Is It Time To Redesign The WWE and World Heavyweight Championship Belts?

You know, my guess is that the new belt that WWE have designed is being deliberately kept off screen until the titles are unified, which i don't think were going to have to wait very long for. And just as a geeky wrestling thing, they should call the new unified title the WWE World Championship, don't ask me why, it just sounds, right.

And you know what, i know the gold coin design has gotten ripped into by some, but i think on closer inspection that this look brilliant.

credit to the filmizer website for the only close up of this design i've seen.
Just like everyone else has been saying, WHC is perfect and the spinner has to GTFO.

If they redesign the WWE belt I don't think they should revert to any of the old designs or former belts. Get a new design that will stay fresh for quite some time unlike this spinner one we have going. I'm getting pretty tired of this Cena crap, making it a kids show and whatnot.
You know, my guess is that the new belt that WWE have designed is being deliberately kept off screen until the titles are unified, which i don't think were going to have to wait very long for. And just as a geeky wrestling thing, they should call the new unified title the WWE World Championship, don't ask me why, it just sounds, right.

And you know what, i know the gold coin design has gotten ripped into by some, but i think on closer inspection that this look brilliant.

credit to the filmizer website for the only close up of this design i've seen.

That's a good point because if they debut a new WWE Championship belt now, and it's not the unified title, then they probably aren't going to unify the titles any time soon. Why put out a new WWE title belt then unify the titles and have to make a new belt?

Either bring out the unified belt or a new wwe title belt and don't unify.
Ok people dont hate me but I have thought both belts needed redone from day one!

WHC has alot of detail in it but u cant really see it cause of it all gold plus I think it need sized down just a little.

WWE title I would make it flat dull it down smaller writing and if they merge the title put the globe back on it
To be completely redundant......The WHC is fine. DON"T CHANGE A FUCKING THING! It's a timeless design that's as relevant today as when it was made. This is a tradition that shouldn't be broken.
The WWE Title needs a change. It was cool when Cena debuted it, but it just don't look like a REAL title to me. No bashing, it's just time.
I'd like to see something that's not specific to a wrestler nor time. Don't pg it up. They just need a belt that looks ligit.
The WWE title? Yes... It should have gone back to the old undisputed title when Edge ended Cena's first title run!! But they used it anyway and well I have nothing against it really, but it will always be John Cena's title when I see it!!

World title? No... I don't want to see this title change! Its the big gold belt and WWE have it and I know they wouldn't re-design it, you can't re-design the big gold belt and as for making a completely new belt to replace the world title? That would be stupid!
The WWE Title? Yeah, they need to get rid of that thing, and soon. There's no need to have it around anymore, as Cena's rapper gimmick has run its course and they could go back to a more basic design. Actually, a more basic design would make me take the belt more seriously, as I'm sick of seeing the spinner. The World Title is a totally different story. That belt is legendary, it has a certain amount of prestige. Changing that would just be a stupid decision, and I doubt Vince would let that happen anyway. So, they really should keep the World Title, but get rid of the WWE Belt.
The World Heavyweight Championship is perfectly fine. It actually looks prestigious in design, whilst the WWE Championship belt just screams PG at me. I swear that belt is there simply for the merchandising opportunities. I doubt any 10 year old kid wants a replica toy version of the World Heavyweight Championship when you can have a belt that spins. 'Yay, look at it spin, ain't it cool'. It was refreshing back in 2005 but that design has out stayed it's welcome by 4 years. So the WWE Championship belt for sure needs a facelift and a re-design, it looks way too gimmicky and it looks fucking awful when it's being carried by anyone but Cena.

Well i was all ready to write my opinion but then read that Roberto Del Rio got there first, but i guess he already knew that ;)

Please Vince give us a new WWE Championship!!! As-long as it doesn't follow in the footsteps of the new Tag Team Championships we will be ok!
WWE and Vince have milked all the money they can out of that spinner belt over the years, im sure they have sold amazing amounts, even Vince should see now its time to move on.

And as mentioned all over this thread there is no problem with the current World Heavyweight Championship, wouldn't want to see the design go unless they were going to unify the two championships and have one completely new belt (PLEASEEE!)
WWE Title: DEAR LORD YES! The spinner belt may have become a bit of an icon, but it's just a joke now. I don't know what they would change it to, but anything besides the rapper-like spinner belt is fine by me. Just don't let the guys who designed the new Tag belts near it.

