id have the TNA logo in the TNA colours and have the bird a darker gold so it stands out more.
I don't really know what I'd change it to but I'd give anything to get rid of the WWE title, it looks cheap and plastic, it looks like more of a toy than a belt, I prefer the World Heavyweight Title or any other title for that matter. I think I would change it to be more like the Intercontinental title, a rounder smoother more prestigious looking title belt.
first and foremost great picture, if you did that on your own i am impressed and love it regardless.

my two favorite designs are the Winged Eagle and the Attitude era designs. So i would try to take from those. A not so big Round Center plate, with the WWE logo highlighted in White, With an Eagle spreading wings looking up at the logo in a nickel or lighter gold finish. The eagle would be perched on the banner that says Champion. I don't like the nameplate thing personally so i would omit that. On the outside of the round center plate I would put gold bent bar (like the winged eagle belt has) all round it with a darker gold finish to highlight the center plate. Side plates would 2 on each side the same width as the strap, Circles (prefer squares but wouldn't look right with the center plate) on the closest side plate to the center plate would be flags from major wrestling countries. Not just randoms. the furthest would be a globe looking at it from north america and south america view, other side would be austrailia, europe, and asia.
All would be on a black leather strap with the gold tip. That would be my ideal world title.

I like the Intercontinental, Smackdown Tag, Big Gold, and Women's Title. Hate the Spinner, the U.S. Title looks like to much a novelty, Raw Tag just seems too dark (only way I could explain it sorry) and the Diva's, I just don't get the butterfly.

Yeah please redesign the WWE Championship. How somebody gonna be taken seriously with that belt looking like a crap toy belt from Toy's R Us. No need for the gangsta/spinning championship belt anymore. Redesign it and have an actual WWE Championship feel to it again and not some crap like Cena belt.
I agree with the two posts above me about changing the WWE Championship. How come all of the other former personal gimmick titles like the spinner US title and even stone colds smoking skull title were changed back after the next person who won them, yet the spinner WWE championship is still around?

But ive seen that picture of the ECW belt and i like it and wouldnt mind if they changed it and one other belt i wouldnt mind changing is the IC title.
I for one would like if they brought back the old school IC title, the one that Mr. Prefect, Bret Hart,Razor Ramon and HBK made very prestigious in the early-mid 90's and at that time it had more prestige to me than the WWF title. Yea i know it maybe because of the history but regardless i always liked the look of the old school IC title.
I wouldn’t mind keeping the Titles the way they are or changing them to a new design. I’m not a fan of bringing back a past Title / Title design unless there was a good story behind it. For example, Rhyno coming back and claiming he’s the “real” ECW World and ECW TV Champ, and bring those belts back, a la Ric Flair’s “Real World Champion” run. Another example would be if Rob Van Dam came back with the European and Hardcore Titles. In this case, it could be used as unsanctioned Titles at first, and if they decide to make it official, then so be it.

If I really had to, I'd go with maybe something like this.

The two things I look for in a belt design are Depth, Color, & Definition. If I had to redesign a belt, it would be the TNA Championship. The plates look thin, like a cheap plastic toy with no depth. The color is bland because their is no definition between the gold and silver areas, which doesn't translate well to television format, where it seems to all blend together.

Belts do need to be changed yes I will give you that

The ECW title I like the one you made

The US title should be made like the old WCW a darker gold design in the back with the name and organization. In the center would be be a Red White and Blue (dimmed) North America.

The Tag Titles should be made in to one Raw Size SmackDown style and a different color scheme.

The WWE should basicly stay just make it a plate (flat) make writting smaller to male champion fit, and darker so it dont look fake

The WHC should be shaped like the current NWA title but a little bigger put more color in it then what it currently has but keep away from the traditional colors of black, red, and blue.
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