Re-design the Championships in WWE

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
Tired of the butterfly on the Divas Championship? Miss the days when the Tag Team Champions didn't defend giant pennies? Think you've got a better idea for how these or any of the other belts should look? This is your chance to share those ideas. I see a lot of complaints about how the championship belts in WWE look. The Divas Championship in particular sees a lot of hate, as did the previous design of the WWE Championship. I want you guys to instead of whining about how much you dislike the designs of the belts, to come up with your own ways you would change the designs of the belts currently in use by WWE in this topic.

Here's the thing.... You may not change the names of the belts. You cannot bring back old belts although you can use similar designs to previous belts if you'd like. You also cannot unify any of the titles. You can change the design of as many as you want, but are limited to the following list:

WWE World Heavyweight Championship
WWE Intercontinental Championship
WWE United States Championship
WWE Tag Team Championship
WWE Divas Championship

If WWE presented you with the task of changing the design of any of these belts, which ones would you change? Describe the design you would change it to. Why would you pick this particular design?

I'll go first.

I would change the Divas Championship by bringing back the look of the Womens Championship but with a red strap. It removes the butterfly that so many have issues with, and keeps the tradition of the belt that legends like Trish or Lita held. The red straps are to keep it looking pretty and make it stand out from the belts the male wrestlers compete for without looking as cheesy as the current Divas Championship looks. I personally don't mind the design as much as most, but I do miss the design that the Womens Championship had.

I also would change the WWE World Heavyweight Championship just a little. The black plate behind the WWE logo should be gold instead of black, it would be a great way to pay tribute to the big gold belt now that the two World Championships are unified into one. It would make the top prize in the federation look even more prestigious and anyone holding it would look more impressive than they do holding up the current design. It's grown on me as a whole, but the black plate is boring looking and the only part of it that I truly dislike.

Now it's your turn. What would you make one or more of the belts look like?

Discuss! :)

EDIT: To clear it up, you can use older belt designs if you'd like such as the eagle belt for the WWE Championship, I'd prefer if you came up with some type of update of your own to add to it though. What I meant by not bringing back old belts was that you cannot bring in the European, Cruiserweight, or other old belts back for this topic. It must be the titles currently in use by the WWE.
The only titles I soul change are the WWE Heavyweight Championship, the IC/ US Championship and the NXT Championship. I wouldn't change the designs, just the colors. I would make the WWE Heavyweight Championship gold, both the IC and US Championsships silver and the NXT Championship bronze.
Since we can't bring back the old designs. At least that's what I understand from the OP then the only thing I'm going to change is the Intercontinental title.

The white strap bugs the hell out of me for some reason. I'd just go ahead and make it black like so many of us are used to.

I'm not even sure where I'd start on the pennies or the butterfly.

I don't hate the WWE title as much as I thought I would. Although there have been far better designs I've already warmed up to this one.

I actually like the United States title quite a bit so I wouldn't change anything on that.
I don't really have any specific design ideas for the belts. I just want them to look like legitimate, prestigious Wrestling Title Belts, that's all. Not the childish belts they have these days that look like toys, with all the "bling" and fucking butterflies etc.

I know you said "you cannot bring back the old belts", but why design something new when the perfect belts are just sitting in the WWE's safe at Titan Towers???

The World Title should be the WWF Attitude Era belt, with the new logo inplace of the old scratch WWF version. Nice and simple. The belt is the best looking in the history of the business, rivalled only by the "Big Gold Belt" World Heavyweight Title. It's not too flashy, the colours work well and it looks like something all wrestlers would strive to win, not like a stupid blingy belt buckle looking WWE title we have today.

I don't mind the current Intercontinental title belt, it's pretty nice although I'd prefer a black strap rather than white, but I can live with it. However, if I had the choice I would bring back the version of the IC title they had previously, with the blue on. That was a beautiful title.

GET RID OF THE PENNIES- they look like copper, why would anyone think these look like prestigious title belts. They look so dull, not gleaming at all. It just emphasises that WWE thinks so little of the Tag-Team division when all teams compete for belts such as these. Make them look like real titles!
I know you said "you cannot bring back the old belts", but why design something new when the perfect belts are just sitting in the WWE's safe at Titan Towers??