WHC Title: NO! This belt should not be changed. It has a great classical design to it, and it's been the same since it was introduced. Do not change this belt.
What if WWE consolidated the WWE championship into the World Heavyweight Championship? unify them but drop the WWE belt, and keep the Heavyweight? to be honest I consider the World Heavyweight Championship the more worthy to hold then the WWE Belt.
The WHC shoud stay but the WWE Championship should change.Not because Cena designed it but because it is time for chang, not onle the championships bu a change in the WWE
The World Heavyweight Title belt (Big Gold) should NEVER, EEEEEEVVEER (ala Chris Jericho) be changed. WAY too much history.

It's been around since it debuted in 1986 replacing the old NWA "Domed Globe" as the new belt representing the NWA World Heavyweight Title.

In around late-1990 it now represented BOTH the NWA World Title AND the newly created WCW World Heavyweight Title simultaneously. It was even defended in Japan against the IWGP World Champion during this time.

Mid-1991 Flair took it with him to the WWF (he was still officially the NWA World Champion until September) calling himself the "Real" World Heavyweight Champion.

1992 the NWA and WCW were able to get the belt back and Japan's G1 tournament crowned a new NWA World Heavyweight Champion, AGAIN using "Big Gold" (instead of the "Domed Globe" belt). It was defended on the same cards along-side the WCW World Title (now represented by a new belt). At one point The Great Muta won "Big Gold" and became the second man to hold the NWA World Heavyweight Title AND the IWGP Heavyweight Title at the same time.

1993 it was the SAME belt Flair went after when returning to WCW (he went after "Big Gold" and the NWA World Title rather than the separate WCW World Title).

1993 when WCW left the NWA the "Big Gold" belt, for a while, was simply called the World Heavyweight Championship (during Rick Rude's reign) just like it is now in the WWE, until WCW later put "WCW International" in-front of the title's name.

1994 WCW had Sting and Flair unify the WCW International World Heavyweight Title and the WCW World Heavyweight Title and dropped the WCW World Belt in favor of "Big Gold".

It has since represented the WCW World Heavyweight Title until WWF bought the WCW library and likeness in 2001. From there it was called WCW Championship, then simply the World Championship, then retired (after being unified with the WWF Championship), and brouhgt back again in 2002 and called (just like during Rick Rude's reign in 1993-1994 in WCW) simply the World Heavyweight Title.

Yes, WAY too much history. In fact, IF the WWE were to unify the WWE Title and the World Heavyweight Title I'd say keep "Big Gold" as the belt to represent the new WWE World Heavyweight Title or just (call it) the new World Heavyweight Title.

As for the WWE Title itself, I agree it looks like crap and needs replaced ASAP. Either bring back the "Winged Eagle" or the "Corporation Belt" or just unify the titles into just ONE World Heavyweight Championship. Besides, the "Big Gold" belt is the belt in all of pro-wrestling/sports entertainment that truly looks like a REAL World Title Belt. Like it's holder is truly the Undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the World. Best looking belt, period!
Ok, you guys talka bout the WHC titles hitory but face it most kids dont know about its history and the appearance of the title doesnt change the prestige it has.. The WWE Titlte is still world title even though Cena made it. i say both titles need a redesign.
The World Heavyweight Title should stay the way it is. Its the definition of a world championship. The WWE title is a joke. Ive hated it since Cena debuted it and im blown away that its been kept that way for years. Ive been waiting for it to be changed either back to the old title design or something new and that actually looks respectable.
WWE Title just needs a brand new design. The old Undisputed look of it looks too old fashioned. The winged eagle is too old and th edorporate era would fit except that one wouldnt look right on these young guys.

People may hate me fo rthis but forgetting about the history the World title needs a new design. to me its just a big hunk of gold.
The WWE spinner belt is gimmicky and outdated, and I'm definately in favour of a new, modern design; I think most people are. However, if WWE want to do this, I'd like to see it happen and the beginning of a lengthy championship reign. They'd need to make a big deal out of it, more than just Vince McMahon presenting it casually for five minutes in the middle of a Raw.

As for the World Heavyweight belt...leave it a lone for now. I don't even think a touch up is necessary. The WH Championship is a classis belt, and has someowhat of a nostalgic feel to it. I think it's so good because it's not modernized.
I think that if/when a unification occurs, the belt should look like this one......


With this colour scheme.......


That screams a championship belt to me. The WWE title at the moment looks like a toy, it was stupid even when John Cena brought it out and it span (and that was made specifically for him). Heck when Edge won the title and had the Rated R belt, or even further back to when Austin had the Smoking Skull belt, I hated that.

The World title is a lovely belt and if the two belts are kept separate then the only change I would make to the World title is a longer strap, it looks tiny compared to the WWE belt (that was noticeable when Miz and Edge were in the ring together on Raw recently).