Since we can't bring back the old designs. At least that's what I understand from the OP then the only thing I'm going to change is the Intercontinental title.

What I meant with that was you cannot say "I will bring back the European Championship and use that instead of the United States Championship". You could use the eagle design of the WWE Championship if you wanted to, or something similar to it. I was just trying to make sure people only used the current titles in WWE to avoid seeing off topic responses where people randomly brings back the Cruiserweight Championship, for example. If you want to use the old Smackdown exclusive Tag Team Championship instead of the pennies because you think that design looked good, you can do that, but it would be even cooler if you came up with an updated concept. Hope that cleared it up. :)
I am completely in the minority it would seem, but I don't mind the Tag Team titles. I like the two spartan helmets on them but it's all a matter of opinion I suppose. I really don't mind the Diva's title either, but mainly because I don't really care about the Divas in the first place. With all of the hate the Divas get it's a little odd to see people complaining about their title. Will it make you care about the division any more? I doubt it.

Not really a fan of the current WWE World Heavyweight Title. It just looks like it was made in 2 minutes and they said lets slap a big "W" on it and call it good. The fact that according to reports it cost 50,000 dollars and 2 years to come up with is hilarious. The winged eagle belt was perfect, but I understand changing it. I would do similar to what Dagger said and put something behind the logo like gold or a big globe. I would change the shape of it as well because it has almost the same shape as the United States Championship. Maybe add the gold and globe in the background and reshape it like it has eagles wings. I just don't think it looks very prestigous as it is right now. The NXT title looks more valuable.
Tired of the butterfly on the Divas Championship? Miss the days when the Tag Team Champions didn't defend giant pennies? Think you've got a better idea for how these or any of the other belts should look? This is your chance to share those ideas. I see a lot of complaints about how the championship belts in WWE look. The Divas Championship in particular sees a lot of hate, as did the previous design of the WWE Championship. I want you guys to instead of whining about how much you dislike the designs of the belts, to come up with your own ways you would change the designs of the belts currently in use by WWE in this topic.

Here's the thing.... You may not change the names of the belts. You cannot bring back old belts although you can use similar designs to previous belts if you'd like. You also cannot unify any of the titles. You can change the design of as many as you want, but are limited to the following list:

WWE World Heavyweight Championship
WWE Intercontinental Championship
WWE United States Championship
WWE Tag Team Championship
WWE Divas Championship

If WWE presented you with the task of changing the design of any of these belts, which ones would you change? Describe the design you would change it to. Why would you pick this particular design?

I'll go first.

I would change the Divas Championship by bringing back the look of the Womens Championship but with a red strap. It removes the butterfly that so many have issues with, and keeps the tradition of the belt that legends like Trish or Lita held. The red straps are to keep it looking pretty and make it stand out from the belts the male wrestlers compete for without looking as cheesy as the current Divas Championship looks. I personally don't mind the design as much as most, but I do miss the design that the Womens Championship had.

I also would change the WWE World Heavyweight Championship just a little. The black plate behind the WWE logo should be gold instead of black, it would be a great way to pay tribute to the big gold belt now that the two World Championships are unified into one. It would make the top prize in the federation look even more prestigious and anyone holding it would look more impressive than they do holding up the current design. It's grown on me as a whole, but the black plate is boring looking and the only part of it that I truly dislike.

Now it's your turn. What would you make one or more of the belts look like?

Discuss! :)

EDIT: To clear it up, you can use older belt designs if you'd like such as the eagle belt for the WWE Championship, I'd prefer if you came up with some type of update of your own to add to it though. What I meant by not bringing back old belts was that you cannot bring in the European, Cruiserweight, or other old belts back for this topic. It must be the titles currently in use by the WWE.

Ok. Let's work through the list here:

WWE World Heavyweight Championship:

I'm ok with the current design, but I like what you suggested on having a solid gold back on the main plate would be a great idea. I would also throw in a globe, or eagle right behind the WWE logo. However, I would like to see bigger lettering of the words "World Heavyweight Champion" or "Champion" like the previous design had on the belt because I can barely see it in the new design they have. Also, add 2 more side plates. I would have those sideplates pay homage to the Big Gold Belt by making miniature versions of the Big Gold Belt's main plate. They've done something similar like this in AJPW when they made one belt for their Triple Crown Heavyweight title which before was represented by 3 separate belts.

WWE Intercontinental Championship

I would not change this belt at all in any way shape or form. I was ecstatic when they brought this design back years ago because I always loved this design of the IC title over the Attitude/Ruthless Aggression design of the title which I felt never did justice to the history of the IC title. However, if it's one thing I should change its the strap because from a belt designer's point of view it's a bit of a nightmare at times because different colored straps that aren't black are tougher to maintain. It has to be constantly cleaned more than a belt with a standard black strap. This is why you don't see a lot of belts with different color straps because they stain easily and lose their original color quite quickly. I still remember when the IC title was re-designed in the Attitude era it had a purple strap which eventually faded to black in a matter of months.

WWE United States Championship

Now this title is in serious need of a facelift. I feel that the current design of the US title has run its course. I would re-design this title by giving it a much bigger main plate than it currently has. I would put a bald eagle on the main plate with the flag and geographical map of the US. The side plates however I'd keep Lady Liberty on 2 of them, and on the other 2 1 plate has the 50 stars, and the other plate has the 13 stripes on it. The design seems a little busy, but I would try to make it look patriotic and something that would give the title back some of its prestige which I felt has been lost for years.

WWE Tag Team Championship

Again, another title in need of a serious facelift. The design of the current tag titles look so cheap from the cut of leather that's being used to the copper that's used for the plates. Plus I'm not a big fan of the circular design of the plates, especially if copper is being used because they just look like over-sized pennies. What I would do is have the shape of the plates mimic the old school design that was used from 1988 till 2002. First off change the metal from copper to gold for starters. On the main plate I would put a globe with the two helmets from the current design flanking them on the side, the WWE logo in the globe itself, and a ribbon with the words "Tag Team Champion" on the bottom. The side plates I'd keep fairly basic, maybe 2 of them has wrestlers grappling, and 2 of them with the WWE logo.

WWE Divas Championship

I'm actually part of the minority that doesn't mind this belt too much. The silver plating, and pink jewels work, but I would change the butterfly design to something else. I like the design of the NXT Women's title because they kept it fairly basic. This is where I believe the adage of "less is more" would come into play. Basically I would just suggest that the Divas title should just be re-designed into a bigger and more elegant version of the NXT Women's title.
I would get rid of the divas belt and replace it with a golden bullet bra. As long as they are going to be about looks and not wrestling anyways we might as well get the most out of it. This way it not only stands out but we get the joy of watching the champion strip down to (hopefully) very little under the championship bra. Oh, yeah! :boobs:
What I meant with that was you cannot say "I will bring back the European Championship and use that instead of the United States Championship". You could use the eagle design of the WWE Championship if you wanted to, or something similar to it. I was just trying to make sure people only used the current titles in WWE to avoid seeing off topic responses where people randomly brings back the Cruiserweight Championship, for example. If you want to use the old Smackdown exclusive Tag Team Championship instead of the pennies because you think that design looked good, you can do that, but it would be even cooler if you came up with an updated concept. Hope that cleared it up. :)

Ah gotcha now.

In that case even though I'm okay with the current World title I'd be all for them using that Attitude era eagle title. I think it would still work in this era. I wouldn't go as far back as the 90s one because while I love that belt I just don't feel like it fits with the current times.

And for the tag titles I'd go with the Attitude era ones as well. That's one of my favorite tag titles. If I didn't go with that one I'd likely go with the Raw titles with the red. Even if they changed the color of the current design to gold instead of copper looking it would be better. I guess I don't get the whole gladiator thing though.

For the Diva's I'd like to see the Women's title come back in some form. If they updated the design somehow or something or just kept the Women's title how it was.
I would change a few. Since I’m not exactly creative when it comes to Championship Title Belt designs, my suggestions consist of reverting back to previous desings.

For the WWE Championship Title, I would go with the Undisputed Championship Title Belt design. It’s just my all-time favorite version of the WWE Title.

For the Intercontinental Championship Title, I would go with the previous Championship Title Belt design, which was the Attitude Era version with the nameplate feature. Also, I’d go with a black strap. I never liked strap colors other than black, with the exception of Goldust’s version of the Intercontinental Belt.