At the very least for the WWE title, I would like to see The Miz bring back the WWE title belt held by the likes of Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero and JBL (the old Undisputed title). Then if/hopefully when the two titles are unififed, a new desgin completely.

Lastly, and old school move I know, but the IC title should be replaced with the classic one (see Mr Perfect, HBK, Bret Hart, Ric Rude etc, but with a name plate). The old tag team titles should also be brought back that the New Age Outlaws, Edge and Christian, Hardy Boys etc, again with the name plate (and it should read 'TAG TEAM CHAMPION, not TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS', each belt is singular).

Finally for the US title, I don't like it, I think that should be replaced with the TV Title which should be modelled on the European title.
To be honest WWE has had the ugliest championship titles. The only one I really liked was the original Intercontinental Championship belt. But other than that... poor designs IMO.

The WHC should NEVER EVER be changed. I don't care if you are a wrestling fan or not... the moment you see that title. You know it's the real deal. It just screams championship and looks very professional and prestigious.
The World Heavyweight Title has too much history, a too much rich and glorious past to be changed.

As for the WWE Title, it should be changed, in my opinion, this type of Design should only be used by Cena when he is the WWE Champion.
WWE title- It doesnt even say Champion on it????????????? It looks like a toy. Stone Cold's smoking skull belt was dropped after the storyline when he got it and the rock stole it was over. So cena's belt should have been changed back to the old one. Play svr 2008, you could choose what belt you want the spinner or the "undisputed" version. I dont think we should go with past design of the wwe championship. I did like all of the belts except for this one!!! I do like the idea of the tag straps, just not the god awful bronze color!!!! What were they thinking. The first person to customize his belt was the Ultimate Warrior, he didnt change the design of the belt, however the color of the leather strap. Thats ok. God Hogan didnt even have his own belt????? Why does cena.

World Heavyweight Championship- One word could define that belt. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! What a true champion should wear. It's what true champions have been wearing for the past 25 years. When ric flair first came to the WWE, he was touted at the TRUE World Heavyweight Champion. What belt was he wearing. The one that is being used today.(well close besides having wwe on it).
Never seen Unanimous talk on this board, usually some Yahoo comes on ans says something stupid... I don't have much too add, WHC is the greatest title belt in History. The WWE Title has to go, if only bacause it's been used as long or longer than its 2 predicessors combined.. it's run its course, time for a new one...
Last year WRESTLEZONE reported that the WWE was not only going to change the logo of the company, but that the belts were getting an overhaul. Not long after that we got the ugliest tag titles anyone has ever seen, no logo change, no mention or hint of any other belts changing, and here we are now discussing WTF they should be doing in that arena. If I remember correctly there was even supposed talk of unifying the U.S. and I.C. titles, as well as the WWE and WHC, so who flubbed up? Who dropped the ball?

At this point you must know that I of course want a belt change. I though, call for unifications and drastic design changes all around. I know there are certain dilemmas that come in peoples minds when this is mentioned but I think it's still a good idea. At the least the belts will mean more as they become a more rare commodity, and they are being shared amongst a larger group per capita instead of either Raw or SD stars. I think the way to go is to start with the U.S. and I.C. titles, and then move to the WWE and WHC titles which inevitably means that the John Cena spinner belt is scrapped.

I will say this much of the spinner that no longer spins though, if you have ever seen one of them in person it is a very impressive belt. The mass of it, the sparkle of it, the weight, everything. I know we are tired of seeing it on T.V. but it is a striking belt to see in person. I imagine that is a large part of the reason it is still around even though John Cena hasn't held it for some time.
I agree that the World Title is fine but not for tradition or anything like that. I just think it looks cool! Which is half of what you need to have a good title. The other half is why everyone has a problem with WWE title. It has to fit in it's division. For example,TNA is using the Jeff Hardy belt even if hardys not champ. It just doesn't fit. Its hard to take someone seriously if their carry a belt with more bling than Jay-Z & Lil Wayne combined
Now that they've officially changed the name from World Wrestling Entertainment to WWE, I think they should change over all the belts, including minor tweaks to the World Title.

The timing is perfect for it. If they're really trying to sell us that "WWE" is new and refreshing and different image than World Wrestling Entertainment, then they need to get rid of that stupid child's toy, the WWE title.
The world heavyweight title is fine but the WWE title could use some tweaking around. I like the thickness of the title, it makes it look more prestigious but the big WWE in the middle is corny. Maybe change it to the back of the Miz's trunks(The eyeballs) and underneath it say BE MIZ. that would solidify him as a heel and give him more credibility.

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