For the WWE World Tag Team Championship Title, I would go with the 2 Belt Raw / Smackdown Tag Team Belt combination. I always thought it was cool seeing the Tag Team Champions carry 2 Belts.

For the United States Championship Title, I’d keep it as is.

For the Divas Championship Title, I’d either stick with it or replace it with the Women’s Championship Title Belt with nameplate feature design. The butterfly design doesn’t bother me as much as it does everyone else, but I wouldn’t mind it if it were to be replaced.
Divas Title
Change it to something, anything else. It looks like a freakin’ Barbie doll accessory. Go with the old Women’t title design for all I care.

U.S. Title
It’s fine. I’d wish for a unification with the IC title, but that’s another matter.

I.C. Title
LOVE IT!! I’d prefer black straps, but that’s nitpicking.

Tag Titles
Yuck. Just go back to the old design from the 80s and 90s.

WWE World Heavyweight title
The perfect belt: The winged Eagle Belt design, but the size of the Attitude Era belt. Perfection.
WWE World Heavyweight Championship

I think the current design would look a whole lot better if the background of the center plate was gold instead of black. There's too much black in the title and if offsets the overall look.

If I were re-designing the title, I'd go with something that has a mix of old and new school. I'd have the center plate redesigned to where both the upper & lower halves were shaped along the lines of the last design debuted by The Rock. I'd have the bottom read "CHAMPION" with the same styling and angling of the letters and for the top half, I'd have the word "WORLD" stylized and angled with both words written in bright red. I'd do away with the "HEAVYWEIGHT" aspect as it just seems kinda redundant and would simply rename the belt the WWE World Championship. Between the halves, I'd feature a large, detailed, stylized eagle with its wings spread, something along the lines of the eagle TNA used for their first title design. The WWE logo would be emblazoned upon the eagle's chest. I'd have the eagle clutching an expanded globe in its talons, with the globe sort of like this:

For the side plates, I'd probably go with two on each side with each of them featuring the WWE logo, a small version of it, at the very top, perhaps within a small circle while the side plates are designed with the same sort of hexagonal shape as the center plate of the last design. Below the logo would be the word "WORLD" written straight across while the word "CHAMPION" is written along the bottom angled exactly like the center plate. In the middle of each plate, there'd be two wrestlers. The first right side plate would feature a wrestler doing a body slam on the other while the second right side plate would feature one wrestler performing a suplex. The front left side plate would feature one of them performing an armbar on the other while the second plate would feature one of them locking a figure four on the other. The gold color would be designed to be very bright, lustrous. In order to pull it off, the belt would probably have to be fairly large due to the center plate. The dimensions of the title would compliment each other and while it'd probably be large, it wouldn't look bulky.

WWE Intercontinental Championship

I really like the classic design of the title and I'd have no problem retaining it. If I had to re-design it, however, I'd probably go with something like this: Scroll down the page until you see a photo of Chris Candido and Tammy Sytch. Just below it is a picture of a concept title someone made for the Intercontinental Championship. I like the overall design of the title.

Another option I like is this custom design from Top Rope Belts:

WWE Divas Championship

The Divas Championship, in terms of its look, is probably the least popular title on the WWE roster. Personally, I'd love to see the title look something like this:!nwawomens/c1d97

I love the way the new NWA World Women's Championship looks. It looks elegant, classy and...well like a prestigious title and less like something you'd see worn by a Las Vegas showgirl. I'd highlight the words with a different color to make them stand out more.

WWE Tag Team Championship

I'd go with something along these lines.!nwaworld-tags/c1d4p

I like the new design of the NWA World Tag Team Championship. Again, it strikes me as something of a mix of old school and new school.
I made a post about how I would change the WWE World Title belt at Just added the World Heavyweight title belt side plates and then the old property of WWE 5th side plate which I think all belts should have. Also makes the strap a little bit longer which I think looks better than the shorter strap employed today.

For the IC belt I would have a black strap and the belt simply say WWE Intercontinental Champion.

The Tag belts I would have the Attitude Era style belt, with each individual belt reading WWE Tag Team Champion (as opposed to Champions, each singular belt should read champion, not Champions).

The divas belt should be the old Women's belt.

For the US belt I would have it in the style of the European belt.

That is all.

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